Chapter 157

Just as Scott was thinking, there was movement on the stone gate ahead.

Scott looked and found that the snakes carved on the door all moved.

They swim across the door, entangled with each other, forming a strange pattern.

Then, a snake poked its head out from the center of the pattern, its eyes were two red gemstones, and it kept spitting out messages.

"who are you?"

The snake asked him.

"Scott Trollope."

Scott replied.

Then the snake's red jewel eyes stared at him for a long moment.

"You can go in."

The snake suddenly said something, and slowly shrank back.

Then, the entangled snakes quickly separated and returned to their original positions.

There was a crackling sound, and the stone door retreated a certain distance, slowly sinking into the wall on the left.

Scott glanced into the darkness behind the door, let the bat and the gray wolf go on, and followed them himself.

However, he didn't go far, when the magic lamps suddenly lit up one by one, and the whole space immediately lit up.

Scott looked left and right.

This is a huge circular space, judging from the layout, it should be an ancient laboratory.

Although thousands of years have passed, the contents of this laboratory are well preserved.

"You finally came."

Medea's voice suddenly sounded.

Scott quickly drew out his wand and stood on guard.


Medea chuckled again.


Scott followed the prestige and found that the voice was not the real Medea, but a portrait placed on the table.

The portrait is small, the size of a notebook.

"I thought you wouldn't come."

Said Medea in the painting.

"Is this your lab?" Scott asked.

"It's also one of my father's laboratories." Medea in the painting said, "I didn't start using it until my father left."

Scott put away his nervousness, walked to the table, and looked at the girl in the portrait up close.

This is a portrait of Medea as a girl, and she looks about the same age as the portrait of Helena in the Room of Requirement.

Although Medea in her teenage years had a flamboyant beauty, she was not as sharp as her adult counterpart.

"What did you bring me here for?" Scott asked.

"The real I must have told you," said Medea in the painting, "she left a gift for you here."

Really have a gift?
"What is it?" Scott asked curiously.

"That box."

Medea in the painting points to the small box on the table.

"You can only take that," she emphasized. "If you take anything more, the door won't open for you to leave here."

"So, can I see those?"

Scott pointed to the bookshelves on the side, which were full of books and stacks of parchment.

"Sorry, now is not the time."

Medea in the painting replied.


Scott thought about it and decided to be obedient.

Otherwise, it would be bad to be locked up here.

He reached out to open the small wooden box and looked inside.

"This is?"

He first took out a silver snake-shaped necklace thick as a little finger.

"It's a rare alchemy item, a special door key, which can prevent your whereabouts from being monitored." Medea in the painting glanced at him and answered him.

"Did Medea rely on such alchemy items to leave Hogwarts?"

Scott played with the unusually delicate snake necklace in his hand.

"Then how do I use it? Where will this Portkey take me?"

He was curious.

Medea in the painting did not answer the first question, but directly said: "Now, you can't go anywhere, because it has not been used and has not been activated."

"Please tell me how to activate it, Medea." Scott asked with a smile.

"You need to put the necklace in mercury, bury it in the soil, and after three days, it will remember that position forever."

Medea in the painting said proudly.

"After that, you can use it to get back to that location no matter where you are, and no one can track your location."

Scott asked again, "If it's a place hidden by the Fidelity Curse, can I go back through it?"

Medea in the painting nodded, "Of course, if you recorded the place before it was hidden."

"Thank you."

Scott smiled brightly.

"I like this gift very much."

He played with the necklace fondly, and then wrapped it around his left wrist as a bracelet.

"I remember one more thing."

Scott reached out again and took out a red gem from the small wooden box.

"Magic stone?"

He couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"What are you thinking?" Medea in the painting looked at him contemptuously, "How could I give you the Philosopher's Stone? I want that kind of treasure myself!"


Scott's thumping heart calmed down, and he picked up the ruby ​​for a closer look.

"So what is this?"

"Magic stone."

Medea in the painting replied.


Scott's eyes lit up again.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Medea in the painting is laughing wildly with her hands on her hips.

"Stupid!" She couldn't stop laughing, "How is it possible!"


Scott looked at her helplessly.

"Okay, okay." Medea in the painting waved her hand, "This is indeed the Philosopher's Stone, but it's not the real Philosopher's Stone."

"Miss Slytherin please tell me the answer."

Scott begged helplessly.

Medea in the painting no longer teased him, but explained seriously, "This is an imitation Philosopher's Stone, you can understand it as a one-time Philosopher's Stone."

"Disposable? Can it only be used once?"

Scott looked down at the blood-colored gem in his hand.

"That's right, although it can only be used once..." Medea said in the painting, "but if you can use it correctly, it can also bring you great help."

"I feel so too."

Scott's mind turned, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that you already have an idea?" asked Medea in the painting.

"That's right." Scott laughed, clenched the gemstone in his hand, "I think I'll use it to perform a perfect transfiguration."

This one-time magic stone can replace him to bear the price of a transfiguration.

The version of Raven Rimbaud that he set the earliest should be born!

Hearing his plan, Medea in the painting raised her eyebrows high.

"This is the most wasteful usage, you almost just want to use it as a source of magic power."

she says.

"You know, this Philosopher's Stone can create a piece of immortality."

Her words are full of temptation.

"An elixir of life?"

Scott shook his head firmly.

"I'm too young to think about that."

He smiled.

"I guess... Immortality maintained by the elixir of life is probably very painful, and how long can it be maintained with just an elixir of life?"

(End of this chapter)

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