Chapter 709
Following the death of the Holy Master, the dignitaries in the underground palace suddenly panicked.

Because all this is too fast, beyond people's imagination.

The well-informed recognized that this is the ancient race, and began to call on everyone to block it back.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The horrific creature that ran out first had already started killing frantically.

Ye Fan watched helplessly as a Supreme Elder of the Holy Land of Wanchu was torn in half by that terrifying creature, and various organs and tissues flowed all over the ground.

In the beginning, there were people at the level of the Holy Master who wanted to close the stone door again. After all, this is the sleeping place of ancient creatures. If an ancient king jumped out, it would be a big disaster.

However, after one horrible creature after another rushed out, the holy masters wisely gave up on this idea, and turned back directly, wanting to escape from the underground palace.

Lu Yan looked like an outsider, smiling and looking at the mysterious creatures shuttling through the crowd.

He felt that the style of painting changed a little too fast, and suddenly changed from the style of the underground palace tomb robbery to a bloody horror movie with heavy taste.

Although these horrific creatures moved very fast, he could still see the appearance of those horrific creatures clearly.

They are all seven meters or more in length, the lower body is the body of a snake, and the upper body is the body of a human with three heads and six arms. This appearance alone is ferocious enough.

Others fled in panic.

People of the same level disappeared like mowing grass, which made their scalps tingle, and they didn't even bother to ask Ye Fan for an explanation.

A golden, half-human, half-demon creature appeared with a blazing divine light, directly cutting off their retreat.

Obviously, this creature is more powerful than those half-snake creatures.

And it's not over yet, there are more strange ancient creatures appearing one after another, making the already flustered hearts worse.

Every primordial creature is extremely powerful, and the last one is at the level of extreme power.

Even if many heroes fight together, they are obviously at a disadvantage.

Everyone looked extremely ugly.

If it goes on like this, maybe it will really wake up those real ancient royal families from their slumber.

It is worth mentioning that the way to distinguish between the strong and the weak among the ancient races is very simple.

The closer to the human form, the stronger the strength or potential it represents.

This is why when humans appeared in the ancient times, those ancient races were terrified.

At first I thought it was a mysterious and powerful race, but after knowing the weakness of human beings, some ancient king felt that the existence of human beings was humiliating them, so he massacred human beings, intending to exterminate them.

Therefore, although these ancient creatures appearing now are powerful, they are still far from human figures, and they are obviously gatekeepers.

The real ancient royal family has not yet appeared.

"Quick! Open the domain gate!"

Someone yelled, the situation is too critical, you must leave quickly.

The pattern master's face was purple: "No, there is no chance to open it at all."

It was a god-like existence, with purple hair and purple eyes, and a pair of golden wings. This ancient creature would shatter all the patterns with just a loud roar.

Fortunately, this powerful creature hasn't joined the battle yet, it's just interfering with their pattern formation.

Otherwise, several holy masters may not be able to compete with him together.

Another primordial creature culled over, blasted the two single half-step powers, and stuffed their heads into their mouths.

This was so cruel that even Ye Fan felt goosebumps all over his body.

Even a half-step power is cannon fodder in such a situation, and he, a quadrupole little monk, will die if he touches it casually.

He secretly hid behind Lu Yan.

"Lu Yan, can you still solve this?"

The big black dog and the descendants of the big bandit also hid behind Lu Yan. This is not a battle they can intervene at all.


Lu Yan spoke concisely.

"Okay then, let's see."

Ye Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He is not a pedantic person. If the situation is really critical to a certain extent, he will not reject Lu Yan's help.

It seemed that this was not safe enough, and he said to the big black dog: "The dead dog quickly sacrificed the chessboard pattern, and is ready to leave here at any time."

The divine light shone, and dozens of primordial creatures appeared out of thin air.

This was pretty much the straw that broke the camel's back.

The heroic masters who had gathered together to resist scattered in all directions, trying to save their lives by all means.

The holy master of the Ji family walked in the sky, with an ancient mirror suspended above his head, radiant and aloof like a god.

From time to time, a radiant rainbow was shot from the ancient mirror, and each blow could penetrate the body of a primordial creature.

The reason why the Huanggu family is the Huanggu family itself represents a kind of inheritance that goes directly to the emperor.

Even a step-by-step practice would surpass that of ordinary monks by a large margin, not to mention that there are various secret methods in the emperor's scriptures, even if they are in the same secret realm, their combat power is very different.

The holy master of the Ji family operated his own Void Sutra, floating in the void, keeping safe for the time being.

He glanced around the audience, and finally came quickly to Lu Yan, cupped his hands symbolically, and spoke eagerly.

"Senior Lu, aren't you ready to make a move? With so many high-level officials from top forces falling here, Donghuang will be completely thrown into chaos."

The main reason why the Holy Master of the Ji family was able to remain calm was because Lu Yan hadn't made a move yet.

In his opinion, if a strong man at least at the level of a saint makes a move, the current crisis must be solved.

Who knew that Lu Yan took a bite of the flat peach and replied with a smile, "No preparations."


The Holy Master of the Ji family was startled at first, and then forced out a smile, and said, "Senior Lu, stop joking, now it's only up to you."

Another terrible collision.

This is the consensus between the Lord of the Wind Clan and the Lord of Shaking Light, and at the same time they shot at the ancient creature that destroyed the pattern.

As long as you can build a domain gate, you can escape from such a desperate situation.

It's a pity that the ancient creature had no fear in the face of the joint attack of the two supreme holy masters, but instead faced it head-on with fierce flames.

There are great battles everywhere in the underground palace, and blood is spilled every moment, and blood is spattered from the flesh.

Under the monstrous fluctuation of divine power, even the void is disintegrating.

But Wanlong's Nest is still stable, without creating any way out.

Seeing this, the Holy Master of the Ji family knew that he couldn't invite Lu Yan, gritted his teeth, and turned his head to join the battle again.

Primordial creatures continued to join the battlefield, but the heroes of the Eastern Wilderness showed fatigue over time.

The battle gradually heated up, and a scream came, shaking the underground palace.

The Holy Lord of Wanchu has fallen.

From this moment on, the Holy Master of the real top power has died.

(End of this chapter)

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