From Shusen University

Chapter 292 The Battle of Ancheng

Chapter 292 The Battle of Ancheng

8 minutes after the alarm sounded, in the hall of the Tactical Center of the Anjo City Anomaly Bureau.

The hall has already gathered all the senior management of the executive department in Quan'an City.At this time, the gate was opened, and the crowd outside walked in in groups. One group wore military uniforms, and the other group had the Yin-Yang emblem tattooed on their chests.

After the support troops arrived, the commanders were immediately notified to gather here; in addition, the Kunlun University Student Union has issued a summons order to all the students who are still in the city. Another 86 people responded, and now they are all assembled here.

During the holidays, many students have returned home. Now that Ancheng is closed, they are powerless to help.It can be said that the students standing here are all the hands that the university can mobilize in response to the current situation.

"Thank you for coming. Time is tight, so there is no delay. Now I will start to introduce the basic strategy of the monster cleaning operation in the city."

The commander wearing the logo of the Abnormal Bureau in front of the hall coughed twice, lit up the laser pointer in his hand, and clicked on the big screen behind him.

"According to the currently known information, the monster 'White Elephant' we faced this time is itself polluting. It is tentatively inferred that there is a special spiritual toxin in the body, which acts on the primordial spirit and will cause a soul reaction similar to mental paralysis. Causing madness."

"During the battle, the monster will release this toxin at any time. With the current concentration of the toxin, ordinary people will have the risk of being contaminated if they approach; at the same time, it has been confirmed that after the monster is completely killed, all the toxins contained in its body are gone. It will spread to the ambient aura and infect people within the range—the only good news is that there is no sign of human-to-human transmission.”

"In addition, there are more than 1 elves appearing in various parts of the city, most of them are level 2 to level 3 little monsters, but when they are attacked, these little monsters will fuse with each other to form a level 4 monster. , and even level [-] monsters, the potency and density of the toxin will increase accordingly."

"Therefore, based on this information, our current proposed tactics are shown in the diagram."

The commander pressed the remote control, and a map of Ancheng City was displayed on the projection screen. Pieces of red circles of light lit up like stars above the map. According to the number and distribution of roads, they were divided into more than [-] small areas.

According to the level of spiritual power response, the color of the aperture is different, and the overall faint formation of a big ring.

"According to the previously divided battle groups, according to the high density, every two to four groups are responsible for an area. The monsters below level 1 can be directly exterminated, and the monsters of level 2 and above can be driven to the southeast air defense refuge. If people are killed, the execution department will set up a pure heart purification array there in advance, confine the pollution within the enchantment range, and prevent the toxins of the demon from leaking out after death."

The commander in uniform put down the remote control and looked around the audience: "This is the current strategy. Do you have any questions?"

There was a few seconds of silence, and then a hand was raised from the crowd.

"As I said just now, monsters will gather with each other, and their strength will also increase exponentially. In this way, if they are gathered together, wouldn't it make all the monsters merge into one. It becomes a collection of nearly a thousand monsters. Is your big demon gone?"

"Yes, that's exactly it." The commander was noncommittal, "So, in the process of besieging, we must limit the distribution of the monster's poison and at the same time weaken its individual strength. It can also be suppressed within a controllable range, and after that."

"After that, we will be responsible for killing this monster."

All the soldiers on the field turned their heads in unison, looking at the young man who had answered the conversation.Throwing the chess piece in his hand, he stood beside the armed commander, on a platform at the same height as the latter.

In front of these veterans, the face was so young that it was almost naive, but his momentum was not inferior at all, and he did not have the slightest stage fright in the face of hundreds of veterans on the battlefield.

Now he represents the students of Kunlun University.

"Due to the characteristics of monsters, it is more effective than collective fire coverage and one-point powerful attacks, and it can also maximize the avoidance of casualties."

Xie Tianyang faced the crowd and said: "We will gather the most cutting-edge cultivators in the school to kill the big monster that finally merges, as long as we keep the blockade, weaken the monster power of individual little monsters as much as possible, and create this last chance for us. "

"Then, I'm going to thank you, my classmates." The commander nodded slowly, "This is the best plan at present after comprehensive consideration. Of course, the backup plan is also in place. If the final kill fails, we will consider using tactical missiles for long-range positioning strikes .”

He turned back and announced to the soldiers in front of him again: "This is the end of the strategic discussion. Now, everyone starts to act!"

The voice has not dissipated, but the voice has already started.

People in military uniforms stood up from their seats, walked quickly to the door without shaking hands, turned on the radio and began to issue orders; the staff of the Anomaly Bureau who stayed in the hall were working hard in the computer room, and through the Skynet system Lock the monsters in the city one by one and distribute them to everyone.

"Let's go too."

Xie Tianyang walked off the stage, walked out of the hall with the students around him, and came to the big platform outside the arena.As soon as he flipped it casually, the handsome chess piece in his hand was already flickering with spiritual light.


Following his call, a small red snake the size of a palm emerged from the chess piece, rapidly expanding in the flame-like red light, and in just two or three breaths, it had already swelled to the thickness of the one that was hugged by three or four people just now. Huge dragon snake.

It raised its head to the sky and neighed, then lowered its head towards Xie Tianyang under the gaze of everyone, allowing him to jump up majesticly, stepping over his head again.

"let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, the dragon snake raised his body, and brought him up like a banner.The students on all sides followed him into the air, chasing after the locomotives on the main road.Under the sky, those figures fainted like splashed ink on the edge of the sky.


Twenty-one minutes after the alarm was issued, Ancheng was empty.

The sun sets late in summer, and the orange sun has just set to the west, and the urban buildings are already covered in thick black shadows.At a glance, it looks like black silhouettes on the earth.

Between the silhouettes of the tall buildings, there was no one.A muddy figure crawled out of the cracks in the asphalt road, wriggling slowly on the ground, like countless slugs covered in mud.

In a residential building across the street, the doors and windows have been tightly closed, only the curtains have been opened a crack, and several people are watching the situation outside through the windows, like restless cubs hiding in a cave.

The evacuation task has been completed, and the citizens of the safe city have all entered the room.Most of the buildings are now engraved with small barriers, and the strength of the elf elephant is not considered fierce.As long as you don't go out, you are safe for the time being.

But this is only a theory.For these ordinary people who were born in peacetime and have never experienced military incidents, just seeing these things wandering outside is already frightening.


The cry of the baby came from the bedroom, and the two adults watching through the window nearly jumped up. The male master picked up the claw hammer in the tool box next to him, and the female master rushed to the cradle as if fighting a fire, and picked up the claw hammer next to her. pacifier, and stuffed it almost roughly into the baby's mouth.

"Cry! Cry! Why cry! Cry again and let the monster take you away!"

The hostess reprimanded fiercely, but her eyes were full of fear.The host was standing by the window holding a claw hammer, his hand trembling uncontrollably.

Although reason told them that the monster would not come in, they couldn't help but panic seeing this thing wandering so close.

It's so hard to die, I don't know if I heard the voice in this room, or something else, the muddy bodies hovering outside the window suddenly turned around one by one, as if turning their heads to look this way.Those red eyes seemed to be staring directly at them, and the distance had already made their hair stand on end.

"He, his father..."

The woman hugged the child in her arms tightly, and subconsciously clung to the man who was not too tall.I don't know if I felt the tension of the parents, even the baby in the arms stopped crying, and kept arching into the woman's arms, as if trying to get back into the mother's body.

The room was so quiet for a while, only the sound of breathing was clearly audible.Just when the silence caused the two of them to almost collapse, a burst of gunfire suddenly broke the dead silence.

"Thumbs up—"

The gunfire flashed, and the bullets flew out from the corner of the street.Four or five soldiers with guns in hand rushed out from the corner, separated by a distance of tens of meters, the rain of bullets completely enveloped the demon shadows, causing mud to fly and squeaking sounds.

"D19 team found four! Operation confirmed!"

Soldiers roared into the radio, firing and pressing upwards.Several people in the team dispersed, one person was in charge of one direction, and the gunfire between each other was connected into a net, completely covering the monsters in it.

Although the dense line of fire couldn't kill those sprites in one blow, it also suppressed them so much that they couldn't lift their heads. They had to disperse and retreat according to their pressure, and saw a few of them rush towards the direction of the residential building.

"They're here!"

The faces of the two people across the window were pale when they saw this, but before they could do anything, they saw a figure suddenly leaping up from below, with a giant hammer in hand, turning around in the air, with a burst of strength, a heavy hammer hit the monster's head superior!

boom! !

It was like smashing a soft watermelon, a hole was directly smashed out of the sprite's hit area, mud and blood scattered, and some mud spots even splashed on the glass of low-rise residential buildings.

Residents watching from the window leaned back subconsciously, as if they were afraid of being infected by the mud spots.But they moved their bodies away, but no one was willing to look away.

After swinging the hammer, the figure lifting the hammer leaned to the ground, his short hair swaying in the wind.

They saw that the one who swung this stroke was actually a girl who seemed to be in vain.The slender arm held a huge hammer, and with just one move, it punched out a hole in the monster that was impenetrable to bullets.

The man and woman in the window glanced at each other. The man looked at the shining hammer in the girl's hand, and at the claw hammer in his own hand, lost in thought.

During this period, another Kunlun student had already run over from the side, and with a wave of his hand, the Wind Language Charm was thrown out.

Wind currents gather and blow towards those monsters like the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, blowing them upside down for a while, then rolling back into the soldiers' firepower network along the direction of the wind, under the attack from multiple sides, they are driven like sheep. Follow these monsters step by step, leave the residential area and push towards the main road.

A group of residents watched them go from behind the window. The men and women looked at each other in blank dismay, and more people had already pulled out their mobile phones. The camera was aimed at the scene in front of them and started recording.

A few seconds ago, the atmosphere of terror was still shrouding the residential building.But only a few moments after this group of people appeared, they quickly sobered up, and even wanted to post a circle of friends.

Because these people came and stood in front of them, there was nothing to be afraid of.

And at this moment, in every corner of Ancheng, countless similar scenes are being staged at the same time.

"Report from C11, found three elf elephants and wiped out one. Our team has controlled the situation. Please support the team to reinforce in other directions!"

"The responsible team of A08 has arrived! We found five monster elephants! We ask the nearby teams to assist at the intersection of Tangyang Road!"

"Received, the E03 team is on its way!"

"The D15 team found a thousand-year-level monster, and the qi refining students we brought couldn't take care of it! We ask the foundation-building stage cultivators to go for reinforcements..."

The continuous voice on the radio connects people scattered all over the city.On the streets of the city, countless figures are shuttled between the sky and the ground, bullets and spells fly together, swords and rifles are used together, and the continuous firepower reflects the lonely street like an opening ceremony.

This is a battle of Ji'an City and even the peak power of Huaguo. Nearly [-] Kunlun students, plus thousands of armed personnel, all the active combat forces are divided into more than [-] combat teams according to the area of ​​responsibility. All are equipped with at least one Kunlun immortal cultivator who will not be affected by inner demons.

Under the action of GPS and tracking symbols, all the teams are united as one, and the combat status is sent back to the City Guard Bureau in real time, while the spiritual response of the monsters in the monitoring network is rapidly reduced.All the information is integrated and reported to the central government, and the state provides further support at any time.

Thirty minutes after the alarm sounded, the entire city of Ancheng was completely under the control of the armed forces.

Within half an hour, the entire Ancheng city witnessed the whole process of the firepower network unfolding - including the foreign reporters who came here to report on the Fairy Games.

When they were completely unexpected, their identities were changed from special reporters of the Fairy Games to war reporters, and the scenes originally used to shoot the games were fully recorded.

The news was then sent overseas.Soon, the whole world knew what happened in Huaguo.

"In just half an hour, the Chinese government completed the evacuation of tens of millions of people! The volunteer army rushed to the disaster-stricken city to rescue in just half an hour!"

"Now, the magicians of that school are fighting side by side with them!"

(End of this chapter)

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