Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 160 161. Things have gotten interesting

Chapter 160 161. Things have gotten interesting
The students were stunned when they heard Professor Flitwick say that the famous Sir Merlin's residence had been attacked.

Everyone looked at each other for the first time.

Everyone's first reaction was-

"Sir Merlin actually has a residence?"

"I've never heard of it..."

Probably seeing the confusion on the faces of the students, Professor Flitwick said loudly: "That's right, the Merlin Sirs have a resident!"

He explained to everyone, "That is a palace hidden by magic. Only wizards who have won the first-class Merlin Medal are eligible to go there to hold the honor ceremony!"

"I didn't expect such a place to exist!" Eddie said in amazement, "I don't know if I have a chance to go there and have a look."


Roger may still resent his ridicule just now, so he said sarcastically: "You? Impossible! Think about those who have won the Medal of Merlin First Class!"

"How can it be impossible?" Eddie said unconvinced, "Even Lockhart has won the Medal of Merlin, Third Class!"

Roger looked at him contemptuously: "Can you write books if you have Lockhart? Are you beautiful if you have him? Can you lie to people if you have him..."

Having said that, he suddenly froze for a moment.

"No... You should still be able to achieve this point." He changed his words.

Listening to his words, Scott and Milton laughed immediately.

Eddie didn't care too much, and he said enthusiastically, "Why hide such a place? It's useless at ordinary times! I want to say, wouldn't it be good to operate it as a tourist attraction and charge tickets to make money?"

At this time, the Quidditch captain Bruce raised his hand and asked Professor Flitwick loudly, "Professor! Did you stop that witch's attack? Did you catch her, Daughter of Slytherin!"

After hearing his question, everyone fell silent again, staring at Professor Flitwick intently, waiting for his answer.

Even Scott is no exception.


Professor Flitwick shook his head.

"By the time we got there it was late..."

His expression was a little sad.

"Of the members of the jazz group stationed there, two were killed, and the magic power contained in the temple building was also consumed..."


Scott saw Bruce's eyes widen in surprise.

"Since the residence of Sir Merlin is hidden by magic..." the male prefect of the seventh grade asked loudly, "Could there be a traitor among the members of Sir Merlin?"

"We think so too." Professor Flitwick sighed. "Unfortunately, we don't yet know who betrayed Sir Merlin."

"Is she really... the daughter of Slytherin?" Another student asked hesitantly, this student was obviously influenced by the newspaper.

"Of course she is! The students hospitalized during the last Hogwarts incident know that to be true."

Professor Flitwick said affirmatively.

"And, in today's attack, she called herself Medea Slytherin, and the members of the jazz group also saw that she controlled a group of snakes with Parseltongue, and they believed in it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the common room became lively again.

Everyone is discussing this matter.

This is so strange.

Even Voldemort hadn't thought of the Order of Merlin!

She is indeed the daughter of Slytherin, the blood ancestor of Voldemort.

Scott is also lamenting this matter——

In just a few days, Medea is doing pretty well, and even the members of Sir Merlin have been infiltrated by her.

He just heard from Professor Flitwick a few days ago that if Medea wants to be truly resurrected, she needs a powerful source of magic power to carry out the transformation ceremony.

Professor Flitwick was convinced that such places were rare.

It seems that he did not expect that Medea would attack the residence of Sir Merlin at that time.

Yeah, who would have thought.

However, Scott thought more.

After such a thing happened, the Ministry of Magic might not be able to pretend to be deaf and dumb anymore.

Merlin is said to be the belief of British wizards, and its representative significance is probably more important than that of Hogwarts.

Not to mention, the members of the Sir Merlin Order are all prominent and well-known figures in the magic world, and the energy they gather is no longer something the Ministry of Magic can easily resist.

Even if the Ministry of Magic wants to suppress this matter, it can't suppress it!
I'm afraid this matter will become a big mess.

At this point Scott was already looking forward to it, and he began to look forward to the response of the Ministry of Magic to see what they would do.

Of course, there is also Voldemort, who is now dying.

What kind of reaction would he have if he found out that he had an ancestor who was on his head?

Thinking of this, he felt that things became interesting.

Scott looked around the common room.

Judging from everyone's expressions, he found that there were not a few students who thought the same as himself.

While it wasn't known that Voldemort was alive, many were clearly waiting to see the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet joke.

Sure enough, people are divided into groups.

Ha ha.

Scott couldn't help smiling.

"What are you laughing at? Scott." Eddie asked him curiously.

Scott replied softly without hesitation, "Of course I am looking forward to tomorrow's newspaper."

"Is that so?" Eddie couldn't help laughing, "I'm really looking forward to what those reporters will say, especially that annoying Rita Skeeter!"

Milton said sarcastically: "You underestimate the ability of those reporters to adapt to the situation!"

Apparently, he hated the reporters, too.

"Why has no one ever given Rita Skeeter a deep lesson when she likes to talk nonsense!" Roger said curiously.

"It should be that guy is too cunning."

Scott said calmly.

"Didn't you realize that she usually only messes with those she can afford?"

Roger emphasized, "She dares to slander Dumbledore!"

"Because she knows that Dumbledore doesn't bother to take revenge on her." Scott shrugged.

But she's not that smart either.

Scott thought.

Because she provoked him.

Mike and Millie wouldn't have left England if it wasn't for her!
The vengeful Scott had already written her on his blacklist.

He had already decided that as long as he got the chance, he was going to give her a hard time.

It's a pity that he hasn't encountered such an opportunity yet.

Because he had no idea of ​​Rita Skeeter's whereabouts.

Of course, Scott knew Rita Skeeter was an outlaw Animagus.

She will turn into a beetle to eavesdrop on people's secrets.

But Scott didn't want to report her.

Because he was not sure whether the report would be useful, after all, Rita Skeeter often served as the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Magic.

There is a high probability that a person like her is related to some officials of the Ministry of Magic.

Scott suspects that the rich and well-connected Rita Skeeter has a good chance of being able to settle the reported illegal Animagus case.

Although she would indeed suffer some losses in this way, such revenge was not enough for Scott.

(End of this chapter)

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