Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 146 146. The future that will be completely changed

Chapter 146 146. The future that will be completely changed

Sudden accident.

First, the four ghosts emitting white light flashed for a moment.

Then, the pipe organ began to play music automatically, and all the light sources in the hall suddenly flickered a few times.

Scott suddenly heard Medea's voice.

"Congratulations, you passed my test, son. I left you a reward. The entrance is just under the organ platform. Remember, the password is [Korsky]."

Then the light came back on, and Medea was gone.

The four ghosts are still floating in place, and the school badge pattern on the ground has disappeared.


Peeves screamed loudly, shaking with fear.

"What to do, what to do, she will definitely come back and kill me! It's terrible, even Dumbledore didn't catch her..."

As he spoke, he began to cry loudly.

Scott's eyes flashed, and he quickly returned to his normal expression.

"Sorry, Dumbledore, let her go."

Nearly Headless Nick floated over, his head drooping, exposing his nearly broken neck.

"What's going on?" The fat monk said a little unhappy, "It's been hundreds of years, and it's been so hard for us to experience this magic once, but it didn't work?"

Ms. Gray and Bloody Barrow kept a distance from each other, and neither spoke.

Dumbledore put away his wand and said to everyone: "Ms. Slytherin has accumulated a large amount of magic power belonging to the castle in advance, and the function of emitting magic power here has impacted that magic."

"How did she get out of here?" The fat monk asked curiously, "There should also be an anti-apparition spell here."

"It's a Portkey," replied Dumbledore. "She has a Portkey hidden with her."

"I'm going back."

Ms. Gray seemed unwilling to listen to this here, and drifted straight into the corridor.

"Then I'll go back too, Professor."

Scott greeted Dumbledore, and after he nodded, he immediately turned around and chased after Ms. Gray and left.

"Wait for me, Ms. Gray!"

Ms. Gray's levitation slowed.

They quickly walked out of the secret room and came to the cliff platform.

It was already midnight at this time, Scott looked at the galaxy reflected on the black lake under the cliff, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, you should go back to your bedroom." Ms. Gray reminded him.

Scott nodded, took out his broomstick and flew up the stone bridge.

On the way back to the Ravenclaw Tower, Scott quickly asked Ms. Gray, "What happened to you in the Forbidden Forest? How is Professor Flitwick now?"

"We were attacked..."

Ms. Gray tells what happened before.

It turned out that an accident happened not long after Ms. Gray and Professor Flitwick entered the Forbidden Forest after Scott.

They came across a tit.

But they didn't expect it to be an Animagus.

Titmouse suddenly turned into a wizard when he approached Professor Flitwick.

He pushed the portkey before Professor Flitwick could react, and took Professor Flitwick away in a blink of an eye.

Then, a light suddenly lit up in the nearby grass, and Ms. Gray was also trapped by a crystal ball.

"Flitwick is fine. He's back at Hogwarts. He saved me from the crystal ball."

Ms. Gray's answer brought Scott a huge sigh of relief.

At this moment, his spirit is already very exhausted, and he has endured too much this night.

Most importantly, the appearance of Medea may completely change the future established in the "original book" of this world.

An ancestor coveting Voldemort's soul was born!

What kind of changes she will bring to the British wizarding world, and even the whole world, almost no one can predict.

In other words, after that, Scott no longer has the advantage of knowing the "plot".

Thinking of this, Scott took a deep breath. He needed to adjust his mentality to meet new challenges.


Scott heard the voice and looked, and Professor Flitwick came running from the other side of the stone bridge.


Scott quickened his pace and walked up to him.

Professor Flitwick looked him up and down, "Thanks Merlin! You're really fine!"

"You should be fine?"

Scott smiled at him.

Professor Flitwick was just a little embarrassed at the moment, and he didn't seem to be injured.

"Of course I'm fine."

Professor Flitwick waved his hand.

"The wizard took me with the Portkey, then restrained me with an anti-apparition charm."

He said angrily.

"If I were just fighting that guy, I wouldn't delay so long, but it's a pity that he still has hidden helpers."

"Did you catch them?" Scott asked curiously.


Professor Flitwick shook his head regretfully.

"Those guys didn't cast a death spell on me, and I can't kill them."

He sighed.

"In the end they were outnumbered and fled."

"It's from the Yaxleys..."

Scott recounted the experience he remembered in detail.

Professor Flitwick gasped in surprise.

"I didn't expect Lockhart to be killed..." He said a little uncomfortable, "Although he is a bit annoying, but..."

He couldn't help sobbing twice.

"Yeah." Scott is still a little scared when he thinks about it now, "Fortunately, the oath bound Medea not to hurt the students, otherwise Milton and the others might be in danger."

At that time, the death of the two wizards was in an instant, and even Dumbledore didn't have time to stop it.

"Fortunately, the students are all right!"

Professor Flitwick also said a little excitedly.

"When I learned that more than 20 students appeared in the hospital at the same time, my heart almost stopped beating, which gave me a great shock!"

"Are they all right?"

Scott couldn't help asking.

"They just lost their power because the magic was drained for a moment," Professor Flitwick said. "After that, they just need some nutrition and they will be fine."

"That's good." Scott breathed a sigh of relief again.

While speaking, Professor Flitwick accompanied him and Ms. Gray back to the college common room.

After saying goodbye to Professor Flitwick and Ms. Gray, Scott, who was physically and mentally exhausted, returned to the dormitory.

He no longer cared about thinking about what kind of gift Medea had left for him, he just wanted to go back and have a good sleep.

When he opened the door of the bedroom, he found that neither Roger nor Eddie was sleeping on the bed.

Roger sat on the sofa wrapped in a blanket, and Eddie sat crookedly on the edge of the bed wrapped in a quilt.

The sound of Scott pushing the door woke them up immediately.


Eddie jumped up violently, tripped over the quilt wrapped around him again, and fell straight on the carpet.

"You're back!"

Roger also stood up, not caring about laughing at Eddie, and quickly observed Scott's situation.

"I'm fine." Scott smiled.

Eddie got up and leaned over to look at him, "You look bad!"

"It's just too tired."

Scott waved his hand.

"Milton is fine, he's just unconscious."

As he said that, he stumbled to the bedside, and without taking off his clothes, shoes and socks, he threw himself on the bed and fell into a dream in a second.

(End of this chapter)

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