From Shusen University

Chapter 245 Do You Call This The Qi Refining Period? (3 in 16000)

Chapter 245 Do You Call This The Qi Refining Period? (6000 in [-] [-])

"what is this?!"

Not only the freshmen watching, but even many old students held their breath.The control and power contained in Xie Tianyang's blade array alone are even better than many sophomores.

Ask yourself, even if it's another old foundation-building student on the stage, he will definitely have to fight with all his strength at this time.Moreover, if they want to block such a dense blade array, they can only resist a wave with the defensive force of body protection and spiritual power.

But now, Han Jiangchen facing this blade array is also just a Qi refiner, and he is not a physical trainer who is good at defense.

How to take this?
This question flashed through everyone's mind, but it was answered the next moment.

In the heavy rain of blades and fire, Han Jiangchen's arm swayed suddenly, and the blade in his hand seemed to have an afterimage for a moment. The sword shadows flickered, appearing in the empty space and disappearing in the blink of an eye. Accompanied by a clang of iron objects colliding, all the dozens of sharp blades were knocked out at the same time!

How to receive this overwhelming offensive?He responded with actions: directly!

The sound of ding ding rang repeatedly, and before others could clearly see the trajectory of the blade, several spiritual blades had already been knocked out.No one could clearly see how Han Jiangchen did it, but felt that the sword light was swaying around him in an instant, forming a glaring net, connecting with Xie Tianyang's blade rain, like opening a big umbrella made of cold light , connected with the blade array in front of him, colliding with sparks crying like a torrential rain!

Xie Tianyang's blade array was not weak.But in more than half a semester, his opponent has always been Shangguan Yuning's sword rain.Now, the number of spirit swords he can receive at the same time is seventeen.

Compared with that sword fairy's attack, the power and speed of this blade formation are nothing more than a drizzle!

The face of Xie Tianyang in front of him suddenly changed: From his point of view, the spirit sword in Han Jiangchen's hand seemed to split into several sword shadows in an instant. all attacks.All the Fengrui were blocked from him, none of them could get close to him!

Surprise flashed in his eyes.But before he could figure it out, he saw that a huge gap had been broken in the falling blade array, and the figure enveloped in it jumped out of it like the wind.The figure swept across his side like the wind, and in the blink of an eye, some deadly sharpness had locked on to him.

Out of the corner of the eye, a figure flashed past behind him, and then a biting chill appeared behind him.Xie Tianyang dodged aside reflexively, but it was too late.

The strong wind brushed against his face at the same moment, and there was a muffled thump, and a blunt force slammed into the back of his shoulder, causing a burst of pain and numbness, and his entire arm immediately lost strength, and he could no longer hold anything.


Everything only happened in the gap between passing by, many freshmen didn't even realize what happened, and Xie Tianyang had already received a heavy blow over there.

Same as the previous qualifiers, Han Jiangchen still used the hilt of his sword to attack, hitting Xie Tianyang's tendons with a single blow, causing his entire arm to fall limply like a broken bone, and the flaws instantly opened wide!

Next, as long as he hits the back end again and makes him pass out, the game will be considered complete.

Thinking about it, Han Jiangchen turned his wrist, and poked the hilt of his sword straight at the back of his opponent's neck.But he had just swung half a move, when Xie Tianyang raised his arm in front of him, and the spirit sword that had just been bounced flew back instantly.Without looking back, the long sword with the spirit pattern was already slashing towards the figure behind!

As Ruiqi approached, Han Jiangchen was startled, subconsciously turned his hand and withdrew his sword, and there was a loud bang, the two spirit swords collided in the air, and under the gravitational friction, sparks visible to the naked eye were actually wiped out!

"Tickle me?"

Xie Tianyang let out a low growl, and with a blow of gravity in his hand, the spreading wind directly forced Han Jiangchen behind him to retreat, and he himself also took a few steps back at the same time.

While backing away, he patted the wound with one hand, poured all his spiritual power into the numb arm, and with a toothache sound, the weak arm immediately regained its strength—he actually endured the pain. Forcefully open the blocked acupuncture points!
Faced with such a sudden blow, someone else must have been fooled.But Xie Tianyang's pain didn't interfere with his reaction at all, and he even locked his opponent's position based on this!
And, besides that.
"Is there something wrong with his spirit sword just now?"

Someone in the stands raised a question first, and directly drew everyone's attention to understand the spirit sword in Tian Yang's hand: on the plain blade, there were already several hidden fire patterns, They were densely packed on the sword, covering the entire blade.

Enchanted spirit?

Everyone has attended the refining class, so naturally they can recognize the things attached to it.Because of this, the fire pattern on it is even more dazzling.

Such a tight and regular spirit pattern, not to mention how high a level of spiritual power is required to complete the carving, just the effort it takes to possess the spirit is enough to make one's scalp tingle. It's hard to imagine how much effort Xie Tianyang spent in private. be completed.

In the previous matches, the opponent's strength did not give him a chance to exert his full strength, but now facing Han Jiangchen, he finally fully activated the true level of this spiritual weapon.

From the point of view of grade, this is probably no less than some middle-grade spiritual weapons, and it is qualitatively different from the low-grade spiritual swords currently held by students.

But thinking about it the other way around, under the premise of similar cultivation bases, Xie Tianyang now holds a higher-level spiritual weapon, but he is still at a disadvantage by Han Jiangchen.

Then, the strength of this opponent
All the people in the auditorium shut their mouths, watching Han Jiangchen on the stage fall to the ground, and once again swung his sword forward.On the other side of him, Xie Tianyang was panting, and the expression on his face was a little more angry.

With the back attack just now, Han Jiangchen could have cut off his shoulder with a single sword; even if it was a little light, it was enough to leave a wound on his body that was difficult to heal.

But this opponent just sealed his acupoints with a blunt blow, completely giving up this good opportunity.

This guy is giving up?
Xie Tianyang understood the other party's intention at once, and then felt that his heart was suddenly angry.He doesn't talk much in the arena, but now Han Jiangchen's keeping his hands really makes him angry.

The spiritual wind stirred up beside Xie Tianyang, and Han Jiangchen's expression changed slightly: In his eyes, the spiritual power surrounding Xie Tianyang suddenly radiated.

The attack just now should have consumed a lot of his spiritual power, but at this moment, the wind beside him was rolling like fuel on the fire.Even the people watching the battle felt the awe.

He obviously only had the cultivation base of the Qi refining stage, but at this moment he stood there like a thousand troops!
The almost murderous pressure spread to the entire stage, and Han Jiangchen's face couldn't help but sink. The blade of the sword in his hand slowly turned from the blunt back of the sword to the front blade, aiming the stern sword light at Xie Tianyang in front of him.

He tried his best to minimize the damage, but at the same time winning the Fairy Games was also a task given to him by Shangguan Yuning.Now it seems that the previous methods of dealing with other people have completely failed on Xie Tianyang. Obviously, this confrontation gesture will definitely exhaust the last bit of strength.In this way, he can't hold back.

The field suddenly fell into silence. Under the breathless gaze of the crowd, the two Han Jie on the stage faced each other with swords at the same time, as if the air had condensed for a moment.But the condensation was broken in the blink of an eye, and the two figures jumped up at the same time, with the spirit swords in their hands facing each other!

In the blink of an eye, the two swords had been touched dozens of times, and the sparks of spirits scattered in the wind.Compared with just now, the speed of Han Jiangchen's sword at this time has not decreased but increased. Even if the spirit weapon in Xie Tianyang's hand is better, the stormy sword move still forced him to make mistakes again and again, and he couldn't even draw his hand. To activate the spell.

Under the seemingly absolute suppression, Han Jiangchen, who was the main attacker, became suspicious: According to Xie Tianyang's judgment just now, it is impossible for him to just let himself fall into a disadvantage.Now that he is actively confronting himself with the sword, it only shows that the opponent's focus is not on the sword move in front of him.

Han Jiangchen suddenly withdrew his strength, his figure flew back, and the dominant attack retreated without warning, which completely missed Xie Tianyang's defensive move in front of him—but it wasn't just the spirit sword that pierced, but also Spiritual blades flying past.

The authorities were bewildered by the onlookers, and the changes on the stage could be clearly seen by the surrounding audience: while the two were confronting their swords, the spirit blades that had just been shot down by Han Jiangchen had resurfaced one by one, and floated to the ground without a sound. Behind him, the killing array was launched again.

This was the backhand planted by Xie Tianyang, which is why he tried his best to restrain Han Jiangchen's attention with his sword moves. It stands to reason that from the opponent's perspective, he would never be able to detect this change.

But just a moment before the blade formation flew, he actually noticed the opponent's trap from the details, and then made a pre-judgment!

The sword light reappeared, there was almost no gap, and the light and shadow hit the killing formation in the air, breaking it instantly like before, and an ambush seemed to have no effect.

However, at the same time that the killing array fell, Xie Tianyang in front of him also made a mistake at the same time, and under the cover of the dense blade array, he drew two spells in his hand.

"Nine earth true officials, with gods and real stars in the sky, come to assist glory. Urgent as a law!"

"The fire bell on the train, the Six Ding Liujia Talisman arrives and is enforced, do not stay. Urgent as a law!"

It's a pity that the blade array was ineffective, but after so many rounds of fighting, he had already estimated Han Jiangchen's reaction, and he didn't expect this move to be able to defeat his opponent at all.

At the same time that Han Jiangchen shot down the blade array, the two talisman spells had also been activated. Following Xie Tianyang's wrist shaking, the two talisman papers pierced through the falling blade array and headed straight for Han Jiangchen over there!

This time, the blade array became a cover, but the real means of attack were those two spells!
It is not an inaccurate judgment to be able to grab an opportunity under such a disadvantage, but that is all.

The biggest blemish for practitioners in the Qi refining period to activate their spells is that they cannot avoid chanting mantras, and no matter how talented Xie Tianyang is, he cannot be immune.According to the incantation, everyone at the scene immediately heard the means he used: the first one was a prohibition talisman that slowed down the opponent's movements, and the second one was an offensive spirit fire talisman.

Obviously, he realized that he could not keep up with Han Jiangchen's speed no matter what, so he had to use the prohibition talisman to hold back the opponent's movements, and then ensure the hit of the spirit fire talisman.But obviously, this fight cannot be so simple.

Facing the two consecutive attacking spells, Han Jiangchen responded with astonishing speed: Seeing him move again, the first prohibition charm was directly passed by him, without close contact , it didn't help at all; it's just that because of this hiding, he was directly exposed to the attack range of the second spirit fire talisman.

Xie Tianyang even took his evasive reaction into consideration. The two spells were not simply one in front of the other, but double-teamed from left to right and blocked from both sides.With the cultivation base of Qi refining, no matter how fast the reaction is, it is impossible to hide two cards in a row.

However, this point was also judged by Han Jiangchen, and he immediately made the best judgment under the circumstances: while dodging the first talisman, he stopped his body and swung his sword, Just cut towards the direction of the second spirit fire talisman!
"So fast!"

The scene of lightning and flint came into view, and many people were shocked: the speed of that sword even surpassed the speed of the spell!The moment before the spiritual fire ignited, the blade of the sword had already been handed to the talisman paper, so that even if the spiritual fire burst out from it, it would be broken immediately just like before!

However, the spell was not triggered.

No, to be precise, it was not as provocative as the audience thought.At the moment of touching the tip of the sword, there was no flame bursting out from the talisman paper, but a circle of light blue light emitted. This is the effect of the prohibition talisman!

"what happened?"

This change exceeded everyone's expectations, and the students in the audience couldn't help stretching their necks: Whether it was listening to the spell or looking at the talisman paper, what Xie Tianyang urged was definitely a banning talisman and a spiritual fire talisman. Wrong, but how has this changed now?

There was a sigh, and even the old students in the stands couldn't help but look suspicious.Among the many puzzled gazes, only Jiang Ling who was in the air suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed in shock: "It's a blindfold!"

After being called out by her, the few people around her reacted belatedly, and then they all understood Tian Yang's tactics at once.

——Before issuing the spells, Xie Tianyang had applied blindfolding to the two spells, hiding the real symbols on them.

At the moment of urging it just now, he deliberately recited the incantation of the banning talisman first, but the first thing he threw out was a spirit fire talisman disguised as a banning talisman.

As a result, everyone, including Han Jiangchen, firmly believed that the order in which he issued the spells was the order in which the spells were chanted.But actually... quite the opposite!

A small trick combined with deceptive tactics, he directly let the opponent fall into the trap!
"This is Xie. What a terrifying thought."

Even Zhou Yan behind couldn't help sighing in a low voice.It was also at this time that everyone realized that Xie Tianyang seemed impulsive and reckless, but in fact his thoughts were terrifyingly meticulous.The anger of provoking the opponent is real, but at the same time, the analysis and thinking in this person's heart never stops.

Such seemingly contradictory temperaments actually appear in the same person.

After amazed, it was a cold sweat squeezed by the crowd.

This time Han Jiangchen was completely tricked by his opponent.He can see the spiritual power of the spell, but he can't see through the illusion, and the way he handles the two talismans is completely wrong.
And the situation on the field was indeed as everyone expected: the spiritual power contained in the spirit sword took effect immediately when the banning talisman came into contact with it. It was too late for Han Jiangchen to stop the force, and the light spread all the way to his body along the stabbing sword tip. , his swift movement like the wind was immediately slowed down, helplessly stuck in place.

But that's not all.The prohibition talisman requires contact with spiritual power to take effect, and the spiritual fire talisman is not required.

At the same time that Han Jiangchen touched the prohibition talisman, the spirit fire talisman that he let go just now was also activated at the same time, and he saw flexibility ignite beside him, and he couldn't dodge it now that the movement was delayed by the prohibition talisman. When even being hit by the fire talisman, the whole person was involved in the burst of flames!


I don't know how many people gasped at that moment, and the weaker ones simply closed their eyes.Although prepared, the impact of this scene is still self-evident.Even the few people who had been represented in the air could not help but be dumbfounded.

"Two freshmen can fight like this, why do you call this a qi refining fight?"

The three of Wu, Zhou and Song exclaimed beside them. Yuan Qingqing subconsciously put his hand into the kit containing the elixir at his waist. Something came over.

If it involves life and death, the school will definitely stop it, but Wei Ze is still standing there, which means it is not over yet.
While thinking about it, the spiritual wind on the platform has already revived.

Seeing his opponent caught in the flames, Xie Tianyang didn't mean to let it go.At the same time as the spell took effect, he had also stepped forward at the same time.

He also noticed the fact that Wei Ze didn't stop him, which made him dare not neglect at all, and he had already caught up with the make-up knife when he threw the spell.He calculated the remaining time of the prohibition talisman, and poured all his spiritual power into the flames with a sword, directly attacking the blurred figure in it!
"It's over." Many people on the field murmured.

Falling into the trap, the action is restrained, and now the opponent doesn't even have a carelessness.It should be said that Xie Tianyang deserved to be Xie Tianyang, not only his judgment, but also his caution, he did not give his opponent a chance.

Even many old students in the air sighed a long time, retracted their gazes and were about to land.But just when he pressed down on his figure, he felt something suddenly light up on the platform.And then there was a crisp sound.

The spirit sword densely covered with fire patterns swirled out and was deeply inserted into the ground.Xie Tianyang staggered out at the same time, the wrist that was holding the sword trembled violently, but beside him, the cold light of the sword shadow flashed past, and at the same time as it brushed against him, the sword light disappeared immediately, as if it had just flashed by Just an illusion.

But what hundreds of people saw at the scene, this is by no means an illusion: just before Xie Tianyang's sword blade was about to hit the target, this sword light appeared from a dead corner as if it appeared out of thin air. His spirit sword flew out!
The attack just now had almost exhausted his spiritual power, so he was unprepared for this move.Before he could stand still completely, he saw the spiritual fire shaking in front of him, several gusts of wind blew out from it, and amidst the rustling sound, the surrounding spiritual fire burst!

Accompanied by the sound of piercing through the air and the surrounding exclamations, Han Jiangchen rolled out of the flame carrying the lingering flame.At this time, his left shoulder was already burnt. It was obvious that the spiritual flame had left a lot of damage, but before the smoke dissipated from his body, he flew up, raised one hand, and muttered something silently.

At this moment, he no longer had a spirit sword in his hand, instead, there were several stern sword shadows surrounding him.

——The shadow seemed to be virtual and real, and it seemed to be in an extremely unstable state.But as soon as he pinched his fingers, the three or four sword shadows turned into icy cold light, flying out from three directions, stabbing at the opponent at the same time!
This is? !
Even Xie Tianyang couldn't help showing surprise at this time.Even all the students on the surrounding platforms opened their eyes incredulously.At this time, in the entire arena, probably only Wei Ze knew the source of this move.

That is Shangguan Yuning's unique secret technique: Flowers in the mirror and moon in the water.

——Using the sword energy to generate a sword shadow with uncertain reality and use it as an attack, the virtual is the real, and the real is the virtual, this is the embodiment of "mirror flowers and water moon".Even though Han Jiangchen's cultivation was limited, even if he used all his spiritual power, he could only create three or four unstable sword shadows.

But in the face of Xie Tianyang, who was also depleted of spiritual energy, this was enough!Just an incomplete move is enough to turn the situation around!
No matter how much Xie Tianyang could calculate, he still couldn't count this change. With so little spiritual power left, he couldn't make any extra defenses. He could only watch the uncertain sword shadows swaying towards him, no matter which way he hid , the phantoms on either side instantly turned into real Fengrui, and there was no way to hide.

Seeing that several sides had been sealed, Xie Tianyang gritted his teeth and gathered all his spiritual energy under his feet. When he saw the right moment, he jumped up, and several sword shadows narrowly passed under his feet.

He raised his hand in the air, intending to call back the spirit sword that he had just released to make a final fight, but before he succeeded, Han Jiangchen had already dodged to his feet.

All the phantoms disappeared, only the real spirit sword remained in place, firmly held by Han Jiangchen.

All the spiritual power was released, and the edge of the sword in the spiritual light condensed into a chilling wind. With a wave of his hand, the strong wind swept out a sword arc that pierced the sky, from bottom to top, towards Xie Tianyang who was falling in the air Sweep away!

Can't escape!

The aura pierced into his eyes, and Xie Tianyang made a judgment immediately, which made his heart tighten to the limit, and almost reflexively increased the spiritual power under his feet by [-]%.

Even though he couldn't stop the fall, it made his fall stop immediately, so the sword arc missed his figure, and instead of hitting the front as planned, it slapped his lower body, directly hitting his knee .

The hem of the Taoist robe was lifted by the strong wind, and the spiritual power protecting the body in front of him was immediately broken. The huge shock spread from Xie Tianyang's lower body, and the left leg immediately lost strength as if it had been discounted, while the right leg... And off!


It literally means "broken": With this violent move, Xie Tianyang's right leg, which was in the air, was cut off in two.

With a loss of balance, he fell to the ground like a bird with broken wings, and there was a terrifying crack under his right leg, but what was exposed at the crack was not flesh and blood, but steel.

—It was a prosthetic.

(End of this chapter)

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