My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 114 Online class?tom's last name

Chapter 114 Online class?tom's last name
"Hey, Tom, are you there?"

At eight o'clock in the evening, at the appointed time in the letter, Nelson took out the mirror that Tom sent him. After calling the name of "Tom Riddle", a circle of ripples rippling in all directions appeared in the center of the mirror, only In the blink of an eye, Tom's face appeared in the mirror.

"Oh, Nel, is it finally here?" Tom frowned and pressed the top of Nelson's head, and asked, "What's wrong with your hair? You can't wash your hair when you're alone outside, right?"

Nelson didn't speak, just followed Tom's example and stared at the top of the man's head in the mirror, shaking his head slightly.

"I suggest you buy a Porter card..." Tom noticed Nelson's eyes, and stretched his hand uncontrollably to the top of his head. When he reached halfway, he suddenly stopped, and Nelson also died because of the trick. Covered his face and laughed.

After a while, the two young people who hadn't seen each other for a long time looked at each other and laughed.

"Nar," Tom said with a serious expression after a few minutes, staring at Nelson in the mirror, "seriously, now I feel more and more that it is really an irrational choice for you to leave Hogwarts .”

"How to say?"

"The knowledge we learn in school is really different from before," Tom said with a proud expression, "I dare say that your mastery of magic is definitely not as good as mine now, you have lost too much knowledge , Gnar."

"If you're talking about herbalism or potions, that's true." Nelson nodded with a serious face, and said, "If your mastery of herbalism is not as strong as that of a color-blind person, then I think you should It’s easy to go back to London and find a factory to work in.”

"You guy," Tom rubbed his face with a smile, and said the gauntlet, "Let's have a duel next time we meet, and I'll show you my progress."

"Of course, I'm looking forward to it!" Nelson put the mirror on the bedside table, picked up the wand from the table, thought for a moment, and said, "Who is your assistant? It won't be Alphard, right?"

"Where do I need an assistant to fight with you?" Tom took a step back with some conceit, his upper body appeared in the mirror, he put his hips on his hips, and said, "It's no problem for me to beat you and your assistant alone."

"Okay, I want to ask Grindelwald to be my assistant." Nelson pretended to look at Tom like a little boy in the orphanage, "Brother Tom, you are so powerful that you must be able to beat an old man like him." !"

"You..." Tom seemed to be choking on a cake, and it took him a long time to recover, shook his head with a wry smile, and picked up the mirror to show Nelson the surrounding environment, "Guess where I am now? "

Nelson looked behind Tom. He was in a huge palace at the moment, with a pair of huge feet in the distance.

"Is this the secret room you were talking about?" Nelson also stopped his nonsense, grinning, and carefully looked at the tall pillars with magic runes shining on them.
"That's right." Tom triumphantly raised his right hand, a flash of red light flashed in his palm, and in the next second he took out a green gemstone from the pillar beside him, "Since you left, I have nowhere to rub Eating and drinking, I thought my financial situation would be difficult for a while, but I didn't expect that I found the treasure of Slytherin, he is really a good man."

"So it's dark in here because..."

"That's right," Tom threw the gems aside, continued to put his hands on his hips, put on a look of "I'm rich", and said with a straight chest, "I sold the crystal lamp in this palace, then But for an antique thousands of years ago, the goblin from Gringotts even gave me the most honorable membership card!"


"Ahem, let's get down to business." Seeing Nelson's indescribable expression, Tom also realized that he should not say such a thing with this expression, so he coughed twice and changed the subject, "Mr. Aberforth mentioned it to me. A suggestion, I can take this mirror and put it aside in class, so that you can also attend classes together, so that you won't miss too much of your studies..."

"I don't want someone to say that the friend of the great Lord Riddle is a bad wizard with poor grades!" Finally, as if he remembered something, he grunted and added.

"Online class?" Nelson's expression was a little dull, and he didn't expect that he would not escape this thing in 1939.

"What did you say?" Tom didn't understand the meaning of the word.

"It's nothing...I mean, is this feasible? After all, teaching at Hogwarts is relatively private."

"It's okay, it's just more troublesome. It needs to seek the consent of the four deans, but I have already reported to the school." In places that Nelson didn't know, Tom had already made all the preparations for him, "Slugger Professor Horn signed it for me immediately after I finished talking about it, and Mr. Aberforth, he was the one who came up with the idea, the head of Hufflepuff...what's his name? Anyway, a generous and gentle old man like him quickly agreed."

"Where's Professor Sykes?" Nelson was most afraid of Professor Sykes in school. This serious lady is best at appearing in front of him in the most embarrassing time, in the most embarrassing place, and in the most embarrassing way. However, Nelson didn't think Professor Sykes would do anything for him.

"It's strange to say," Tom fished a chair out of nowhere, put his hand on his chin, with a confused expression on his face, "I haven't looked for her yet, Mr. Aberforth was in the end of Transfiguration class Please give me her signature. Gnar, do you have a good relationship with her?"

"I don't know if my relationship with her can be called good... If she really likes the artificial 'tea pouring art', then I think she should appreciate me." Nelson shrugged, " I think it might be because of Felius, whoever he is, Professor Sykes signed it anyway."

"That's true." Tom didn't think about it, he slumped on the chair without any image, and asked, "I said that before, but I don't think you will miss your studies outside, right?" ? Don’t be worse than Chris then.”

"You can rest assured, just wait a moment." Nelson jumped off the bed, ran to the table to fetch a few books, and showed them to Tom, "This is the book that Minerva asked you to bring to me. Look at it. , I have basically finished reading, although I still have difficulty in completing some transformations, but I already have a general understanding, and now I only need Animagus and some advanced transformation techniques that she did not mention..."

"Is it Animagus? Your Lord Riddle understands you very well." Tom raised his eyebrows proudly, "When are you going to transform into an Animagus, I have prepared the potion for you , Professor Slughorn is such a good man, I feel that as long as I ask, he can teach me black arts."

"He may indeed do such a thing," Nelson nodded, thinking about the evaluations of Slughorn and Newt in his impression, "He is also a powerful wizard, you need to learn more from him." Squeeze something out."

"That must be. He asked me if I wanted to end the confinement, but I refused." Tom showed an expression of "everything is under control", and then furrowed his brows tightly, "You didn't just practice Transfiguration, did you? You don't know anything else, do you? No way, no way?"

"I also read the book on Charms." Nelson took out a tattered book from under the pile of transfiguration notes and books, and showed it to Tom, "This is the textbook on Charms written by Senior Miranda. , I am very efficient in self-study with this book, I have always carried it with me, and flipped through it before rest every day."

"Let me see..."Standard Spells"?" Tom squinted his eyes and looked at the cover of the book, with some admiration in his tone, "As expected of her, did she write it herself? How dare she write such a book? Shu, you dare to follow along! One dares to teach and the other dares to learn, you two are really amazing."

"Don't tell me, her book is really good." Nelson shook his head and defended the textbook written by the senior sister, "It's simple and concise, and it's better than the textbook we're using that seems to be written by a medieval riddleman." Much better, I remember that our textbook even the grammar is medieval, I read it as if I were reading Shakespeare."

"Indeed." Tom nodded, "Where can I buy her book? I'll buy one too."

"She gave it to me when we went to watch Dumbledore's trial last time. Listening to her, it seems that she has a problem with publishing." Nelson recalled meeting Miranda

Tom took another gem from his side to play with, rolled his eyes, and said, "Can you tell me if we can invest in her a little bit, the quality of this book is guaranteed, and I hope more people can use this book Excellent textbook."

"Forget it," he shook his head, asked himself and answered, "I don't say whether you can find her, but it's not appropriate to give her money, we are just schoolmates, and she is a very proud person... ..."

"You talk a lot, Tom." Nelson nodded gratifiedly, showing an old father-like expression, "Do you have a class schedule at hand? Let me see what classes are available. Before you go to class, remember to bring the mirror with you."

"I know, I know..." Tom collapsed on the sofa, waved his wand lazily, and the silver letters formed a class schedule in the air, and Tom specially made a golden frame for it.

"Potions class on Monday morning?" Nelson shook his head. "I can't stand eight in the morning, and I've never been good at Potions."

"Professor Slughorn really doesn't have much hope for your Potions." Tom waved his hand, and Monday morning's Potions class disappeared from the schedule. Mr. Williams who said something like "making potions on the assembly line", just tell me what potion you want to drink in the future, and I will help you."

"Is there any Felicia?" Nelson rubbed his hands, "I drank the Felicity once before, so give me some more."

" can't drink too much potion like Felicity Elixir, it will cause a huge blow to your nervous system, and it will make people dependent. Besides, I don't know how to make Felicity Elixir, and I'm a first-year student. That’s what Professor Slughorn rewarded me back then.” He stretched out his hand with his thumb and forefinger to draw out “a little bit”, and then asked curiously, “What did you do? It’s so dangerous? You drank the Felicia."

"It's nothing..." Nelson shrugged. "It was just a small duel with a dark wizard from the ancient Greek period, and it took a little effort to take him down."

"You..." Tom saw Nelson, who was full of pride but pretending not to care, and shook his head with a smile, "You guy, what have you been through outside, are you okay?"

"It's okay, you see I'm lying on the bed in a bad way," Nelson continued to look at the schedule, choosing courses, "I have to listen to History of Magic on Tuesday morning."

"No problem, I'll just put you on the table and sleep with me." Tom waved his wand again, and History of Magic on Tuesday morning turned golden, "You can't forget this class, but Fantastic Beasts on Monday afternoon Don't you go to class? I think you should meet a lot of magical animals outside."

"No, I have experts by my side," Nelson shook his head, "Do you remember Senior Newt? We met in the hideout, Newt Scamander, and he lives in the house across the street from me now. "

"That's wonderful," said Tom sourly, "to learn from such a great wizard."

"Indeed, he also taught me how to Apparate."

"Will you do it?"

"You wouldn't want to know."

"You will?" Tom's voice trembled.

"Why do you have to ask?"

Nelson spread his hands, and as soon as he finished speaking, Tom actually collapsed on the chair, and Nelson could see a white ghost slipping out of his mouth.

"Do you think I need to take this divination class?" Nelson looked at the timetable, scratched his chin, and was a little hesitant about whether to take this class. "To be honest, I feel that learning divination is a waste of time. What about people who don't have the talent for divination?" You can’t even learn it, and people with divination talents don’t need to teach it at all.”

"I feel like you should take a divination class," Tom disagreed with Nelson. "If you don't learn to understand dreams, you won't even know what you're predicting."

"That's what I'm worried about. Mrs. Clemens spends her days looking at the stars." Nelson frowned, "Not to mention whether she can interpret dreams, I suspect she doesn't sleep at all...but listen Come on, if you take a two-way mirror to video chat, will it destroy the connection between her and the stars?"

"What chat?" Tom thought for a while, "Let me find an opportunity to ask her, not to mention that you are a real prophet, I think as a teacher, she should not reject a person who wants to learn, right?"

Tom waved his hand again, and the divination class on the school schedule turned red.

"You must take the Charms class, which is a request from Professor Sykes." Tom looked at the rest of the class, waving his wand constantly, "There is no need for the Transfiguration class, Mr. Aberforth said that when you grow up a few more If you have enough magic power, you can go directly to the wizard level exam of Transfiguration. Minerva teaches better than him; do you want to take the herbal medicine class? I feel that you were disgusted when you took that class, and the color difference in this mirror is even lower Why don't you just spit it out?"

"Forget it..." Nelson shook his head. "Herbology needs to be studied in the field. At least you have to touch those herbs. I don't have that condition here."

"What about Defense Against the Dark Arts? This should be very important." Tom continued to seek Nelson's advice, "After all, you have a group of dark wizards around you..."

"I said, Tom," Nelson spread his hands towards the mirror, "I'm surrounded by a group of dark wizards, what's the point of learning defensive skills? And you know, I can cast a disarming spell, thank God, I'm here In terms of talents, it is actually similar to potions."

"That's a must!" Tom turned Defense Against the Dark Arts into gold on his own initiative, "This lesson must be taken, at least we can stand and die facing Grindelwald..."

"Okay." Nelson leaned his hand on the head of the bed and leaned on it.

"By the way, when do you plan to transform into an Animagus?" Tom asked while adjusting the class schedule, "You set a time so that I can send you the potion."

"I'm planning to go to England when you are on vacation." Nelson replied after thinking for a while, "Minerva's notes said that the first transformation of an Animagus is very difficult and dangerous, and it will take a long time. , you need someone to guard it, and when you are on vacation, I will go to you for help."

"Really?" There was a tinge of joy in Tom's voice, and he nodded, "Don't worry, I will definitely arrange for you clearly. If nothing else, when you are in London, I promise that there will be no snakes in the West Side. Any other kind of animal exists."

"That's not enough..." Nelson waved his hand, "It's just an Animagus, there is no need to sacrifice the diversity of local species... I will start after I have thoroughly read Minerva's books and notes. We're getting ready, but we probably won't be practicing in London, I remember that the practice of Animagus needs to have the moon for several consecutive should be like this, anyway, the weather in London, alas, you understand."

"It's okay, tell me when the time comes, we can go anywhere." Tom nodded, took out a piece of parchment and a quill, and took out a table.

"What are you writing?" Seeing Tom's movements, Nelson asked curiously, "No? Where did you get those things? I see there is only a cabinet next to you."

"It's just a bauble of the great Salazar Slytherin." Tom reached into the side pillar again, and pulled out a gem from it at a slow speed that Nelson could see clearly. His talents are unparalleled.”

"Oh..." Nelson stared at the coat hanging on the hanger, swallowed, "I think maybe I'm the heir of Slytherin, and I'm really similar to him in this respect..."

"Heir of Slytherin?" Tom savored the name and nodded with satisfaction. "It's a good title, but he belongs to Lord Riddle now."

"By the way, how did you find this place? Do you also know how to open the various... er, storage rooms in Slytherin? It's not so detailed with just a notebook."

"It's a long story," Tom seemed to hear something, sat up from the chair, turned his head to look at the huge statue behind him, scolded in a Parseltongue, and continued to slump comfortably and began to talk, "You Remember, wasn't I always looking for my wizarding relatives?"

"I remember, you still thought your father was a wizard."

"I was wrong. My mother is the source of my magical blood." Tom sighed and said, "But I think she might be a squib, otherwise I wouldn't end up like that..."

"I'm sorry..." Nelson saw that Tom was depressed, so he had to wipe the mirror and talk about comfort.

"It doesn't matter, I haven't seen her anyway." Tom continued in a calm voice, "At the beginning of this semester, Alphard and I made a tunnel out of the school gate. Although we could go out through the main gate, we couldn't change that habit... …so we got caught, Alphard was punished for plucking the caterpillars, and I was put in to clean the prize room.”

"Oh! I know that place." Nelson showed an unbearable expression, "I went there by the wrong door once, and the room was full of dust. The good guy almost sent me away."

"Those trophies haven't been touched for a long time." Tom nodded, "There was a layer of dust on them, and I was a little numb after cleaning them until I saw a name—Marvolo."

"Is that your grandfather's name in the middle of your name?" Nelson asked.

"That's right." Tom looked up at him and continued, "According to this name, I found a family, an ancient family that is not prosperous but has been passed down for thousands of years in the history of wizards, and a family that is said to be Salazar S. A pure-blood family of direct descendants of the Lytlings—the Gaunt family."

"The Gunter family?" Nelson murmured the name.

"Do you know this family?" Tom asked urgently with a bright expression on his face, "You should have heard of it! People who like history like you must have heard of this ancient family that is directly related to Slytherin."

"Yes, I know."

Nelson nodded and got up from the bed and walked to the hanger, Tom's voice echoing from the mirror behind him.

"But that's not important. As I told you before, I still have a copy of "Magic Theory" on hand, do you remember? A second-hand book bought at Lihen Bookstore. There is an essay by an adventurer in that book, according to which Regarding the record of the Chamber of Secrets, I found a faucet with a snake-shaped emblem engraved in a women's bathroom on the first floor, and guessed that the key to open the Chamber of Secrets is Salazar Slytherin's unique talent—Parseltongue!"

"I can imagine." Hearing Tom's excited and proud voice, Nelson nodded. He had already found what he was looking for in his coat pocket.

"After entering the Chamber of Secrets, I used Parseltongue to try all the possible spells recorded in that book - all of which were beautiful compliments to Slytherin." Tom noticed Nelson reappearing in the mirror, and looked up. , raised his hand and stretched it around, showing, "This is my result."

"The Gunter family is indeed a family with a long history." Nelson did not comment on Tom's achievements. He said to himself, "The last descendants of the Gunter family live in Hangleton, and there is only one person left— —Now there are two, if I'm not mistaken, they should be your mother's last relatives."

"What?" Tom's expression was a little confused. He didn't expect that Nelson's progress was much faster than him, and he opened his mouth and asked stiffly, "I...have you been there? They...are really only one person left Yet?"

"That's right, Tom." Nelson sighed, and raised his palm to the mirror, with a pure black ring inlaid with a black gem lying quietly in the middle. "The story of the three brothers? The gem on this ring is the resurrection stone."

Tom didn't look like he had figured it all out yet.

"Tom, for a long time, the resurrection stone belonged to the Gunter family. I got it from the man named Morfin. That Mr. Morfin Gunter should be your uncle." Nelson put the ring He got closer and said to Tom seriously, "This is yours."

"Is this really the resurrection stone?" Tom raised his head abruptly, his eyes were scarlet, making his already fair face even paler, he stared firmly at Nelson's eyes, panting heavily with his chest heaving, The voice became sharp, and he asked in an extremely excited tone, "If it's the resurrection stone, can... can you-"

"No," Nelson interrupted Tom, shaking his head feebly, and said weakly, "Tom, the Resurrection Stone is just like what is described in fairy tales. It can't bring us what we really want."

"Oh, you bastard..." Tom bent down, buried his face deep in his hands, and tore his hair vigorously.

 I owed a chapter yesterday, and today I have a huge chapter, I am too lazy to score (no)
  I just found out that the chapter name is wrong... I am too difficult, I will contact the editor to modify it in the daytime, and it happens to be revised together with Chapter 108, which does not have chapter [-] before.

(End of this chapter)

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