Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 209 The Three Unforgivable Curses

Chapter 209. 209. Three Unforgivable Curses

"Principal Dumbledore!"

Some bold students asked.

"You... are you coming to teach us this class?"

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded with a smile, "I'm here for this lesson."

The students suddenly cheered again.

Dumbledore held out his hand for silence.

"But that's the only class," he said. "Your old principal is getting old and out of energy."

The students let out sounds of disappointment.

Dumbledore said loudly: "Don't be disappointed, you know, I haven't stood on the stage for decades. And you will have a better Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next term, I promise!"

"It would be great if it was true." Scott heard Roger mutter in disbelief.

"Now let's start the lesson," said Dumbledore. "I hope my teaching level has not fallen behind."

He steps down from the podium.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts, the original intention of this course is to allow students to learn how to resist various types of black magic, including black magic creatures and black magic spells. Of course, this course also includes some content related to duels."

His gaze scanned the circle of students.

"I've noticed that there is now a group of students at Hogwarts who have re-created the fighting club under the guidance of Professor Flitwick, which is a good thing."

"Cacchini should really listen to what Dumbledore said." Roger whispered in Scott's ear again.

Scott still ignored him.

At this time, Dumbledore asked, "I just said the black curse, who can tell me the definition of the black curse? And what three categories are they usually divided into?"

In an instant, most people in the classroom raised their hands.

Dumbledore randomly clicked on a Hufflepuff boy to answer.

"Black spells are a class of spells related to black magic. They are divided into jinxes, poison spells, and curses," said the boy, standing up.

"Very good, 2 points for Hufflepuff." Dumbledore approved his answer.

Then, he further explained to the students.

"Like all enchantments, the Black Charm applies specific magical effects to the target, but the effects are mainly negative."

"According to the degree of negative effects brought about by the spell, black magic spells can be roughly divided into three categories."

"Damn spells, the least negative, annoying but fun. Such as repelling spells, spells with all bullets."

"Poisonous spells, moderately negative, will cause a certain degree of pain or injury. Such as bat spells, knee reversal spells, and toenail growth spells."

"Curse, the most negative, causing pain or injury that is intense or even irreversible."

Having said that, he paused.

"...The content of today's class is a bit scary."

Dumbledore's voice dropped.

"About the curse."

He spoke slowly, as if observing the students' reactions.

"The three most evil curses even among curses, they are also called the Three Unforgivable Curses by wizards."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the classroom.

Three Unforgivable Curses!
While the names of these three spells are well known to students, specific knowledge of them is taboo.

Young people love taboos.

So the students in the classroom right now, especially the boys, although many of them turned pale with fright, their eyes lit up with anticipation.

At this time, Dumbledore asked again, "Who can tell everyone, which three spells are the three Unforgivable Curses?"

Many people in the classroom raised their hands again.


Dumbledore looked around the classroom and pointed to Milton next to Scott.

"Go ahead, Mr. Graves."

"Yes, Professor."

Milton stood up.

"The Unforgivable Curse includes the Killing Curse, Cruciatus Curse, and Imperius Curse. They are all extremely evil and cruel black magic. Once used on people, they will be imprisoned in Azkaban for life."

"Very well, correct."

Dumbledore nodded and motioned for Milton to sit down.

"Ravenclaw adds 2 points."

Milton sat down excitedly.

Next, Dumbledore introduced the three unforgivable curses to the students one by one, and told what consequences they would cause.

Of course, he didn't demonstrate.

And Scott was thinking about Dumbledore's purpose for giving them this lesson all of a sudden.

As we all know, Dumbledore is a "greatest wizard of our time" who wears multiple hats and is busy with affairs. Even the management of the school is often left to the vice-principal McGonagall.

Scott felt that if he hadn't had a purpose, he wouldn't have come to teach them this class, and he also specially talked about sensitive content such as the three unforgivable curses.

As he said himself, he hasn't been on stage for decades.

However, it is obviously impossible to figure out why Dumbledore came to this class just by imagination.

Scott soon stopped thinking about it, and began to listen carefully to Dumbledore's narration of the three Unforgivable Curses.

Dumbledore quickly finished talking about the effects of these three spells.

At this time, another student raised his hand and asked a question.

A classmate of Scott's, a Ravenclaw boy.

After obtaining Dumbledore's consent, the boy stood up and asked curiously, "Professor! Can you use these three spells?"

At this time, Scott quietly observed the reactions of the others.

Ravenclaw students generally have the curiosity hidden in their eyes like the boy who asked the question.

The Hufflepuffs, on the other hand, frowned, seeming uncomfortable with the question.

"Oh, good question."

Dumbledore still smiled and motioned for the boy who asked the question to sit down.

"Of course I will use them," said Dumbledore.

Amid the uproar, he raised his voice, "I know their spells, and I will use them, but if I use them, the effect should not be very good, worse than many people."

He looked around again, and asked the third question of this class, "Does anyone know what's going on here?"

Facing this question, the students looked at each other in blank dismay, and many of them showed expressions of disbelief.

In the eyes of many students, such a thing is too strange.

Who is Dumbledore?

Recognized by the wizarding world as the greatest wizard of our time!
As long as he can use the spell, shouldn't it be the strongest?
Some students tried to answer uncertainly: "Because you are not a dark wizard and are not good at using black magic?"

Hearing his words, the others nodded.

Indeed, Dumbledore is not a dark wizard, he was once the leader of the people against the dark wizard!

But Dumbledore shook his head.

"That's not the main reason."

He looked left and right again, and finally looked at Scott, who hadn't raised his hand this class.

"Oh, Mr. Trollope." He smiled, "tell me what you think."

"...Okay, Professor."

Scott stood up reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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