Chapter 184
After lunch on Sunday, Scott, who was leaving the auditorium, was stopped by Jacob.


Jacob smiled and waved two fingers.

A second Transfiguration guide?
"I see."

Scott nodded, greeted his roommates, and came to an empty classroom with Jacob.

"How did you practice the method I taught you earlier?"

Scott sat down first.

"There is clear progress."

Jacob sat across from him.

"Although the progress is a bit slow, I understand that it is my talent limitation, not your method."

So Scott sensed his magic.

"Actually, you don't need to be in a hurry." He said, "Now you are only in the first grade, and you are still in the period of rapid growth."

Jacob smiled, "I understand, but every step will be slow, and I need to do my best."

Scott certainly agrees with that.


"Actually, your talent is not bad." He looked at Jacob, "At least in terms of magic power, it is probably at the middle level."

"Medium, I know, but I'm not satisfied with that." Jacob said calmly.

Scott simply said, "That's up to you."

Jacob responded, then took out a pen and paper, and began to ask Scott some transfiguration questions.

Scott answered him patiently.

He will still do what he promised.

After Jacob's question was finished, Scott took out his pocket watch and glanced at it. There was still some time before the agreed two hours.

Jacob put away the pen and paper and said, "Can I ask questions that have nothing to do with Transfiguration?"

"Okay," Scott said, "but I won't necessarily answer them all."

Jacob nodded.

"I heard what happened yesterday." He looked at Scott. "The news from Gryffindor said that you helped Neville improve his magic power."

It turned out to be the case.

Scott knew it.

"You're quite well informed." He looked at Jacob.

Jacob smiled, "Many people don't believe this, thinking that someone is bragging, but I think it might be true."

"It does happen," Scott said.

He watched Jacob's eyes light up.

"But the statement is not accurate." Scott said again, "Neville's magic power is not enhanced, but released."

"Release?" Jacob asked puzzled.

Scott briefly explained Neville's situation.

"... Neville's problem is caused by psychological problems, this situation is very special." He concluded.

"So it is." Jacob's tone was filled with regret, "I thought..."

Scott said a little amusedly, "It's because you think too highly of me."

Jacob said, "I want to try."

"Huh?" Scott looked at him in surprise.

"I want to give it a try." Jacob said seriously, "Although I don't have any psychological problems, as long as there is a slight improvement, it's good."

"It's not the same thing."

Scott shook his head.

"And, if the object is you, I may not be able to do it."

He looked at Jacob.

"A strong-willed guy like you is not likely to be affected by the psychedelic spell, nor will you open your heart easily. My magic power fluctuations cannot guide your magic power."

"I can," Jacob said.


Scott was really surprised now.

He looked at Jacob, shook his head again, and insisted on his own judgment, "I can't be wrong."

Jacob frowned slightly, "After so many things, haven't you seen clearly?"

He said this sentence without beginning and end, and Scott didn't understand it for a while.

"I thought I had expressed my attitude." Jacob said seriously, "I am willing to follow you and take you as my leader, Scott."

But I don't want to set up any organization...

Scott was a little confused.

He doesn't want to be a devil.

"Our origins and positions are the same." Jacob was still saying, "Of course, if you are not at ease, we can make a contract..."


Scott held out his hand to stop Jacob from continuing.

"Just try it if you want," he said. "It's not a big deal."

Jacob's eyes lit up again.

"Don't you need a contract?" he asked.

"No need!" Scott said angrily, "Did you misunderstand me, I don't want to establish any organization."

"No?" Jacob was a little surprised, "But there are already some people gathered around you."

"Who are you talking about?"

Scott was full of question marks.

Jacob began to count, "Needless to say your roommates, besides the three of them, there are also the Weasley twins, Cedric Diggory, Luna Lovegood, and the Nanny who got over yesterday. Willon Button..."

Scott listened to his words, and his heart broke a little.

"That's right." Jacob said again, "Even the Savior and his two friends are on good terms with you..."

"You in the end..."

Scott couldn't help but touch his forehead.

He always thought this kid was normal.

Now it seems that it may be because Travers gave him a heavy blow after he first came into contact with the magic world, which caused his thinking to go astray.

"I'm not Travers."

Scott said with a dark face.

"The people you mentioned are all my friends."

"Really?" Jacob nodded in understanding, "I understand."

"As long as you understand." Scott smiled.

The next second, Jacob said meaningfully: "I can be your friend too!"


You understand the balls!

Scott nearly swears.

" don't understand..."

Scott looked at Jacob's questioning eyes and felt powerless.

No, he had to make it clear!

"I mean real friends." He looked seriously into Jacob's eyes, "Friends! Literally! There is no other meaning, do you understand?"

Jacob heard the words, but just looked at him blankly.

Scott knew he still hadn't turned the corner.

"You're so nervous, kid!"

Scott reached out and patted his shoulder hard to bring him back to his senses.

Seeing Jacob's rare expression of bewilderment, Scott suddenly remembered the first time he saw Jacob last semester.

This made him couldn't help but sigh.

"I know, because you were unlucky, everything you encountered after you first entered the magic world was bad."

Scott softened his tone.

"Those experiences force you to make changes to protect yourself and your family."

Scott recalled boasting to Eddie that he was a "great helpful guy."

I didn't expect that I was really doing good deeds now.

"But I want to say... don't let those things cloud your judgment."

He looked sincerely into Jacob's eyes.

"Maybe there are many dangers and scum in the magic world, but it's not that there are no good people and good things. Here, you can not only learn magical magic, but also make sincere friends."

"A true friend?"

Jacob repeated Scott's words hesitantly, his eye sockets turned red.

At this moment, Scott suddenly thought of one thing.

This kid is only 11 years old.

The little boy who could only curl up on the sofa and cry helplessly may still be there.

It's just that he has been hiding in illusory camouflage and layers of sharp shells.

(End of this chapter)

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