Chapter 183
A group of people quickly ran out of the classroom, led by the Weasley twins, to the outside of the castle, on the lawn near the Quidditch pitch.

Scott looked back at Neville, wanting him to try a spell, only to find him gasping for breath.

It seems that we have to wait for him to rest for a while before talking.

Scott turned and walked over to Hermione.

Although the girl had an ugly face and red eyes, she also ran over.

"I'm sorry, Hermione," Scott said, "thought it was a bit of a hassle to explain in that situation, so offended."

To be honest, his apology didn't have much sincerity, and he just wanted to give this overly proud girl a step down.

"I know!"

Hermione's expression was aggrieved.

"I blamed you first."

She said in a low voice.

Scott couldn't help laughing at the way she suppressed her anger and forced herself to be reasonable.

He glanced at Harry and Ron, who were snickering with their eyes upturned, and held back their laughter.

"It's good that you're not angry." Scott said deliberately. "To be honest, there are not many reasonable girls like you."

In fact, he could see that Hermione was really angry.

But she just endured it.

As soon as he said this, Hermione's expression became even more strange.

The anger that seemed to be suppressed increased again.

"Of course." Hermione took a deep breath.

She barely showed a smile that was not a smile on the surface.

"I just hope you don't do this next time. As long as you say clearly what you are going to do, will I not listen? I am very reasonable!"

The girl still couldn't help scolding Scott.

I don’t think so.

Scott thought.

You're a tough guy, Miss Granger.

Of course, on the surface he still agreed with a smile, "Yes, it was my fault, I must pay attention next time, please forgive me this time."

"I didn't blame you in the first place." Hermione said pretending to be generous.

Scott gave her the thumbs up.

Behind Hermione, Harry and Ron also gave Scott a thumbs up.

After finishing Hermione, Scott turned and walked to Neville again.

"Have you rested, Neville?" he asked.

Neville nodded nervously, "Okay."

"Then try it," Scott said. "Cast any spell and see if you improve."

Neville swallowed and nodded again, "Okay."

He drew out his wand and held it up.

"Get bigger fast!"

He swung his wand, and a beam of light hit the lawn.

In the next second, the clump of grass immediately grew crazily, and it became several times larger in the blink of an eye.


Neville looked at the clump of grass in disbelief.

"I succeeded!"

He turned to look at Harry and Ron again.

"Great! Neville!" Harry happily ran to the edge of the grass to look at it, and said loudly, "This is the expansion spell that I only learned this semester, and you succeeded!"


Neville also ran over in a hurry, and reached out to touch the blade of grass that had grown several times in size.


In the next second, his eyes were red and he couldn't help jumping up.

"Congratulations, Neville!"

Ron and Hermione ran over too, both looking happy for Neville.

"Thank you!"

Neville thanked his classmates, turned around again, and bowed solemnly to Scott.

"Thank you, Scott."

His face flushed with excitement, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"I don't know how to thank you."

He said, wiping away tears.

"I will write to my grandmother, and she will appreciate you too."

Scott walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

He said gently, "I should also thank you for letting me see more possibilities for wizards."

"Do not……"

Neville shook his head again and again, but was too dumb to speak.

"Okay, okay, now tell us how you did it?" Eddie said impatiently, "I can't wait."

"We're curious too."

Fred and George also looked at Scott.

"Okay... how to explain it?"

Scott stroked his chin.

"Of's all because of magical magic!"

After saying this, he smiled, turned around and ran away.


"say clearly!"

The others froze for a moment, and immediately chased after him.

But Scott quickly rushed into the castle, and he quickly got rid of those people by using the Marauder's Map that had not been returned to the twins.

In order not to be caught by those people, he ate dinner in the kitchen alone.

It wasn't until night that Eddie blocked him in the bedroom.

"There must be something tricky about this matter!"

Eddie stared at Scott intently.

"You get it," Scott said with a smile.

"Huh?" Eddie was taken aback, "Really?"

"Of course." Scott leaned back on the sofa, "Some things just won't work when you say them."


Eddie squinted.

The next second, he said with a playful smile, "As long as Neville doesn't know, I can still listen."

"You?" Scott glanced at him and shook his head. "A big mouth like yours is really not suitable for keeping secrets."

Eddie jumped angrily, "You are slandering! No one has a tighter mouth than me!"

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you."

Scott knew that although Eddie usually had a big mouth, he would not say what he was told to keep secret.

"What I'm saying is that my movement itself is only half the battle," he said.

"What do you mean?" Eddie didn't understand.

Scott explained: "I cast a very slight psychedelic spell, combined with words, to let Neville open his mind in imagination, which is similar to the method of a Muggle psychiatrist."

Eddie nodded.

"At the same time, I use my own magic power to guide Neville's magic power." Scott continued, "While dispelling the haze in his heart, I guide his magic power to become active along with my magic power fluctuations."

"I see."

Eddie understood.

"This method can only be used by a guy like you who can perceive magic fluctuations."

He said enviously.

"Actually, the effect is not that great." Scott smiled, "As I said, Neville's problems are mainly due to psychology. Even without me, he may naturally get better as he grows up. "

"So what's tricky?" Eddie asked again.

Scott said: "The tricky thing is... Although this incident has made his magic fluctuations more active, it can't immediately make him successfully cast spells that he didn't know before."

"That's it."

Eddie immediately lost interest.

"The reason why he failed to cast the spell is probably mostly due to psychological reasons."

He had already guessed it.

"Your 'treatment' helped build his confidence, which is why he succeeded in casting the spell."

Scott nodded.

"Neville is a typical lack of confidence. But magic is the power of belief. When we cast a spell, we must be firm in both our inner belief and the movement of waving the wand."

"Are you worried that he will think too much after knowing this, and then start to doubt himself and lose confidence?"

Eddie looked at Scott.

"I didn't expect you to be so kind."

"Of course." Scott said with a smile, "I'm a nice person who likes to help others."

(End of this chapter)

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