My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 176 Tom of the Leaky Cauldron

Chapter 176 Tom of the Leaky Cauldron

"Thank you so much, Lord Shafik."

Minister Rich shook his head. He glanced bitterly at Nelson who pretended not to hear anything, and said to Judge Shafik, "Actually, you don't need to go into such detail at all."

"This is also a spur for you, Rich," Judge Shafik explained. "I've actually been following you for a long time. Do you know why you were promoted so slowly before?"


"Do you know why you have been staying in the internal affairs department of the Law Enforcement Department, and have never had the opportunity to contact the field..."

Nelson stood by the Black Lake with his hands behind his back, as if there was something in the lake that attracted him. Professor Slughorn walked to his side, put a hand on Nelson's shoulder, and enjoyed the scenery of the Black Lake together.

"Nelson, you didn't disappoint me." Professor Slughorn said appreciatively, "but since this is something outside the school, I can't add points for Slytherin, but I can personally satisfy a person within my ability." Wish, anything is possible."


"No, listen to me, this is what you deserve, and it's compensation for exposing your patron saint," Professor Slughorn saw Nelson's refusal, and slightly exerted his hand on his shoulder, explaining, "Besides, you are my lucky star today. Today the minister and the judge came to the school, and I also realized some of my wishes, so I would like to share the joy of fulfilling my wishes with you, do you understand?"

"Oh... yes, professor, thank you," Nelson nodded, thinking of the treatment plan he had made for Nagini. Although there is no precedent for the transformation potion of snakes, an extra copy of the Animagus magic potion should be prepared. The medicine is always right, he thought for a moment, and said, "Professor, can you give me a chrysalis of a grimacing hawkmoth?"

"The chrysalis of the Grimace Moth...?"

Professor Slughorn was stunned. Seeing this, Nelson thought it was inconvenient for Slughorn, so he changed his words: "Professor, if there is no one—"

"No," said Slughorn, making himself convenient, and simply asked, "Nelson, don't you have a chrysalis of a hawkmoth?"

"Huh? Professor, what did you say?"

"The chrysalis of the ghostly moth that Tom asked to leave from me before should be for you!" Professor Slughorn patted Nelson on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "This potion has a single purpose. , can only be used to prepare potions to assist Animagus in his cultivation. Tom took one from me before. Although his Transfiguration is good, it is only good in his grade, and it is far from reaching this level , so I know that he must have prepared it for you."

"Oh... that's right." Nelson's lips curled up, he almost didn't laugh out loud, and his expression tightened quickly. Sure enough, the teacher at Hogwarts didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp. Tom thought he was doing a bad job. Leaving traces, I didn't expect to be seen by Professor Slughorn.

"Didn't he tell you?" Slughorn let out a "hohohoho" walrus laugh, rubbed Nelson's hair, and said, "You might as well ask him, between friends, often It's normal to have some surprises ready."

"He told me, Professor," Nelson explained, "Because Animagus' practice has strict requirements on the weather, and it is easy to go wrong in the middle, so I plan to prepare an extra copy of the materials. If you don't need it, Or seal it up for Tom."

"Is that so?" Professor Slughorn scratched his head and said, "I don't know Animagus either, and I don't know much about it, but your risk awareness is still very good... just After the next Potions class is over, you and I can go to the medicine room to pick it up, but with all due respect, Tom doesn't have your talent for transfiguration, and your letter may take a long time."

"Thank you, Professor." Nelson bowed slightly.

"Shh, don't say this in front of them," Slughorn pointed to the two senior officials who were walking toward them after exchanging workplace experience, and gestured to Nelson for a silent gesture, "Registration Guardian Gods are annoying enough, and I don't think you'd want to register your Animagus either."

Nelson nodded and stood there without saying a word, smiling and looking at the minister and judge who were walking towards him.

"Ahem, Williams, do you have time tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?" Minister Rich asked, "We can arrange a simple award ceremony for you."

"The award ceremony?" Nelson frowned, "Is it unnecessary?"

"It is necessary," Minister Rich explained, "Actually, this award is mainly to commend the wizards who used their patron saints to protect the people during the dementor rebellion."

"But there's no Dementor Rebellion now, they even have an organization..."

"This is a tradition, do you understand?" Minister Rich explained, "In terms of form, it is a spiritual inheritance. In reality, this kind of good news is for the people who are in the quagmire. It’s an inspiration to say the least.”

"Okay," Nelson nodded and said, "then tomorrow, when is tomorrow?"

"tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Nelson wrote down the time, and there was still a chance to go to the Ministry of Magic to claim compensation in the afternoon.

"You take this to the Leaky Cauldron, and someone will take you to the entrance of the Ministry of Magic," Minister Ritchie took out a card from his vest pocket, handed it to Nelson, and said, "The Ministry of Magic building was reopened for some reason. It has been renovated, and it is a bit hard to find—you can also look at the latest "Daily Prophet", and the method of entering the Ministry of Magic to handle business is written in the middle of each issue."

"Okay, thank you." Nelson took the card, held it in his hand, and asked, "Which department do I need to go to after I arrive at the Ministry of Magic?"

"We've simplified the administrative process so that when you enter the building you're assigned directly to the department you're going to, and you just take the elevator, you know the elevator? It's a Muggle invention, it's like, like... ...Uh..." Minister Rich seemed unable to describe something like an elevator, he spread his hands and shrugged, hoping that Nelson could understand.

"I know, Minister, I'm Muggle-born." Nelson played with the card and asked, "Is there anything else I need to do?"

"No, you can go back." Professor Slughorn patted Nelson on the back. "The two of you and I still have some things to discuss. It's okay for you to go back by yourself? You can go back to the dormitory and sleep for a while."


Nelson bid farewell to the three wizards and left, and Professor Slughorn soon chatted with Minister Rich in a lively manner.

"What the hell?" Nelson scratched his back, feeling a thorn in his back all the way back to the castle from the lake, "Is the sweater pilling?"


"That's it?"

At the Two Broomsticks bar, Tom drank a glass of strangely colored and bubbling green cucumber juice with a straw in his mouth. He frowned, looked at Nelson who was opposite him who had changed into a new sweater, and asked, "What do they register for this thing?" What's the point? What kind of animal is a Patronus that records a person? Would someone control their Patronus to fly to the Minister of Magic's office and steal his underwear?"

"Hahaha..." Nelson couldn't help laughing, thought for a moment, and explained, "It is said that it is to ask for help in time when the people are attacked by dementors."

"Isn't that funny?" Tom curled his lips, "I remember I said a few years ago that officials from the Ministry of Magic are better than Chamberlain, but I'm going to take it back now, the dementors are all stuck to the face , who has the ability to seek help from a wizard who knows the Patronus Charm? Seriously, except for getting a medicinal material from the dean, you have wasted your life today."

"Indeed, look at me, I have dark circles under my eyes." Nelson lowered his eyelids and showed it to Tom.

Tom straightened up, took a closer look, and sat back again, "You seem to have been punched by someone. Seriously, I think instead of registering people who can use the Patronus Charm, they should come to a national test and put the Patronus Charm into practice. Anyone who doesn't respond to the spell will be arrested."

On the way to Hogsmeade, Nelson taught Tom the Patronus Charm. To his relief, Tom produced a cloud of silver fog when he used it for the first time, but he couldn't summon a complete guardian spell afterward. God - but this is also cause for joy, at least it proves that Tom is not a dark wizard.

"What if the captured wizard is not a dark wizard, but just a poor man who can't feel happiness?" Nelson quickly discovered the blind spot.

"It's even more important to arrest," Tom shook his head, "St. Mungory's visit to the doctor, so as not to feel that the world is not worth it... Seriously, if I become the Minister of Magic, I will check all wizards in the country Once again, the efficiency is higher than letting Auror investigate the case, so I don't know where it went!"

"Indeed." Nelson looked at his watch perfunctorily.

"Don't look, I just watched it, and it's our turn in 10 minutes. I suggest you also order a cup of cucumber juice, it has a very good suppression effect on your dark circles," Tom waved his hand, Taking the train to London and then to Diagon Alley is too far away. Recently, Two Broomsticks has opened a special line to the Leaky Cauldron by Floo. It is undoubtedly much easier to choose this way of travel. He sipped his cucumber juice and said, "Let them award honors, you might as well ask Grindelwald to award you a 'Grindelwald Art Award', at least this kind of honor is real-I still think this award is a bit weird, normal people should not Create an award like this."

"Don't talk about art, I don't want to recall that painful experience..."

Nelson raised a hand and covered his eyes.

"Hmph, I'm getting angry when I talk about it," Tom slurped the cucumber juice viciously, as if it was some kind of big enemy of his, "you know what? I went to King's Cross by train at the beginning of last term. I was suddenly blocked by a reporter on the road, he asked me if I was the performance artist who had disappeared for a long time, and asked if I had run out of talent, I..."

He kicked the table leg hard, but the furniture of the two brooms was solid, and Tom's face turned blue in an instant, then turned white, and finally turned red.

"Are you okay?" Nelson stood up, picked up Tom's bag hanging from the back of the chair and carried it behind his back, patted Tom on the back, looked at the fire gradually turning green in the fireplace, and said, "Should we Off to go, they've already sprinkled Floo powder."

"It's kind of like they sprinkled cumin when you say that."

Tom stood up stiffly holding Nelson's arm, and approached the fireplace with a goose step.

"The Leaky Cauldron." "The Leaky Cauldron."

The two stepped in one after another.


"Tom, two rooms are better."

Tom was quicker, and by the time Nelson had stepped out of the fireplace and brushed the ashes off his robes, he was standing at the bar of the Leaky Cauldron, booking a room.

Tom raised his index finger and middle finger, thought for a while, and added his ring finger: "Two rooms next to each other, with windows facing Diagon Alley. We'll book for three days, which happens to be a weekend."

"Okay, Mr. Riddle." The short young man at the bar seemed to have just graduated, he put down the glass in his hand that he couldn't finish wiping, turned around slowly, opened the small door on the wine cabinet behind him, and went from He picked out two bunches of keys, threw them on the counter, and lowered his head to pick up another glass, "It's still the room you usually live in, and the room to the left of it."

"As usual, charge it to my account. Is there any money?" Tom picked up the keys, picked one of them, and handed the other to Nelson who was approaching.

"Yes, Mr. Riddle, you still have 45 Galleons in your account. The three-day room fee plus meal expenses is a total of nine Galleons. Let me do the math..." The young boss named Tom lowered his head. , began to think, he spoke and settled the accounts as slowly as his movements, which made people feel anxious. After a long time, he raised his head and said, "After this, you still have..."

"36 Galleons." Nelson couldn't take it anymore, and reminded him.

"...36 Galleons." The boss squinted at Nelson and recorded a sum in the account book.

Tom nodded, took the luggage that Nelson had carried for him, and the two walked through the crowded tables in the bar and up the stairs.

"To be honest, I really don't want to come to this kind of place. The stinky smell of alcohol makes people feel irritable." Tom said as he led the way, shuttling between the tables.

"No way, isn't the Leaky Cauldron the only place in Diagon Alley?"

"That's right," Tom nodded, "There are other places, but the environment is very bad."

"It looks good." After walking upstairs, Nelson looked at the open room in front of him and nodded with satisfaction. "It's pretty clean."

"Of course it has to be clean. I wonder if there is something wrong with that Tom's mind. You haven't seen him use any spell to kill mice..." Tom threw his luggage into the room, closed the door with his foot, and went to Nelson's room. Walking up, "It's fun to say, I hate people having the same name as me, but this Tom is quite interesting, look at him, he is walking slowly, does he look like a snail?"

"You know this place well?" Nelson asked curiously.

"Of course, you know, I run a small business and come here often," Tom raised his eyebrows mysteriously, "I bought a good thing, and I'll show you it later."

(End of this chapter)

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