Chapter 1028 Destiny
The gentleness of his wife calmed down Zeus' gradually irritable mood a little bit.

It's just that this made him even more greedy for the power he now possesses.

Zeus decided that he must seize the throat of fate before the curse happened.

He pushed Metis away, and after a few words of relief, he strode towards the temple of the three goddesses of fate.

After obtaining the authority of the god king, even if he is not yet skilled, Zeus can easily and quickly go to any place.

In a blink of an eye, Zeus appeared in front of an ancient palace.

The palace is surrounded by a freshwater lake, and on both sides of the entrance road, plants similar to pine needle trees are planted.

Zeus knew that this place was home to the palace of the Three Fates, but he had never been there before.

It is worth mentioning that the so-called three goddesses of fate are the daughters of Erebus and Nyx among the five primitive gods.

The eldest sister Cross is the weaver of destiny, and later she will be the goddess in charge of people's destiny at birth. She will personally take out the silk thread of people's destiny from the destiny spinning wheel and give it to her second sister.

This second sister is the decision maker of fate, Lachesis.

She is responsible for measuring the thread of fate with a measuring stick, and handing the thread of fate of different lengths to the youngest sister.

The goddess of the end of fate, Achelopos, will use the sharp fate scissors to cut the thread of fate and complete the formulation of the fate of a living being.

In order not to offend the three goddesses of fate, and also in order not to offend the two ancient gods, Erebus and Nyx, who have always served as background boards.

Zeus didn't mean to force his way in the slightest, and took the initiative to exude his own breath to show his existence.

Of course, now that he is the king of the gods, nothing will stop him from going.

Zeus entered the palace unimpeded all the way.

He noticed that the temple was extremely dark.

Those faint blue fate threads are intertwined and intertwined, forming an extremely complicated fate network, hanging in every corner of the temple.

These complex silk thread trends are dazzling just by looking at them.

However, Zeus did not come here to enjoy these special sights.

He looked at the three goddesses of fate who were constantly busy standing in a high position, and asked impatiently: "Mysterious three goddesses of fate, I order you as the third generation of god kings to give the prophecy I want."

The three goddesses of fate stopped what they were doing, and they looked at each other.

They replied in unison with old or immature voices: "The curse of the god-king Cronus will be fulfilled on Metis, the goddess of wisdom."

Terminator of the youngest destiny, Achelopos added shortly thereafter.

"Her first daughter will be as strong as you."

"Her first son will surpass your power. At that time, this child will replace you and become the new God King."

Hearing this, Zeuston's expression changed dramatically.

My heart was terrified, and I even felt that my son would run out and seal him in the next second.

Under the playful eyes of the three goddesses of fate, Zeus took a deep breath, barely maintaining his god-king posture on the surface.

But he was actually very entangled in his heart.

You must know that Metis, the goddess of wisdom, has unparalleled wisdom. When Zeus fought his father, Cronus, it was because of Metis' plan and appeasement that the camp of the Olympus gods did not It fell apart under the situation of repeated battles and repeated defeats.

What's more, besides the importance.

Zeus's own feelings for Metis are also completely different from other goddesses.

Metis was his first love and his true wife.

It is a pity that, in the face of such a cruel prophecy, Zeus's fear of the birth of his heir in his heart overwhelmed his love for his wife who shared weal and woe.

Did not say hello to the Three Fates.

Zeus came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

The god king returned to his temple.

Metis was about to give birth at this time.

She gently stroked her swollen belly, and the brilliance of motherhood shone on the goddess.

It was such a warm picture, but Zeus frowned.

Although he wasn't sure whether the child was a boy or a girl, he would not let the child be born with the lessons learned from Cronus.

Zeus turned and left again.

This time, his destination was the nameless temple on the coast.

"I have seen the great Lol, the great Gaia."

Zeus bowed slightly, his identity as a god king made him unwilling to kneel down.

Of course, Lu Yan didn't care about such rules.

He rested his chin on one hand, and looked calmly at Zeus, who had become the king of gods.

He thinks it's fine now.

Even though there were some hiccups, there was still no serious change in the general direction.

If there is no accident, it is probably not long before the birth of human beings.

Gaia is sitting next to Lu Yan, with a graceful posture.

She was really afraid that if she created this monster, she would make too much trouble.

After Typhon was driven back to the abyss by Lu Yan, the goddess of the earth regained her spirits all of a sudden.

She said unhurriedly, "Zeus, what do you want to do here?"

Zeus didn't beat around the bush either, and said bluntly.

"Great Mother Earth, I would like to ask you to revoke the child in Metis' womb."

Hearing what Zeus said, Gaia burst out laughing.

Don't forget, the reason why Gaia agreed to post to Tartarus in the first place was because Zeus ordered the god to be thrown into the abyss, which made her angry.

The Earth Goddess originally wanted to find a chance to get revenge, not to mention that she did not agree with this kind of interfering in fertility.

"Zeus, back then your father god begged me with the same tone, let me cancel the child in the womb of your mother Rhea, the goddess of time."

Having said that, Gaia showed an undisguised sarcasm smile on her face, and her words turned cold.

"Get out of this temple, I tell you, this child will be blessed by me, no matter what, the child will be born."

"If it's a girl, I'll give her the blessing of the earth, if it's a boy..."

"Then you just wait to abdicate!"

Gaia's attitude made Zeus, who has become the king of gods, burst into anger.

It was only when he raised his head that he was about to have an attack, he caught a glimpse of Lu Yan, who seemed to be half asleep, which made him calm down.

He was not afraid of Gaia before he took over the authority of the god king, let alone now.

But he didn't get so inflated that he thought he could offend Lu Yan unscrupulously.

After thinking about it, Zeus simply asked Lu Yan: "Master Luoer, after the child is born, can I ask you to eliminate the child's godhead?"

(End of this chapter)

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