Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 176 177. Rimbaud's Reappearance

Chapter 176 177. Rimbaud's Reappearance

Scott placed the silver-white raven with reddish lines all over its body on the table.

While the blood was still wet, he tightly held the one-time magic stone in one hand, and the setting about Raven Rimbaud emerged in his mind, and he waved his wand firmly.

When the light of the Transfiguration Charm spewed out from the tip of the wand, Scott felt his body go limp.

At the same time, the magic stone wrapped in magic power in his other hand trembled slightly, and then trembled violently.

Scott clenched it tightly, his palm glowing red.

For a moment, Scott felt dizzy, his eyes turned white, he staggered a few steps, and sat down on the ground.

At this moment, he could feel that the magic stone in his hand had disappeared.

At this time, a black shadow flashed past his eyes at an extremely fast speed, flew around him, and stopped on the sofa.

"Scott, why are you sitting on the ground?"

Rimbaud tilted his head, and stared at him with two dark eyes, flashing with human suspicion.

"I am fine."

Scott smiled weakly and looked at Rimbaud carefully.

This is a very beautiful looking raven.

It is not pure black, with dark red patterns all over its body, every piece of feathers is radiant, and the edges of the wing feathers and tail feathers also exude a metallic silvery light.


Scott got up slowly, held the real warm body of Raven in his hands, turned around and fell down on the sofa.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

He stroked Rimbaud's smooth feathers lightly.

"haven't seen you for a long time?"

Rimbaud tilted his head again.

"Haven't we been together?"

Scott suddenly realized.

In his setting story, Rimbaud has been with him since he came to Hogwarts.

It seems that with the help of the Sorcerer's Stone, Rimbaud really has his own wisdom and memory!
This made him couldn't help laughing happily.

"You forgot."

Scott bowed his head to it.

"You have been asleep for a while, and it is already February 1993."


Rimbaud screamed, jumped out of Scott's hand, and flew around the dormitory a few times.

"Impossible, impossible!"

Scott leaned on the sofa, admiring its extremely fast flight speed.

With the help of the rune circuit, Rimbaud's body has turned into afterimages.

"Let me tell you what happened during this time."

Scott beckoned to Rimbaud.

"Without your help during this time, I have had a very hard time."

Rimbaud rushed over like a black lightning bolt, and stopped instantly on the armrest of the sofa.

"Really?" It looked up at Scott, "Then tell me quickly, as your best friend, I will help you!"

Saying so, it spread its wings and patted Scott's hand lightly as if comforting.

Scott laughed and began to talk about his experience vividly.

Following his narration, Rimbaud was completely fascinated and exclaimed constantly.

"I didn't expect you to experience so many fun things!"

It flew up again and came to Scott's shoulder in an instant.

"Damn, why did I miss so much!"

It yelled in dissatisfaction.

"Because you have evolved." Scott said with a smile, "Didn't you realize that you have changed your appearance and gained new abilities."

Rimbaud quickly flew to a mirror on the table.

"Ah!" It shouted in surprise, "What's going on! Why am I so beautiful!"

It jumped up and down excitedly, taking pictures from left to right, admiring its gorgeous feathers in all directions.

Scott was speechless.

He remembered that he didn't seem to have set the attribute of narcissism, why is this bird so stinky.

He couldn't help reminding, "Didn't you notice, your speed has become much faster, there may be other things."

Upon hearing this, Rimbaud immediately flew up again.

For a time, its flying figure was everywhere in the dormitory.

"Really!" it shouted, "That's great, no one can fly past me now!"

"Great, Rimbaud." Scott applauded lightly, "Have you awakened any other abilities?"


With a cry, Rimbaud flew into the shadow of the room and disappeared.

Scott looked intently, and found that he could still see its outline if he looked closer.

It seems that the effect of concealment is worse than that of the disillusionment spell.

Scott thought.

"All right."

He beckoned.

"I already know."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Rimbaud flew out and stopped in front of the mirror again.

"Scott! Am I getting great!"

It was about to break out of joy and kept jumping.

"of course."

Scott praised it several more times.

When it was triumphant, Scott said again: "Please do me a favor, Rimbaud."

"Of course no problem." Rimbaud patted his wings, "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Scott said: "Go to the Ministry of Magic and find Katie Shafik from the Department of Magical Transport and the Flyway Network Authority, and keep an eye on her for me."

"Katie Shafik?" Rimbaud tilted his head, "Oh, that witch who wrote you a letter? Is she your girlfriend?"

"Of course not," said Scott. "Probably my enemy."


Rimbaud jumped on his hand and looked up at him.

"What do you need me to do, Scott?"

"No need to do anything."

Scott stroked its feathers with his other hand.

"You just need to stare at her without being seen, see what she does, who she sees."

"Okay." Rimbaud nodded, "I can complete this task."

"Thank you, Rimbaud." Scott smiled.

Rimbaud waved his wings heroically, "You're welcome, who made us best friends!"

Scott nodded, stood up and drew the curtains, and opened the window.

"Go, Rimbaud."

He said to Rimbaud standing on the palm of his hand.

"Come back in a week and tell me what the hell she did."

He was not worried that Rimbaud would miss some important information.

Because he mixed some of Eddie's characteristics into the setting, Rimbaud is a very gossip raven.

"Okay!" Rimbaud agreed very readily.


Scott raised his right hand so that it would fly away.

But Rimbaud didn't move, he stared at each other.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked it.

This guy, is something wrong?
"But..." Rimbaud stared at him innocently, "I don't know where the Ministry of Magic is."


Scott was speechless.

"You can let the owl take you there."

Scott advises it.

After speaking, he raised his hand to make Rimbaud fly.

"Go ahead and find a guide at the Owl Shed."

"Why didn't I think of it!"

Rimbaud flew excitedly.


Its voice came from far away and disappeared in an instant.

Scott closed the window and sat down again.

The reason why Rimbaud was asked to monitor Shafiq was not only to want to gain some initiative, but also to hope that Rimbaud could grow up as soon as possible.

Although it now has memory and a certain amount of intelligence, it's all fake, set by Scott.In this regard, Rimbaud must have some sense of unreality.

Only by letting it really experience some things can it really acquire memory and become smarter.

(End of this chapter)

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