Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 220 220. Carnival before graduation?

Chapter 220 220. Carnival before graduation?

As soon as Milton's words fell, Roger failed.

Probably getting rid of the wild boar, he got carried away, and Fred seized the opportunity.

Fred's method is also somewhat ingenious.

He didn't attack Roger directly.

Scott saw it clearly. He used the hardening spell to turn the grass under Roger's feet as hard as a stone. Roger, who was running, was caught off guard and tripped.

Fred seized the opportunity to hit him with the petrifying spell, and Roger had been smiling smugly, and his face froze instantly.

"This is really..." Scott raised his hand to cover his face.

"This..." Milton opened his mouth wide in surprise.

At the same time, Scott was also vigilant against himself in his heart, and he couldn't take this little trick lightly.

After winning, Fred changed his robe back and put it on.

He undid the spell for Roger with a smile, then proudly raised his head and strode off the stage.

The Gryffindors George and Lee Jordan were still applauding enthusiastically, as if welcoming the triumphant return of the heroes.

And Roger could only walk up to Scott and Milton dejectedly.

Scott and Milton didn't look at him, they just pretended to look at the other students who hadn't finished the duel.


Roger squatted beside him, sighing faintly.

Scott still ignored him.


Roger sighed again.

At this moment, he seemed to be the upper body of Milton in the past, intending to take over the banner of "British Jade".

But Scott felt that Roger's size really didn't match the nickname, so he quickly extinguished this disgusting idea.

He squinted at Roger, who was squatting on the ground with a resentful expression, "What kind of play are you acting in? It's not the first time you've lost to Fred."

Scott hadn't wanted to talk to him.

But there is no way, this guy is too eye-catching to pretend to be resentful.

Even if you don't look at it, there is still a picture of hot eyes in your mind.

"You say..." Roger pulled the blades of grass on the ground with his hands, "Is it even more undeserved for me to lose this time?"

"Well, it really shouldn't be." Scott said bluntly.

Who made you too embarrassing.

Milton's kind comment, "You're being careless, Roger."

"Yes, I was too careless."

Roger seemed to be waiting for this sentence.

He immediately stood up, returned to normal, and made a provocative gesture to Fred on the other side.

Of course Fred was not to be outdone.

Just like this, the two of you came and went to each other and fought with real-life emojis.


Scott couldn't help standing a little further away.

Scott and the others did not return to the stands until the duels of all the fourth graders were over.

Next, wizards from the fifth, sixth, and seventh grades took turns to play, and the duel scenes became more and more exciting.

Especially the seventh grade students.

In the magic world, the peak spellcasting level of many adult wizards stays at the age of 17, and there will be no improvement in the future.

According to the consistent saying in the wizarding world, a 17-year-old wizard is already an adult wizard.

These seventh-grade battles are far more intense than the rest of the students seem to be fighting.

By the seventh grade, a wizard's fighting ability and fighting habits have also taken shape.

They will also be more reckless in using lethal spells.

Especially Gryffindor and Slytherin, who were grouped together, soon saw blood.

This made Madam Pomfrey, who was in charge of receiving the injured at any time on the sidelines of the court, very dissatisfied, and she began to complain loudly.

But none of the wizards in the battle listened to him, and the fight became more intense.

Soon, the fierceness of the battle began to increase, and some people began to lose arms and legs.

Scott suddenly understood why Hogwarts hadn't set dueling classes in the past. This scene...

Although this is not a serious injury for a wizard, the impact of the tragic scene is still very strong.

Madam Pomfrey was furious.

Professor Flitwick and Snape were not at leisure either.

In order to prevent students from killing themselves or others, they had to look around and listen to all directions.

They kept waving their magic wands. Apart from quickly removing the wounded, they also had to defend the students from fatal attacks from time to time.

It didn't take long for Professor McGonagall to come down from the Gryffindor stands to help on the pitch, which made Professor Flitwick and Snape less stressed.

There was silence in the stands, and the lower grade students had completely silenced.

No one expected that those guys in the seventh grade could be so cruel.

Of course, there are also those who are heartless.

Like Eddie sitting next to Scott.

"Oh... oh! Great! This is beautiful!"

At this moment, he was so excited that his eyes lit up, and he let out exclamations from time to time.

Finally, before lunch time, the unprecedented duel exam at Hogwarts came to an end.

The result was that there were dozens more wounded on the sidelines, and among them, students in the seventh grade accounted for a small half.

Even the grass of the stadium was left with clusters of blood.

When he left the Quidditch pitch, Milton looked at the blood-soaked seventh graders and asked in puzzlement, "Why are the seventh graders so impulsive?"

"Maybe it's because they're leaving Hogwarts." Scott guessed.

The carnival before graduation, he understands.

This is much more exciting than the activity of tearing up all the textbooks with his classmates after the college entrance examination in his previous life.

Several people walked across the lawn outside the stadium and went to the auditorium to prepare meals.

However, an unexpected guest arrives at this time.


Mr. Graves and Mrs. Zabini approached Milton arm in arm.

Mr. Graves was very neatly dressed and his attitude was much better than the last time we met.

At the very least, he nodded kindly to Scott and several of Milton's friends.

Mrs. Zabini wore a large ornate hat on her head, and a black veil covered most of her face.

She didn't make a sound, her bright red lips bent, gave Milton a warm smile, and then returned to her expressionless posture.

Milton was stunned for a moment, but still greeted politely, "Good afternoon, father, ma'am."

"Come on, Milton." Mr. Graves beckoned, "I think you should talk to us."

"What's the matter, Father?" Milton stood still.

Mr. Graves' expression changed. He seemed about to get angry, but he held back.

He glanced at Scott and the others standing behind Milton.

Scott knew that this gentleman wanted them to have fun and leave on their own.

But Milton didn't want to talk to his father and stepmother right now, so Scott and Roger and Eddie just stood still.

A group of people stood in a stalemate for a few seconds, and Mr. Graves's face was a little uncomfortable.

He forced a kind smile and said to Milton, "It's nothing. I just want to ask you how you are doing at school."

"Thank you, I'm fine, Father."

Scott heard Milton speak in an emotionless voice.

 There will be another chapter next.

  The author typed slowly, so if you look at the time, the update will be after 12 o'clock.

  Readers who can't wait, please read it again tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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