From Shusen University

Chapter 314 The First Immortal Cultivation University

Chapter 314 The First Immortal Cultivation University
"Judging from the above records, at the beginning of the formation of human civilization, the existence of some extraordinary people has been discovered in the world, and most of them are regarded as religious beliefs, such as the legends of Nuwa mending the sky and Dayu controlling the floods."

"Of course, these are all exaggerated, but it is precisely because of these myths that some people began to really notice the existence of extraordinary power, and Shi Huang was one of them."

"He began to seek the way of immortality since he was a child. After receiving the help of the power of heaven and earth, he began to use this method to cultivate immortal cultivators in batches. Based on this, he established his own power, and thus changed history—this is Daqin the truth."

After reading this, both Han and Jiang looked away in unison, sorting out what they had just seen in their hearts.

The strong foundation of the first emperor is a way to grow himself by relying on the cultivation of others, and it can give people the power to shake the world in a short period of time.

The consequence is that the user will gradually lose the essence of humanity, and become more and more another kind of existence...

For a moment, several people actually felt a chilling feeling.There is no need for direct contact, just imagining that kind of power is already frightening.

What level of existence must a person who possesses this kind of power have?

"Fortunately, this method has been lost now. Otherwise, this world does not know what it will become..."

Jiang Ling whispered to herself, as if comforting herself and the people around her.

But the consolation didn't have much effect, instead she was reminded of something by these words.

Is this kind of cultivation method really lost...

In an instant, many things appeared in her mind, from her childhood experience, to the evil ways of collecting mortal souls she saw during the winter vacation, to the soul-devouring array under her feet now...

Jiang Ling pressed her forehead, feeling that many clues cut her nerves like fragments, and her brain throbbed.

——When you leave here, you must tell the school about this matter.At least, you must tell Teacher Wei.

She secretly thought this in her heart to calm her frantic heartbeat.

Although I don't know if this level of power can be touched in this world, but with the level of an immortal like Mr. Wei, he should be able to get a glimpse of it, right?

Even if there is no reason, she must make herself believe so now.

If even Wei Ze didn't know anything about it, then this matter has really gotten out of control.

While she was thinking, Han Jiangchen beside her also pondered for a moment, and then suddenly spoke.

"If Shihuang really had such a strong ability, why did the Qin Dynasty still fall?"

Jiang Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that she had just overlooked a huge problem.

In the history recorded by the outside world, the first emperor died suddenly on the road when he was less than his destiny, and after that, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rebelled, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu raised troops in Jianghuai, and joined forces to destroy Qin.

But if the present description is true, the first emperor has already mastered the power of heaven and earth, and his powerful monks are among the stars. How could such an emperor and dynasty suddenly disappear?

They turned their eyes back to the bamboo slips in front of them again, chewing on the words one by one, trying to get a glimpse of the clues.

After the statement to the first emperor himself, the middle part is a long paragraph of eulogizing his own achievements.

The famous process of destroying the Six Kingdoms is not far from the outside world, but if you take a closer look, you will find something wrong.

"When the Six Kingdoms were conquered, the First Emperor had already achieved great cultivation. For him at that time, conquering the world was actually no different from killing ants."

"But in fact, he unified the six countries not only to unify the forces, but more importantly..."

Seeing this, both of them couldn't help but move forward and study this part carefully.

According to the statement on the bamboo slips, the first emperor also discovered the place where the spiritual energy in the world is the most prosperous, which is called "spiritual veins".

Just like the heart is to the human body, there are five main spiritual veins distributed in the inland area of ​​the Central Plains, which are also the foundation of the six kingdoms.

This is also the real reason why Shihuang unified the six kingdoms - he wanted to use this to seize the core spiritual veins distributed in the Central Plains, and hold all the spiritual treasures in the world in his hands!
Just like human beings have five viscera and six internal organs, the spiritual pulse of heaven and earth also exists at the core.

According to what the first emperor saw, these five spiritual veins in the Central Plains are where the "heart" of spiritual energy in the world lies.The gathering of the five meridians is to truly hold the spirituality of the world in the palm of your hand.

But this is just a means.As for the purpose of all this, it is——

"In order to fight against... the catastrophe of heaven and earth."

Jiang Ling read the line in a low voice.Although the whole text is an objective description, from the writing, one can feel the sudden change of the writing style here.

If we say that the previous narration was just praising the mighty power of the emperor and praising the No. 1 achievement through the ages, then from here on, the whole chapter began to reveal a sense of determination and sadness.

"After the unification of the six kingdoms, the first emperor never stopped. He built a large number of construction projects outside, but private education was banned inside. The government runs a 'university', teaching the law, using officials as teachers, and learning in the government."

"The 'method' taught by this professor used to be laws and regulations, but now it seems that this is the real fairy law. The teaching method inherits the former "Biyong" (Central University established during the Zhou Dynasty), and selects special talents to concentrate nourish."

"That is to say, this is the earliest Xiuxian University in the world, and it is also the prototype of a modern school. It's just that what is taught is completely controlled by officials. And according to the records, 'If you are not a Shizi, don't dare to learn the school', once you enter the school, it becomes 'Shi Zi', then it is tacitly accepted that it has become the reserve of the Great Qin's combat power, and its essence is to cultivate talents and supply spiritual power for the First Emperor."

"And when the catastrophe comes, these immortal cultivators who are the 'shizi' will be the first batch of sacrifices to be offered to the altar. Their sacrifices will help the first emperor to further improve his cultivation and completely control the great power to fight against the great robbery."

"When writing this account, Shihuang had already foreseen his ultimate destiny - the way of cultivating immortals, which is going against the sky. The aura of heaven and earth opened up people's spiritual wisdom and inner strength, but it was ultimately not tolerated by heaven and earth And he will step on the road paved with the blood of his people, and fight against this fate alone."

"As the most powerful person in the world, he doesn't trust anyone except himself. He believes that only the 'Son of Heaven' can truly have the right to face the world. Therefore, he gathers all the power and influence in himself, and prepares to take on this great power alone. robbery."

"Countless lives, including his own, will evaporate for this. And the remaining people after the catastrophe will proclaim the name of Great Qin for thousands of years—this is the Huaxia land he left behind."

After reading this, both of them couldn't help being silent for a while.Even though it was thousands of years apart, the unruliness in those words still made their hearts tremble.

He is an absolute tyrant who really regards human life as worthless. Countless people are forcibly used as his lambs, labored for his ambitions and even lost their lives.And all of this is just to continue the fire of China.

Countless people piled up a ladder with flesh and blood, and the emperor stepped on this ladder step by step, walking alone on the real path against the sky.

Under his feet are countless wailing souls, and in front of him is the Chinese inheritance that has been established for thousands of years.

That's how he used that god-given power.

"Deprived everyone of the opportunity, in exchange for one person to bear everything..." Jiang Ling whispered in a daze, "This way..."

This approach is tantamount to treating all the people as livestock.

As the owner, naturally he would not consider the livestock.Therefore, the high gods will not consider anything for mortals.

Even if they have the same appearance, the two are not at the same level in essence.The height and eyesight of the gods are destined to see and hear differently from ordinary people.

Instead of cultivating a large number of ordinary monks with free thoughts, it is better to create a real "god" - this is the choice of the Qin Dynasty.

Time has passed, and the merits and demerits of thousands of years can only be said by future generations.

"...In my opinion, Shi Huang's approach is the best way."

Jiang Ling turned her head, looked towards the source of the voice, and found that it was Su Yuzhu who was talking next to her.

"Since the catastrophe of heaven and earth is always coming, it is impossible for ordinary mortals to have the will and strength to fight against heaven and earth. In the face of the catastrophe, instead of spending energy and effort to guide them and risk investing resources in them, it is better to directly transform them into part of the resource."

He seemed to be nervous and wanted to talk to relieve his emotions, and he hadn't had a chance to intervene just now, and now that the two of them were silent, he suddenly spoke out.

This remark may be unintentional, but it made the two people in front of them turn their eyes away.

Such a few words popped up suddenly, if they were normal, they would definitely go back, but they just finished reading the book, and they couldn't say it.

In the end, it was Han Jiangchen who spoke first and only said one sentence.

"However, the Qin Dynasty was finally destroyed."

One sentence directly choked him back, Su Yuzhu stood there, his face turned blue and white, while Jiang Ling next to him turned his eyes back to the letter again, and looked at the words on it again.

Out of unknown psychology, she paid more attention to the "university" part described above.This part is quite long, listing the names of a series of famous experts, and the explanation is quite detailed.

"According to the records, most of the teachers who taught 'Shi Zi' in the Xiuxian University in the Qin Dynasty were officials. Since the essence was to prepare for war, there were many teachers who were on the battlefield, that is, the immortals around the first emperor. Those who are powerful."

"Among them, the most famous ones are the father and son Wang Jian and Wang Ben."

She read on, and combined with the historical knowledge she usually saw, she roughly figured out the identities of these two people.

"Among them, Wang Ben was one of the most valiant immortal cultivators under the King of Qin. He was the main general in the war of destroying the six kingdoms. He even destroyed the three kingdoms of Wei, Yan and Qi. Whenever he appeared on the field, the soldiers were all encouraged. Even after he died in the battle, his body and soul remained. To guard the battle spirit..."

Just looking at these descriptions, one can feel the aura of that famous general rushing towards his face.But after reading this, she suddenly had a strange association.

This series of records seems to be consistent with the golden man and Yin soldier outside.

Could it be that the soul of the golden man who was refined came from this famous general Wang Ben?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it can explain the power of the golden man just now.

But this is not good news for them.

People who can be mentioned in the records of the first emperor, even as immortal cultivators, must be geniuses among geniuses-that is the general who even destroyed the Three Kingdoms, and modern students like them cannot compare in terms of cultivation and combat skills.

And now, they are being chased and intercepted by such existence
She suppressed the uneasiness and continued on.

"As for Wang Jian, he is more of a veteran counselor who is extremely good at using troops. After the first emperor conquered the six kingdoms, he retreated bravely, no longer fought, and even ignored the affairs of the court."

"There are rumors that his philosophy was inconsistent with that of the first emperor. In order to prevent being held accountable by the first emperor, he left the imperial court and hid himself in the academy. He became a school inspector in the name of an ordinary official."

Jiang Ling sorted it out in her heart, turned her head slowly, and searched for the name "Wang Jian" in the description of the letter.

And she did find it.In this account of the first emperor, apart from his military exploits, there is only one mention of Wang Jian.

——"Good chess."



Xie Tianyang slowly opened his eyes, and there was a somewhat blurred figure in the center of his field of vision.

He supported his forehead and shook his head, so that his somewhat chaotic mind came to his senses, and he began to recall what happened just now.

The last memory seems to be that he himself jumped onto the altar, preparing to snatch the tiger charm held by the bronze man, so as to seize control of the Yin soldiers.

But the moment he touched that thing, before he could input his spiritual power, an irresistible pulling sensation hit his face, his eyes went dark, and he had already arrived here when he regained consciousness.

Xie Tianyang squinted, his vision gradually focused, and then his eyes suddenly opened wide.

Because what was in front of him at this time was not any of his familiar classmates, but a middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a beard like a halberd.

The man was about the age of destiny, wearing a robe-style official uniform, sitting right in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"I don't think there are descendants who dare to touch this Yinhu Talisman..."

Xie Tianyang subconsciously turned backwards: "Who?"

It was precisely because of this wrong body that he noticed one thing.

At this time, under his feet, he didn't know when it was already criss-crossing-looking carefully, it turned out to be a chessboard.

"Cultivators use chess to discuss Taoism, and this chess is a fusion of military tactics." The man in official uniform stretched out his hand towards the chessboard, "They are all practitioners, since they are here by fate, why not play a game first?"

"Wait, answer my question first!" Xie Tianyang shouted, "What game? At least tell me what your background is and what has it to do with this spiritual weapon..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the man in official uniform stretch out his hand and gently put it on the chessboard.

With his movements, the chessboard seemed to become transparent instantly, showing the scenery in the underground spiritual hall just now.

Through the perspective under the transparent plate, he found that he seemed to be suspended above the spirit hall at this time, looking at the entire hall from a bird's-eye view.

He saw the inner hall that appeared, saw the group of Yin soldiers surrounding the gate of the hall, and even saw himself standing on the altar—the figure stood there holding the tiger talisman, with a blank expression, as if It seems to have become a part of the surrounding bronze statues.

He instantly realized his current situation—could it be that his soul was caught in the spirit weapon the moment he touched the tiger talisman just now?
That is to say, the man in front of him is also a remnant soul living in this spiritual weapon?
Before he could figure it out, he saw the man push forward with one hand, and moved the "car" chess piece on the board a step.

And following this move, the sound of gold and iron resounded impressively among the Yin soldiers in the Spirit Hall.

Among the soldiers, a chariot guarded by the pawns rushed forward with the chess pieces, and hit the gate of the inner hall heavily, failing to break through the barrier, but it also made it shake for a while.

At the same moment, the three of Han Jiangsu who were looking at the bamboo slips in the inner hall stood up suddenly. The vibration from the wall made their nerves tense instantly, and they looked around vigilantly.

"Those Yin soldiers are going to attack?" Su Yuzhu exclaimed, "They obviously didn't just now..."

"Not just now, but now it is."

Jiang Ling bit her lip, and said to Han Jiangchen next to her, "Before they invade, I will invoke the Yuanshen to write down all the things on this letter... This thing is probably very important. When I read it, you first Keep an eye on what's going on outside."

Han Jiangchen agreed, stood up and turned to the door, pulled Su Yuzhu to the back, and tightened his sword hand.


At the same moment, in the "overlook" space, the man's hand slowly moved away from the "car" chess piece.

"Please." He stretched out his hand and pointed to the chessboard.

Xie Tianyang stared fixedly at the scene under the chessboard.With his mind, of course he could see the essence of this so-called "chess game" at a glance.

This is the real means by which this spiritual weapon manipulates the Yin Soldiers.At this moment, he was drawn into this game, which was a real life-and-death situation.

He gritted his teeth secretly, didn't ask any more questions, just sat cross-legged in front of the chessboard, but the moment he saw the chess board clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The chess pieces of the man opposite are indeed like normal chess.But the chess pieces on his side, except for the "handsome" one in the middle - are all pawns!
(End of this chapter)

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