Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 108 108. Purposeful Action

Chapter 108 108. Purposeful Action
"Ravenclaw-like power?"

Professor Flitwick looked at Scott curiously, trying to figure out exactly what he meant.

Scott said: "Ravenclaws generally only focus on what they are interested in, and they always habitually keep a cold-eyed attitude towards other things."

Professor Flitwick nodded. Ravenclaw did appear to be a lot of nerds and lunatics in the eyes of others.

"But only we know what we're after."

Scott said again.

"The name of our college means the claw of the raven. We are extremely greedy for knowledge, but often dismissive of power and fame."

He paused here, and added, "Except for a few people like Professor Lockhart."

Professor Flitwick was nodding at first, but his face became a little ugly when he heard Lockhart's name.

He said with emotion, "Lockhart...that might be the weirdest Ravenclaw I've ever seen..."

Scott shrugged, "Speaking of which, he's just focusing on what he's interested in..."

After making a joke, he continued: "Our representative element is wind. Among the four elements, wind represents change, rationality, abstraction, wit, sociability, and language. It also represents disputes, lack of emotion, lack of foundation, and impetuousness."

"It seems that you have done a lot of research on this." Professor Flitwick said with a smile.

Scott said with longing, "Ravenclaw's strength is an ideal state in my imagination."

Professor Flitwick looked at him encouragingly.

Scott coughed lightly, "Ravenclaw is like an eagle entrenched in the sky and on the top of the tower. He may not participate in the battle on the ground, but his keen eyesight can see everything clearly from a height."

He added: "Not participating is just because I don't want to. I want no one to control my position and actions. I want to be the most free wizard."

"Freedom?" Professor Flitwick said softly. "It is true that Ravenclaws advocate freedom. We will respect each other's individuality and pursuit...but the freest wizard?"

He laughed, "It really is an ideal state."

Scott also said with a smile: "Gryffindor has the so-called 'greatest' wizard like Principal Dumbledore, and even Slytherin has a Dark Lord who has influenced countless people, Ravenclaw Of course, there can also be the freest wizard."

"Oh, Scott."

Professor Flitwick couldn't help reminding Scott.

"Dumbledore has been called the greatest wizard of the century, not just because he was a powerful wizard."

He said seriously.

"It's more because he has made great contributions to the peace of England and the entire European magic world, and even has a profound influence internationally."

"I understand, Professor."

Scott nodded.

"Although I'm not interested in things like maintaining world peace." He said bluntly, "But I always feel that the only difference between wizards and Muggles is magic. The progress of magic is the progress of wizards."

"It seems that your ambition is bigger than I thought."

Hearing Scott's brash words, Professor Flitwick didn't immediately deny him.

He just looked at Scott with novel eyes again, and said with emotion: "But when you were young, who didn't think about it like this?"

He smiled again and said, "I also thought about this when I was young. That was after I decided to specialize in the magical art of incantation."

Scott listened silently to his memories of the past.

"I have made a lot of efforts to summarize and transform the existing knowledge of spells. I want to go further on the basis of the predecessors, and I want to invent something new to shock everyone."

Professor Flitwick said while dancing.

"I've had some results, and I haven't lived up to my expectations, but I've been enjoying it. Of course, I'm still working on it."

"You are already one of the most accomplished spell masters." Scott praised him sincerely.

"But what I ever wanted to do was not one, but the only one. This is the gap between dream and reality."

Professor Flitwick looked at Scott seriously.

"It's good for young people to have lofty ideals. I'd love to see my students dream beyond their predecessors, but I just want to remind you..."

He became more and more earnest.

"You have to be mentally prepared to face that kind of gap, don't lose yourself in your dreams, and don't be easily affected by anything in your mind."

Scott understood Professor Flitwick's painstaking efforts, he was a little moved, and nodded solemnly.

"Professor, can I use magic here?"

He took out his wand and applied it to Professor Flitwick.

"Oh, of course." Professor Flitwick looked at him curiously, "Do you have any results to show me?"

He took out his wand and flicked it lightly, casting a silent spell.

"Okay, that's it." He signaled Scott to start showing, "With me here, of course you can use magic."

No one else in the cafe noticed the strange behavior of the old and the young in this corner.

"I think it's a very valuable achievement."

Scott said confidently.

He took a piece of ebony from the leather pouch, waved his wand, and tapped it.

The ebony wood quickly transformed into a small fairy statue.

Immediately afterwards, Scott carved an ancient rune on the fairy statue with the tip of his wand.

That is Sowilo which represents [Sun] or [Light].

Professor Flitwick watched Scott's operation curiously and did not interrupt him.


Scott waved his wand again.

...It was the moment to witness the miracle, he said silently in his heart.

The statue, which had been motionless, moved and became a real fairy, which took flight with transparent, glittering wings.


Professor Flitwick's eyes widened.

"This is really...unbelievable..."

He looked at Scott excitedly.

"Never... no wizard has ever done this..." His voice was shrill and stuttering, "You combined ancient rune and transfiguration to conjure real magical animals!"

Scott nodded, "I think this is very promising, although I can only do this simple level now, but..."

He also said a little excitedly: "As the transfiguration and ancient runes I master become stronger and stronger, and even go further, adding various spells to them, will it be possible to conjure more powerful magical animals?"

He articulated his vision.

"Theoretically speaking, even magical animals like fire dragons and phoenixes may be born under the tip of my magic wand! Even... even those powerful creatures in mythology that do not exist in reality are also possible..."

"This is crazy..." Professor Flitwick murmured.

He shook his head.

"No, don't think about it yet, Scott."

He looked at the fairy flying on the table obsessively.

"Although I am very optimistic about your future, your path should be taken step by step, don't worry."

"Of course, your suggestion is correct."

Scott said obediently.

He has achieved his purpose.

His display this time is of course to further prove his worth in front of Professor Flitwick.

A little Muggle-born wizard like him has no family to help him grow up in magic, and there will be no one to escort him at all times.

In order to obtain these "resources", he must find another way——

Let's get closer to Professor Flitwick, who is the dean of Ravenclaw, by talking about the various aspects of the Ravenclaw college, and then further prove his worth.

These are all the actions he took to get the full training of the professor.

Of course, Scott also understands that Professor Flitwick, who is also a smart man, can actually see his "calculation".

After all, Professor Flitwick is only kind, not honest.

But this is not important.

Scott knew that Professor Flitwick would not care about this. In the eyes of a Ravenclaw, it was nothing to fight for his own chance.


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(End of this chapter)

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