Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 161 162. Trouble Snape's suspicion

Chapter 161 162. Trouble Snape's suspicion

The somewhat chaotic night passed quickly.

Professor Flitwick never mentioned the real reason why the school called all the students.

Whatever the reason, Scott likes it.

I'm afraid only the professors know that someone has entered that music room.

"It's hard to tell the truth!The residence of Sir Merlin was attacked, and the members of the Jazz identified the murderer as the daughter of Slytherin! "

Over breakfast on Monday morning, Scott read the headlines and laughed.

At this time, almost all the students in the auditorium were reading that day's "Daily Prophet".

"Rita Skeeter has let go," Eddie said. "Before she insisted that Dumbledore was lying, now she says it's hard to tell the truth!"

Roger shook his head, "But her article still tends to suggest that someone is pretending to be Slytherin's daughter. She just doesn't dare to blatantly offend those members of Sir Merlin."

"Avoid the heavy and take the light!"

Milton's review.

"The history and results of the attack on Sir Merlin's garrison are briefly mentioned, and the whole article is meaninglessly entangled in Medea's true identity."

"Such ambiguous reports are enough to arouse everyone's discussion." Scott said, "Combined with the prestige of Dumbledore and Sir Merlin, more and more people believe that Medea is the daughter of Slytherin. "

"Let's go."

Milton stood up.

"Today's first class is Potions."

Scott and Roger quickly put down the newspaper after hearing this, and quickly finished their breakfast.

Together they headed down to the basement.


At this time, Caccini chased him from behind.

Scott turned back at the same time.

"Good morning, Roger, Scott, Milton."

Caccini blushed and greeted Roger and them.

This girl had always behaved gracefully, but this was the first time that she blushed in such a shy manner.

Scott gave Roger a teasing look.


Roger coughed unnaturally, turned around and walked in front of Caccini.

"Good morning, Caccini."

Scott raised his eyebrows, it was the first time he had seen Roger behave like this.

A veteran of Huashu put on an innocent look, which made him feel sick.

"Good morning, Caccini."

He greeted Caccini.

"We'll just go ahead."

Then, he smiled at Roger again, and called Milton to quicken his pace together.

In the Potions classroom, most of the people were reading the contents of this morning's newspaper.

Many students were a little disappointed that there were no photos of Sir Merlin's residence in the newspapers.

"In today's "Daily Prophet", there is only this report written by Rita Skeeter about the attack on the residence of Sir Merlin."

Scott whispered to Milton.

"As for the incident at Hogwarts last time, almost all the pages were devoted to that incident. What do you think is the reason?"

"If you don't say it, I haven't noticed it yet." Milton frowned.

He thought for a while, and said in a disgusted tone: "It seems that they are sparing no effort to suppress Dumbledore's reputation, I have heard..."

He lowered his voice further.

"The current Minister of Magic, Fudge, was elected by Dumbledore. At the beginning, he would write to Dumbledore for advice on everything. I heard my grandfather laughed at him in private."

"It seems that our Mr. Minister is no longer satisfied with his own reputation." Scott smiled, "Perhaps, he wants to become the greatest wizard."

Milton laughed sarcastically, "A guy who ranks 100th, even if he kills the 1st place, he is still only 99th."

"I like the metaphor."

Scott was delighted to hear it.

Milton's "Yin-Yang Art" has been practiced successfully, and his conversation is getting more and more interesting.

"Good morning, Scott, Milton."

At this moment, Cedric walked over to their desks.

"Good morning, Cedric."

Scott looked up at him, puzzled.

"Why are you so happy?"

Cedric looked excited.

"I've come to thank you, Scott."

Cedric said very sincerely.

"Thank you for telling me how to study that."

"you succeeded?"

Scott looked at him in surprise.

Did he really have the ability to perceive magic power after practicing according to the method he provided?

Cedric nodded excitedly, "Yes, although it's a little blurry, I really succeeded! Of course, my Transfiguration has also made great progress!"

"Congratulations." Scott was also a little happy.

This shows that the method I came up with is really useful!
"I don't know how to thank you!" Cedric looked at him gratefully.

Scott said politely: "No, this is the result of your own hard work."

Cedric said quickly: "No, you told me..."


Just then, Snape's voice came from the back of the classroom.

"I want to see everyone back in their seats!"

Cedric quickly gave Scott an apologetic look, and ran back to his seat.

Scott couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he felt that Snape had come at just the right time.

Cedric's character is so honest that he can't handle it.

Snape strode across the classroom, giving Scott a very deliberate look as he passed by Scott's desk.

Although Scott felt his substantive gaze, he kept his head down and did not look up at him.


Snape snorted softly and walked quickly to the podium at the front of the classroom.

Without further ado, he waved his wand, causing the chalk to fill the blackboard automatically.

"Everyone!" He tapped the blackboard with his wand, "Look here!"

Scott raised his head obediently, meeting his gaze.

Really cunning, worthy of being the Snake King of Slytherin House!
Unfortunately, after he entered the classroom, Scott had already started Occlumency.

And after this period of practice, his Occlumency has improved a lot.

While he still wouldn't be able to trick a Dementor with a fake thought, it's still fairly easy to completely ward off a Dementor.

Scott and Snape looked at each other for a moment, then naturally looked away, picked up the quill pen and began to copy the writing on the blackboard.

Snape didn't say much, and started the class naturally.

Of course Scott understood why Snape doubted himself.

It's because of Occlumency!
Scott was also helpless about this question.

After Travers' death, Scott had to learn Occlumency to defend against Snape's Legilimency.

And when Snape found out that he had used Occlumency, he would naturally have doubts about him.

Once there is doubt, it is trouble for Scott.

The same thing happened after that, he had experienced so much, it was impossible for him to be flawless all the time.

Some details and coincidences would also make Snape more suspicious of him.

Unless Scott's Occlumency can be practiced to the extent that he can deceive Voldemort like Snape, the problem is unsolvable.

Fortunately, this matter is only tacit understanding between the two people.

Snape was suspicious at best, he couldn't catch Scott.

Snape also couldn't publicly say that Scott used Occlumency and seemed to be hiding something.

It is of course illegal for a professor of his to use insanity on a student.

(End of this chapter)

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