My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 70 Gellert Grindelwald

Chapter 70 Gellert Grindelwald

Nurmengard is the most dangerous and safest place in Europe, and the world.

The name Nurmengard could refer to an island, or a city, or just the tower, but Nelson felt that it referred to the place where Gellert Grindelwald was, who stood there. Where, where is Nurmengard.

A towering black tower pierces the sky, its black is pure and rich, and does not reflect a trace of light, it is so grand that everyone who sees it can't help but feel awe.

Grindelwald's famous words are engraved at the entrance in front of the tower:

"For the greater good."

Different from the solemn and solemn appearance of the tower, the surrounding buildings look diverse, row upon row, and grow wildly upward. Each building has its own unique artistic style. Their respective builders should come from all over the world. These unique architectural stars The tallest tower was guarded like a moon, forming a small city, a living city only for wizards.

Unlike the well-ordered military base in Nelson's imagination, the streets of Nurmengard are bustling and lively. Even the most dilapidated streets are full of hawkers and customers. How bad is Corner Alley? It's not as violent and oppressive as the newspapers say. Instead, it's like a paradise. All wizards don't care about secrecy laws. They ride broomsticks to work over the city, and even wear uniforms. There are wizards on brooms delivering takeaways. People on the streets also wear colorful clothes, not only wizard robes, but also Muggle costumes such as suits and uniforms. The free air fills the city.

"Nelson, wait for me here, I'll go buy something." Gellert Grindelwald led Nelson through the streets of Nurmengard. He stopped at a crossroads, patted his forehead, and walked across the street. When he walked, pedestrians on the street recognized him, and they all stood up and saluted seriously. Nelson could see that it was not a power created by violence at all, but a respect from the heart.

He stood there bored, the sun shining brightly above his head, which was different from what he remembered as the sky over Nurmengard was always cloudy, with lightning and thunder. He even felt a little hot, so he unbuttoned his coat and used his Fanning the wind, I suddenly saw a newsstand beside me, so I walked over and wanted to buy a newspaper—to fan the wind or block the sun, not for reading anyway.

The newsstand here supplies all the newspapers that are issued that day in the world every day, from the International Wizarding News to the Muggle lace tabloids, to London in the west, and the magic capital in the east. Just tell the owner and he will find it for you.

Nelson stood in front of the newsstand and saw the most important news of the day written by the owner next to the signboard - when he saw the title, he was shocked like a thunderclap, he stood there dumbfounded, his body swayed After two strokes, he almost fell. The owner saw the weak customer, stepped forward to support him, and asked with concern, "Sir, are you all right?"

"'s all right." Nelson pointed to the newspaper in the display window of the newsstand, and took out a Galleon tremblingly, "The latest "Daily Prophet", get me a copy."

The shopkeeper waved his wand and summoned a newspaper, and Nelson waved his hand, not even asking for change, staring at the headline of the news on the front page:
"Saint or Murderer: Albus Dumbledore Surrenders to Wizengamore, Admits Killing a Muggle in Early September"

Nelson's pupils vibrated, and he squeezed the newspaper with both hands.

"Nelson, what's wrong?" Nelson raised his head and found that Grindelwald was on his shoulders, holding a bottle of brandy that he could not name. He leaned over to look at the newspaper in Nelson's hand, his right eyebrow raised He asked, "So you came to Europe because of this? This is really something Albus can do..."

He sighed, straightened his collar, and smiled, "He's always so self-righteous, thinking he can take on everything, but he's totally unqualified."

After he finished speaking, he took the newspaper from Nelson's hand, took a look at it, crumpled it into a lump, and threw it into the sky. As the paper mass flew upward, it suddenly burned, and when the gravity completely overcame the acceleration, it went out. , became a clump of fly ash and dissipated in the air.

"We won't talk about him today, it's a shame, we have more important things to do."

Grindelwald put the brandy in Nelson's arms into Nelson's arms and walked out of the city on his own, but Nelson followed helplessly.

"Nelson, you can attack me anytime, and I won't blame you." Grindelwald turned his head and smiled at Nelson.

Grindelwald is a middle-aged man full of charm, otherwise he would not have assembled so many people. He is tall and tall, more than 1.8 meters tall, with a handsome and tough face, and his eyes are hidden under the high browbones. He looks unpredictable. He has well-groomed short silver hair and a well-trimmed beard on his upper lip. He always wears a shirt vest and a black coat over it. He is gentle but always surrounded by melancholy. The shrouded Dumbledore is different, he seems to be full of vitality and resolute.

"You must be joking, Mr. Grindelwald."

Nelson smiled reluctantly. His feelings for the man in front of him were complicated.After the battle on the cruise ship, he half voluntarily and half forcedly agreed to the invitation of several people to go to Nurmengard. Out of concern for the Muggles on board and distrust of White, a mental patient, he asked to enter through normal channels. In Europe, they didn't break their promises, but they didn't give him any chance - as soon as Nelson disembarked in Poland, a group of wizards in black robes were waiting on the dock.

In fact, when he broke up with Dumbledore, he thought about the possibility of defecting to Grindelwald. He felt that his ambitions did not conflict with Grindelwald's theories, and that peace was not a greater thing for human beings. interest?But this idea was quickly abandoned. As far as he knew, Grindelwald was his father's murderer, and Melgan Wertning and Elizabeth Williams fell under his spell. .

But when he made a mistake and stood in front of Grindelwald, he didn't feel any blood rushing up, not to mention the deep hatred and desire for revenge - none of these, he was just simple I feel that I am not the same as Grindelwald. This may be related to Jonas’ education to downplay hatred since he was a child, or it may be related to his experience as a human being, or because he has never met his parents, and he doesn’t even know about All of them, how did this make him raise hatred?

"Then come to me," Grindelwald stood there, waving at him, and when Nelson followed, the two walked side by side on the street, Grindelwald raised his arm and pointed to a mountain not far away, "We're going there today, it's a little far, let's go by car."

"Okay, Mr. Grindelwald." Nelson followed him by the side of the road, waiting for the tram to the outskirts. "Why is there a tram here?"

"Oh, it's not a tram." Grindelwald shook his head, dragged Nelson onto an empty tram that just came, and dropped two coins into the coin box at the front door. "Muggle Precision It will fail in a magical environment, it's just an alchemical product that looks like a tram, and you see, it's just the two of us in this car, and there's no driver."

"No, I mean—" Nelson considered his words, "I thought the people of Nurmengard were more resistant to Muggle products and even concepts."

"Haha." Grindelwald smiled, "What we are resisting is Muggle weapons and equipment. Their understanding of violence has progressed too fast. The clips that the prophets brought me made me sleepless at night."

"Indeed." Nelson nodded, "I didn't expect Germany to capture Poland in the blink of an eye. This is Muggle modern warfare."

"However," Grindelwald said with a smile, patting the seat under his butt, "I still appreciate this Muggle invention."

Nelson nodded, looking at the fireworks and scenery by the roadside with mixed emotions. Grindelwald also took out a pamphlet while reading and annotating, silent.

"By the way, Nelson." The tram has left the city and travels through the wizard's field. The wizard's agriculture is much more extensive than Muggles, but magic always has many wonderful uses. Nelson looked at all kinds of strange things on the roadside. And the gigantic crop was fascinated, and Grindelwald suddenly called him, "Is it very difficult for you to have foresight?"

"Mr. Grindelwald, what did you say?"

"You're a prophet like me, aren't you?" Grindelwald closed the booklet in his hand and put it in his pocket with the pen. "Knowing too much must make your life tiring."

He sighed with empathy, only to see Nelson shake his head.

"Mr. Grindelwald, I have dreamed of the death of my relatives, but it may just be a feeling brought by family affection, and I have no ability to predict."

"Maybe." Grindelwald blinked at Nelson, and at this moment, he looked like Dumbledore. He suddenly stood up and straightened his clothes in front of the window of the tram with a solemn expression, while saying, "Get off the bus. Well, here we are."

The tram stopped, and Nelson jumped out of the car behind Grindelwald holding the bottle of brandy. The tram stopped at the top of a hill in the suburbs. This is a simple cemetery surrounded by barbed wire. Although it is simple, it is very clean.

Grindelwald walked to the two tombstones in the middle, fixed Nelson's eyes, and said:
"Nelson Wilttening Williams, here lie two great wizards, and two fearless warriors, Mergan Wilttening and Elizabeth Wilttening," he sighed , "I think you've wanted to see them for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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