Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 417 Find Zhong Wen... Zhong Sir

Chapter 417 Find Zhong Zhongwen. Zhong Sir
"completely annihilated?"

Seeing this, Zhong Wenze couldn't help but follow suit: "No way? Such a rush? Chen Sir's skills can't be so bad, can he?"

Given the butterfly effect.

Zhong Wenze can't guarantee that the reality will be the same as that in the TV series:
Chen Guorong went in with a group of buddies to arrest people, but only himself came out in the end.


Li Yunxin lowered her head and drank the porridge, spooning the porridge noodles to cool down: "Reporters always like to use some extreme excuses to attract attention."

As a former reporter, she still knows a little about professional routines.


As the TV screen zooms in.

The camera caught Chen Guorong's face sitting in the corner, and many cameras shot at him to obtain first-hand information.


Chen Guorong squatted in the corner in disgrace, his arms were stained with blood, and his expression was painful. Beside him were the corpses of the guys who went to arrest people with him.

Facing the camera.

He didn't hide or speak, only endless self-blame and pain.


Mark Lee put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, leaned against the seat and sat sideways, took out a Marlboro and lit it, and sighed:

"It's true that the times are changing. Now the robbers are getting crazier than the other."

"I think back then, people like us could only run away when we saw a policeman. Who would dare to fight against a policeman? Shooting and killing a policeman is even more impossible."

"Old, old."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhong Wenze with a slightly teasing tone: "Ah Ze, the danger of you policemen has skyrocketed now."

"There are always a few who are not afraid of death."

Zhong Wenze put down the bowl and chopsticks, took the car keys and went outside.

Come to the police station.

Azu had arrived on time, sitting on the edge of the playground outside the police station, frowning and smoking a cigarette.

"It's pretty early today."

Zhong Wenze raised his trousers, and sat down next to him: "What's the matter? Do you have something on your mind?"

Azu didn't speak, just looked at Zhong Wenze, and then continued to smoke cigarettes.

Zhong Wenze laughed, and didn't continue talking. He lit a cigarette and smoked it beside him.

It will take a while.

"Mr. Zhong."

Azu took a heavy mouthful of the cigarette, stomped out the burnt cigarette in his hand, and crushed the cigarette butt with his toes:
"Do you know about Chen Sir's case?"

"I saw it."

Zhong Wenze spread his hands and shrugged: "In the early morning, all kinds of news flew over."

"Now both the police force and the citizens of Hong Kong Island know that such a case is not good for Chen Sir."


Azu nodded. After a while, he took a deep breath and looked at Zhong Wenze, as if mustering up his courage:
"What do you think of the case?"


Zhong Wenze raised his eyebrows and snorted: "What can I think about this case? It happened in the North District. They are investigating the clues."


He asked with a half-smile: "What? Do you have an opinion on this case? Or, what clues do you know?"


When Azu was asked by Zhong Wenze, he subconsciously froze for a moment, and then said with an extremely unnatural expression:

"How is it possible, how could I know that there are any clues, and I haven't gone to the scene to investigate."


The corners of his eyes lifted.

Zhong Wenze was staring straight at him right now, his eyeballs were motionless, which shocked Azu.

"Push the street!"

Azu trembled, cursed very guiltyly, and his words were lacking in breath: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ha ha."

Zhong Wenze smiled: "It's okay, I'm just looking at you."

this case.

Azu must have doubts at this time, but he didn't say anything.

Zhong Wenze was very clear about this case, he knew who it was related to and who it was not, but he didn't tell the truth.

He wants to see when Azu can take the initiative to tell him about this case.

Speaking out actively and asking out passively are completely different in nature.

a time.

The two fell silent again.


In the hall of the police station.

The placed TV will still be broadcasting relevant information about the case.

The failure of Chen Guorong's arrest caused a huge social impact. The police didn't catch anyone, but the six guys were killed by three robbers.

To a certain extent, this has made the citizens of Hong Kong Island a little more fearful.

Superintendent Guan Wen, as the highest person in charge of the North District, held a press conference immediately at this moment to explain the incident.

On the one hand, it is to appease the emotions of many Hong Kong residents, and on the other hand, it also reassures the case that the robbers will be arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible.

"Senior Inspector Chen Guorong just fell into the trap of the robbers."

Chief Superintendent Guan Wen faced the camera and made a strong guarantee: "Please trust our police force, we will definitely catch them."

As he finished.

Immediately someone asked:

"Guan Sir, you said that Chen Guorong fell into the trap of the robbers. Since he is here to arrest people, how did the robbers know that he would come?"

"What is the meaning of this trap? Is there any further explanation?"

"You said that the robbers would definitely be caught, but you didn't say the time. So is there a time limit for this case?"

"Will this case be postponed indefinitely or put on hold like the previous robberies?"


A series of sharp questions followed.

"The case has now been handed over to Sir Yu for investigation. Please give our police some time."

Chief Superintendent Guan Wen answered selectively: "Everyone must trust our police, that's how things are."

Speaking of it.

The senior inspector standing aside, Yu Sir, stood up and gave a guarantee and explanation on the case again.

But the people in the audience did not buy it.

"Your situation now is the same as what Sir Chen promised to the outside world last night. Sir Chen failed to arrest the assurance that he swore, resulting in the death and injury of many people under his command."

"Then, Sir, will you be like this when the time comes?"

"Please pay attention to your words."

Yu Sir's expression remained the same, but his tone was a bit harsh: "Chen Sir just fell into a trap. We won't make such a mistake again."

On the TV.

The corresponding questions continued, but neither of them continued to look down.


Zhong Wenze stretched out his hand and patted Azu's shoulder: "See, Sir Guan has some capable men under his command. Let's patrol the streets honestly."


Azu nodded absently.

In the blink of an eye.

Three days passed.

The robbers of the Asian bank heist still haven't made any new progress.


Zhong Wenze didn't have any special arrangements either, he took Azu to patrol the streets every day, and didn't do any other business.

But these days.

Azu seemed to be out of shape.

"All right."

Zhong Wenze took Azu out of the commercial street: "It's almost there, let's call it a day."

Just talking.

Suddenly, a woman's scream came from the alley in front: "I've snatched something! Help!"


Zhong Wenze shouted.

Azu's reaction was quick, and he rushed out quickly. The two got into the alley and chased after the two fleeing men in front.

Uphill on the steps.

The two men who were grabbing things quickly fled upwards, Zhong Wenze took the lead, kicked the man running behind, and directly subdued him.

Not to be outdone, Azu continued to chase the man in front of him.

The top of the steps.

A shaky figure appeared with a wine bottle in hand.

Azu looked at it, and it turned out to be Chen Guorong. He subconsciously opened his mouth and shouted: "Chen Sir, arrest people, steal things!"

Chen Guorong has been in a state of confusion these days, either drinking or on the way to drink every day.

He smelled of alcohol, looked at the fleeing man, stood there with dazed eyes, and didn't respond to Azu's yelling.

"Go away!"

Seeing Chen Guorong standing in front, the man swears at Chen Guorong and bumps into him, knocking him to the ground and continuing to flee.

That's the gap for hitting people.

Azu had already caught up, and the two fell to the ground. The man wanted to resist, but Azu twisted his right hand backhandedly, and the handcuffs stuck on his hands.

"Cough ho!"

Chen Guorong, who was knocked down by the man, steadied himself after rolling a few times on the steps, gurgling in his throat, and sat with his back against the railing.

"Long time no see, Chen Sir."

Zhong Wenze led the robbed man up and walked up: "Drink so much?"

Chen Guorong looked at Zhong Wenze, didn't speak, crawled forward with a smile, picked up the wine bottle that fell on the ground, unscrewed the cap and continued to drink.


He drank the remaining half of the bottle in one go, then threw away the bottle, propped his hands on the ground, and looked at the sky with blurred eyes.

"Uncle Chen, wake up, wake up."

Azu stepped forward, reached out and patted Chen Guorong's face: "What are you doing, drinking so much alcohol, and asking you to help me arrest people, you won't be arrested."


The bearded Chen Guorong smirked, and muttered to himself: "I'm useless, I killed my men, I don't deserve to be a policeman at all."

Chen Guorong abandoned the factory to arrest the robbers. Because he was too confident, he didn't even call the Flying Tigers. As a result, several people under him were all buried inside.

As the person in charge of this operation, he couldn't pass the test in his heart, and the responsibility was all on himself, and he was suspended indefinitely.

"you're so dumb!"

Azu frowned and looked at Chen Guorong: "I don't blame you for that incident, you."

"Don't touch me!"

Chen Guorong's expression suddenly became agitated, and he pushed Azu down hard:
"I'm a piece of trash, stay away from me!"

Azu sat down on the ground, looking at the emotional Chen Guorong, his lips pursed.

"I not only harmed my fellows, I also harmed your old man."

Chen Guorong hiccupped, his face was flushed, and he muttered with blurred eyes: "Because of my arrogance, the robber ran away, and the case has not made any new progress."

"Your old man, as my direct person in charge, has endured tremendous pressure. Now his situation is more difficult than mine. I can just walk away, but he can't."

"I'm useless, I'm useless, a waste, I hurt my buddy, and I hurt him even more, hahaha"

He raised his head and laughed self-deprecatingly, then looked at Zhong Wenze: "Azu, you just follow Sir Zhong well, he will handle things safely."

"Don't mess around anymore, what if your old man falls down one day?"

Chen Guorong shook his confused head, stood up while leaning on the railing, and walked down the stairs unsteadily.

The soles of the feet are empty.

The whole person rolled down the stairs, the corners of his eyebrows were pierced, and blood flowed down.

He staggered twice, then got up unsteadily again, and continued to walk forward, like a walking dead, muttering in his mouth:

"I'm useless, I'm a waste."

The crumbling back looks very thin at the moment.


Azu looked at Chen Guorong who had disappeared into the corner of the street with a strange expression, gritted his teeth and did not speak.

a while.

"Someone gave it to you, you take it back."

Azu handed over the robbed man to Zhong Wenze, and said expressionlessly: "I still have things to do, so I'm leaving first."


He walked to the other side without looking back.


Zhong Wenze looked around at the two people who were running in opposite directions, shook his head with a smile, and dragged the two gangsters to the police car.

eight pm.

A Zu returned home with a bottle of liquor.


Zhou Su had already prepared meals and was waiting for him, so he warmly greeted him and helped him take off his coat:
"Why did you come back so late today?"

Seeing that Azu was not in a high mood, he asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"


Azu shook his head expressionlessly, opened the stool in the dining room and sat down, reached out to unscrew the bottle cap, and poured white wine into the glass:

"Let's eat."


Holding the wine glass, he raised his head and took a big sip.

The spicy white wine in his mouth flowed down his throat, it was hot, and he swallowed it forcibly, and ate the vegetables with chopsticks.

Zhou Su looked at Azu in this state, and no longer asked him what happened, but just accompanied him silently.


Azu drank half a catty of white wine, and his head was a little confused when the alcohol came up.

He put down the wine glass, took out the Marlboro and lit it, took a deep sip, stared at the table in front of him, and was a little lost in thought.

this time.

A lot of things happened to Azu, the most intuitive one is meeting Zhong Wenze, Zhong Wenze changed a lot of things about him.

His mood also began to change.

From the person who hated Laodou and the policeman in the past, to fulfilling his bet and lottery, he now works as an official with Zhong Wenze behind him.


His perception of policemen has also changed a little bit.


After meeting the distraught Chen Guorong, his heart was slightly touched.

to be frank.

these years.

The old man Guan Wen has always been very demanding on A Zu, and beat and scolded him at every turn, but Chen Guorong, as Guan Wen's direct descendant, actually paid a lot of attention to A Zu.

On weekdays.

If Azu made any mistakes, Chen Guorong would also help Azu settle the matter behind Guan Wen's back and hide it from Guan Wen.

"Chen Guorong, you are Guan Wen's dog."

At that time, Azu was quite ignorant and ungrateful, so he asked Chen Guorong: "Don't pretend to help me, you and Guan Wen are in the same group, so don't stare at me anymore, okay?"

"You don't care who I'm with."

Chen Guorong waved his hand indifferently: "I am your father's direct descendant, and I have a very good relationship in private."

"I am in charge of supervising your reporting to him for him, which is a matter of course."

He sighed, recalled a little, and said in a somewhat embarrassing tone: "When I was a child, every time I went to your house for dinner, you always called me uncle, which is very kind."

"Your current father-son relationship is very bad. Although I can't help you, if you call me uncle, I will definitely not let your father-son relationship continue to deteriorate."

He smiled and grinned: "In my field, I will help you solve the small things that I can solve. You are not sensible now, and it will be fine when you become sensible in the future."

"I watched you grow up. I'm your uncle, so I have to help you."

These ones.

In fact, Azu himself still remembered it.

Chen Guorong.

When I was a child, I saw him and called him uncle affectionately.

When I grow up.

He scolded Chen Guorong as the dog of Laodou Guanwen.

But this person has a face of indifference, and he is still wandering between himself and Laodou, controlling both sides, handling things for himself and maintaining their father-son relationship.

But tonight.

The Senior Inspector Chen Guorong, who once helped him solve his troubles and was so beautiful in his eyes, is now down and out like a dog.

That self-defeating look, even his Azu, who has always been ungrateful to Chen Guorong, is inexplicably uncomfortable.

The distraught and walking dead Chen Guorong was completely different from what he remembered.

He was inexplicably unhappy.

Azu sat on the seat like a sculpture.

The only movement was to keep smoking cigarettes, and the ashtray in front of him was gradually filling up.

Ten p.m.

Azu got up and sat on the sofa, turned his head to look at the bustling night scene of Hong Kong Island outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, stared at the phone in front of him, his eyes wandering.

After hesitating for a long time.

Azu finally picked up the phone and dialed the landline at home.

"Who is it?"

"Mom, it's me."


Guan's mother's tone suddenly became a little happier, full of indulgence: "How much will it cost this time? I will arrange an assistant to operate it in a while."


Azu's lips pursed, he opened his mouth but refused to speak.

I call my mother every time.

In addition to asking for money, still want money?
It seems so.

"I'll call you a little more this time, so you can play with confidence."

Guan's mother spoke very quickly on the other end of the phone, as if her words were burning her mouth: "But when doing things, you must also be careful, and don't play too much."

I was afraid that Azu would hang up the phone by himself after finishing the money.

"Mommy, I don't want money."

Azu tried his best to sound relaxed: "I just called you casually to say hello."


Guan's mother's tone became obviously happier, and her interest in speaking became higher: "Hey boy, you are sensible, and you know how to greet Mommy."

"By the way, two days ago, I heard from your dead father that you went to work with someone? Is it true?"


Azu nodded in acknowledgment.

He didn't tell her that the relationship between him and Zhong Wenze was just to fulfill the lottery, and they were on errands for seven days.


Guan's mother clapped her hands excitedly: "It's good to be an errand, it's better than working in Mommy's real estate company, how wonderful it is to be an errand."

"But you have to pay attention to your safety. It's very dangerous to be on the job. I'll let that dead ghost see if I can arrange you in a department with less work like those ghosts."


She sighed again: "But he will definitely not agree, and the arrangements are not so easy to arrange. Your dead ghost old man is also pedantic. You are a neutral, and you are not human at both ends."

"However, I'm satisfied with him. He didn't hang out with those ghosts and serve as their lackeys. Mommy hates those ghosts the most."

Guan's mother was very excited tonight, as if she had encountered a great event, she kept chattering on the other end of the phone, telling Azu about this and that.

Azu didn't interrupt her either, and chatted with her along his topic.

The phone conversation lasted more than half an hour.

Mother Guan gave some instructions to Azu, and was about to hang up the phone.


Azu shouted seemingly casually, and asked casually, "Is he back?"

Both ends of the phone.

Inexplicably quiet down.

Mother Guan froze in place holding the phone.

Azu was asking him about the situation of his old bean?
For ten years.

first time.

"He's been busy with the Bank of Asia case recently."

Guan's mother was stunned for a few seconds, her tone was a little choked up, but also a little happy: "I come back very late every day, and he went out before I woke up in the morning."

"He should be under a lot of pressure now. I don't know the specific situation, but it should be okay."

"okay, I get it."

Azu nodded when he heard the words, hung up the phone after saying a few words, and looked out of the window in a daze.

Zhou Su sat beside Azu.

a while.

Azu patted his trousers and stood up: "Susu, take the key and drive down to the villa area in Nanshan."

"It's late at night, what are you doing there?"

Zhou Su followed suit and got up obediently to get the car keys to open the door and prepare to go out, while turning around to ask, "Do you have any friends over there?"

"Go to Zhong Wen... Zhong Sir."

Azu opened his mouth and explained: "I have something to discuss with him."

"Please chime Sir?"

Zhou Su was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he came back to his senses after a while, and nodded vigorously with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, okay."

(End of this chapter)

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