This Northern Song Dynasty is a bit weird

Chapter 276 It's They Are Afraid Of Us

Chapter 276 It's They Are Afraid Of Us

The night in Xingqing Mansion was very quiet.

Only teams of soldiers patrolled the streets in silence.

Although Xingqing Mansion used to be the capital of the Xixia Kingdom, it can be regarded as a prosperous place in the northwest, but compared with the important towns in the Central Plains, it is still... not very prosperous.

It was already summer at this time, but the night in Xingqing Mansion was a bit cold.

In the backyard of the government office, there is a small imitation bridge and flowing water!
This was originally the palace of Xixia...the palace of the Xixia people was not very big. During the two back and forth battles, most of the buildings in the palace were destroyed, and the rest were changed into government offices by the Song people who occupied the place again. .

The garden style of small bridges and flowing water generally only appears in the southeast region, and it appears in the northwest. The cost required is not only two or three times that of Jiangnan, but it is estimated that it may be more than ten times.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Di Qing and others, it is purely the work of Xixia people.

In the backyard, besides Lu Sen, Mu Guiying's mother and daughter, Di Qing, Zhe Jizu also came.

While drinking honey water, several people talked about tomorrow's affairs with Xixia people.

"The people of Xixia invited me to have a meeting outside the city tomorrow." Lu Sen pointed to the point on the map and said with a smile, "They still have to show some face. Although this place is not far from their defense line Dingzhou, there seems to be no High ground and places where ambush is easy."

"It's close to Dingzhou. If something happens, they'll rush to help." Mu Guiying looked at the map and snorted disdainfully: "I guess he was scared by General Di."

Di Qing quickly waved his hand: "It's not due to someone like Di, it's all due to the solidarity and sincerity of the soldiers who killed the enemy bravely."

If it was Di Qing back then, he would have smiled proudly and accepted all the compliments.

But now... being disturbed by the literati, living in panic for half a year, and being rescued from despair by Lu Sen, his disposition has changed a lot.

Although he was still the loyal and patriotic Di Qing who fought with the barbarians, he was a little more tactful and gentle.

Lu Sen always thinks that he has not changed much in this world, but this is because he is too 'greedy' and always looks at things from the perspective of the long river of history.

But where he didn't pay attention, where he didn't expect it, the change had already started quietly.

Mu Guiying was slightly surprised, but didn't say anything after that.

Di Qing's change was a bit novel to her, but it didn't mean much.

Lu Sen didn't notice the change in Di Qing's personality. He was not familiar with Di Qing at first, and the number of times he met was not too much. It was more like a gentleman's conversation: "Tomorrow General Di will bring 5 people with me to meet those Xixia people. Then Marshal Mu took [-] soldiers and horses to detour to the side of Dingzhou from this road. Jinhua used aircraft to conduct reconnaissance in the air, and tried to help Marshal Mu avoid the enemy's reconnaissance rangers."

"General Mu directly ambush their reinforcements?" Di Qing was obviously very excited, but he said in his mouth: "Will you leave something for the ministers in the court?"

"What's the reason?" Lu Sen asked back.

Di Qing said with some fear: "I didn't even talk about it, and I just wanted to get rid of the other party. After the matter is over, if they disagree with you, they will probably regard this matter as a stain on Master Lu and refer to you. "

"They dare not." Lu Sen smiled.

Zhe Jizu said from the side: "General Di, please rest assured, if there is anyone in this world who dares to ignore the wishes of civil servants, who dares to go out, and refuses to grant military orders, probably only Daoist Lu."

Di Qing was still a little worried.

To be honest, Di Qing started out as a bandit in the army after all. Although he was able to read and read some military books later, his political sense is still very poor.

Otherwise, in the real history, even though he was already a privy envoy, he was scared to hide in the Buddhist hall by the few words of the civil servants, and finally died of panic.

However, seeing the disapproving expressions of the others, Di Qing gradually felt relieved.

Lu Sen continued: "Tomorrow, I will trouble General Zhe to stick to Xingqing Mansion, if I don't come in person, anyone who comes will not be allowed to open the city gate.

Zhe Jizu was stunned for a moment: "Really Lu means that the Xixia people may use the name of peace talks to secretly send troops to attack Xingqing Mansion?"

"Soldiers are tricky." Lu Sen said with a chuckle: "We can send troops to Dingzhou, why didn't they send troops to Xingqing Mansion? They will definitely think: Anyway, it's not a waste of time to try, in case it happens Woolen cloth?"

Di Qing nodded and said, "Indeed, barbarians never keep their promises when they speak."

"But when I was in the capital, I heard that the men in the north promise a lot." Yang Jinhua asked curiously.

"That's the 'man' from the north," Zhe Jizu explained, "It's not Beidi."

Yang Jinhua understood.

"Then let's go back and rest now, and follow the plan tomorrow." Lu Sen raised his glass and said, "I wish everything goes well tomorrow."

Several people held cups and bumped together.

Lu Huiqing was also among them, but he didn't speak, because he couldn't come in Lu Sen's flying machine, so he ran over by the post station and changed horses all the way.

Now he is still tired, his butt hurts, and he doesn't want to talk much.

When it was light on the second day, when Lu Sen came out of the main tent, he saw a group of people and horses gradually going away outside the camp.

At this time Yang Jinhua and Mu Guiying had already set off.

Lu Sen found Di Qing on the city wall, and he was asking the herald to gather the army with the flag.

Seeing Lu Sen approaching, he smiled and said: "The army has finished eating and is gathering. It will be half an hour before they can start calling."

"If Xixia can be settled, our Great Song Dynasty will have a chance to breathe for a hundred years." Lu Sen looked at the smoky battlefield outside the city: "So in this war, we can only win but not lose. It all depends on you, General Di."

"Never disgrace." Di Qing took off his helmet, and the handsome middle-aged man smiled: "If I lose this battle, even if I don't die, I will kill myself on the battlefield."

Lu Sen laughed and said: "There is no need to do this, just do your best."

Half an hour later, the army moved up.

While the [-] army was on the move, under Di Qing's command, groups of people scattered to the paths and the woods.

By noon, only about 1 people remained in the army protecting Lu Sen, and at this time, they had also arrived at the designated negotiation location.

Here is a plain, or a gravel flat.

Sitting on the horseback, Lu Sen looked at the other party's smoke and dust, knowing that the other party was coming, he turned to Di Qing and said, "Set up camp and get ready."

He didn't know how to command the army, so Di Qing had to do it naturally.

Soon, Song Jun had set up tents on the spot and set up a refusal horse at the same time.

This place is flat land, and Xixia is famous for its heavy cavalry. If there is no refusal of horses, if the Xixia people charge with heavy cavalry, it is estimated that the Song army will be defeated.

After the Song army was deployed, the Xixia people also appeared in the [-]-meter open area.

The black heavy cavalry lined up in a square shape made one's heart tremble.

After waiting for a while, Lu Sen saw a few people appearing from the other side, walked to the center of the two armies, set up the big tent, and put down the short ones.

"It's time for us to go." Lu Sen smiled and said to Lu Huiqing beside him, "Mr. Lu, let's go together."

"Follow the order." Lu Huiqing stood up, very excited.

As Lu Sen and Lu Huiqing left the camp, a group of hundreds of sword and shield soldiers accompanied them to protect them.

They wore thick infantry armor, all of them looked solemn, and they looked like the elite of the army.

Lu Sen and Lu Huiqing walked forward slowly, one of them walked very naturally and unrestrainedly, the other walked like a literati, with his hands clasped in his hands, dignified and serious.

When they got to the big tent in the middle, Lu Lin sat cross-legged in front of the short table, while Lu Huiqing sat on his knees in a very traditional way. At the same time, his body was slightly behind Lu Sen, showing that he was only a deputy.

Lu Sen sat down and looked at the other party.

The opponent is also two 'officials', plus a dozen strong players.

One of them was a middle-aged man with a long beard and his temperament and face, he should be from the Northern Song Dynasty.

The other has typical brown hair and brown eyes, with a hooked nose and elongated face, obviously alien.

The eyes of the two men sized Lu Sen and Lu Huiqing for a while, and the middle-aged man spoke with a smile on his face: "Why, the nobles of the Song court didn't dare to come, so they sent two yellow-mouthed children over to help them out." interesting."

Hearing this, Lu Sen smiled lightly.

Lu Huiqing snorted, and said: "It's fine if you are ignorant, don't talk indiscriminately, and laugh at the world. The nobleman in front of you is a fifth-rank civil servant, a direct scholar of Longtu Pavilion, a doctor of the Ministry of Rites, and a real person in Zhongnanshan. Don't say anything. A mere military commander, even your country's lord has to say hello to him when he sees him."

Now Lu Sen is very famous, even in Xixia, a remote place in the northwest, his deeds have begun to spread.

Naturally, the other two had heard of it, and their expressions changed upon hearing this.

The middle-aged man clasped his fists and said, "Forgive me, I don't know if Lu Zhenren is in person. I just heard that you don't know the world, why do you want to stand up for Song Ting?"

"This is a private matter of a certain person, and has nothing to do with you." Lu Sen looked into the other person's eyes, and said in a light tone, "May I ask for your surnames and official taboos."

"General Shi Bing of Conquering the South." The middle-aged man cupped his fists.

But the young man said: "The Minister of Rites did not hide Ade, he has met Master Lu."

Hearing the other party's name, Lu Huiqing was a little surprised, and asked, "Did you hide Ade? It is said that he is the smartest genius in Xixia?"

It's not hidden. Ade smiled leisurely, very proud.

Lu Sen ignored him, but looked at the middle-aged man, Shi Bing, and asked, "It's getting late, let's get straight to the point, you two make peace, what do you want to talk about?"

"Renren Lu speaks quickly, which is very different from those literati in the Song court." Meizang Ade's appearance is a bit gloomy and fierce. If it was in later generations, such an appearance would be quite popular, but now, it is not so Into the mainstream aesthetics of the Northern Song Dynasty: "You just come to our Xixia, why bother to be sulking at the Song court by those bird people."

Lu Sen glanced at the young man, and then at Shi Bing: "You two, who is the leader of the peace talks?"

"It's my official." Shi Bing looked at Ade helplessly, and then he said to Lu Sen: "Really Lu, let's open the skylight and speak honestly. What your country has done recently has hurt our country very much." The heart of the Lord, he is very friendly to Song Ting, but you actually betrayed your faith and were cruel and unprovoked. Not only did you kill the people of Xixia, but you also took away the Xingqing Mansion. With a little kindness, please return the Xingqing Mansion to us, and then compensate me for the loss of Xixia."

When Lu Huiqing heard this, she clenched her fists subconsciously.

He had never seen such a shameless person, who dared to say such upside-down words in broad daylight and under the open sky.

Want a face?

Lu Sen, on the other hand, was very calm. To be honest, he had seen this kind of scene too many times.

Someone took out a bottle of washing powder, dared to bomb millions of people, and dared to call himself a teacher of justice, what is this!
Lu Sen asked with a smile: "Then how much compensation do you want?"

"An annual tribute of 30 yuan, [-] bolts of silk, [-] virgins, and [-] jin of copper, iron, silver, and gold." Shi Bing took out a roll of paper from his shirt and spread it out on a low table: "We have already drawn up the paper. Accept it, just wait for Master Lu to seal it."

Year-old tribute refers to the price every year!
Lu Sen picked up the document and looked at it for a while, then crumpled it up and threw it aside.

The two people on the opposite side were suddenly furious, and Ade subconsciously moved forward without hiding. He looked at Lu Sen sternly.

But Shi Bing said coldly: "Really Lu, you don't seem to be here to negotiate peace, but rather to find fault."

"You are the ones who want to make peace with us." Lu Sen stood up: "But from the looks of you, it seems that you want to force us to continue fighting. Why? When we Song people are easy to bully? Lu Langzhong, let's go .”

After that, Lu Sen turned around and left.

Lu Huiqing subconsciously felt that this was not good, but now that he is not the chief officer, he cannot interfere with Lu Sen's decision, so he can only stand up and follow.

Just as Lu Sen turned around, Bu Zang Ade jumped up, pointed at Lu Sen and shouted: "If you dare to leave, I will immediately let the army trample all of you into a pulp."

Upon hearing this, the more than 100 guards nearby immediately formed a round shield formation, guarding Lu Sen in the middle, and followed him back.

Lu Sen walked a few steps, turned around and said, "You can fight if you want to, but I know very well that you are just snarky insiders. I will wait for you in the camp for at most one more day. If you still haven't figured out how to speak, you don't have to fight anymore." Talked."

After that, Lu Sen left.

Seeing Lu Sen's 'arrogant' appearance, Mu Zang pointed at Lu Sen angrily, "Blow the whistle, let the army charge me..."

But at this time, Shi Bing stretched out his hand and pulled Wuzang Ade back to his side heavily, and said angrily: "Minister Wuzang, remember that you are only a deputy, and I am the chief officer for this negotiation, please don't pass orders over me. "

Mu Zang Ade turned his head and looked at Shi Bing angrily.

But Shi Bing looked at him without flinching, and finally did not hide Ade's gaze.

When Lu Sen returned to the tent, Lu Huiqing exhaled and said, "Really Lu, your words are too sharp and risky. What if you provoke the other party to do something?"

"Negotiating depends on who has the most momentum." Lu Sen said with a smile: "If you make them feel that you are easy to bully, things will be difficult to handle. As for the question of their actions... If they dare to do something, why would they negotiate."

Lu Huiqing was stunned: "You mean, they are actually afraid of us?"

(End of this chapter)

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