This Northern Song Dynasty is a bit weird

Chapter 277 I have a bad feeling

Chapter 277 I have a bad feeling

Lu Huiqing is very proud, but he knows that his pride is meaningless to Xixia people.

What's more, the Xixia people have always been a serious problem for the Song people. They always go to the grass valley, and they have to cross the Yellow River and go straight to Bianliang. They live under the fear of the Xixia people's iron hooves every day.

Song people who grew up in this environment have a natural fear instinct for Xixia. On the one hand, they call themselves civilized people and despise barbarians. On the other hand, Xixia often beats Song people all over the ground. Find teeth.

Even if there are occasional victories, most of the money will be lost in the final negotiation stage.

This made the people of the Northern Song Dynasty very entangled. It is obvious that the opponent is a barbarian, so why can't they beat them.

And if you win, you have to lose money.

Therefore, in the eyes of the younger generation of Song people, Xixia is very barbaric. When he is strong, he will not talk about it. Even if he loses, he dares to ask you for money. He still thinks that he won by himself, which is too arrogant.

But now, Lu Sen told Lu Huiqing that the Xixia people are even more afraid now.

He thought it was very strange.

There are times when barbarians are afraid?
If other peers said so, he would not believe it, but if Lu Sen said so, he would believe it.

Back in the tent, Lu Sen sat on the main seat, took out some snacks from the system backpack, and ate them slowly.

Lu Huiqing was a little anxious at the side, he had been imagining what Xixia would do next, but after all, he was a young man with little experience in this area, and most of the time, the more nervous you were, the harder it was to think out. what.

After a while, he couldn't bear it any longer. He came over and asked, "Really Lu, what time is this? You're still eating. Don't you think about how to deal with Xixia people? Honor and disgrace matter."

"It's really important, so you have to eat and drink enough to deal with them." Lu Sen tapped his finger on the table lightly: "Mr. Lu, don't be too nervous. Eat something together to help you calm down." Feeling."

Lu Huiqing was quite nervous at first, but seeing Lu Sen like this, he also calmed down. He picked up a piece of honey chicken wing and asked while eating: "Really Lu is so calm, I think he should be confident."

"Didn't we already make a plan last night?" Lu Sen laughed.

"But this change, after all, is different from the plan. Isn't Master Lu going to make some temporary changes and adjustments?"

Lu Sen shook his head: "It's completely expected."

"Renren Lu already expected to break up unhappy?"

Lu Sen laughed and said: "How strange, these uncivilized people are not like this. They always think that they can gain the upper hand if they are perverted and arrogant. They have always been like this. Prepare yourself well, ignore their threats, and everything will fall apart."

"Is it really that simple?"

Lu Huiqing was a little puzzled.If Mount Tai collapsed in front of his eyes without changing his color, many civil servants in the court could do it, but if he could successfully negotiate with the Xixia people, then why bother to pay Xixia Sui tribute every time in the past!

Seeing him like this, Lu Sen explained with a smile: "My master once taught me a word, you have to beat others before you can be calm. In the past, when we Song Dynasty faced Xixia, we always lost and won. Few, even if they win, it is only a small victory, and it is difficult to form a strategic advantage. But now it is different, Xixia is already at the end of its battle, and we have enough money and food. Compared with this, their momentum will naturally not work. "

Song Dynasty and Xixia fought so many games, each winning and losing, especially the two big victories of Lu Sen's supervisor army, which directly drained half of Xixia's blood.

Later, the Xingqing Mansion fell, and Da Song gave away his advantages, and then Di Qing took the Xingqing Mansion forcefully. When the war came to this point, both sides were exhausted, and their resources were almost exhausted.

The giant rice planted by Lu Sen has become more powerful, and the food and grass of the Song Dynasty have increased dramatically. The second is that under Lu Sen's deliberate guidance, the sea merchants are extremely active, not only appearing in the Spice Islands, but now even Extending its tentacles to the vicinity of the Indian Ocean has also brought huge tax benefits to Da Song.

All of a sudden, a wave of money and food came out, and the combat power recovered immediately.

In many wars, it is logistics and resources that are fought.

In contrast, Xixia is not a high-yielding grain area. It relies on harvesting the passing merchants on the Silk Road to make a little money, and then goes to the edge of the Song Dynasty to collect grass and grain, mix some grain, and then use it. The castrated horses are exchanged for ironware and the like.

Although they have been winning, the domestic supplies are actually being consumed all the time.

And now, the three major defeats have almost wiped out Xixia's accumulation.

Xixia dare not say that the people are in dire straits, but at least most of the people are almost out of food.

This is also the reason why Xixia is eager to negotiate peace.

"It would be great if that's the case." Lu Huiqing still couldn't believe that Lu Sen could cheat Xi Xia.

Looking at the unconfident young official, Lu Sen smiled and did not explain further.

Not long after, the dusty Di Qing came in from the outside. When he saw the snacks on the table, his eyes lit up. Without saying a word, he picked up a chicken leg and bit it first, and then said: "I'm going to starve to death, Lu Daoist, I have lived up to my trust, the ambush has been arranged."

Lu Sen nodded: "Then wait for the Xixia people to take the bait."

Then he turned his head to Lu Huiqing and said, "Tomorrow the Xixia people will definitely invite us to negotiate again, and then you have to be a little scared."


Lu Sen nodded.

Lu Huiqing was stunned for a while, and then vaguely understood Lu Sen's plan.

In the early morning of the second day, the Xixia people set up their tents at the center of the two armies.

Lu Sen and Lu Huiqing went to the appointment again.

Sitting in front of the short table, Lu Sen looked at Shi Bing opposite, and said, "After thinking about it all day and night, I guess General 'Zhengnan' should know how to speak."

This is very sarcastic, it's like saying that the other party can't even speak.

Shi Bing's face was gloomy, he snorted, and said: "Really Lu, you are full of vigor and courage, and you are not on the same side as the people of Song Dynasty. I even heard that you don't want to be with the officials of the people of Song Dynasty. Why don't you come here?" I understand Gao Guo, if there is no Tibetan country, half of the throne will be given as a gift."

Xixia is just what the Song people called them, and they called themselves 'Dabai Gaoguo'.

"I don't even want to be with the officials of the Great Song Dynasty. How could I be willing to be with the filthy Northwest barbarians?" Lu Sen's eyes were full of sarcasm: "General Shi himself is willing to jump into the cesspit, but I don't want to."

Lu Huiqing laughed out loud, and then immediately covered her mouth.

He was pretending to be 'scared', but now it was all ruined.

Shi Bing glanced at Lu Huiqing coldly.

Lu Sen is a land god, and Shi Bing would not be so angry if he said a few words, but what is Lu Huiqing, a household doctor, she dared to be rude on such an important occasion.

As if sensing Shi Bing's gaze, Lu Huiqing immediately sat upright, but for some reason, he seemed to be afraid of Shi Bing's eyes, and he seemed restless.

His eyes didn't even dare to look at Shi Bing, his eyes wandered.

Ah De, who had been sitting silently next to him, was thoughtful when he saw this scene.

Lu Sen said at this time: "Let's stop playing lip service, let's be honest. Since you don't know how to negotiate and make demands, why don't you listen to our ideas?"

"Please say."

"I like peace and prosperity. It's not good to fight and kill." Lu Sen smiled and said, "But this time you took the initiative to negotiate peace. Let's not talk about Sui Gong. There is no minister of Tibet. Well, write a book and apologize to our petty officials, and this matter will be over. After all, you often come to our side to make trouble. Then we open the border, do business with each other, do not collect taxes, and allow the circulation of people In the future, you don’t need to use the copper coins of the Gao Kingdom, but use our Song people’s copper coins. Your writing is ugly and has no aesthetic feeling, and you don’t have many classics. In the future, we will use our Song people’s writing. We Song people are very generous. Yes, if you want to enter China, you will be in China, and then let the small officials confer on the Prime Minister of the Tibetan Kingdom as the king with a different surname in the Northwest. After this, it is probably what we are asking for."

Hearing Lu Sen's words, the three people beside him were a little surprised.

It's not how harsh Lu Sen's conditions are, but... unexpectedly tolerant.

Now who doesn't want to merge into the Central Plains, who doesn't want to do business with the Central Plains, but the Northern Song Dynasty didn't like to open the border to do business with others.

Are you opening up now?
From their point of view, no matter how you look at it, this is not quite right.

Shi Bing was stunned for a long time, and finally he and Muzang Ade looked at each other for a while, the two made eye contact, and finally Shi Bing turned his head and said: "What Master Lu said is really beyond my expectation, let's go back and think about it?"

"Then we'll talk about it tomorrow." Lu Sen stood up and cupped his fists: "Think about it."

Then the two sides broke up again, and there was not much time to talk about it.

Lu Sen brought Lu Huiqing back to the camp. Just as he entered the main tent, the latter stood in front of him.

"Really Lu, what's the matter with your condition? Why does it look like I'm compromising with Xixia? Didn't you say that you want to..."

Lu Sen sat down, stretched his waist, and said, "The Western Xia barbarians are stupid, but they always think they are smart. They might be confused at what I said at first, but after they think about it for a while, Then they will think that I am cowardly, and even think that I have been pressured by the court to not offend them. After all, the court officials are very afraid of the Xixia people."

"So what?" Lu Huiqing couldn't help asking.

"Then they will think that we are just scumbags, and they may find ways to eat our wave of people in order to obtain better negotiation terms."

Lu Huiqing was stunned for a moment: "So Master Lu, are you showing weakness to the enemy?"

"It's okay to think so." Lu Sen touched his smooth chin: "But in fact, the conditions I gave are the real trump card. If they agree, we can destroy Xixia without bloodshed. It's a pity they won't agree."

In Xixia's camp, Shi Bing and Muzang Ade sat facing each other.

Shi Bing crossed his arms and kept thinking about the meaning of Lu Sen's conditions.

Ade didn't hide but seemed extremely happy: "Song Dog is still Song Dog, even if there are strong people like Lu Zhenren, they are still cowards."

"Why did the waiter Wuzang say such a thing?"

Bu Zang Ade said excitedly: "I have heard that when Song Gou negotiated with us, several officials were extremely strong, but after a few days of quarreling, they became timid. It turned out that it was Song Ting's Instinctively, they do have warriors, but those in high positions are too cowardly, haha."

"You mean, Master Lu was also coerced by Song Ting?"

"That's all I can think of. How arrogant and domineering Master Lu was yesterday, but today..." Muzang Ade patted his thigh excitedly: "Can't you understand the obvious difference between before and after?"

Shi Bing thought about it for a while, and felt that it was the same: "The words of Wuzang Shilang are very reasonable."

"General Shi, I suggest mobilizing the army to force the opponent." Muzang Ade showed a treacherous smile, like a little fox: "Get closer to them slowly."

"Do you want to do something?" Shi Bing felt a little inappropriate: "Now we are negotiating peace after all, if the Prime Minister of Tibet doesn't know..."

"Don't do anything, just scare them." Muzang Ade said: "As long as we approach slowly, they will definitely retreat in panic, so that when we negotiate tomorrow, Master Lu's prestige will no longer be there."

"Then try it." Shi Bing felt that this matter was indeed feasible.

Afterwards, Xixia's iron cavalry army started to move, slowly oppressing them.

In the Song Army's camp, Shi Huiqing looked at the dust billowing on the opposite side, smashed his tongue and said, "The Western Xia barbarians are really oppressed as you said, Master Lu."

"I'm just taking history as a mirror." Lu Sen laughed and said, "Notify all soldiers to retreat as planned."

Taking history as a mirror... What he said is true, it is just the history of future generations and the world seen by future generations as a mirror.

The Xixia people saw that Song Renzhen retreated, and immediately became excited.

As cavalry, as hunters, they have an instinct to chase the 'fleeing' enemy.

If it weren't for Shi Bing's death order, they were not allowed to charge, and Song Jun would put down his horse while retreating, which would have dispelled their desire to hunt.

In the Xixia army, Shi Bing looked at the Song army who was slowly retreating, and said with a smile: "It is indeed correct to place the negotiation site here. If it is in the hills, it will be difficult for us to charge, and the Song army will not be so afraid of us. .”

Mu Zang Ade said excitedly: "Continue to oppress and drive them back to the city of Xingqing Mansion. I want them to sign the annual tribute document in front of 10 people in Xingqing Mansion."

Shi Bing also felt the same way. He thought that the people of Song Dynasty had changed to Lu Zhenren as the chief negotiator, and there should be some changes, but he didn't expect that it would still be like this.

Fortunately, my family defected to Xixia more than ten years ago, and staying in Song Dynasty really has no future.

Just think about it and be happy.

On the plain, two groups of armies, one retreating and the other advancing, seem to have a tacit understanding.

Song Jun retreated for nearly an hour, but suddenly stopped, set up camp on the spot, and soon surrounded the entire camp with rejecting horses.

"It seems that Song people still have a little bit of backbone." Wuzang Ade took the whip and criticized Song Jun in front with a smile: "You are angry from embarrassment? Don't you want to retreat?"

But Shi Bing suddenly felt a little palpitations, chest pain, fidgeting: "I don't hide the servant, I seem to have a bad premonition."

(End of this chapter)

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