From Shusen University

Chapter 291 All Kunlun University members please come!

Chapter 291 All Kunlun University members please come!

At this moment, the audience was silent.

On and off the stage, on and off the field, everyone was looking at the figure surrounded by dragons and snakes.He stood there proudly, on the field that did not belong to him, majestic and majestic.

Since he was not a player in the Fairy Games, none of the audience knew him.But the moment he appeared, the situation in the entire arena was stirred up by his words.

All the students at the banquet turned their heads, and the eyes of the whole school were focused on him. Those pupils contained the same astonishment as the others.Even, it goes deeper.

They saw that the underpants of his trousers, which should have been empty, had been refilled.The boy who had knelt down in front of the whole school, now stood in the center of the audience and announced the news.To them, these few words were like the sound of a gong before a battle.

This is Kunlun University's announcement to the whole school.

In this monster disaster, the whole school participated in the battle.

This is the voice from the school, and it is the school's direct instruction to them.For them, this is undoubtedly the strongest reassurance in a chaotic situation, like a lighthouse emerging from the storm.

Several students were shocked as if they had just woken up from a dream, and then their muscles trembled, their faces turned red, and even their eyes instantly shone.

The school had known about it, and now the school stood behind them.No matter what happens next, there will be the school as a backer.

Just knowing this news, they have a backbone, which is enough to get them out of panic.

The students burned silently.In contrast, the people on the sidelines have not yet recovered from the shock.

It took only two to three minutes for Xie Tianyang to enter the arena from the alarm.The successive mutations can be described as overwhelming, and their brains have been completely overloaded.

Everyone sat dumbfounded in their seats, and everyone had different thoughts.However, there are always some ideas in common.

——In addition to the players of the Fairy Games, is there such a powerful student hidden in Kunlun University?
——Even in this Fairy Games, which school didn't give out all the money?Even the strength shown in these soul-stirring games is just the tip of the iceberg of this behemoth?
Thoughts spread throughout the audience like electricity, like an invisible god in the sky looking down on the world, and everyone on the field was silent in that invisible power.

During the Fairy Games, they had seen enough of the incredible performances of the cultivators.But now everyone understands that, compared to those real spells and spiritual weapons, what makes this school truly awe-inspiring is the part it never reveals to others.

It's like a deep well.No one knows how much strength they have hidden.And no one knows what and how many higher beings there are in that school.

However, one thing is certain.

This terrifyingly powerful existence is now on their side.

Next, this school will fight for them.

That daunting power will be used on their enemies.

So, what else is there to fear?

As if being oppressed by something, people gasped cautiously.In the silence, they clenched their hands that were trembling with excitement, and the veins on the back of their hands bulged, swimming like green snakes.

The frozen scene moved again, the staff directed the crowd to retreat to make room for the refugees, and the students quickly gathered from all sides to the center.Beside them, the reporters were holding microphones and cameras, but they didn't seem to dare to approach them for interviews. Those devices were like holding a green onion in their hands.

In the center where the crowd gathered, Xiao Youyu on the field was also watching this scene with a thoughtful look on his face.The negotiator standing behind him has also reacted. Although he still looks hesitant, he still quickly continues the topic of negotiation with him just now.

"Received the report, during the period just now, the evacuation of the citizens has been basically completed. The next job is to clear the monsters in the city in batches. As your classmate said, it is best to have one Keep."

"The monster has certain restraint to modern bullets, but it is inconvenient to use large weapons in the city. Now all the spiritual weapons in the city have been mobilized, including special equipment such as flamethrowers and incendiary bombs. But for monsters The most efficient weapon with the least pollution and loss is the individual power that masters spiritual power."

"In addition, Ancheng has now closed all traffic entrances and exits. Next, we plan to use the prototype of the city's defensive enchantment to build a large formation around the city, so as to restrain the demons and provide overall support for the frontline fighters. "

"Several sightings have been received in the city, and the destruction of the monsters has begun to shift from underground to above ground. Now the City Guard Bureau is gathering all the combat power inside and outside the city. The tentative strategy is to focus on spiritual combat power as the core, and ordinary equipment as an auxiliary The focus of the encirclement and suppression campaign is to build a small-scale firepower suppression network."

"All fighters are preparing to gather at the intercity airport, not far from here. If you are willing to participate, go there now and follow the command assignment."

After listening to his report, Xiao Youyu lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then nodded slowly.

"I will help with the construction of the formation. In terms of cleaning, we will also notify all students who are interested."

He replied to the staff behind him, then turned his head to look at Xie Tianyang who was standing at the entrance again, and after staring at that figure for a moment, he raised his hand and announced to everyone around him.

"Announced in the name of the school representative. Now, Xie Tianyang is responsible for the command of the administrative department of the student union, and everyone present is with him. According to the school's instructions, everyone is now going to Tianyang Airport, and together with the executive department, we will eliminate demons in Ancheng. "

As he spoke, he raised his hand and threw the sounding stone to contact all members of the student union to Xie Tianyang over there.The latter raised his hand to catch it, then flew up with a step on his feet, stood on the giant head of Dragon Snake Tenggen again, and raised the spirit stone high, like holding a banner in front of the battle.

"Everyone, follow me!"

Teng Gen, who was under the seat, raised his head and neighed, kicked his four claws, and his huge red body soared into the air again, flying away from the open-air dome of the stadium.Behind the red shadow, many figures followed him, building foundations and taking off, refining Qi and leaping, with nearly a hundred people guarding the side, throwing themselves into the city filled with evil spirits.

Xiao Youyu watched the figure disappear before turning around.Wu Hao and Yuan Qingqing were rushing over, the former was worried and wanted to ask something, while Yuan Qingqing rushed forward without saying a word, stroking the sword wound he got in the match with one hand, and was about to be treated.

Xiao Youyu blocked her with one hand, and pointed at the opposite side with his backhand: "Treat him first."

On the other side of the arena he was pointing at, Han Jiangchen, who was holding a sword, was sitting on his knees, struggling to breathe.He was seriously injured in the battle with Xiao Youyu just now, and his mouth still smelled of blood at this moment.

Jiang Ling, who also came from the auditorium, sat next to him, and gently infused him with spiritual power to heal his injury. The two discussed the results of the previous investigation and peeled off the cocoons from various clues.

"Did you see anything?" Seeing Han Jiangchen looking up at the sky all the time, she knew something was going on, so she asked him directly.

"There's a strong wind blowing in the city." Han Jiangchen looked up and said in a low voice, "All the wind is gathering in one place."

"Gathering?" Jiang Ling paused for a moment, "Where are you going to gather?"

"I can't see it yet." Han Jiangchen shook his head, but grabbed the sword on the side again, "However, this should be the arrival of the monster that the teacher said."

He said that he was about to get up, and Jiang Ling next to him hurriedly stopped him: "Wait a minute! You just finished the big fight just now, and your hidden injuries haven't healed yet. What else do you want to do?"

"I have to go too." Han Jiangchen said, "I promised Mrs. Shangguan that when monsters attack, I will guard the outside world for her."

"Hey, even if you say that, it's not too bad, right?"

Jiang Ling had a helpless face, and pressed him hard with her hands, as if she was afraid that the man would run away by herself if she let go.But at this time, Yuan Qingqing who was opposite had already rushed over, and went into battle professionally.

"She's right, don't rush this moment." While treating him, Yuan Qingqing looked around at the last five people left on the field, "Xiao Youyu said that now we need to retain the cutting-edge combat power in the school. It's not just his The meaning is also the meaning of the executive department. While other people are fighting, the few of us must adjust our state to the best."

"Keep the cutting-edge combat power?" Jiang Ling frowned, "If you say that, the strategy this time is..."

"It's just a preliminary plan now, and further arrangements are still being made." Yuan Qingqing said, also raising her head to look at the sky, "Soon... you should know."

At the same time, Ancheng First Hospital.

Yang Xiaohe sat on a chair, waiting for the staff in front of the toll booth to complete the discharge procedures for her. Behind them, the hospital corridor was as noisy as a battlefield Red Cross center.

As soon as the notification was received, the hospital that was running smoothly became a machine that suddenly went crazy.Numerous ambulances drove out of the garage outside the gate, and doctors and nurses in the building pushed the mobile hospital beds back and forth, especially the people in the Lingqi Department who were waiting in full force.

She was discharged from the hospital today, which can be said to be what the doctors were looking forward to.In a state of emergency, mildly ill patients who are close to recovery have to leave early to make room for frontline wounded who may arrive.Even if she doesn't leave, the doctor will persuade her to leave rationally.

She was happy to accept this, and after calling her parents to confirm, she went through the formalities by herself.While waiting, her eyes were still wandering involuntarily, and finally landed on the built-in TV in the hall.

The situation of the Olympic Center was still being broadcast live on the screen. She saw the chaos in the stadium, the students who were at a loss, and the reporters who threatened to denounce. Just when she was watching anxiously, the red dragon snake Suddenly it was like a god descending.

Yang Xiaohe opened his eyes wide and pricked up his ears, staring fixedly at the person on the screen declaring to the camera, watching the figure soaring into the sky with a dragon and snake on it, looking at it, but unexpectedly couldn't look away.

Good, handsome!
Even though he knew that he shouldn't think about these things in this situation, Yang Xiaohe couldn't help but feel his soul jumping out of the sky, and his heart was beating loudly.

He can actually use monsters. In Kunlun University, there are such people?

I don't seem to have recorded him in my notebook?who is thisIsn't it a player in the Xianyun Games?
Ahhh, as expected, I still know too little about that school! !
"Yang Xiaohe, your procedures are completed."

The voice behind woke her up, and the person at the toll office pushed out her medical records, looked at her through the glass window, and said strangely, "Huh? Why are you so red?"

"Ah, is there?"

Yang Xiaohe wiped his fevered face, quickly took back the medical records, mumbled a word of hard work, then ran to the hospital window as if fleeing, and raised his head to look at the sky.

Both the First Academy and the Olympic Center are to the north of Anseong.Although she knew that the chances were very small, now she suddenly had such an indescribable expectation.

She suddenly wanted to see the red dragon snake across the sky.

If possible, she would also like to be an immortal cultivator, follow behind that dragon snake, and fight with those Kunlun students.

But she didn't see the red shadow, which made her feel inexplicably lost.Just as he lowered his eyes and was about to give up, suddenly there was a buzzing sound of machines running outside the window.

It was the sound of a helicopter rotor.

At this moment, in the high sky, mosquito-like transport planes are passing through the air; at various highway intersections in Ancheng, teams of heavy personnel carriers are driving in.

It's the Armed Support Forces that have arrived.

They gathered in the exercise field of the military base near the airport, the iron gate was opened, and heavily armed soldiers jumped off the locomotive.Everyone has been equipped with radios and small spirit detection equipment, and everyone's expression is ready.

"Everyone, this will be the first large-scale disaster event in the world that faces the extraordinary."

The squad leader with a gun on his back paced in front of the queue with his hands behind his back, his gloomy gaze scanning every gun-wielding soldier in front of him.

"The people of the whole country, and even the whole world, are watching the land under your feet. Treat it with the mentality of fighting, this is war!"

"Now we have received news that students from Kunlun University have spontaneously participated in this operation—do you hear me? A group of students are now ready to go into battle!"

He raised his voice: "Later, I want to see, among us who are paid by the army, who is not as good as a student!"

These shouts were exchanged for shouts of "Drink!" The soldiers pulled up the bolts, and the friction of steel made a series of crackling sounds.

"The captain is really who would really treat those students as students?" Someone in the queue muttered in a low voice, "If those students really fight, our team is not enough for them to fight alone."

"Hush, let's just know it ourselves, so don't say it." The teammate next to him also responded in a low voice, "Besides, it's not a good thing that there are immortal cultivators fighting side by side with us?"

Their low voices were quickly suppressed by the roar of machinery and the stamping of military boots.The captain standing in front took down the gun behind his back, and the command sounded like a lion roaring.

"Start now, defend Ancheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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