Chapter 208

At breakfast time three days later, Fred and George came proudly to the Ravenclaw table and put the camera on the table in front of Scott.

Scott put away the camera calmly, and turned to look at the two of them.

"It seems that you have succeeded." He said in a positive tone.

"of course."

Fred's nose was going up into the sky, and the freckles on his face were red with excitement.

"Percy is no match for us," said George, in a smug tone. "He should know by now that we are not to be trifled with."

"Hey hey hey..." Fred let out a strange laugh, "He already has a big trick in our hands..."

Suddenly, his voice became lower and lower, and his face became terrified.

Scott followed his gaze, and Peneno, who was sitting at the other end of the long table, was staring at them.

When Scott and her eyes met, Peneno stood up and walked over here.

"Hahaha... I wake up so hungry in the morning, I'm going to have a big meal!"

Fred laughed awkwardly, pulled George to turn around and leave.

George broke free from his hand and whispered in Scott's ear, "We got a picture of Percy and her kissing in the corridor."

After speaking, he hurried away with Fred.

Only Scott was left alone to greet Peneno's arrival.

"Good morning, Scott."

Peneno flicked his long hair on his cheeks, and greeted him softly.

"Good morning, Peneno."

Scott looked up and adjusted his expression, looking at her with puzzled eyes, as if he didn't know why she came here.

"So you lent them." Peneno stared at Scott, "The camera."

"Camera? Yes." Scott showed a confused expression, took out the camera and gave it to her, "Do you want to borrow the camera to take pictures too?"

Peneno didn't take the camera, but looked straight into Scott's eyes.

"Hmph." She snorted softly, "You better really know nothing, Scott."

"Know what?" Scott's face became even more confused.

Peneno stared at him for a few more seconds, as if confirming something, turned and left with an ugly expression.

Scott breathed a sigh of relief and put the camera away again.

"Oh, thank you for being able to hold back, Scott." Eddie winked at him.

"What are you holding back?" Scott turned his head and looked at him with innocent eyes, "Do you know what Fred and George did, Eddie?"

"No." Eddie denied deflatedly, shaking his head again and again, "I don't know anything."

Scott nodded in satisfaction, "That's good, otherwise I'm worried that Peneno will trouble you."

The fork in Eddie's hand made a harsh sound on the plate.

Under the gazes of the surrounding students, he lowered his head and began to eat honestly.

After breakfast, Scott, Roger and Milton went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

"What am I talking about!" Roger complained to Scott, "This course has become like this again, and now we can only study by ourselves! You know, the first week of next month is the school year exam!"

"Right now only Year [-] and Year [-] Defense Against the Dark Arts have professors and this is their OWLs and NEWT year," Milton said.

"We will pass OWLs next year. I really hope that the school can recruit a more reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this summer!" Roger said dissatisfied.

Milton nodded, "To be honest, we haven't learned any useful knowledge in this course in the past few years."

Scott immediately thought of Remus Lupine, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who joined in the second semester of "Original Book".

Although Lupine's real identity is a werewolf, in terms of teaching quality, he can be said to be the most reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the entire "Original" series.

When Scott was in the first and second grades, the level of the two Defense Against the Dark Arts professors who did not appear in the "original book" was not very good. The quality of teaching was only a little better than that of Quirrell and Lockhart. .

However, their fate was better than these two. In the end, they only resigned due to accidental injuries, at least they did not lose their lives.

If there is a choice, Scott still hopes that the "plot" will not change at this point.

Compared with strange things that don't know where they came from, at least Lupine can let them learn some useful knowledge.

Not long after, they came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

Since there is no professor for this class now, it is already approaching the class time, so the classroom is a bit noisy.

Ravenclaw still takes this self-study class with Hufflepuff.

Scott looked around the classroom.

He found that with the exception of a few female Hufflepuff students, most of the students had abandoned Lockhart's book and picked up the previous school year's textbook - "Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense".

Of course, Scott and the others are the same.

Compared with the fancy Lockhart, this book is Hogwarts' traditional textbook for this course.

Scott sat in the back of the classroom with Roger and Milton.

At the same time, he found that the Hufflepuff girl who kept turning her head and staring at Roger had become two.

"Miss Mill is really persistent..." Scott sighed softly, then turned to look at Roger, "You and Caccini are still in a cold war?"

Roger turned a blind eye to the eyes of the two girls, and opened the book in his hand, "It's not the cold war, but my love has cooled down."

"I thought you'd be struggling for a while." Scott was a little surprised.

After the actual combat training in March, Roger said that he would break up with Caccini, which was delayed until May.

It is rare to see Roger who is so indecisive in matters of relationship.

Scott and his roommates thought that Roger might have met his true love.

Didn't expect it to cool down?

Scott shook his head and didn't ask any more questions.

"I asked her to join me in the dueling club for her own good, but she steadfastly refused to change herself."

Roger took the initiative to speak up.

"And she's getting more and more sensitive. She always thinks that I'm using that reason to make things difficult for her because I found a new love."


Scott could not comment on such matters.

At this moment, his expression changed, "Why?"

"What's wrong?" Roger asked.

"Dumbledore is here," said Scott.

There was a sudden silence in the classroom.

Scott looked up and saw that Dumbledore was already standing at the door of the classroom.

"Is Dumbledore going to teach us?" Roger said excitedly.

After the other students in the classroom were quiet for a moment, they also cheered inexplicably.

Dumbledore walked up to the podium with a smile on his face.

"Hello everyone."

He stretched out his hands and pressed down, and the classroom fell silent again.

(End of this chapter)

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