From Shusen University

Chapter 244 The Most Powerful One Life

Chapter 244 The most powerful life

In response to this problem, the entire activity room was fried, and a group of people were talking about their opinions.The Lord doesn't know what's going on yet, and it seems that the people discussing this are about to fight.

"Is there even a need to think about it? Isn't that the best proof that Xie Tianyang ranks first in grades? If that guy named Han is really that powerful, why don't you usually see his name?"

"I also hope that this person will focus on it when the time comes! Fuck, I have been unhappy with that surname Xie for a long time, let him experience what it means to be beaten by society."

"Isn't that why you can't beat them? Character belongs to character, and you still have to recognize your strength. If you have the ability, you can beat people yourself."

"Stop arguing, why are you forcing so much? Anyway, according to this progress, the final battle will only take a while, so just watch it when the time comes."

The development of the next thing did not disappoint these gamblers. The dual-core bulldozers fought left and right, and pushed all the way to the final at an astonishing speed.On a sunny afternoon, the announcement of the final match of the Fairy Games qualifiers had been sent to the whole school, and it was as expected that those two names were written on it.

For a while, these two became absolute topic-level figures in the school, not much worse than the five representatives at the beginning.Of course, Wei Ze also noticed this trend, and set the time for the final qualifier match to be on the weekend, just as the whole school had no classes.

As he expected, on the day of the battle, almost the whole school came to the arena.Except that there were no four teachers present, the momentum was comparable to the excitement during the assessment.

"Haozi, don't fool me, is Han Jiangchen really as powerful as you say?"

Above the crowd, Song Xudong floated there, and asked Wu Hao next to him in disbelief, "You're only in the Qi refining stage, and you're on par with Foundation Establishment? Isn't that outrageous?"

"I also think it's outrageous. But it's true." Wu Hao nodded, "Besides, his cultivation should be very close to Foundation Establishment now. At least, if it's me, I may not necessarily win."

"Such a powerful character, why haven't I heard of it?" Song Xudong scratched his head, "It stands to reason that this should be the key training object of the school."

"What do you know, this is called making a fortune with a muffled voice." Zhou Yan poked his head out from behind, "I think this kid is not bad, he has my demeanor. My buddies bet all on him."

"Are you kidding me? Go all-in? Would you bet on such a [-]-[-] high-risk investment? In your next life."

The three boys chatted with each other with one glance.This final was so topical that even Zhou Yan, who was not participating in the Fairy Games, came here admiringly, but obviously they were not the only ones interested in it.Just as he was talking about it, he saw another figure standing beside him: "You guys came to see it too?"

The three of them turned their heads together and saw Jiang Ling and Yuan Qingqing flying up, waving at them.

"Where's Xiao Youyu? Are you still in the dormitory?" Yuan Qingqing asked.

"Yeah." Wu Hao nodded helplessly, "It's said that it's the final stage, I don't eat, I can't even pull it, so I can only let him toss it first. Speaking of which, isn't there another person in your dormitory? Freshman? Didn't she come to see it with you?"

"It's the same, it's also excessive liver strength." Jiang Ling raised her forehead, "I don't know why Yun Yi has been there for the past two days. She leaves early and returns late. Every day when she comes back, she is sweaty and tired. If it weren't for Qingqing, She couldn't get up in the morning two days ago. Otherwise, I thought she had gone to military training again, no, it looks more ruthless than military training."

"The qualifiers are over, what else is she practicing?"

Song Xudong was puzzled, but didn't ask any further questions, and quickly turned his attention back to the current game: "Forget it, let's watch the current game first. Who do you bet on to win?"

"Guess?" Jiang Ling smiled mysteriously, "Anyway, no matter who wins, these two people will be promoted to the official competition. Let's see what tricks they have, what if they run into each other at that time?"

"Hey guys, you are all sophomore representatives, are you still here to pay attention to the fall of your freshman status?"

Zhou Yan chanted over there, not without meaning in his tone.But after only a few words, someone in the crowd below uttered an excited shout: "Hey! Here we come! People are coming!"

The sound spread quickly, and soon everyone started shouting wildly.Amidst the focused gaze, two figures appeared from both ends of the platform, stepped onto the field facing each other, and stood facing each other on the north and south sides.

The applause reached its climax, and there were many voices calling the names of the two parties, but the two people on the stage were indifferent to it.

They just stood, looking at each other from a distance across the silent arena, without making a sound to each other.

This is the last battle before leaving school.

For some unknown reason, neither Shangguan Yuning nor Bailiyu came to the arena.But both of them knew that the eyes of the entire Kunlun University were on here at this time. In a sense, the pressure of this round was even greater than that of the first exam.

After all, the original concern was shared by five people, and now they are all fighting only by themselves.

Holding the sword in his hand, Han Jiangchen silently watched Xie Tianyang's movements, his expression changing imperceptibly.

There was no communication between the two parties, but he saw that Xie Tianyang's hand holding the weapon was shaking. If he observed carefully, he could find that his whole body was trembling slightly at this time.

He is so excited.From participating in the Fairy Games, from a long time ago, this has been the scene he has been thinking about day and night.Now he has a dream field under his feet, and a dream opponent standing opposite him, everything is perfect.

In order to ensure an absolutely fair matchup, he didn't go to see Han Jiangchen's match before, so naturally he didn't make targeted plans and analysis in advance.In other words, everything about the two sides on the court is unknown, and everything depends on on-the-spot judgment.

Although his mental quality is good, his heartbeat is already frantic at this time.

Everything is ready, the only thing missing is. Victory!

"This is the last qualifier for this year's World Games. No matter what the result is, I hope that the students on and off the stage can gain something from it."

The light words suppressed the din of the audience, causing everyone in the audience to look up at the figure floating on the stage—it was Wei Ze.Unlike the rest of the qualifiers that used the paper doll avatar, in today's finals, he played on his own body.

It was precisely this sentence that made all the new and old students in the audience quiet down.After the excitement of booing faded away, the tension of confrontation on stage spread out.Everyone stopped chatting, and concentrated all their energy on the two figures, watching every inch of their movements.

This change was also noticed by Wei Ze.Amidst the echoing voice, he raised his eyes to look around the silent crowd around him, and finally his eyes fell back to the platform where the two faced each other, and he spoke in a calm voice.

"The final match of the Qualifiers of the Fairy Games, Han Jiangchen vs. Xie Tianyang, let's start."

Before the voice in the air dissipated, the aftertaste was torn apart by the strong wind blowing from the ground.The spiritual power of the two parties was raised at the same time, like a bowstring stretched to the limit and ready to go!
There is no need for boring pre-battle shouting. In this arena, only fists can speak.

For a moment, everyone felt that there was a blur in front of them. It was Han Jiangchen from the south who suddenly jumped up, and his sword light crossed the field. In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two was pulled to within five steps, and few people even saw clearly. How he walks.

"What speed is this?!"

Just an opening, many people who haven't watched his game have already gasped.But before they could react, Xie Tianyang on the opposite side had already moved at the same time.

He took out the talisman with one hand, but he didn't urge it, but just clamped it on his fingertips, and with the other hand, he threw out the spirit sword he had already held.With his spiritual power fully activated, he saw the sword light whizzing across the arena, just in time to meet Han Jiangchen's stabbing move.

When he saw the opponent's attack, he instantly judged the speed of the opponent, so it was impossible to give him the opportunity to activate the spell so simply.Since there is no chance, make it yourself!
There was a crisp sound, and the two swords collided in the air.Xie Tianyang's judgment on the trajectory of the attack was unwavering. This move was right on the route of Han Jiangchen's attack, and he even took into account the possibility of the opponent changing his attack.

However, the two sword shadows intersected for only a moment before they came to a conclusion: Under Han Jiangchen's thrust, Xie Tianyang's flying sword was directly picked up and spun out without causing any damage.

——Sure enough, as he expected, he could not compare to Han Jiangchen's strength with Qi Yujian, but the figure that was swaying at the extreme speed was also stagnant because of this, and the gap in the plan appeared as expected!
"The train fire bell, six Ding Liujia..."

Once the move was successful, Xie Tianyang didn't hesitate at all, and kept chanting while throwing out the flying sword.But just half a sentence, his pupils shrank: It seemed that in the blink of an eye, the awe-inspiring cold light in his vision had already approached him.

Even with that block, the opponent's movements are still faster than his chant!

"Fuck, there is no solution to this!"

Song Xudong in the air was the first to shout out.As a sword repairer, he can naturally see the level of this sword.The so-called martial arts in the world can only be defeated by speed, he used the same method to defeat Xiao Youyu's chant, but just looking at this move, now Han Jiangchen's speed is far faster than before, even higher than him now!

Why do you call this the Qi refining period?
He immediately understood Wu Hao's evaluation just now, and he couldn't help sighing at Xie Tianyang.It's just the beginning, Xie Tianyang's method has already been defeated by the opponent, but if he can't use his advantage this time, then he probably won't have a chance later.

While sighing, the blade of the sword was handed to Jie Tianyang before the trigger, and it was too late to distance himself, so he could only dodge to the side, when he saw the cold light brushing past him, and the tip of the sword lifted a thin A streak of blood flowed like a thread, and the bright red color quickly smudged on his arm.

The group of students was amazed by this moment. In this round alone, the level shown has exceeded their expectations.

In their view, Xie Tianyang's judgment and reaction were already impeccable, but just like that, he still got the first move.There is no other reason, this can only be the absolute difference in hard power.

In other words, only in this one round, the difference in basic skills between the two has already been distinguished: anyone with a discerning eye can see that Han Jiangchen is definitely above Xie Tianyang in terms of cultivation base and combat power alone.

Even the audience could see that Xie Tianyang, who was inside the game, naturally had a deeper understanding.This made his heart tense immediately, and at the same moment, the sword light that was swayed followed like a ghost again.

After a successful strike, Han Jiangchen also didn't let go of the gap. With a flick of his wrist, the spirit sword had turned from stabbing to slashing, and it was heading towards Xie Tianyang at a distance of almost zero.But at the same time, he heard his opponent shouting in a low voice.

"When the talisman arrives, don't stay there——Urgently, it's like a law!"

After the words fell, scorching flames rose from Xie Tianyang's hands, like a curtain of fire blocking the two of them.With a swipe of Han Jiangchen's sword light, the burning fire curtain was broken from it, but Xie Tianyang also took advantage of this gap to retreat quickly.At this moment, his blood-dripping arm was already surging with spiritual energy!
It was the light of the burning spirit fire spell.

Facing such a close blow, Xie Tianyang's singing was not interrupted.Even if he tried hard to hit his opponent with a trick, he still wanted to grab this hard-won opportunity, and now he did it!
"So strong concentration..."

Jiang Ling in the air couldn't help but look sideways.Concentrating and ignoring external disturbances is the specialty of soul cultivation.But now Xie Tianyang has reached such a level just by relying on his own will.In order to win this game, he will definitely not hesitate to lose [-] yuan!

And since the opportunity has been seized, it must be used to the extreme.

The continuous spiritual fire leaped in Xie Tianyang's hands, crackling and burning straight towards the opponent. The heat was not lower than the fire curtain just now, and the audience in front of him were dazzled by the flames for a while.But then there were a few rustling winds on the field, and the continuous sword lights swung out at a speed that almost overlapped, and the flames shattered in the air.

In terms of skill level alone, this move is unmatched among freshmen, and it is even close to the level of many sophomore talismans.But in Han Jiangchen's eyes, the operation trajectory of the magic and spiritual power is clear at a glance.His movements were almost as fast as his gaze, and in the blink of an eye, the spirit fire he swung was instantly shattered.

However, this is not over yet - at the moment when the flame wall was broken, what was exposed was not Xie Tianyang's flaws, but spinning spirit blades!
This is his real method. The astonishing fire curtain before was just a cover, the real murderous intent is hidden behind this flame!

The moment the flame swept across the ground, the gravel on the ground was instantly refined, turning into sharp blades as dense as raindrops in the flames, bathing in the spiritual fire like sharp and scorching meteors.

That was exactly what he had shown in the previous qualifiers, which was obtained from Bailiyu's refining technique.However, if his previous blade array was called a water park, it must be at least at the level of Jianghe now.

Facing this opponent, he didn't hold back at all.With a wave of his arm, the deadly meteor shower flew down, pierced through the shattered flames, covered it up, down, left, and right, and covered Han Jiangchen in front of him in a blink of an eye!
(End of this chapter)

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