Chapter 1029 Fusion
"Are you kidding me?"

Lu Yan glanced at Zeus in a half-sleeping way.

Finding that the new god-king seemed to want to fight for it, Lu Yan simply closed his eyes, expressing his refusal.

Looking at Lu Yan's statement, Gaia felt very satisfied, and then waved to Zeus, saying: "Zeus, you are too embarrassing, get out!"

No way, even if he was rejected so relentlessly, Zeus didn't dare to attack.

It can only return to Mount Olympus in despair.

When he returned to his temple, Metis, the goddess of wisdom, was standing in front of the temple with a big belly, apparently waiting for him to return.

After seeing Zeus, Metis took the initiative to go forward and hugged Zeus gently.

"My king, what are you troubled by, tell me, I can help you."

Zeus's love is his love, but he does have a very strong love for Metis.

Flowers and butterflies surrounded them, and Zeus gently stroked Metis' cheek, but unfortunately, when he touched Metis's swollen belly, he stopped suddenly, and his eyes involuntarily flashed with panic .

As the goddess of wisdom, how delicate is Metis?
She noticed her husband's strangeness immediately.

"My king, why are you so flustered today? The enemies of the gods are gone, and peace and prosperity will slowly come."

"In the war of the gods, we fought nervously, now it's time to cuddle together and spend a leisurely time."

It has to be said that before Zeus became a god king, he took the template of Long Aotian all the way.

The son of the king of gods, with amazing potential, any goddess he likes can be included in the harem.

It's a pity that the boy who slays the dragon will eventually become a dragon. After Zeus became the king of gods, he will never see his youthful blood again.

Zeus hugged the goddess in his arms tightly, and his love for Metis was constantly thwarting the plan in his heart.

But when he saw the lightning in the distance and felt the authority of the king of gods, the ruthlessness of being the king of gods overwhelmed all his emotions.

With a lesson like Cronus, Zeus knew he couldn't forcefully devour the child he was born like that.

There must be another way.

So He said softly: "My love, my beauty, my one and only, in the past years, the war between the new gods and the old gods made me burnt out, if it weren't for your love and command lingering by my side, I would How are we going to survive the long night?"

"Sometimes I really want to be one with you, not separate from each other."

"My clumsy tongue can't express a thousandth of my love for you. It would be great if I could let you see my heart."

After speaking, Zeus called out the thunder scepter, and he was about to cut his chest open, showing the so-called love in his chest to Metis.

In this era where everyone is innocent, how could Metis resist such love words.

No matter how intelligent, it is emotional after all.

She quickly stopped her and said lovingly: "My king, how can I have the heart to let you be hurt? Why don't I turn into a drop of water and enter your heart to see how much love you have for me?" Love."

The purpose of Zeus is to let Metis know his unspeakable thoughts. He doesn't care what method Metis uses, so he will naturally not refuse.

So the goddess of wisdom turned into a drop of water and was swallowed by Zeus.

After Metis entered Zeus's body, he immediately sensed Zeus's love for him, and that love really existed. In the sea of ​​Zeus's memory, Zeus missed Metis in countless lonely nights.

And when Zeus got precious treasures, such as golden apples, the first goddess who wanted to give them was Metis.

When Zeus returned to the temple to see his wife Metis after the battle of the gods was over, the love and joy truly filled the heart of the god king.

However, it is not waiting for Metis to be immersed in such sweet emotions.

The sea of ​​memory of Zeus also immediately revealed to Metistan the terrible prophecy he received from the three goddesses of fate, as well as the fact that he begged Gaia and Lu Yan to deal with the child in the nameless temple by the coast.

Metis hurriedly walked towards Zeus's body, but she found that she had really integrated into Zeus' body.

At this time, the godhead of Zeus and the godhead of wisdom began to merge.

From then on, Metis, the goddess of wisdom, can change things in the world with the authority of the god king at will, and Zeus can also borrow the wisdom of Metis.

With the deepening of the integration, Metis knew Zeus' fear, could feel all Zeus's thoughts, and understood all Zeus' memories.

The goddess of wisdom cried and expressed her willingness to become one with Zeus, but asked Zeus to release her child.

She knew that her child could not be imprisoned in the father's body forever.

It can't be like the second generation god king Cronus imprisoned Zeus's brother and sister.

Regrettably, Zeus rejected Metis' request.

He wanted his soon-to-be-born child to stay in his body with its mother.

In his view, this is the price that must be paid for wearing the crown and sitting on the throne of the king of the gods.

Metis inside Zeus fell silent.

Time passes day by day.

Metis understood Zeus' thoughts and choices more and more clearly.

But it was precisely because of her understanding that she knew that it was impossible for her to convince Zeus.

Faced with her unborn child, the soon-to-be mother goddess had to make a difficult decision.

She began to use thinking, memory, wisdom and thinking as materials, and in the mind of Zeus, she built a set of utensils with the power of thunder and lightning.

The final result is a pair of gorgeous armor, every piece of the armor is exquisite and contains the mysteries of the world.

Most importantly, this armor is resistant to the erosive power of Zeus, keeping the child safe.

The tinkling sound of building was heard day and night, and Zeus couldn't stop it even if he hugged his head and covered his ears in pain.

It was probably only at this time that he could understand why Gaia, the mother of the earth, was so angry at the fact that those gods were imprisoned in the abyss of the earth.

The never-ending sound from the body, like the groaning of hell, plunged Zeus into uncontrollable pain.

After going on for a while, he finally couldn't bear it any longer, and he slumped in the temple, roaring hysterically.

Such a movement attracted all the gods on Mount Olympus.

When they saw Zeus's blood-red eyes and haggard look, they were all shocked.

The gods had never seen such a crazy Zeus, and they were at a loss for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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