My classmate at Hogwarts is Voldemort

Chapter 113 Barry Was Arrested Again

Chapter 113 Barry Was Arrested Again
"Enemy attack!!!"

Nelson was lying on the bed, and when he heard movement downstairs, he quickly jumped up, ran to the window and opened it to look down.

A large group of people surrounded the black tower of the library, and it was so dark that it was impossible to see the end. Nelson lay down by the window and saw a light blue barrier opened around the black tower, and flowers bloomed on the barrier. The rose-like magic pattern, the strong light condensed and shot towards a black spot in the sky.

The black dots tossed and turned in the dense spell, getting bigger and bigger.

"Who is so tiger?" Nelson's jaw dropped in shock, "Dumbledore couldn't be calling, right? I heard that Dumbledore's Animagus is a phoenix..."

His sidelight noticed that in all directions of the city, figures riding brooms rose into the air, encircling the black tower from all directions.

The black spot was getting bigger and bigger, and Nelson found that it seemed to be a raptor, with its wings spread nearly two meters, and the sunlight coated its feathers with a layer of gold. In the cursing rain, he seemed alone and unable to support himself, like a fisherman fighting against the waves, and like a tracker on a river.

Nelson patted his head, ran to the table and opened the drawer to take out the camera that had been with him for a long time, ran back to the window and stood up straight, facing the sun and pressing the shutter.

"Good photo!" He picked up the photo just spit out by the camera, and said complacently, "I can win the Pulitzer Prize ~ Jonas will definitely like it! By the way, is there such a prize now?"

Nelson lowered his head and fiddled with the photo, but suddenly found that the raptor in the photo was getting bigger and bigger. He raised his head in surprise and saw a swift and fierce black shadow attacking him straightly.

"Stop it!" The wizards who were closer to the black tower were already standing in the air on broomsticks. Under the order of the leader in black robes, they raised their wands and cast spells on the black shadow rushing towards Nelson. Suddenly, colorful The beams of light filled the entire sky.

The strong light hurt his eyes, he subconsciously raised his hand to cover his face, and shouted:
"You have found the wrong person, Grindelwald is on that tower!"

Nelson's voice was drowned out by the deafening explosions in front of him, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that there was a package tightly wrapped in oiled paper in his arms, and a sturdy gray owl was standing beside his bed, A pair of piercing round eyes stared at him. Its face was too upright. There were two thick, black and straight eyebrows on top of a pair of round and big eyes. Nelson didn't know if the owl would grow Eyebrows, but apparently it's grown.

The black-robed wizard who was the leader before rode a broom towards Nelson's window. With a beautiful tail flick, he stopped, leaned his head into the room, looked around, and asked anxiously:

"Are you all right? Where's the enemy?"

"It's okay, sir." Nelson threw the package and camera in his arms on the bed, raised his hands and patted his upper body, indicating that there were no more holes or anything on his body, and then pointed to the sharp knife on the bedside. The owl, which pried open its own fruit box and picked tomatoes from it, said, "As for the enemy you mentioned, could it be him?"

"What?" The black-robed wizard's robe seemed to have a comprehensive camouflage function, which even made his voice hoarse. He stretched out his hand to the window sill and asked, "Can I come in?"

"Of course, but please try to walk through the door next time." Nelson shrugged, and made way for him sideways. The black-robed wizard turned his arms hard and turned inside.

Immediately afterwards, a white light flashed, and he seemed to have triggered some magical trap, and was instantly ejected far away, straight into the arms of a wizard riding a broom.

Nelson didn't understand what happened. He poked his head out of the window again and looked at the wizard who was knocked into the air. The wizard in black waved his hand, raised his wand, and disappeared.

The next second, there was a knock on the door in the corridor outside Nelson's room.

He ran to the door and opened it. It was the wizard in black robe standing at the door. He was a little embarrassed, the wizard robe on his body was crumpled, and his breathing was a little disordered.

"Come in." Nelson opened the door and invited him in.

"Wait," the black-robed wizard waved his hand again, adjusted his neckline, and then asked politely, "May I have the honor to visit your room?"

"Oh..." Nelson didn't understand this person's way, but replied instinctively and enthusiastically, "Please come in, please come in."

"Thank you." The black-robed wizard carefully stretched out one hand into the room first, and waited for a moment before stepping forward with a left foot with lingering fear. Nelson raised his arm and scratched his head a little itchy from waiting. The black-robed wizard saw him He was so frightened by the movement that he immediately retracted his left foot that had stepped in.

"This is you?" Nelson couldn't figure out his way, so he could only ask in a low voice, "Are you still coming in?"

"If I remember correctly, this should be Lord Grindelwald's protective spell," the black-robed wizard smiled awkwardly, walked into Nelson's room with his chest upright, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to get you from your window. It's really rude to turn it in."

"Ah... I didn't know there was such a thing." Nelson replied a little blankly, and the black-robed wizard just smiled.

"Is that the owl that rushed in just now?" After entering the room, the black-robed wizard fixed his eyes on the owl by Nelson's bedside, and realized that someone was looking at him. The owl no longer buried its head in eating, but raised its head , using those big piercing eyes to pay back. Unexpectedly, the black-robed wizard was defeated by the gaze first. He turned to Nelson and asked, "Mind if I check this owl?"

"Please." Nelson spread his hands, and saw that the moment the black-robed wizard took out his wand, he felt as if he had been stung by a wasp. His arm convulsed violently, and the wand fell to the ground.

He picked up his wand, his attitude became more respectful, he stepped back and left the door, and said in a low voice, "I believe in Lord Grindelwald's magic, we will strengthen the security of the surrounding blocks in the future, sorry for disturbing your rest, sorry!"

Nelson didn't feel any magical movement in the room from the beginning to the end. It wasn't until the black-robed wizard closed the door and exited that he showed a puzzled expression and said to himself, "What does this person do? Nurmengard's Is it a show?"

The owl also showed the same expression, but it didn't last long, and then went on to fight the fruit.

Only then did Nelson turn his attention to the owl, and he stepped forward. The raptor that looked quite majestic in the sky before was suddenly a thick and short fat man. Nelson saw a short scarf tied around the owl's neck. In terms of stature, this scarf is like a cloak, and the scarf is embroidered with the emblems of the four Hogwarts colleges. He reached out and touched the letterbox tied to the owl's leg.
He untied the letterbox and sighed, "I don't know whether they are too good or you are too good. In short, it is outrageous that a group of people can't stop an owl."

Hearing this, the owl stopped eating, but "cuckooed" and raised one of its wings, signaling Nelson to look under his wings.

"What are you talking about? Every time you defeat a bird, you pluck off one of their most beautiful tail feathers and pin it to your chest?" Nelson bent down to look at the feathers on the owl's chest, and scratched his hair vigorously, "What? ? Why can I understand the owl’s speech?” (Note: see the author’s statement)

His eyes scanned the beautiful feathers that were obviously not owls, pheasants, eagles, vultures... Nelson marveled until he saw a phoenix tail feather.

"It's outrageous. It really makes sense for an owl to be called a bird of prey." He always felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't explain it, so he picked up the letter box at hand, poured out a tightly bundled piece of parchment from it, and looked at the side. Nelson smiled at the familiar and unfamiliar handwriting, "You actually practiced calligraphy, Tom."


"Nelson, I heard you were attacked?"

In the small restaurant downstairs, Nelson and Andre sat and ate, and he was busy breaking his baguette, with a table knife blunted by bread beside him.

"It was a false alarm. An owl broke through the line of defense. My good friend wrote me a letter." Nelson shook his head and said happily, but after glancing at the bread on the table, his eyes soon became depressed .

"Bread slices." Andre raised his eyebrows, pointed at the bread on Nelson's plate with his wand, and they were quickly divided into neat slices. Feeling Nelson looking at him, he said proudly, "A little magic , the Kitchen Charm will bring a lot of convenience to our lives, I suggest you learn about it."

"I appreciate the views of one of my excellent seniors named Augusta." Nelson shamelessly picked up a ready-made, he forked a slice of bread and threw it into the onion soup, and said proudly, "She thinks the spell is Try to save trouble."

"Good point," Andre laughed angrily seeing Nelson's look of pride instead of shame. He raised his wand again, and slices of bread lined up on the table to find his brother to pick him up The stick turned into the same solid stick at the beginning, but with a missing piece in the middle. He spread his hands and looked at Nelson, saying, "Please show me a way to save trouble."

"As you wish," Nelson said softly, picking up his wand, pointing at the bread cats and dogs, "slices of bread."

The bread slices were separated from the brothers again.

"I just think it's too simple," Nelson raised his eyebrows, "What do you think?"

"But although your attack was a false alarm," Andre said, looking around and changing the subject, "but some people were really attacked."


Andre's expression was tense, looking weird.

"Barry?" There was a smile in Nelson's tone, he vaguely guessed something, "He won't be caught by Muggles again?"

"No." Andre said, "This time without White following, no matter what he does, he won't be caught by Muggles."

"Has he been caught by some magical creature like a troll?"

"No." Andre's expression became more and more strange. He suppressed a smile and said, "I heard that he was caught by a group of local wizards when he was looking for some history books, but they did not prevent Barry from contacting us. , and demanded a ransom from us instead.”

"Didn't he mention Grindelwald's name?"

"He said it from the beginning."

"Don't those wizards buy it?"

"Of course, otherwise we should be three of us eating here now," Andre finally couldn't help laughing loudly, he patted the table while laughing, and said cheerfully, "They raised the ransom, the original words are:' Since you are from Grindelwald, such a small amount of money is not worthy of your status.', hahahaha..."

"It's true," Nelson nodded. He didn't think there was any problem, but asked Andre in confusion, "What is Barry trying to do? If he gets caught by this today and that tomorrow, I doubt he can Can't beat me."

"Don't doubt it." Andre's expression suddenly became serious, he looked at Nelson solemnly, and suddenly burst into laughter, "He must not be able to beat you, he can't even beat the watchmaker couple who live next door. My daughter who just bought a wand can't beat..."

The shop was instantly filled with a happy atmosphere.

After a while, Nelson got tired of laughing. He touched the wall of the bowl. The onion soup was still hot, so he forked a piece of bread and threw it in. He continued to ask, "So do we need to rescue him? Is White coming?"

"No, this time I can be alone, of course, you can also be together." Andre shook his head, "After all, he was captured by a wizard this time, not a Muggle. If White goes, I'm afraid he will really Died there—and White took on the job of entertaining the witch."

Nelson gnawed on the softened slices of bread, which were still chewy.

"Are you coming along?" Andre asked with squinting eyes.

"Didn't I also take on the job of entertaining Senior Newt?"

"Are you afraid that he will get lost?" Andre's eyes almost slanted to the back of his head, "It would be nice if he didn't turn Nurmengard upside down!"

"That's true...but what's going on with Barry and White?" Nelson's curiosity flooded with gossip, "Last time Barry said that it was White who caused him to be caught by Muggles, I thought they had some kind of deep hatred. Before White was always there, and I didn't dare to ask."

"What do you care about these things at a young age?" Andre first mocked Nelson, then bent down, with raging gossip in his eyes, looked around, and whispered: "You know that White's father used to be Grindel Lord Wo's enemy, right? It can be said that she and Lord Grindelwald have a feud against her father, even though Lord Grindelwald has treated her as his own over the years."

"I know, like me." Nelson nodded.

"It's still not the same...but it's not important." Andre lowered his voice and continued, "White was blinded somewhere and fell in love with Barry, and the two became inseparable and eventually got engaged... As a result, after a few days, Barry told her about her life experience, and then she always felt that Barry was a pawn sent by Grindelwald to seduce her, but in fact, she was always chasing after him, and the young couple was always at odds. If you and What will you do if your wife is having a fight?"

"I'm still young, you might as well think about what your wife would do."

"My wife and I..." Andre pondered for a moment, then suddenly shouted angrily: "****, I don't have a wife! I'm an old bachelor!"

"You are so pitiful..."

"Whatever," the old bachelor was really good at calming down his mood. He adjusted his expression and continued, "Anyway, White's way of making troubles is to hide Barry's things. When I went to England to find Bathilda Bagshot, White was there Barry's wand casts a magic that automatically flies back to Nurmengard after ten hours..."

"Oh, this..." Nelson imagined the tragedy of Barry. When he finally crossed the ocean and arrived in England, he wanted to find a place to rest, so he found an empty ward and stayed in it. He was held down by the nurse the next morning. Suddenly, I found that the wand in my hand disappeared...

He shook his head, drove the funny tragedy out of his mind, and asked, "When are you going? If I'm free, you can take me with you."

"Don't worry, I'll go collect the money first." Andre took out a box from under the table, patted the lever and said, "They don't want too little!"

 About Dumbledore's Animagus form:
  Many people think it is a phoenix, but in fact, regardless of whether Dumbledore will be an Animagus, his transformed animal should not be a magical animal, because magical animals are Those with magic power have a quite different form of magic power in the body than humans, and Animagus still retain their own magic ability after turning into animals, so Animagus can only become ordinary Animals, limited to non-magical creatures.

  About the so-called "owl" language:

  There is no doubt that the owl can understand the words of the wizard, because it needs to listen to the address before sending the letter.And can the wizard understand what the owl is saying?Take Harry Potter as an example. Sometimes he can understand what Hedwig wants to do, such as wanting to get out of the cage to get some air, and what he wants to eat, so I think wizards should be able to understand the thoughts of owls, a creature with higher spirituality. .

  Plus, owls are birds of prey.

  In this chapter, the owl’s piercing eyes and thick eyebrows refer to Angry Birds, Rock Lee, and lwx (I drew one, but I can’t post the picture)
(End of this chapter)

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