Chapter 178

Neville raised his head, which had been lowered all the time, and this was the first time he looked at Scott directly since they met.

Scott looked Neville in the eye.

He saw determination in the boy's teary eyes.

Perception automatically opens.

At this moment, Scott clearly saw the "color" of Neville's magic power.

This is……

Scott's heart was a little shocked.

"Probably everyone has misunderstood you, Neville." He couldn't help but say, "You are stronger than most people."


Hearing this, Neville had a silly expression on his face.

"Everyone says I'm too timid."

He lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Even my grandmother is very dissatisfied with me..."

"Let's not talk about that first." Scott shook his head.

He decided to put the matter aside for now.

"Do you have a picture of your parents in your hand?" He asked again. "Arithmancy would be easier if there were specific images."


Neville fumbled for a while in the pocket of his robe, and then carefully took out a small iron box that was originally used to hold candies.

"In here."

He opened the small iron box, took out a photo and handed it to Scott.

He said embarrassingly, "I brought this out of the house secretly, and my grandmother didn't allow me to bring this."

Scott reached for the photo and glanced at it.

This is a photo left by the Longbottom couple when they were young. The two in the photo are enthusiastically waving to people outside the photo.

"Oh, you look a lot like your mother," Scott said.

"That's what everyone in the family says."

Neville couldn't help a slight smile.

Scott nodded, "Very well, the known conditions have been covered, so let's start."

Holding the quill pen, he quickly wrote down lines of words on the paper, listing all the known conditions in as much detail as possible.

"By the way." He asked another question, "Do you know the murderer's name, Neville?"


There was a change in Neville's voice.

"Bellatrix Lestrange."

For a moment, Scott heard the hate in the sound of his voice pronouncing the name.

"The Cruciatus Curse cast by Bellatrix Lestrange."

Neville repeated again.

Scott nodded slightly and wrote the name.

When all the known conditions were written, Scott converted them into numbers before waving his wand.

"Rules of arithmetic!"

"The numbers appear!"

The two spells were used one after another, and the numbers on the parchment began to move.

Scott closed his eyes.

He had the image of the Longbottoms in his mind, searching for their son's chances of being cured.

As time went by, the image of the couple in Scott's mind was changing from the glamor of the photos.

Their expressions became demented, their faces became wrinkled, and their hair turned gray.

That's what they are now.

Countless chaotic numbers rolled in Scott's mind, as if they were beginning to piece together their future.

After a while, Scott finally opened his eyes until he felt that his body was a little weak again.

He found that Neville was looking at him with burning eyes, but he bit his lips tightly and dared not make a sound.

Scott glanced down, at the top of the parchment, the final number obtained from this arithmetic divination was [1].

"[1]?" he said reassuringly. "You can relax a little. It's not too bad a result."

"Please... please tell me!"

Neville said aloud a little excitedly.

Scott reached out to touch the number and closed his eyes again.

In this arithmetic divination, he only came to one conclusion.

That is……

He opened his eyes and looked at Neville, "Neville, the result of this arithmetic divination shows...whether your parents recover depends on you."


Neville's eyes widened in astonishment.


Scott nodded affirmatively.

At first, he also felt that this result was a bit unbelievable.

But after thinking about it, I felt that this was the correct answer.

Who else but Neville's son would be determined to find a cure for the Longbottoms?

After all, Neville's grandmother was old, and she probably couldn't help it.

And Neville is still young, he still has infinite possibilities.

Whether the Longbottoms can recover depends on whether Neville can successfully find the right method.

In Scott's mind, this arithmetic divination was a failure.

Because such a result can be imagined.

But he can't say that.

Moreover, this is also an opportunity.

Combined with the situation he perceived just now, maybe Neville can use this to change his face.

Thinking of this, he sensed the magic power of Neville again, and made up his mind.

"Hear me out."

He said to the bewildered Neville.

"The results of arithmetic divination tell me that if someone can heal your parents..."

At this point, he looked Neville straight in the eye.

"That person can only be you."


Neville shook his head bitterly.

"No, study is not good..." he said softly, "everyone knows that I'm pretty much a squib..."

He rambled on, constantly denying himself.

From the difficult awakening of magic power in childhood, to the difficulties encountered in life and study...


Scott made a stop gesture.

Neville shut his mouth awkwardly.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the classroom door.

"Are you bullying Neville?"

Scott heard Hermione's shrill voice.

"You locked him in the classroom?" Her voice was full of anger. "I can't believe you're doing this!"

"Of course not!" Fred yelled, "We're helping him!"

Hermione yelled, "Get out of the way! Neville and Ron are different, you can't bully him like you bullied Ron!"


Ron's dissatisfied voice came immediately.

Hearing this, Scott was a little dumbfounded for a while.

"Come in."

he raised his voice.

In the next second, the classroom door came.

"Neville! Are you all right!"

Hermione took the lead and rushed in aggressively.


The moment she saw Scott, she was a little taken aback.


Scott smiled at her and the two boys behind her.

"Hermione! Harry! Ron!" Neville quickly stood up, "I'm fine! misunderstood."

"Sorry, what are you guys doing?"

Hermione came over.

Neville said: "I asked Scott to help me with the arithmetic divination..."

"Arithmetic divination?"

Hermione's eyes lit up.

"Are you doing arithmetic divination?"

She looked at Scott with interest, with some envy in her eyes.

"I've heard all about it. Scott, you used arithmetic divination to find Ravenclaw's crown. Congratulations! Oh, by the way, I'm also going to take this course next school year."

She came closer.

"May I take a look at it?"

However, before she could see the words on the parchment on the table, Scott quickly turned the parchment over.

"Sorry, Hermione."

Scott shook his head.

"This is Neville's privacy. If you want to see it, you must obtain his consent."

(End of this chapter)

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