Chapter 308

"Spirit man?"

The word that came out suddenly made Han Jiang and both of them slightly startled.

"What is a spirit person?" Jiang Ling asked immediately.

The young man named Su Yuzhu glanced at her, three points of contempt, seven points of disgust.

"What is a spirit person?" Han Jiangchen asked again.

Su Yuzhu looked at him, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"You don't know?"

Su Yuzhu pondered for a moment, looking at the two people in front of him, as if he was thinking about the relationship between the two.

But before he could speak, he heard footsteps suddenly sounded from behind.

The security personnel of the park have arrived.

Arriving at the same time as them, there were also a group of professionals who came out of the special car at the door, carrying various boxes and tools. They had the national emblem of Huaguo and the logo of the Cultural Relics Bureau on their bodies. They were archaeological experts sent by the government to assist in the development of the ancient tomb.

In addition to them, there were three other familiar shadows there—Xie Tianyang, Wu Hao, and Yuan Qingqing who participated in this operation.

This is the team that developed the Mausoleum of the First Emperor this time.Immediately after Han and Jiang, the large troops also arrived.

"That kid!"

Looking at the scene, Old Li, who was helped to the chair by Han Jiangchen just now, covered his waist with one hand, pointed at Su Yuzhu over there with the other, and said, "That kid is digging the tomb! He happened to be stopped by those two Kunlun students!"

Without saying a word, the security guards came up and surrounded Su Yuzhu.

"How did you get into the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?" The security captain stepped forward and asked seriously, "What did you steal?"

As soon as he saw this group of people, Su Yuzhu's expression of disgust and vigilance immediately returned to his face, he stared at them, and spoke in an unkind manner.

"Steal what? Didn't get it at all!"

"Didn't get it?" The team leader frowned, "Then what are you doing, you bastard?"

"Going around in the tomb passage, I didn't catch anything, can't I?"

The team leader asked him a few more questions, but without exception, he stopped him back with a stiff neck, insisting that he didn't take anything.

After several times, the patience of these security guards was almost at the limit, and they were about to take the person away according to the procedure, when Jiang Ling, who was listening, suddenly spoke.

"Wait a minute, I have an idea."

Jiang Ling raised her hand to interrupt everyone, then turned to Su Yuzhu and asked, "According to what you said just now, have you ever entered this mausoleum?"

Su Yuzhu snorted, "So what?"

She still had the same stinky face of indifference, but this time Jiang Ling thought about it, and actually waved away the surrounding security guards.

"If we want to enter the mausoleum this time, we need a multi-directional survey and a full assessment of the surrounding terrain before we can find where to start."

"But since this person has already entered once and came out intact, it shows that he is familiar with the situation inside. Then his experience inside may be used in this operation."

This thought was sudden and bold, and the surrounding security guards were also surprised: "You... want to protect him?"

"We're not close to him, so we'll keep him safe." Jiang Ling shook her head, "However, since you have the experience you already have, it's not in vain. Wait until he finishes what he has to say, and then return it to you guys." .”

Several security guards looked at each other, but they agreed in the end.

Attempted tomb robbery is not enough for sentencing.And judging by the boy's appearance, he might still be protected by the Law on the Protection of Minors. If he is taken back, he will be locked up in a juvenile detention center for a few days, under the name of Kunlun University, so it's fine to hand it over temporarily.

So as soon as the security guards registered the situation and reported it to the management office, they dispersed.Only those archaeologists and the five Kunlun University members who were ready to participate in the operation were left on the field.

At this time, those archaeologists had already started working around.

They unloaded strange archaeological instruments such as remote sensing spectrometers, ground transmission radars, and mercury vapor detectors from the special vehicle, and surrounded the mausoleum to measure terrain, spread out shading cloths, and seal tools to control temperature and humidity.

In addition to the first time, the team also followed some commissioners sent by the anomalous bureau to measure the distribution of environmental spiritual power around the imperial tomb, and based on these spectral results, they selected sites and arrays, preparing to use barriers to separate the air and attribute spiritual power for the project. Prevent external pollutants from entering the mausoleum and destroying the internal environment of the mausoleum.

Professional archaeology is not just about digging down with a Luoyang shovel.

The ancient cultural relics in the tomb are extremely fragile, and the entry of air, changes in temperature and humidity, and lighting conditions are all things that archaeologists must consider.

In today's era, changes in the spiritual power of the environment must also be included.Before excavation, it must be fully arranged.

The development of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum is too important, no one dares to miss the details.

When the executives lined up along the mausoleum, Xie Tianyang was always standing in their team, measuring and drawing symbols, helping them adjust the enchantment nodes around them.

Since this operation was finalized, he has been in charge of negotiating with the Abnormal Bureau.He can't get involved in archaeological matters, but in this field of spiritual power, he can be said to flex his muscles.

Just look at him standing there pointing Jiangshan to stimulate the words, directing a group of people around, just like a captain.

The sky cleared and the rain stopped, Xie Tianyang felt that he was doing well again.

While he was coordinating the scene, Wu Hao and Yuan Qingqing who followed had already entered the mausoleum area.

In front of them, Jiang Ling and Han Jiangchen carried the young man named Su Yuzhu over, as if they were carrying a chick.

Su Yuzhu stood in the center of the four people, sizing up the group of people one by one, still with a vigilant expression.

"An unexpected harvest, like catching a grave-digging guide."

Jiang Ling briefly introduced the situation to her companions, and then turned to him and said, "Tell me, what did you see in the mausoleum? You should have seen it just now. You can't lie in front of me."

As soon as these words came out, Su Yuzhu squinted his eyes, and his eyes flashed like a trapped beast.

However, as the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are the best. After thinking for a while, he finally opened his mouth.

"Why are you with these people?" This question was asked to Han Jiangchen.

Han Jiangchen was puzzled by the nonsensical words he asked, "What?"

"If I'm not wrong..." Su Yuzhu pondered for a moment, "You should be able to see the form of spiritual power, right?"

Not only Han Jiangchen, but the expressions of the people next to him changed slightly: "You know?"

"I'll know it as soon as I smell it." Su Yuzhu still ignored the others, and only said to Han Jiangchen: "The smell on your body is different from those people."

The three surrounding Wu, Yuan, and Jiang all showed puzzled expressions, and at the same time, Han Jiangchen was also thinking.

With these two sentences, he already understood the background of this young man.

"Can you smell spiritual power?"

"That's it. You are the same as me. You are all 'spiritual beings' chosen by the aura of heaven and earth." Su Yuzhu admitted straightforwardly, "Did you also reach a deal with these people to help them?"

"They are my classmates." Han Jiangchen said, "We came together, it's not a deal."

This time, Su Yuzhu was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of thought, as if he was thinking about the meaning of the word "classmate".

"Why did you enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?" Han Jiangchen continued to ask.

"Someone hired me and asked me to find something for them." Su Yuzhu stared at the people next to him and put his hands in his arms, "They gave me this and asked me to find something with the same smell as it ..."

He stopped halfway through his movements, and the expression on his face turned into surprise: "Wait...why is it gone?"

For the first time, a flustered look appeared in Su Yuzhu's eyes: "How could it be gone? Obviously..."

As he spoke, he moved his nose and sniffed around, as if he wanted to smell some clues.

Several people were confused by his clues, so Jiang Ling next to him seemed to see something, thought for a while, and then suddenly spoke to Su Yuzhu.

"It seems that you left something important in the mausoleum." Jiang Ling said, "You just mentioned the deal, how about this?"

"Tell us what you know and show us the way. In exchange, we'll help you find what you're looking for. Otherwise, with your own abilities, you probably won't be able to handle the situation in the mausoleum." Bar."

Su Yuzhu was stunned, staring at the few people in front of him, thinking for a while, as if he was weighing carefully.

"If this is not the case, you will have to be taken away by the police now." Yuan Qingqing said, "In that case, you may never be able to get your things back."

Su Yuzhu's face froze, and he glanced at Han Jiangchen next to him, then nodded slowly.

"Since there are spirits who are willing to be with you, then I will trust you for now." Su Yuzhu looked at several people, "What do you want to know?"

"The way you entered the mausoleum, your experience, and the situation in the tomb." Jiang Ling said, "Just like I asked just now, what did you see in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?"

When she asked this sentence, Su Yuzhu's expression suddenly changed, as if recalling some nightmare, her face turned pale.

"In there..."

As if he was afraid of disturbing something, he subconsciously glanced back at the Mausoleum of the First Emperor covered by green plants, and even lowered his voice on purpose.

"The people in the tomb...are alive!"



In the next few minutes, everyone listened to Su Yuzhu's narration in a solemn atmosphere.

As he said, the incident started more than half a month ago when he was entrusted with a small bronze vessel, which seemed to be a part of a spiritual vessel.

His nose can detect the fineness of spiritual power.And the fluctuation of spiritual power on this small cover alone surpassed all the spiritual things he had heard before, which surprised him very much.

The consignor said that this is an artifact from the pre-Qin period, perhaps one of the earliest surviving spiritual artifacts, and the original object is suspected to be in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

His task is to use his own ability to find the original object corresponding to this fragment according to the "smell" of the aura above.

So, Su Yuzhu followed the group of people to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor in Ancheng.He's never done anything like this before, but
The person who brought him here seems to have a certain level of cultivation.One night seventeen days ago, using illusion and other special means, the group easily bypassed the monitoring and management personnel of the cemetery.

This is not difficult to do, after all, this place is sparsely populated, coupled with the mental paralysis caused by years of security, the vigilance is not very strict.

Relying on the ability of his companions, they quickly located the target location, dug through the rammed earth on the surface, opened a robbery hole that was big enough for people to pass through, and sealed the ground with a special technique, so that no one could see it from outside. can not tell.

Then, there is a process similar to the ordinary tomb robbery story.

They entered through the tomb passage, and they encountered crossbow arrows, quicksand and even poisonous insects along the way, and even saw the bones of the previous tomb robbers, but the dangers were all resolved by the companions with superb means, and the group quickly passed through the passage. At the entrance of the main mausoleum.

According to his description, this gate complies with the iron rule of the ancients that "servants are like serving the dead", with a long back and high eaves, and a royal air. According to his description, several people roughly imagined it as an underground palace. The day///Anmen.

Su Yuzhu was also very shocked at that time, but compared to this, he still noticed something more important - from behind the huge breast-nailed copper door, there was a strong smell of spiritual power!

This discovery made him and his companions very excited, and a group of people immediately began to pry open the door, preparing to seize the treasure and run away.

The door is very heavy, even for a person with spiritual power, it is not easy to pry it open.

It took them an hour or so to pry the door open a crack, and the leader ordered Su Yuzhu to probe in and smell it first, to make sure if it had the same smell as the treasure in his hand.

Su Yuzhu complied.He was already thin, so he could easily squeeze his face into the crack of the door.

Then, he saw it through the crack of the door.

Behind the gate, a figure was walking.

I don't know if he sensed his arrival, but at the moment when he focused his gaze, those figures all turned their heads in unison.

In the darkness, those figures were just like pieces of sword shadows, and their facial features could not even be seen, but the pairs of eyes were extremely clear—hundreds of eyes emerged from the darkness, through the narrow crack of the door , staring straight at him.

No matter how courageous he was, he was frightened by this scene and burst into a cold sweat, and couldn't help crying.

His performance also alarmed his companions who got up, and immediately someone told him not to scream, and wanted to push him away.

He also wanted to pull his face back, but for some reason, he just felt as if something was sucking his eyes. No matter how he pulled it out, he couldn't move his face away from the crack of the door, and almost wiped his face. Tear it off together, still to no avail.

The companions also seemed to have noticed his abnormality, and came up to help him several times to no avail, so they could only start from the gate again, preparing to pry open the gate completely and "pull" him out.

Su Yuzhu was caught between the gates, he had no choice but to let them pry them open, closed his eyes and tried not to look at the situation in the crack of the gate, while thinking about what he saw just now.

But after thinking about it, the voice of the work began to lower until it completely disappeared.

He didn't notice it, so he stretched out his hand to touch the surroundings, and then found that there was no human body in the surroundings.

Within a few seconds of prying open the door, his companion, who was still a cultivated companion, disappeared without warning and without a sound.

He stayed alone in this damp and cold millennium ancient tomb, and was "sucked" to the gate.

Even as a tomb robber, this should be the most tragic way to die.He was at a loss in the gap, but another strange sound came from his ear.

Obviously there is nothing around, but there seems to be a strange sound echoing in my ears for a moment: it is like the sound of old-fashioned wooden wheels running over the ground, creaking and creaking.

An unusual smell rushed into his nose, and the hairs all over his body stood on end, trying to struggle for something.But the next moment, he lost consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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