Chapter 71 Saints
"Sorry, Nelson, I wanted to put them in the Père Lachaise Cemetery." Grindelwald shook his head, his tone full of apologetics, "They live in France, where they should have been buried forever."

Nelson just stared at his parents' tombstones in silence. He really couldn't raise his mind at the moment. He only felt a huge sadness connected by blood shrouded him, but it had no head or tail and nowhere to vent. He took out his wand, But there was no other action, just staring at the two clean tombs, standing there with his arms down.

"Nelson, my dear child, I understand your hatred, there will always be hatred in our lives, and I killed your parents, this hatred will never be eliminated no matter what, I don't ask for it from you Forgive me, and I won't force you to do things against your will-your parents are people I respect, so I don't choose to hide or escape. On the contrary, I have been looking for you for ten years, and now I take you personally to here."

"So what exactly do you want to do?"

"I'm not here to kill emotion, I'm just here to resolve tragedy." Grindelwald bent over Mergan Wilttening's grave and drew a slender, knot-strewn dark wand from his pocket. — that was the legendary invincible Elder Wand, and he placed it lightly on the tombstone, then turned to Nelson, raised his hands, and said emotionally, "Come on, Nelson, if you want to. Revenge, I understand you, you can cast all the spells you know on me, and I won't fight back. Seriously, the Wilttenings and I have no hatred, all I do is desire from In the obscure future that the leopard has obtained, it is for the greater good for the wizard, for the world, and for all life."

Nelson instinctively raised his arm and raised his wand, a faint red light condensed from the tip of the wand.

"Come on, Nelson, vent your hatred, vent your emotions! Do what you want to do!" Gellert Grindelwald seemed to be looking forward to this moment, he raised his arms even more, with a Facing Nelson in a hugging gesture, he looked excited and said earnestly, "Come on, I have always been tormented by my own sins. Since the uprising more than ten years ago, I have always questioned my heart at night, what did I do? Is that right? But I think I'm right, it's just... in pursuit of the greater good, there's always someone else who hurts, sorry Nelson, I don't ask for your forgiveness, I just want you to do what you want matter."

"I just want you to do what you want to do." Nelson was in a trance, he closed his eyes, Jonas's voice and smile appeared in the darkness and his words "I only want you to do what you want to do" With eager anticipation, he smiled wryly and shook his head, the red light on the tip of the wand went out, then his arm softened and he put down the wand in his hand.

How did Getler Grindelwald get hurt by himself?He thought that the so-called hatred was not clear in his heart, and it was far worse than the hatred of the Polish drunkard. He knew that he should take revenge, but he could never find a reason for revenge. The experience of just a few days It was even richer than the sum of his ten years of life before - Nelson's exhaustion swept over him all the time, urging him to close his eyes quickly and let go of everything.

But he looked straight into Grindelwald's eyes, braced himself, and prepared to face what came next.

"Sure enough, boy, you really didn't disappoint me." Grindelwald laughed happily, he bent down to pick up the elder wand, kept raising his arms, and walked towards Nelson, bowing gracefully and hugging him He patted him on the back and straightened up again, "In front of your parents, I swear that the tragedy of your father's generation will never happen to you again."


"Nal, stay by my side and see." Grindelwald said earnestly, "Nurmengard is completely different from what the outside world imagines. You may have misunderstood me, my comrades, and my family, but words always It's full of falsehoods and you need to see it for yourself."

Without waiting for Nelson to respond, Grindelwald made a decision for him. He walked up to the high marble platform in the center of the cemetery and held up the old wand. A huge, abstract and shocking painting is woven in the sky above the small cemetery. They sway and swim in the sky like a dragon, entangled and separated from each other, as if the three goddesses of destiny in mythology are weaving a sacred cloth. The threads of life are spun on the plane. They are sometimes messy, and at a glance, they feel frantic inside, and sometimes they are orderly, as if they contain some ultimate law.

"We'll be your new family." Grindelwald raised his chin and stared at the dark towering towers of Nurmengard in the distance.

Under his flamboyant performance like a band commander, in the end, these black yarns entwined each other in the sky and twisted into three thick, ghostly black ropes, which turned into a perfect circle, a straight line and a The huge equilateral triangles then joined together to form a huge Deathly Hallows emblem in the sky, as dark as the Nurmengard towers, glowing with black light under the clear sky.

As soon as the voice fell, figures fell on the cemetery and the open space on the hill outside the cemetery. They were densely lined up to the foot of the mountain. The whole mountain was crowded with people, but it didn't look messy or crowded at all. Instead, everyone was in an orderly manner. Without saying a word, his eyes were staring at the man who looked like a god at the highest point. Some of them were wearing black robes that Nelson had seen, some were wearing Muggle clothes, some were wearing bizarre clothes, and some were dusty and looked like they had just come from afar. return.

◤My dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, and comrades who have worked hard for our great cause:

I'm so happy to bring you all together again, it may have been 12 years since some of us last saw each other, a lot has happened in those 12 years, but I'm happiest that our team has grown from strength to strength up.

I still recall the meeting at the Father Lachaise Cemetery. We stayed with the great figures in human history and conspired together. At that time, although our strength was not small, our team was weak. We were just a group of rebels against fate and authority. people - and today!
Everything has changed!

Brothers and sisters, look around you, I never imagined that our team would grow so large, we have gone from rebels to a torrent that makes those corrupt dignitaries terrified!We will be the pioneering force to guide the next era, we are full of wings, it is time to enjoy the fruit!

but!I would also say that our strength is far from enough, our strength is not in our growing ranks, not in the power or wealth we have, not even in the magic wand in our hands.

Remember the prophetic revelations I showed 12 years ago?Those terrifying weapons are gradually becoming reality. In a few years, the destructive weapons mastered by Muggles will even have the power to destroy the world and die with us.

But we don’t need to have any fear. Pure power is powerful, but it’s nothing to worry about. Our power comes from our thoughts, and our thoughts are not afraid of bullets flying in gunfire, or those steel beasts, or even afraid of them. Thought is the most powerful weapon of the spell that our fellow but stubborn wizards have shot at us.

Look what the cowards out there say about us, they say we're terrorists, they say I hate people who don't know magic, they say I'm a crazy racist, they say I do it for my own good The desire for power, but only we know that what we expect is freedom, truth, and love!I gave them a chance, but they are so stubborn, I can't wait any longer, and I hope to achieve our ideals before I enter my old age.

My friends, you don't have to applaud me, but dedicate the applause to yourself, and treat this sweet gift as a reward to yourself. Thanks to our unremitting efforts, our thoughts have spread to all corners of the world. The idea of ​​freedom has brought countless wizard brothers, and we have countless fans.

I always thought that power is only suitable for a few elites. When ignorance is full of ignorance in the whole world, those stupid people are not suitable for making suggestions for the development of the population. Magical people, those foolish wizards are also included.Our cause will bring a better tomorrow to the world.

On this basis, we no longer have to worry about the weapons and their ambitions created by those arrogant, greedy, savage and ignorant Muggles, and we don't have to worry about them turning those deadly weapons against us, because We will be masters of the world.

You don't have to be indifferent, you don't have to keep your cool, you can express your emotions without restraint, and our success is only close to the door. ◢
Grindelwald stepped off the platform, stood beside Nelson, grabbed his arm, raised it high, and shouted:

"Remember what I said? Mergan Wilttening, Elizabeth Wilttening - you have to respect them as much as our great cause. Only the elite can be accepted in our family, and today , I am honored to tell everyone that the child of the Wilttenings we admire has been found."

"Nelson Wilttening, your arrival is the revelation of fate!" He held Nelson's hand with a smile, and shouted to the saints gathered in Nurmengard, "Apparition, go Let’s start from here and spread the news, and the next plan can start.”

"For the greater good!"

Nelson stood in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by thunderous applause and excited shouts, gradually losing a sound.

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(End of this chapter)

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