Chapter 307

Seven days ago, Lintong District outside Ancheng, Lishan, Qinshihuang Mausoleum.

As the situation was notified in advance, the entire area around the cemetery has entered a state of blockade, including the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses a few kilometers away, which has been closed, leaving only a few people working in the management office of the park.

Different from those general mausoleums that are completely placed under the ground in accordance with the principle of "putting into the soil is safe", half of the building of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is located on the surface, with a thick seal on the surface. From the outside, it looks like a triangular green tomb. Big mound.

Since the emperor's mausoleum was accidentally discovered, the Bureau of Cultural Heritage immediately listed it as a national key cultural relic protection unit, and Ancheng City even listed it as a key city planning, becoming an important part of the city's tourist attractions that cannot be ignored.

After decades of planning and protection, a green belt has been preserved near the mausoleum, and stone roads and statues and steles have been built. If it were not for the stone pillar engraved with "Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang" at the gate, it would make people feel that this is a mausoleum. City Forest Park.

For most outsiders, the most famous part of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit Museum of world civilization.But in fact, it was just the most ordinary burial pit.

However, the main body of the mausoleum is rarely visited because it cannot be developed, and even the tourist coupons rarely include this place.

Because even if they enter, most people can only see an ordinary big mound, which is really meaningless.

But today, this place has ushered in several special "guests".

Two figures passed through the turnstile at the door, a man and a woman, walked forward along the stone path, stopped under the stone carved statue of King Qin Yingzheng, and took advantage of this best viewing angle to look into the distance.

"Is this what you said, the place where the spiritual winds in the city gather?"

Jiang Ling turned her head and asked Han Jiangchen next to her.

It is a major event at the national level to move the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and the entire system of the Cultural Relics Bureau is now preparing for it.And the two of them, as members of the intelligence department of Kunlun University and members who are about to participate in this operation, naturally need the first wave to confirm the situation.

Han Jiangchen was also staring at the "mound" in front of him. After a long time, he nodded slowly: "This is the place. The wind is entering the mountain."

"That is to say, the spiritual power overflowing from the inner demon disaster in the city is indeed gathered here."

Jiang Ling looked back and said to herself: "I don't know if those casters are still here. If this disaster is really man-made, maybe 'they' are still here..."

The previous assassination incident was still vivid in her memory, but in her memory, such incident had happened more than once.

If the mastermind this time is really the same gang as the previous assassins.So in the end, she still couldn't avoid the word "kill".

Either to kill, or... to be killed.

Thinking of this, her heart began to tremble again, and she clenched her fists unconsciously.Seen by Han Jiangchen next to him, he was silent for a moment, and then suddenly opened his mouth.

"When the time comes, I will protect you."

Jiang Ling was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head suddenly, she could see the seriousness on his face.

"...Do you know what you're talking about?" Jiang Ling looked at him, "You saw it the other day, it might be... murderous."

Han Jiangchen nodded: "I know."

It's rare that Jiang Ling was left speechless by his words.

She and those eyes looked at each other, and there was a long silence on both sides, and then, she suddenly laughed out loud.

"Hey, when did our Junior Brother Han become so powerful?" She smiled, and put her hand on his shoulder carelessly, "Speaking of which, you are still two levels behind me in cultivation, right? Overwhelmed the old man?"


Han Jiangchen choked on a word, and stood there for a long time, unable to figure out how to answer it.But Jiang Ling saw his embarrassment, and immediately put down her hands, and turned the topic back sharply.

"Okay, anyway, at least the target of this time is determined now, right? Since this area may be a gathering place for monsters, we must first ask the manager here to see if he has seen anything— —Hey, keep up!"

As she spoke, she walked briskly forward, her usual bright smile returning to her face.The smile fell into Han Jiangchen's eyes, and he suddenly felt relieved, and then he followed behind without saying anything, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the cemetery management office, the security room.

"Hey, hey, okay, someone will come to take over the cemetery later, right? I know."

The half-white-haired old security guard put down his phone, took a sip from the thermos cup on the table, put on his coat, and was about to walk out the door.

The security guard's surname is Li. After retirement, he has nothing to do, so he came to this imperial mausoleum scenic spot to work as a security guard. He is called Lao Litou here.

Except for peak tourist hours, this Lishan Park is rarely visited by people, and it is close to beautiful mountains and rivers. In a sense, it can be regarded as a good place for the elderly.

Although he is a security guard in name, but because the passenger flow is too small, his work on weekdays is to patrol, clean up the park and so on, and have a free time.

As a result, for the past few days, he was living comfortably in the field outside the city, when suddenly there was news of a disaster in the city.In just one day, the order to block the cemetery arrived shortly thereafter.

All the original management personnel were mobilized to go to the meeting, and only he, the old security guard, was left to guard at the end, saying that he wanted to monitor some elephant activities.As a result, the monster was nowhere to be seen, but the man had already arrived.

According to the phone call, next, this place will be handed over to the "Kunlun University" cultivator. Maybe this big mound that has been standing for thousands of years will be pried open this time.

Although he lived an almost pastoral life, he had heard the name of Kunlun University.The real cultivators are about to come, so something big will happen to this place.

If this mausoleum is really pried open, will I not be able to be a security guard in the future?
He was keenly aware of this, and immediately decided to take advantage of this last time to take a good look at this small park for the last time, which can be regarded as the end of these years.After staying here for a long time, the dead also have feelings, and they can be regarded as the first emperor's guards with swords, even though they are guarding a dead emperor.

He was thinking well in his heart, but as soon as he went out, he walked around the corner, and a figure lying on the ground bumped into his eyes.


Old Li raised his eyebrows thickly, and murmured in his heart.There are few people standing here, so why is there someone lying down?
Although this place is a mausoleum, it is probably due to the presence of the emperor's dragon spirit, and nothing strange has ever happened. Could it be that this juncture gave him a ghost in broad daylight?

Old Li thought to himself, holding a baton in his hand, and cautiously approached the figure, his rubber shoes making a slight creaking sound as they stepped on the branches on the ground.

Probably awakened by the sound, the figure on the ground moved slightly and slowly got up.

Looking at his face, he was actually a half-grown boy, who looked like he was seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing an old jacket with some cysts, his body and face were covered with mud, and there seemed to be a few wounds mixed in.

He blinked and looked at the surrounding scenery in a daze, as if he had just woken up from a coma.

It wasn't until he saw Old Li's head over there that he opened his eyes wide, showing a look of full vigilance.

"Monkey baby, why are you lying here?"

Old Li ran up, scratched his head and asked him.The boy stared at him, shrugged his nose, as if he smelled something, and then his vigilance became more serious.

"Could you be that Kunlun University student?" Old Li scratched his head, "Why didn't you come and tell me?"

The boy still ignored him, he just got up and patted the dirt on his body.

"You are looking for the wrong person." The young man said coldly, as if he was about to go out.

"Hey, which one are you? You're an earthy person, and there's no one following you..."

Old Li saw that this was wrong, and was about to ask a few more questions when he glanced at it, but saw something unusual in front of him.

A soil hole, about the size of more than one person, and the pictures dug out around it are still very fresh, probably not long after it was dug.Because the surrounding vegetation is dense, that is to say, his eyes are sharp, otherwise it would be really difficult to see without looking closely.

"This is... you came out of here just now?"

The expression on Old Li's face changed drastically.After all, it was the custodian of the mausoleum, and he immediately understood what it was.

——A robbery hole!
Throughout the ages, the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang has been haunted by countless tomb robbers, and there are thousands of robbery caves found nearby.

However, after the re-planning was included in the urban project, all the original robbery holes had been filled in. In a society under the rule of law, few tomb robbers would dare to do such a conspicuous job.

It's the 21st century, and someone would go to the forest park to dig the emperor's grave?Still at this point in time?And with so many people in the management office, why didn't they find out what was going on under their noses?

Old Li's tone changed, and he stretched out his hand to pull the boy: "Don't go! Tell me first..."

It's good that he didn't move, just as soon as he moved, he saw the young man's eyes flashed, his hands trembled, and two cold lights came out of his hands, and he shot at Old Li's head as soon as he saw it!

Old Li was startled, and hurried to the side to hide, two sharpness brushed past him, and slammed into the tree behind him—it turned out to be two darts that are rare in modern times!
That is to say, he has the foundation of training when he was young, and escaped by conditioned reflex.But after all, he was old, with such a large movement, he stumbled and fell to the ground, with a click on his waist, grinning and twisting his body, unable to stand up.

The young man didn't seem to intend to kill him either. Seeing Old Li's head fell to the ground, he immediately ran forward, quickly pulled back the dart nailed to the tree with one hand, and then ran towards the side door.

"Catch... catch the thief!!"

Old Li saw that he was about to run away, and there was no one around, so he couldn't chase him. He didn't have any help for a while, and he couldn't even touch the alarm button, so he could only hold his waist in place and subconsciously screamed.

"Catch the thief! Catch the tomb robber!!"



"Catch the thief! There are grave robbers!!"

The shout came suddenly, and Jiang Ling and Han Jiangchen, who were walking towards the management office, were slightly taken aback.

The two looked at each other, and immediately flew forward together, and after a few breaths, they saw the old Li who had fallen to the ground in front of him.

"Tomb robber! That kid over there is here to rob the tomb!" Seeing that someone really came here, Old Li pointed to the front and said, "Don't tell him to run away!"

"...tomb robber?"

Han Jiang and the two looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, they saw a figure running towards the outside.Although he is not tall and thin, he ran surprisingly fast this time, and he almost ran to the door in such a short while.

Both of them made a decisive decision. Jiang Ling rushed forward immediately, while Han Jiangchen stayed where he was, supporting Old Li's head with one hand, but with the other hand he had already pulled out the spirit sword behind his back and threw it out with a single swing.

The sound of the wind came, and the boy glanced sideways, and saw a cold light flashing in front of his eyes, and nailed to the wall in front of him with a sound.

The sword was a few meters away from him, and it was obvious that he kept his hand.Even so, the sharpness on it made him tremble all over, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, breaking out in cold sweat.

A few seconds ago, he was very confident in his skills.But now, compared with this spirit sword, the hidden flying knife weapon he is proud of is like a play!

While he was in a daze, he suddenly realized that he couldn't move his whole body.

In the next second, the dizziness in the depths of his brain struck, his feet went limp and he fell to the ground, and in the suddenly lowered field of vision, a figure stood in front of him at some point.

"At this juncture, come here to steal and dig the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?"

He tried his best to raise his head, and saw Jiang Ling facing him with arms folded, with a kind smile on her face.And Han Jiangchen had already settled down the old Li head over there, and he also walked towards this side, raised his hand and made a move, and the spirit sword returned his hand again.

Under normal conditions, facing an outsider, of course they would not be so violent.

But at this point in time, just after the demon disaster in Ancheng, and the cemetery is all closed, suddenly appearing here to rob the tomb at this time, if it is just a coincidence, the first emperor would have to lift the coffin.

"Tell me, who are you? Where are your accomplices?" Jiang Ling squinted at him, "It's impossible for you to do such an important tomb alone?"

The boy snorted, turned his head and said, "None of your business."

"Oh? Is that so?" Jiang Ling smiled more kindly, "I'll ask you again, who are you? Where is the person who came with you?"

The young man pursed his lips, with a face that would rather die than surrender.

But as soon as he turned his head, he met the light in Jiang Ling's eyes.

".Su Yuzhu."

"The people who came with me... all died in the mausoleum."

He finished answering Jiang Ling's two questions with slack eyes, and then suddenly came back to his senses, with horror on his face: "What did you do to me?!"

"Just like what you saw just now." Jiang Ling folded her arms and said, "Other things, do you say it yourself, or do I let you say it?"

"You..." Su Yuzhu stared at her and cursed, "You... witch!"

As soon as he said this, he felt the air behind him suddenly become cold, and when he subconsciously turned around, he saw Han Jiangchen standing there, looking at him coldly with those pitch-black eyes.

It's hard to imagine such a look on his face, even Jiang Ling has never seen him like this.

But now all signs are proving that he was indeed angered.Just by glancing over like this, the surrounding air pressure seems to have dropped.

Su Yuzhu shivered unintentionally, but at the same time, he seemed to be instantly attracted.

Even though he was afraid of Han Jiangchen's power, he still stared fixedly at those eyes—the abnormally dark eyes that seemed to merge with the pupils.

"You too…"

Su Yuzhu hesitated for a moment, but the hostility on his face did not increase but decreased: "Are you also... a spirit person?"

(End of this chapter)

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