The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 710 The Royal Family

Chapter 710 The Royal Family
The Holy Lord of the Holy Land is no ordinary strongman, but one of the current masters of the Eastern Wasteland.

Although the Second Heaven of Sendai would be honored as a powerful and holy master, the holy master who would be truly recognized by the monks had to be the holy master of the holy land or the remote ancient family.

The Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Beginnings is such a true Holy Lord.

The fall of such a character is no less than a major earthquake, and the impact is too great.

And judging from the current situation, it is clear that this is just the beginning.

Lu Yan made such a big commotion when he killed the Holy Master of the Jiang family. If a few more Holy Masters died in the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, the chaos in the Eastern Wasteland would not be alarmist.

"Dead dog, activate the pattern, let's go."

Ye Fan slapped the big black dog on the shoulder.

Even the Supreme Holy Master can't guarantee his own safety, and Ye Fan's heart is full of a sense of crisis, so it's not suitable to stay here for a long time.

But the big black dog hesitated: "Anyway, with Lao Lu following us, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Although Wanlong's Nest is the place where the ancient royal family sleeps, there are many crises, but there are also many sacred treasures inside.

What's more, those ancient creatures are now fighting against the heroes, so the opportunity is rare.

With the big black dog's character of plucking wild goose, he is naturally reluctant.

If he left so easily, it would be different from entering Baoshan but returning empty-handed.

"When is this, and I'm still thinking about this!"

Ye Fan didn't know how to evaluate this big black dog anymore.

at this time.

An ancient creature covered with golden scales and with a crocodile tail behind it rushed towards where Lu Yan and the others were.

As mentioned before, the closer to the human form, the stronger the primordial creatures.

Except for the scales, this ancient creature is almost exactly the same as a human being, so one can imagine how strong it is.

Fierce golden light radiated from his whole body, burning like a flame, extremely fast and terrifying to the extreme.


Fighting Saint Ape only had time to shout two words, and the ancient creature was already within the attack range.

However, the fact that Ye Fan and others didn't have time to react doesn't mean that Lu Yan couldn't react.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his blond hair instantly turned up, and his violent aura swept through the void.

With a punch, he hit the primordial creature first. It was so fast that it looked as if the primordial creature hit Lu Yan's fist by itself.

A terrifying air wave swept out, directly overturning the two half-step powers not far away.

In Ye Fan's eyes, it was like two golden lightning bolts collided in an instant.

After a closer look, I realized that the battle was over in an instant.

The ancient creature seemed to want to resist, crossing his hands in front of his chest to block, but he couldn't stop it at all. Lu Yan's punch just pierced through the opponent's chest, and golden blood kept gushing out from the edge of the wound.

Under the heavy blow, the scales covering the whole body were directly shattered,


There are ancient creatures roaring.

Obviously, this golden primordial creature is not a small player even among these creatures.

Three ancient creatures who looked like gods and were shrouded in aura surrounded Lu Yan and his party.

Seeing this, Heihuang shrank his neck, his eyes flickered.

"Damn, got noticed."

Ye Fan was still tugging at his bald tail, and said angrily: "It's good that you know, hurry up and leave!"

Lu Yan casually threw the golden creature's body on the ground, maintained the state of a Super Saiyan, and watched the three good-looking ancient creatures with a smile.

"There are still tyrannical creatures that have awakened and haven't come out yet."

Fighting Holy Ape couldn't help reminding.

He has more or less known the fierce name of Wanlong's Nest, and there is more than one ancient king sleeping here.

The confrontation didn't last long, and these ancient creatures didn't intend to speak harshly at all, and they directly rushed towards Lu Yan at the same time.

Lu Yan was not afraid, and even said that even the recovery of those ancient kings would not make him afraid.

Even if he is outnumbered, there is no difference in his eyes.

The three primordial creatures and Lu Yan created a fierce collision, and there was a burst of huge force vibrations, which even attracted the attention of other people on the battlefield.

"Great, Senior Lu has made a move."

"Hurry up and activate the domain gate now!"

This level of battle is hard to see even for the mighty.

But because most of them couldn't protect themselves, they didn't pay too much attention to Lu Yan's situation.

At most, only the holy masters of the top powers can pay attention.

They can all feel that the three ancient creatures are at least at the level of extreme power, and each of them is a powerful existence like the top power Holy Master.

However, under such a siege, Lu Yan seemed to be able to handle it with ease, and he didn't even notice the slightest effort.

"How do I feel...Senior Lu is playing?"

The corners of the Holy Master Ji's mouth twitched.

Regardless of whether Lu Yan is serious or not, it is a fact that the aftermath of their battle has a huge impact.

Anytime, anywhere, chills raged, and some ancient creatures and a few half-step powers were unlucky enough to be involved, and they were crushed to a pulp on the spot.

Fortunately, Wanlong's Nest is densely covered with innate lines and is strong enough, otherwise such a battle alone would be enough to cause the underground palace to collapse.

Lu Yan probably also felt that such a siege was boring, and blood-red water vapor gushed out from his body.

It was the same punch again, but this time, the force was a hundred times stronger than the previous second, and endless terror filled the air!
The primordial creatures covered by the divine ring did not expect such a huge change in Lu Yan's strength before and after, and subconsciously tried their best to resist, but in the end they were punched until their whole body was cracked, and hot blood spattered all over the ground.

Everyone was surprised. They knew that Lu Yan's strength was unfathomable, but most of them were just rumors. Seeing it with their own eyes at this time, they had a sense of sight that they could break through everything with one force.

Seeing such overwhelming power, the heroes who are still alive are all facing the enemy, and generally gather in the direction of Lu Yan.

It is an eternal truth that it is good to enjoy the shade under a big tree.

Suddenly, many ancient creatures in the underground palace closed their hands at the same time as if they had received an order, and opened a distance.

From the stone door that was opened, a boy in his early ten years came out. The boy had purple vertical pupils between his brows, but there was a look of inquiry in his eyes.

In human form, this is the genuine ancient royal family.

The young man chattered a lot of words, no doubt, this is the language of the ancient times.

"What is he saying?"

Lu Yan turned his head sideways.

Dou Zhan Shengyuan explained very well: "He is asking why it is so noisy, and he wants to wake up his father."

You know, to be honored as the ancient king, the last time is a saint.

Hearing this, the big black dog's face turned green.

(End of this chapter)

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