Chapter 416 New Police Story

"Pretty boy."

A man's voice sounded from the back seat: "If you don't want to die, don't move!"


The manager shivered and subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Feeling a sharp cold sensation from his neck, goose bumps arose.


He raised his hands and slowly turned his head back: "My good brother, don't be impulsive, we can discuss something carefully."

"Ha ha."

The man laughed, looked at the manager with his hands raised, and joked, "Not bad, you still have a strong desire to survive."

this will.

The manager has turned his head.

Car back seat.

At the moment sat three men wearing masks.

Three people, three different masks, red, white and black, the masks have hideous expressions, and under the shadows, they are somewhat terrifying.

"If you have money in your hand, I have money."

The manager's forehead was sweating, and he spoke a little faster without courage: "I'll give it to you now, just asking for money, don't mess with me."

talking room.

He quickly stretched out his hand to pick it, and pulled it away.

There was a thick wad of banknotes inside, and I picked it up and handed it to them: "My dear brother, I give you the money, please don't mess with me!"

"Money, we don't want it."

The red-masked man with a knife opened the banknotes, and said in a playful tone, "We came to you just to ask you to do us a small favor."

"Help us, you can go, it's all right."

"it is good!"

The manager nodded vigorously: "You say, as long as I can do it, I will do it, and I will do it."

"I just like you who are so enlightened."

The red mask nodded in satisfaction, and then turned to look at the building next to it: "You work in Bank of Asia, right? I need you to help us open the door of the warehouse."

He stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips, his eyes filled with excitement: "This request doesn't make things difficult for you, does it? It's about moving your fingers."

"it is good"

The manager nodded reflexively, then suddenly came to his senses and screamed: "Ah? What? the door of the vault? No way."

He wasn't finished yet.

There was a slight pain in the neck.

The sharp dagger blade easily cut the skin on his neck, and blood seeped out, burning hot.


The man in the red mask grinned grimly: "Are you thinking about it?"

"No way!"

Beads of sweat on the manager's forehead slid down his cheeks, and he said quickly, "Robbing a bank will kill you!"

He wasn't finished yet.

"I don't know if someone will die, but if you don't cooperate, you will die!"

The black-masked man in the back seat pulled out Ingram from under his feet and pointed it at the manager's head, saying insanely:
"One bullet down, your head will explode, and your brains will collapse on the windshield. You can't even wipe it clean, it will only get sticky!"


He imitated the sound of firing a gun: "Da da da"


The manager trembled, looking at this group of lunatics, he was speechless for a few times, and could only nod in agreement in the end.

"That's right."

The red-masked man nodded, opened the car door and went down, followed by the other two carrying canvas bags. After looking around, they pulled the manager out of the driver's seat.

Look up.

The building is 24 stories high.

Bank of Asia was in the middle of the building, at the height of the fourteenth floor, and the three dragged the manager inside.

Instead of taking the elevator, they got into the fire escape on the side and climbed up floor by floor until they reached the top floor.

They don't know where they got the key to the roof of the top floor. Open the door and go in to the roof.


The three stood on the edge of the roof, opened their hands and looked at their feet and shouted excitedly.

"Big brother!"

The manager stood behind tremblingly, not knowing what they were going to do: "The bank is on the fourteenth floor, what are we doing on the rooftop?"

"That's a good question."

The white mask glanced at the manager, and asked back, "Do you have the key to enter the gate of the bank?"


"That's not right."

The white mask rolled his eyes: "Since you don't have a key, you can't get in through the main entrance, so we have to come to a flying fairy."

"Flying fairy outside the sky?"

The manager was stunned by the words, but his mind hadn't come back yet.


Red Mask snapped his fingers.

The black mask opened the canvas bag, took out a red safety helmet from inside, and put it on the manager's head:
"Little boy, put on your helmet and get ready to go fishing!"

As he spoke, he took out the cable he had prepared earlier, bound the manager around in circles, and hooked the other end to the steel pipe guardrail of the roof with a buckle.

"What do you guys want to do!"

The manager's legs trembled, and a stream of fishy liquid flowed down from his trouser legs: "I'm afraid of heights!"

He more or less guessed what these lunatics were going to do.

Immortals flying out of the sky.

It is you who flies!
"Afraid of heights?"

The black mask asked a rhetorical question, then took out a big bag, put the manager in it, and tightened the bag:
"It's all right now. The fear of heights has been perfectly solved. You should thank me for helping you cure your fear of heights!"


The three laughed.

Several people prepared separately, put on professional protective equipment, connected themselves with cables, looked at each other, and then nodded.

"Go away!"

The red mask raised his foot and kicked the manager in the woven bag off the roof, and the connecting cable jumped down quickly.


The manager's terrified cries echoed across the building.

Just count seconds.

The cable reached the longest position, and the manager in the woven bag smashed through the floor-to-ceiling windows of Bank of Asia on the [-]th floor and flew in.

They have already estimated this distance, so the distance is just right and impartial.


The three men with red, white and black masks screamed, jumped off the roof, quickly descended to the fourteenth floor, swung in, and landed perfectly.

"Crack clap."

The three of them pulled out their firearms from their canvas bags.

Ingram, the shotgun, loaded the gun, and the manager in the woven bag quickly walked towards the warehouse in the Bank of Asia.

Pulling open the woven bag, the manager with the red helmet inside revealed his head, his body trembling like chaff.

"Open the gate!"

The Ingram gun in the red-masked man's hand pointed at the manager's head, repeating: "Open the gate!"


The two men with white and black masks held guns, looked at the manager with a terrified face, and laughed wantonly.


The manager hesitated and shivered, got out of the woven bag, climbed to the door of the warehouse, and began to fiddle with the safety knob on the gate.

He kept repeating in his mouth: "I'm just a part-time worker, I'm just a part-time worker."


The warehouse door swung open.

Inside the warehouse, metal storage racks are arranged in rows, and stacks of Hong Kong dollars are neatly arranged on the top, which has a strong visual impact.


"Hahaha, this time I played Dafa!"

"It's so cool!"

The three rushed in, screaming excitedly, then pulled the canvas bag that had been prepared earlier, and began to put money into it.

In the corner of the warehouse door.

The manager slumped on the ground tremblingly, not daring to look inside.


The red mask suddenly walked up to him, and Ingram pointed his gun at him: "Look up."

"Boss, it's none of my business, I'm just a part-time worker."

The manager also watched a lot of movies, so he refused to raise his head: "I don't know you, I haven't seen you."

"Boss, please don't mess with me."


The red mask grinned, stretched out his tongue and licked his dry lips, his eyes were full of excitement, and the muzzle gestured to the telephone in the corner:

"Call and call the police!"


The manager's expression froze for a moment.

"I told you to call the police!"


The manager looked at the red mask in disbelief like a dementia.

"Ah? You ass!"

The red mask laughed mockingly, stretched out his hand and dragged the manager's back collar on the ground:

"Deadly rushing to the street, it's so frustrating for you to report to the police."

Two 10 minutes later.

The road in front of the Bank of Asia building in the North District.

The road was empty.

far away.

The siren blared, resounding over the road.

The red mask held Ingram with his right hand and the bank manager with his left hand, standing in the middle of the road in front of the building.

The manager was also put on a mask at the moment, wearing a bulletproof vest in front of the red mask.

His right hand was hanging down, holding a pistol without bullets, his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.


It should be the day in this manager's life that was infinitely close to death.

"Call headquarters. Call headquarters."

"We're already near the Bank of Asia on the North Side."

"It was found that there were only two people who could be targeted, and one of them was suspected of being a hostage."

in a police car.

The police kept reporting the situation to the North District Headquarters.

The speed is fast.

The distance between the two sides was shortened in a straight line.

"Put down the gun!"

The policeman in the car in front looked at the red mask holding a gun in the middle of the road ahead and issued a warning.

Just now.

A fork in the road.

The man in the white mask suddenly jumped out from the corner, held a shotgun in both hands, pulled the barrel of the gun, and pulled the trigger directly at the police car passing by.


Shotgun fire sputtered and spurted tongues of flame.

One shot hit the fuel tank of the police car.

under close range.

The powerful firepower of the shotgun covers a wide area, piercing through the glass and directly hitting the police officer driving inside, causing the police car that was still driving to lose control in an instant.


After the police car shook violently, the detonated fuel tank exploded, flew out in the flames of the explosion, and crashed into the side guardrail.

at the same time.

The slope at the other corner.

The black mask lying on the slope sneered, aimed at a policeman behind him, and pulled the trigger of the submachine gun in his hand.

"Da da da!"

Under the firepower, the bullets easily penetrated the windshield, and a bloody mist burst from the chests of the two policemen sitting in the front row, and the car lost control again.

Just a moment.

Two police officers and six police officers were killed directly.


"take off!"

The man in the white and black mask suddenly screamed excitedly.

"There is an ambush! There is an ambush!"

The police car that rushed over immediately stopped, and many police officers ran out of the car one after another, shooting guns at each other in haste.

"Da da da!"

Standing in the middle of the road, the red mask with the manager in the bulletproof vest as the shield was not afraid at all. Ingram put it on the manager's shoulder and pulled the trigger recklessly.

Under their powerful firepower.

The policemen holding .[-] were obviously at a disadvantage.

Originally, they were in a very unfavorable position. Under the suppression of firepower, the police hiding behind the door or behind the car were hit by random bullets as soon as they showed their heads.

Coupled with the firepower of the two men in white and black masks who were stuck on both sides of the road fork, the police who arrived fell even faster.




The three robbers in red, white and black masks shot at the policemen, counting the number of hits for themselves.

Under the powerful firepower, it was like a massacre.

"Call headquarters, call headquarters!"

Sergeant Huang Sen, who was in charge of leading the team this time, hid in the back of the car and shouted loudly into the intercom: "The robbers are firing too hard, please support, support!"

Right between his speeches.

Two more policemen beside him were shot in the shoulder and fell to the ground one after another, their bodies twitching non-stop.

"Push your mother!"

Sergeant Huang Sen cursed angrily, dragged the two felled men to the back of the police car, grabbed the officer's hand and pressed the wound: "Man, hold on."

on the street.

Police and robbers are still fighting.

far away.

More intensive sirens resounded on the road.

"Someone is coming, withdraw, withdraw!"

The red mask discarded the human shield manager who had been shot in the leg, and started to retreat into the alley behind with a greeting.

The two with white and black masks didn't like to fight, they shot and suppressed while quickly fleeing towards the predetermined route.

"Fuck you!"

Sergeant Huang Sen shook his sweaty head and reached out to the two police officers beside him: "You, follow me!"

Holding the .[-], he quickly chased after the position where the three robbers had left.


The three robbers quickly shuttled through the alleyway.


Sergeant Huang Sen led two buddies to bite them tightly.

front corner.

When the black mask walking at the back was turning a corner, the canvas bag carrying the banknotes on his body hung on the railing, and the canvas bag fell to the ground.


The black mask ran two steps forward, then immediately drew back and reached out to pick up the canvas bag that fell on the ground.

At this moment.

Sergeant Huang Sen's team of three has followed.

"do not move!"

The muzzle of the .[-] gun was pressed against the head of the black mask: "Put the gun down!"


Seeing this situation, the two people with red and white masks immediately hid their bodies.

"Ha ha."

The black mask looked up at the three of Huang Sen and stood up with a sneer.

"I told you to put the gun down, put it down!"

Sergeant Huang Sen roared emotionally: "Put down the gun and kick over!"

Black Mask thought for a moment, dropped Ingram in his hand on the ground, and kicked Huang Sen.


Huang Sen reached out and took off the black mask, and saw the face behind the mask.

It's Liu Tian.

He kicked Ingram back again, beckoning the guys up to check the alley.

The guy came to the fork, looked left and right and found nothing unusual, then put the .[-] back into the holster, and took out the handcuffs.


The white mask behind him suddenly appeared.


Two piercing gunshots.

The shotgun shot out flames, and the two men who were about to subdue the black mask were directly blown away, and they hit the wall heavily.

The scarlet blood oozes from behind itself, and as the body rubs against the wall, two thick blood lines come out.

Black Mask took this opportunity and ran away.


Sergeant Huang Sen was in a rage, hid at the corner and pulled the trigger repeatedly in the alley, firing all the .[-] bullets in one go.


The sound of an empty plane came.

Panting heavily, Sergeant Huang Sen touched the corner of the wall and took out a roll of bullets with trembling fingers. He flicked off the bullet nest and returned the shell casing, and stuck the bullet in.

Probe again.

The alley was already empty, and the sound of footsteps had gone away.

"Man, man!"

Sergeant Huang Sen looked at the two guys who could only breathe in but not out, and shook their bodies, but there was no reaction.

"Hem home shovel!"

Sergeant Huang Sen raised his head and roared, and sat down on the ground with a dejected face. Soon, his eyes fell on the canvas bag beside him.


It was full of Hong Kong dollars printed in front of my eyes.

very many.

Two 10 minutes later.

After hearing the news, Chen Guorong, the senior inspector of the North District, rushed to the scene with his subordinates. Looking at the tragic situation at the scene, his brows were deeply frowned.

A police car still burning and belching smoke.

The injured guy who was carried into the white car by the medical staff, and the guy who had not been treated and fell to the ground moaning in pain.

No matter how you look at this scene, how tragic it is.

"Hurry up, hurry up, call Bai Che for support, and send the injured guy to the hospital!"

Chen Guorong quickly gave instructions to the scene: "The guys who are not seriously injured are now going to the hospital by themselves, giving priority to treating the guys who are seriously injured."

"Immediately, traffic control, check all the intersections along this area, especially the roads leading to other districts."

"Add more people, send more people to investigate and arrange, call all the guys in the criminal investigation department who are not at work, and work overtime!"

under his command.

The originally chaotic scene was slightly relieved.

"Who is in charge?"

Chen Guorong looked around the scene and raised his voice: "Who is the person in charge?"

"Sir Chen, it's me."

Sergeant Huang Sen came out of the alley, and in a heavy voice ordered the two men to go to the back alley to carry out the two men who died on the spot.

Chen Guorong glanced at Huang Sen, who had a wounded arm, and motioned for him to continue.

Huang Sen is under his control, and the two have a good relationship in private.

"There were three robbers who robbed Bank of Asia tonight. After robbing the bank, we asked the hostages to call the police. We were ambushed by them when we rushed over."

Huang Sen organized his language briefly, and said quickly: "Plus their firepower is too fierce, we can't resist at all, and many guys at the scene fell down."

"When the follow-up police officers rushed to support, the robbers chose to retreat. I took the other two guys up to catch up, but..."

Sergeant Huang Sen took a deep breath and shook his head in pain: "We were ambushed in the alley, and two guys were shot dead on the spot."


Chen Guorong fell silent when he heard the words.

a while.

He went up and patted Huang Sen on the shoulder to comfort him: "Go to the hospital first, and leave the scene to me."

Then, without saying anything more, he went upstairs and began to check the situation at the scene.

have to say.

Chen Guorong's ability to handle cases is still very strong.

After a brief analysis of the situation at the scene, combined with the bank manager's statement, he made a simple analysis of the robber's identity.

It is preliminarily judged that this group of robbers should not be flag soldiers like Daquanzi who committed the crime.

Because if it is a flag soldier who commits a crime, he usually just grabs it and leaves. The first purpose is to ask for money, and he will never take the initiative to provoke the police.

The first purpose of what these three robbers did was not to ask for money. They asked the manager to call the police and ambushed the police on the spot, obviously to provoke the police.

He made arrangements again, and asked people to increase the investigation of various places in the North District. At the same time, he contacted his informant to help.


Chen Guorong held a press conference overnight to further explain the case, threatening to solve the case within five hours.

Four in the morning.

Chen Guorong came to the hospital.

In the ward.

Huang Sen was lying on the hospital bed, smoking non-stop.

"Push the street!"

Chen Guorong pushed the door open and came in, reached out and pulled the cigarette out of Huang Sen's mouth: "If you are injured, don't smoke."


Huang Sen sighed and tried to light a cigarette again, but was stopped by Chen Guorong again before he gave up: "I have a big problem with this matter tonight."

"Those two guys, if I hadn't been too reckless and led them to chase someone, they wouldn't have been beaten to death on the spot."


"All right!"

Chen Guorong reached out and patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, the police, there must be casualties when arresting people, this time it's not a big problem with you."

"I've almost finished investigating the case. My informants have found their location. It's in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the North District. I'll take someone to arrest them soon."

"Sir Chen."

Huang Sen nodded vigorously when he heard the words: "This case is up to you."

"Small idea."

Chen Guorong waved his hand, and changed the topic: "By the way, I heard that a bad boy from the accounting company came to you this morning?"

"How much is it? Do you want me to help you?"


Huang Sen's lips twitched, and he shook his head in embarrassment: "It's been resolved, don't worry."



"If you have any difficulties, just say, we are all old friends."

When Chen Guorong heard this, he didn't say anything more: "Then you rest and wait for my good news."

Go halfway.

He turned back and pointed at Huang Sen: "By the way, quit gambling in the future, do you hear me?"

"it is good."

Huang Sen nodded again and watched Chen Guorong leave.

Chen Guorong had just left not long ago.

The outer balcony door was pushed open.

"Tsk tsk."

Liu Tian came in from the balcony with a cigarette in his hand, and spit out a strong puff of smoke on Huang Sen's face, full of provocation:
"It's really good. It's unexpected that a senior inspector would value a little sheriff so much."


Huang Sen gritted his teeth, tilted his head and looked aside without speaking.

"Crooked, bad guy!"

Liu Tian reached out and patted Huang Sen's face: "The senior inspector wants to help you pay off the debt. You didn't tell him that the robber was actually on the balcony?"

"Look at your ugly face. Are you worthy of Inspector Chen? I already know his plan."

Liu Tian bit his cigarette butt, grinned mockingly, his eyes were full of contempt, and said jokingly after changing the subject:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. When you were in the alley just now, you swallowed the bag of banknotes that I dropped to pay off your gambling debts."

"If the police find out about this matter, you will be screwed, so you have no choice but to hide it."

"Tsk tsk. What a pity."


Huang Sen roared in a low voice: "Get out, get out!"


Liu Tian stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand, raised his head and smiled, and walked outside in big strides: "I'll eat your secret forever."


Huang Sen lay on the bed, looked at Liu Tian who swaggered away, and slapped the things on the bedside table to the ground.


Not long after he came to the hospital to stay, Liu Tian came to find him. They knew that the bag of money dropped in the alley was swallowed by Huang Sen.

"Damn it, grass!"

Huang Sen gritted his teeth and cursed, his chest heaving up and down with his heavy breathing.

He tried to reach for the phone several times, trying to call Chen Guorong, but he just didn't have the courage to pick up the phone.

Early the next morning.

Zhong Wenze got up early and had breakfast with Li Yunxin in the restaurant.

The morning news was playing on the nearby TV.

on TV.

Chen Guorong stood at the press conference and released his conclusion: "Five hours later, I will definitely catch these robbers with my own hands!"


Seeing this, Zhong Wenze couldn't help but take a breath.

Isn't this scene the plot in New Police Story?

The news went on.

Zhong Wenze looked at it for a while and understood the general idea: the Asian Bank in the North District was robbed by three robbers last night, and Chen Guorong took over the case.

He's familiar with the plot of New Police Story.

The person who committed the crime was Azu, but Azu was with me last night, and Azu has been manipulated by me recently. With his current state, he will definitely not commit the crime.

Zhong Wenze suddenly thought that he met Huo Bang, Liu Tian, ​​and Max during the day yesterday, and these three people completely fit the situation.

But this is not the most critical.

The point is.

Chen Guorong's arrest operation was betrayed by his friends, and the few guys who were brought to arrest were wiped out.

Because of Azu's incident recently, Zhong Wenze had a lot of contacts with Superintendent Guan Wen and Senior Inspector Chen Guorong.

Zhong Wenze still has a good impression of Chen Guorong.

So ever.

He picked up the phone and dialed the North District Police Station directly to contact Chen Guorong, but was told by the police that Chen Guorong had already left to catch the robbers, and the meeting was probably over.

Where specifically, no comment.

Although Zhong Wenze emphasized that this matter may be fraudulent, the other party hung up the phone directly after scolding "I'm crazy in the morning".

"Push the street!"

Zhong Wenze scolded, without time to think about it, just as he was about to go out, the news on the TV was suddenly interrupted, and it was directly interrupted:
"According to the latest news, Chen Guorong, Senior Inspector of the North District Police Station, was wiped out when he was arresting the robbers in the Asian bank robbery last night."

(End of this chapter)

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