Chapter 109
Before noon, Scott bid farewell to Professor Flitwick, came to King's Cross Station in London again, and boarded the Hogwarts Express.

The train starts, and he walks alone in the carriage.

Ignoring those suspicious gazes and whispers, he quickly found the compartment where his roommates were located by relying on his perception.

"Hello everyone."

He pushed open the door of the cubicle, went in and sat down.

"Scott!" Eddie waved to him excitedly, "You are a bit late, we were just discussing that you and Milton were in the newspaper together!"

"Sorry, Scott."

Milton still didn't look very energetic, and he looked at Scott with apologetic eyes.

"Because of my business, I caused you trouble."

Scott waved his hand, "This has nothing to do with you, Milton."

"But now everyone knows that your family lives in Hastings!" Roger asked concerned, "Is it all right?"

He also clearly remembers what happened to Jacob.

"It's okay." Scott replied calmly, "I have already asked my parents to move away..."

He briefly talked about how he asked Professor Flitwick for help, but he did not disclose where his parents moved.

For this, he also apologized to the three roommates.

But the other three also understood his caution. After all, they all understood that even the secrets hidden in their heads were not absolutely safe.

"That Miss Travers..."

Eddie lowered his voice.

"The newspapers say that she left the hospital privately to find you... What's going on?"

"Sorry, Scott, I didn't know that day..." Milton started apologizing again.

Scott comforted Milton, and then replied to Eddie, "Maybe she wanted to deal with me like Jacob, but unfortunately she seems to have found the wrong place."

"She's so crazy, I still can't believe she's only 11 years old." Roger sighed, "Fortunately..."

He sighed, and he couldn't say anything about being lucky to die.

Scott shook his head, signaling that he didn't want to talk about it any more.

Roger and Eddie changed the subject in a friendly manner.

This journey to the beginning of school passed while a few people chatted. After getting off the train, they still returned to the castle in the dilapidated carriage.

Scott finally saw clearly the Thestrals in charge of pulling the cart, but he kept quiet and pretended he didn't see it.

When Scott walked into the auditorium, he once again attracted a lot of attention. He saw many students began to whisper.


The Weasley twins came running out of nowhere and pulled him into a corner.

"How are you, buddy!"

Fred patted Scott on the shoulder.

"I hope you haven't been affected," said George. "Everybody knows that woman, Rita Skeeter, has always been a liar in the papers."

"I am fine."

Scott smiled as usual, and said deliberately: "It's the two of you... the Christmas present you gave me is too insincere!"

"It's so sad, Scott!" Fred pretended to be annoyed, "That's the only lifetime VIP card we gave away, not even our family members!"

George also said dissatisfied: "It's much more sincere than your two immobile portraits!"

Scott made a helpless expression, "Well, I hope that the non-existent Weasley joke shop can become a reality as soon as possible."

Fred and George straightened the neckline of the sweater immediately, as if there was an invisible tie there.

"thank you for your good wishes."

"Of course we will succeed!"

"You'll know when the time comes..."

"...What a precious gift you have received!"

Scott chatted and laughed with them for a while before returning to the long Ravenclaw table.

Then, he heard Malfoy talking loudly at the long Slytherin table next door.

"Of course we can't trust house-elves! They're monsters that can't control themselves!"

He said loudly to his companions.

"My dad has always told me they can't be trusted! They're just servants, good for simple chores at best! Only a fool would believe in their magic..."

Scott glanced up, only to see a terrified gaze.

It was Morgan Avery, the first-year girl who had "followed" Travers, and it looked like she was out of the hospital.

The moment the girl met Scott's gaze, her face turned pale, and she quickly lowered her head.

Scott's calm gaze flicked across her, to the other person staring at him.

Idrik Strielner.

He made a sneer at Scott, looking over like a clown.

Scott stared at him calmly.

"Big celebrity Trollope?"

Stryllner stood up and walked to the Ravenclaw table, looking down at Scott.

"Does it feel good to be in the paper, Trollope?"

"Not much," Scott said.

Strielner took another look at Milton, who was sitting next to Scott, and joked, "This is your real 'girlfriend'? What? You fell in love with each other for just a few days during the Christmas holiday. ?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Slytherins burst into laughter.

The professors were not in the auditorium at this time, and the confrontation caught the attention of all the students.


The two Ravenclaw seventh year boys stood up.

It's Bruce and William.

"Go away, Stryllner," Bruce said coldly.

"None of your business."

Strielner looked at the two of them contemptuously, and then said to Scott: "Why, Trollope, why don't you say a few words, your 'girlfriend' is about to cry."

Scott glanced at Milton, who was flushed with anger.

Roger and Eddie also looked angry, and Scott gave them a wink, preventing them from standing up.

"Mr Strielner."

Scott looked up at Stryllner.

"Is your ambition after graduation to become a 'successful' reporter like Rita Skeeter? Or is Miss Skeeter your idol?"

Now it was the Ravenclaw students' turn to laugh.

Not only that, even the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs couldn't help laughing, especially the Gryffindors, who laughed out loud.

Strielner's expression was grim for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal.

"I just want to remind you, Trollope." He lowered his voice and said, "Jasmine Travers' father is still in Azkaban. You should pray that he won't escape to seek revenge on you."

"Thank you for your concern, Strielner."

Scott still looked at him calmly.

"But Miss Travers' death has nothing to do with me."

Strielner said with a smile, "Who knows? But she was always looking for you, for whatever reason."

"I see, but I think I can trust the Ministry of Magic's supervision of Azkaban." Scott said against his will.

"Then wait and see."

Strielner smirked again, pushed Bruce and William away, turned and left.

"How are you, Scott?"

William sat down across from Scott.

"I'm fine, thank you."

Scott smiled at him and Bruce.

"Be careful, Scott."

Bruce leaned over to remind him.

"Although Strielner is provoking you, what he said deserves your careful attention."

"How?" Roger asked him.

Bruce shook his head, "I can only say, don't think that there is no one in the Travers family anymore, the pure-blood family is not as simple as it seems on the surface."


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(End of this chapter)

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