Chapter 158

It's not that Scott doesn't aspire to immortality.

But what he longed for was perfect immortality.

If it is just to maintain immortality, you need to rely on the so-called elixir to survive, and live in pain, in his opinion, it is better to die.

"I heard……"

Scott said while playing with the disposable Philosopher's Stone in his hand.

"... Medea needs a large source of magic power if she wants to be truly resurrected."

He looked at Medea in the painting.

"Why did you give this treasure to me?"

His eyes were full of curiosity.

"Could it be that she can mass-produce this one-time magic stone?"

"Think beautifully!"

Medea in the painting gave him a sideways glance.

"The Sorcerer's Stone was left by my father, and this is the last piece!"

"The last piece was given to me?" Scott couldn't believe it, "Why?"

"I'd like to know too."

Medea in the painting suddenly smiled.

"When you see the real me, you can ask her yourself."


Scott put the Philosopher's Stone into the leather pouch.

"Thank you."

He sincerely thanks.


Like that kid Jacob said, there's never a free lunch.

Medea gave him two rare treasures, and it would be impossible not to ask for them.

Scott had figured it out, and his future self would definitely pay something for it.

But he now feels that this deal can be done.

Let's talk about the future.

There is no way, these two treasures are too much in line with his wishes, and it is absolutely impossible for him to return them.

"you can go now."

At this time, Medea in the painting began to urge.


Scott didn't want to stay any longer, either.

If you stay here for a long time, you may face some troubles.

He turned around and walked out the door with the bat and the gray wolf.

When the stone door was slowly closing, he couldn't help but look back at the bookshelves that were full.

At this moment, his eyes are full of longing.

Until the stone door was completely closed, Scott took a deep breath and walked back along the way he came.

After more than 20 minutes, he stood at the top of the stone steps.

When he was about to recite the secret order, he opened the stone brick above his head, when he suddenly heard voices above his head.

Scott immediately held his breath and stepped back lightly.

Fortunately, he tried to perceive it just now, and found that the stone slab above his head had the effect of isolating perception, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

When he retreated far enough away, he waved his wand lightly again, and the listening bat flew up, just sticking to the gap between the stone bricks.

Afterwards, the not-so-clear voice began to ring in his ears intermittently.

"Here... the stool... I don't know who it is..."

It was Dumbledore's voice.

Scott gasped and looked at the gray wolf lying at his feet.

Hehe...the stool is here!
"Someone must have... happened today..."

Then, he heard Snape's voice.

"I count..."

Oops, they want a headcount!

Scott's heart beat rapidly.

After thinking for a while, he straddled the gray wolf's back, grabbed the hair on its neck with both hands, and crawled on its back.

In the next second, the gray wolf began to run and jump downward at the fastest speed.

Along the way, Scott was almost thrown off several times, but fortunately he persisted.

This time, the original 20-minute journey was shortened a lot.

About 5 minutes later, he returned to the door.

"Quick! Let me in!"

He said to the serpentine sculpture on the door.

no response.

Those sculptures are like dead things.

Scott raised his hand and began knocking on the door.

"Medea! Medea!"

he shouted loudly.

"Open the door quickly, or people will find out here!"

As soon as his words fell, the snake on the stone gate finally moved.

When the stone door slowly opened to a width of one person, Scott rushed in immediately.


He ran to the table.

"Now the principal and the professor are blocking the entrance, I can't go out there!"

"You can go out after they leave!" Medea in the painting said impatiently.

"No!" Scott shook his head, "They are preparing to count the number of students!"

Medea in the painting stares at him, "Why?"

"Because..." Scott said truthfully, "I turned the bandstand stool into a wolf."

He pointed to the gray wolf.


Medea gave him a sharp look.


She pointed behind the bookshelf.

At the same time, the bookshelf began to move laterally, revealing a black wooden door.

Scott ran over quickly.

At the same time, there was a strange hissing sound behind him.

He glanced back, and it was Medea in the painting who was speaking.

It's Parseltongue!

The door opened.

Scott rushed out quickly, and Gray Wolf followed him closely.

"The door on the other side of the passage will be temporarily opened for you."

Medea's voice came.

He turned his head and glanced, waved his hand, and decided to ride a wolf to buy time.

Scott rode a gray wolf and galloped through the underground passage.

Fortunately, there is no fork in this passage, so he can move forward without hesitation.

After 5 minutes, a door finally appeared in front of him.

Scott quickly slowed down the gray wolf and stopped in front of the door.

He jumped off the gray wolf's back, leaned to the door and listened to the movement outside, and released the magic perception again.

Then he took out the Marauder's Map and lit his wand.

"here it is……"

He quickly found his place.

Outside the door was the abandoned dungeon on the first floor of Hogwarts Castle.

After reconfirming that no one was nearby, Scott extinguished his wand and turned the gray wolf back into a stool.

"Fade without a trace!"

Then, he used the Vanishing Charm to make the stool disappear completely.

"Clean up!"

After waving his wand again to erase the marks on his clothes, Scott pushed open the door and walked out.

When he turned his head, there was only a bare stone wall behind him.

Scott didn't care so much for the time being, and quickly walked out of the dungeon, turning to the door of the classical music club.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the music coming from inside.

Pushing the door open, Scott walked in.

"Excuse me."

He asked a girl not far from the door who was flipping through a sheet of music.

"Is Milton here?"

"Sorry, he's not here." The girl glanced at him and answered with her head lowered. "Milton practiced all day today and didn't come tonight."

"Thank you."

Scott gave her a friendly smile, regardless of whether she saw it or not, turned and walked out the door.

After closing the door casually, he straightened his clothes again, and then walked towards the stairs leading to the ground.

When he passed the Potions classroom, Snape was coming down the stairs.

"Mr Trollope."

When Snape saw him, he slid over like a poisonous snake, speaking in his usual tone.

"Why are you here?" he asked maliciously, "Today is Sunday, I don't think you need to come here for Potions class."

"Good evening, Professor Snape."

Scott turned his head and answered politely.

"I went to the classical music club to find Milton, but unfortunately he wasn't there."


Snape's eyes flicked over to him several times.

"I'll find out."

(End of this chapter)

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