My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 175 Will you suddenly appear, beside the tree stump by the lake

Chapter 175 Will you suddenly appear, beside the tree stump by the lake

"Hello! My name is Nobby Rich, nice to meet you!"

The young wizard who was staying with Professor Slughorn saw Nelson and Judge Shafik approaching and trotted up happily. The curly brown hair looks very natural, and his face is full of spring, it is hard not to make people feel close.

Minister Rich nodded to Judge Shafik, then extended his hand to Nelson.

Nelson raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw his outstretched hand, and shook it gently.

"Master, hello."

"There's no need to call it Mr. Minister. I came to discuss things with Professor Slughorn today. I heard that Hogwarts had an outstanding student, so I came to take a look. I didn't expect it to be a talent!"

Minister Rich took Nelson's arm familiarly, and led him to Professor Slughorn, without despising him at all because Nelson was a student, and said as he walked: "To tell you the truth, I just learned from He graduated from Hogwarts and has few years of work experience."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Nobby, if you don't even have work experience, then Fuli should really find a tree and hang himself," Professor Slughorn said cheerfully when he saw the two approaching. Spreading his hands, he said, "You were ordered in a crisis, but managed the messy Ministry of Magic in an orderly manner. This is an achievement that many ministers can't achieve. Besides, Britain is now the safest country in the world."

"Professor, the Ministry of Magic is not as bad as you say..." Minister Rich shrugged and tilted his head to explain to Nelson, "The work of the Ministry of Magic has always been in order, and each department performs its duties. A little bit of personal matter, the Ministry of Magic is very short of people now, we welcome outstanding Hogwarts students like you to work in the Ministry of Magic after graduation."

Minister Rich raised his eyebrows at Nelson and added, "Of course, I mean if I was still in office at that time."

"I think you will be re-elected. No one will refuse such an excellent minister." Nelson complimented, while looking at the surrounding environment, he rarely came to Black Lake... until he saw a familiar tree Wooden stake—that was the place Mag liked to squat after he became a cat. His eyes stayed there, but his mouth was not idle, "After all, even a student like me who doesn't care about current affairs knows about your deeds, I Think other wizards have no reason to keep their eyes open."

But the tree he loved to sleep under was gone, and Nelson kept licking his lips, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that things were different.

"You can really talk," Minister Rich nodded comfortably after being photographed, "I think you can consider the Department of Legal Enforcement after you graduate, I used to work there - I just heard about you and Shafei Mr. Ke’s chat, the current wizards only know about duels, they are too impetuous, and there are too few people who know how to protect themselves with the law.”

"Isn't that what the law is about?" Nelson replied with a rhetorical question.

"Few people or protection?" Minister Rich was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head. There is no need for such a complicated interpretation of the words spoken by a student. He patted Nelson on the shoulder and said, "That's right. All right, kid."

Nelson stayed put obediently, waiting for the old judge to approach.

"Cough cough," Judge Shafik walked for a while before finishing the few steps. He coughed as soon as he stopped. The judge's back, his symptoms relieved a lot, he glanced at Nelson and asked, "Nelson Wertling Williams, are you ready?"

"Get ready for what?" Although Nelson had some guesses, no one told him what he was going to do.

"Very good...huh?" Judge Shafik pulled Minister Rich, asked a few words in a low voice, then cleared his throat, and said seriously, "According to the regulations of the Wizengamot, every wizard who masters difficult magic Both need to be registered in order to manage magical disasters in the UK."

"Does the Patronus Charm have to be registered?" Nelson asked with an expression of disbelief, "Isn't it only Animagus that needs to be registered?"

"Huh? How do you know what we're discussing?" Judge Shafik squinted at him and explained, "That's right. We also feel that this kind of regulation is a bit inefficient. In fact, I also think that only the Register those high-risk spells—the Patronus Charm can't hurt anyone, after all."

Nelson nodded in approval.

"It's like this," Minister Rich explained, "This regulation was established hundreds of years ago, and at the same time, there are also disguise magus, Animagus, divination, etc. that are difficult to master or innate. Advanced magic, such as the Patronus Charm, is too difficult to learn, and even the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic may not be able to master it all. At that time, it was the chaos of the Dementors, and in order to deal with the Dementor disaster faster To make it easier for wizards to call for help when encountering dementors, the Ministry of Magic has established this regulation."

"Dementors... are they still in chaos?" Nelson asked.

"Haha, that's the old almanac hundreds of years ago," Minister Rich smiled, "The guards of Azkaban are dementors, and they will never rebel, so the meaning of this regulation now is Provide a chance for wizards who have mastered advanced spells to show themselves, after all, even for famous wizards, this is a great honor—"

"Minister—" Nelson tried to interject, but couldn't.

"—there is a prize of [-] Galleons, and the Wizengamot will also award the recipient a third-class medal of the Knights of Merlin. In addition, we will also give the awardee wizards work, housing, life and other issues. And certain preferential treatment," Minister Rich finished the long series of words like a salesman who was afraid that customers would not pay attention to him if he spoke slowly, and finally took a deep breath and added, "Of course, before you come I discussed it with Master Shafik, and since you are a student, learning this level of magic spells is enough to prove your learning ability, and we will exempt you from one of the NEWTs exams."

(Nelson: "A curse of this degree? I'm afraid you don't know what the patron saint world will look like in a few decades...")
"Should I chant the spell now?" Minister Rich looked at Nelson, and found that he had already drawn out his own spell, ready to go.

"Of course, they won't just let you cast spells," Professor Slughorn stepped forward, and with a wave of his hand, the black cloth covering the cube disappeared. Nelson saw a man in a tattered black The tall and thin figure of Bu was huddled in a narrow and slender glass box in a strange posture standing at attention, staring at himself. Professor Slughorn proudly introduced, "It is also very lucky to say , It’s been a long time since wild dementors appeared in the UK, I didn’t expect to meet one last night, this dementor without ethnic group was a little weak, just caught by me.”

"A wild dementor?" Nelson raised an eyebrow, his tone full of suspicion.

"That's right, Nelson, you don't know this kind of creature. Almost all dementors are dressed in simple black rags," Professor Slughorn explained patiently, pointing to the dementor in the glass box , "Look, there is a silver metal ornament on this dementor, which is enough to explain the difference between it and other dementors."

Nelson looked at the "silver ornament" and put his chin back to its original place. He didn't know what to say for a while - that "silver metal ornament" was exactly what he had been using as a transfiguration material all year round. The small ball, he still remembered, was the small ball that he specially created to house possible enemy corpses, and sometimes it could also be used to store garbage or seal difficult enemies.

Nelson's shock at this moment is hard to describe in words. On the one hand, he was amazed at the wizard's sloppy scientific research method, a metal ball created a group, and on the other hand, he was shocked by the dementors who had been roasted by Fiendfire for so long. I admire her vitality and will to survive.

"What's the matter? Nelson." Professor Slughorn asked with concern when he saw that the students were a little strange.

"Nothing." Nelson looked at the dementor, then at Slughorn, swallowed, and said, "I was still a little shocked when I saw the dementor for the second time."

"This is normal. When I first discovered this wild dementor, I was no less shocked than you."

Professor Slughorn stepped back and made a "please" gesture to Nelson. Minister Rich and Judge Shafik also stepped aside to enjoy Nelson's performance.

As for Nelson, he could only bite the bullet and walk forward, all he could think about was to finish the damn spell quickly and escape from this embarrassing place.

He secretly vowed in his heart that he would develop a spell called "Call the Plague God" in the future, and the casting material was to recall the most embarrassing moment in his life. Nelson believed that the development of this spell, coupled with After such an experience, I will definitely be invincible in the world.

Professor Slughorn called out, "Nelson, are you ready?"

"I'm ready." Nelson stood there like a quail, digging at the soles of his shoes with his toes.

With a wave of his wand, Professor Slughorn opened the east, west, north and south sides of the glass box, releasing the dementors from their shackles, while he raised his wand, always ready to deal with the possibility of the dementors getting out of control.

What puzzled Professor Slughorn was that the dementor, which was about to charge up when it saw people in the past, unexpectedly floated in place without any other movements. Staring at Nelson, Professor Slughorn could feel the hostility and malice emanating from it, but its behavior puzzled him - but he immediately became excited, this wild dementor was different from its lack of reason The abnormal behavior of the same kind is enough to publish a paper by himself, gain fame and earn a lot of money at the same time.

"Call God... guard!"

Nelson raised his wand and pointed it at the dementor who stayed in place. He tried to recall those happy and happy fragments in his memory, but failed. At this moment, his heart was filled with embarrassment, and a cloud of radiance emanated from the tip of his wand. The thin smoke of white light dissipated quickly with another pop, as if the wand had farted—which made Nelson feel even more embarrassed.

"It's okay, Nelson! Even a famous wizard cannot succeed in such a difficult spell." Professor Slughorn thought that Nelson was a little nervous when facing the two senior officials, so he stood aside to cheer.

Nelson closed his eyes, shielded this embarrassing voice, and let go of his heart. He recalled the scene of seeing several people standing at the gate of the castle to greet him when he returned to school. He opened his eyes, flicked his wrist, and saw a silver falcon Flapping its wings and rushing out from the tip of the staff, it straightly rushed towards the dementor floating opposite Nelson.

He suddenly realized that he hadn't recited the spell, so before Falcon left his wand, he quickly added the phrase "Call God to protect".

Minister Rich nodded with a smile, stood in place and applauded dignifiedly.

Judge Shafik, who noticed that Nelson's voice and pictures were out of sync, raised his eyebrows, but quickly applauded.

Professor Slughorn's focus is different from everyone else's. He found that the dementor showed complex emotions comparable to human beings when he saw Nelson's Patronus. These emotions include but are not limited to "helplessness" , "Speechless", "It doesn't matter", it feels like the whole dementor has been emptied, as if being emptied of happiness by another dementor, it becomes depressed and painful.

The silver falcon let out a long, sharp and clear cry, piercing through the dementor's chest as fast as lightning, and shuttled back and forth at a speed that the four wizards present couldn't see clearly. Soon, the black rag covering the dementor's body It became full of holes, and the frustrated dementor fell to the ground with a "poof".

The Patronus flew back to Nelson, spit a small ball into his hand, disappeared into his wand.

"Williams, with the liberty of asking, what is your Patronus?" Judge Shafiq asked. "I don't see it, or could you release it again for us to see."

"Sorry, Judge Shafik, it's a falcon." Nelson shook his head and tucked the ball into his sleeve. "It's a bit arrogant, and sometimes I can't handle it."

"Yes." Judge Shafik nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Does the Patronus have a personality?" Minister Rich asked curiously, and quickly closed his mouth, pretending that he had never asked this question.

"The Patronus is much more intelligent than most creatures summoned by spells. They have their own personalities and behaviors. It is not a spell specially developed to expel dementors, but the emotional ability of the Patronus can just expel Dementors," Judge Shafik explained. "Of course, Rich, there's nothing shameful about not knowing the Patronus Charm. It doesn't prevent you from being a good and promising Minister."

(End of this chapter)

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