From Shusen University

Chapter 315 The Era Belonging to Immortal Cultivators

Chapter 315 The Era Belonging to Immortal Cultivators
"What does it mean?"

Xie Tianyang stared at the man opposite and asked.

As he spoke, his mind turned sharply, speculating on the identity of this man.

Is it the artifact spirit living in this spiritual artifact?Or is it the same dead soul of the Qin Dynasty as the Yin soldiers outside?

He thought so, but the other party ignored him at all, and even squinted his eyes, like sleepwalking.

"If you just want to win me, you don't need to go through so much trouble."

Xie Tianyang said with a serious face: "The power of this spiritual weapon can make my soul go out of my body. If I really just want to win me, the moment I touch the tiger talisman, I should be sucked out of my soul and die."

The man remained silent, just closed his eyes and maintained the posture of waiting to move, motionless.

"...what the hell do you mean?"

Xie Tianyang raised his voice, provoking half-truths, trying to provoke the man to speak.

He already clearly felt that the chess game in front of him was definitely not that simple.

Therefore, before he understands the situation, he will not act rashly.Even if you take a risk, let the other party say something first.

But before he finished speaking, the man raised his eyelids and suddenly opened his eyes.

The other party did not exude any power, but at the moment when the four eyes met, the might and vigor in it seemed to be transformed into substance, and through the gaze directly pressed the soul, Ao Ru Jie Tianyang couldn't help but be silent for an instant.

"It's time for one step, pass the game."

He heard the man talking.Following his words, a soldier in front of him automatically took a step, and then the man stretched out his hand and moved the cart again.

Simultaneously with his chess pieces, the bronze chariot in the main hall launched an impact again, hitting and slamming, the high walls around the inner hall trembled under the impact, and the surrounding soldiers looked like boiling.

After laying down a ball, he returned to the state of the old monk just now, closing his eyes and meditating.

Oh shit.Xie Tianyang cursed in his heart.

Now the rook has gone two steps, and if it moves a little more, it will enter its own territory and start eating its own chess pieces.

The opponent's chess pieces are used to control those Yin soldiers, so these pawns of your own...

Seeing that the opponent had no intention of replying at all, and if he dragged on and wanted to pass the chess again, he could only hold back, stare at the chessboard, and start moving pawns.


At the same time, in the inner hall.

With the impact of the chariot, a slight vibration came from the outside, and the letters on the surrounding shelves trembled, making teeth-stinging friction sounds.

Han Jiangchen held his sword horizontally in front of him, the blade facing the wooden door in front of him, his palms were sweating.

Behind him, Jiang Ling concentrated on the primordial spirit, quickly scanned the letter in front of her, and engraved every word into her mind vigorously.

"In order to fight against the catastrophe of heaven and earth, Shihuang sacrificed hundreds of thousands of monks in the country, so that his cultivation could be refined to the level of transformation, and then he would go on stage."

"In addition to this, he often goes out on tours. The purpose is to stimulate the spiritual veins of various places. With Qin as the center, he will integrate the five main spiritual veins into one, and take all the forces in the world for his own use."

"The scope of this patrol is not limited to land, but also to the sea. The first emperor made five tours in his life, and four times were sea patrols."

"He seems to firmly believe that in addition to the spiritual veins on land, there should also be other spiritual things in the sea, and perhaps there is an 'elixir of life' that can make people become immortals."

"In the 28th year of the first emperor, Xu Fu, a priest under him, proposed to go to the sea to find the immortal medicine for the king, but he returned without success. There is a huge fish monster hindering it, and none of the soldiers I bring are its opponents, so I can't move forward."

After reading this, Jiang Ling's heart skipped a beat.

——This story is also circulated in the current historical circles. Most of them think that Xu Fu's search for the elixir was a lie. In order to prevent the lie from being exposed, he found a reason to deceive the first emperor, but the statement in this book slip...

"After the first emperor learned of this, he immediately marched to the coast of Langya, intending to eliminate this hidden danger with his own hands."

"After it unleashed its power, it did force the monster in the sea to appear. But it's not the fish monster that Xu Fu said, but... a dragon!"

Jiang Ling's expression changed slightly, and she tried her best to put aside all time-consuming mental activities, and turned herself into a ruthless copier, striving for shorthand.

But when she saw this line, she still couldn't help changing color on her face.

People occupy the land and become kings, and dragons enter the water and become emperors.According to the records in this booklet, this is not an ordinary dragon species, but the real head of a hundred scales, the ancestor of ten thousand dragons - its name is Ancestral Dragon!
"...The time is about to be destroyed, the mountains and seas are falling, the eight powers are spitting out poison, the water and fire are about to grow, the sea cruises turn, the mountains collapse, the dragon king plunges into the ravine, and the dragon rolls over the ocean..."

Jiang Ling silently read these descriptions of Zulong.Just by looking at it, one can imagine the demeanor of the king of the sea.Judging by the description, its power may not be inferior to the power of the human race.

"The first emperor and the ancestor dragon met, because the two emperors of the sea and the land met, and disputes are inevitable."

"Although the ancestor dragon is the spirit of heaven and earth, it is no match for the first emperor who has the power of heaven and earth. Not only was he defeated, but his body and soul were also refined by the first emperor and used for his own use."

"Shortly after subduing the Zulong, the First Emperor began to vigorously build the Great Wall. On the basis of the previous city section, he poured immortal magic power into it to make it one. And what connects the Great Wall is from the body of the Zulong. The spiritual power drawn from the dragon body!"

After reading this, Jiang Ling couldn't help shaking her eyes.

This is the line of defense against the catastrophe of heaven and earth built by the first emperor himself, an impregnable national formation.

You must know that even today's Huaguo, which has modern technology and a population of billions, can only build a defensive formation around the city at most, the scope can only reach the city level, and most of them are still unstable experiments.

And this ancient country more than 2000 years ago can actually build a national-level formation?Even leaving aside manpower, how much spiritual energy would it take to complete this?

You must know that although the territory of the Qin Dynasty has not been fully expanded, it can still cover more than [-]% of the area of ​​Huaguo today.

Constructing a large formation on such a scale is a truly unprecedented feat, just like the tens of thousands of soldier souls he refined and the many spiritual palaces he built.

In terms of the development level of cultivating immortals alone, the dynasty of more than 2000 years ago even surpassed the Hua Kingdom today.

Whether it is the quantity and quality of immortal cultivators, the application of spiritual power, and the degree of exploration and control of the power of heaven and earth, they are far superior to today's people.

This was a time of true miracles.

Jiang Ling raised her hand and touched her chest to calm down the fluctuation in her heart.

As I write this, the affairs of the First Emperor's life have come to an end.

The whole article describes what he did to defend against the great catastrophe. In addition to building the Great Wall, which is a national formation, he also commanded millions of monks, built the Tongtian Lingdian, and so on.Only the process of confrontation with the catastrophe was not recorded in the letter.

But the result that can be seen is: after the catastrophe, the monks in the state of Qin were almost wiped out, and the first emperor himself died because of this, at the age of less than fifty.

She closed her eyes slightly, and silently recited what she had just seen.Between the tastes, it seems that you can still see the emperor standing on the top of China, overlooking the mountains and rivers under his feet.

——I am here, I will guard the land and open up the frontiers, wipe out the barbarians, and establish the foundation of my Great Qin Dynasty forever!
——When I die, I will also become a dragon soul, and protect my China forever!
This is his overbearing and arrogance.No one in the world can fall into his eyes, what he loves is only this piece of country he created, this miraculous and brilliant dynasty, this inheritance called Huaxia - he lived and died for this.

After that, Shihuang died for only three years, his aura was exhausted, and Great Qin perished.

The first era belonging to immortal cultivators has come to an end.



Jiang Ling finished the last sentence in her mind and opened her eyes.

The bamboo slips in front of him still maintained the brilliance of an emperor, not at all dim compared to Fang.

This is a kind of Wang Wei across the long river of history.Even after a thousand years, the glory of that emperor has never faded.

Even if she wasn't sure whether all the records in the tablet were true, she still didn't dare to go up to touch the tablet easily, and just stood there meditating.

No matter what the history is, their current situation is that they are besieged in this mausoleum, surrounded by the legacy left by Qin.

The stronger the Great Qin used to be, the more dangerous the situation they are facing now.

You have to find a way to find clues from this.

She tried her best to analyze in her mind, chewing every detail, and thinking about possible breakouts.

If you think about it carefully, there are actually many interesting things in the records in this letter.

For example, since the first emperor blocked everything against the catastrophe, why did he leave this conspicuous above-ground mausoleum and sent so many institutions to guard it?
For another example, do the five spiritual veins that Shihuang was looking for still exist?If so, where is it?Can it still play the original effect?
In addition, what is the form of the catastrophe, and what is the method that Shihuang possessed that can be improved by relying on other people's cultivation?
There are really many questions, but none of them seem to be related to the current predicament.

She tapped her forehead, but she still had no clue, so she could only sigh and turn around, ready to change places with Han Jiangchen who was guarding behind, and see if he could see something.

But just as she turned her head, the shock struck again.

Compared with the previous shocks, the shocks this time were much more violent.

If it was just an impact just now, then the current shaking can be called a small earthquake.

The shaking came without warning, Su Yuzhu next to him fell directly to the ground, Han Jiangchen in front of him tensed up instantly, his face was as gray as iron.

Jiang Ling was also shocked: those Yin soldiers just now seemed to them to be oppressive enough, but they could only shake the inner hall slightly.And now this level is ten times or even a hundred times higher than just now.

No, shaking of this intensity has already exceeded the impact that the Yin soldiers can create.

She was startled suddenly, and immediately realized the truth of her current situation——

It's not just the inner hall being hit, but... the entire mausoleum is shaking!

In the midst of such horror, the three people in the hall suddenly heard some faint voice.

The sound is strange, like the wind singing, like the croaking of a cow, it has the power of a tiger, and it is as beautiful as a bird.

Even if they were foundation builders, no one had ever heard such a voice, which made them slightly stunned.

But just in a moment, Jiang Ling suddenly thought of something.

There is actually another question about the contents of the letter just now, which she did not notice.

——According to records, the Great Wall is a national defense based on the spiritual power of the ancestral dragon.But the only one who really faced the catastrophe was Shihuang.

So, where did Zulong's body go?
Thoughts flashed through her mind like electricity, she suddenly trembled, and quickly realized the nature of the voice.

This is... the sound of the dragon roar!


At the source of the sound, Wu Hao woke up with a strange moan.

He took a few breaths to clear his mind, and tried to get up.But as soon as he raised his eyes, he froze in place.

The first thing that caught his eyes was the "starry sky" above his head.

It was a star map that covered the sky and the sun, covering the entire dome at the head.

Looking carefully, the "stars" are all made of strange stones like night pearls. There is no light source, but they are still as bright as the stars in the real night sky, illuminating the entire space.

Under such starlight, he saw clearly where he was now, and then couldn't help gasping.

The "ground" on which he sits is actually a complete map of Kyushu in the world: high in the northwest and low in the southeast, golden mountains rise up on the ground, and there are brilliant silver rivers flowing between the mountains.Jinshan Yinshui complement each other, and he is sitting on the most central "continent".

After a moment of daze, he suddenly recalled the few words in his high school history textbook.

——The Mausoleum of the First Emperor, with mercury as the rivers, rivers and seas, instilled with the machine, with astronomy on the top, geography on the bottom, and mermaid ointment as a candle, to save the indestructible for a long time...The treasure, the change of machinery, the beauty of the coffin, the official The prosperity of the museum is invincible.

Although most of his essays in high school have been returned to the teacher, he still wrote down these impressive descriptions.

And now, these descriptions came true before his eyes.

The bright silver rivers are exactly the "mercury is the river" recorded in the historical records; as for those golden mountains, they are probably made of bronze.

Now when people think of bronze wares, their minds are probably full of green.But in fact, bronze was called "auspicious gold" in ancient times, only because its surface color was golden when it was just out of the furnace. After long-term exposure to the outside, it was corroded by chlorine ions and various chemical reactions occurred, and it turned green. color.

In other words, this entire space is entirely made of bronze...

Wu Hao shuddered: His last memory was being pulled into the blessed land by touching the bronze tripod... Could it be that he is inside this tripod now?
He hurriedly looked around, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and was the first to see a figure sitting beside him.

It's Yuan Qingqing!

Was she pulled here too?

Seeing this, Wu Hao hurriedly wanted to ask her something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he realized that Yuan Qingqing's state was not right.

At this time, she had also woken up, but she just sat there dumbfounded, with her head raised upwards, as if her sight was caught by something, her whole body remained motionless.

Wu Hao became suspicious, followed her gaze, and immediately understood why she was in a daze.

Because at this moment, a giant shadow was hanging in the center of the star map above their heads, with a huge golden figure entrenched, revealing the disfigured face in the center, staring straight at them with two eyes.

That's a real—dragon!

At the same moment, on the chessboard, a cannon of the man landed on the square, aiming at Xie Tianyang's pawn across the river bank.

There were still two soldiers on his side who hadn't crossed the river and couldn't move left and right. This time he was completely targeted to death.

And it was at this moment that the man smiled slightly and spoke for the first time.

"The two little soldiers are locked by the cannon, no matter how they struggle, how can they escape?"

He looked at Xie Tianyang's tense face, as if he was having fun, and continued leisurely.

"Your two pawns are about to be lost."

 Shihuang's two sentences came from the Internet and were not original, but I was very impressed at the time, and I couldn't find the source after searching for a long time. If there is any infringement, I will delete it immediately.

  In addition, chess originated in the Warring States period, and it did exist in the Qin Dynasty.At that time, there were no artillery, but there were catapults, which is the "cannon" mentioned by Wang Jian in the article, which is also the source of the word "pao" on the chessboard.

(End of this chapter)

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