Chapter 386

Chen Xianghu is about 1.7 meters tall, which is about the same height as Liang Feifei, but he is not as fat and thin as him.

But at this moment, Liang Feifan felt extremely oppressed.

This person was filled with a strong bandit aura, and his missing left ear added a bit of ferocity to him.

"I'm not"

Cold sweat broke out on Liang Feifan's forehead, and the coldness of the barrel of the gun on his forehead seemed to sweep his whole body, making his whole body icy cold.


He threw the .[-] on the ground with his backhand, and raised his hands above his head: "Friend, don't be impulsive, I."

"You nima!"

Chen Xianghu raised his foot and kicked Liang Feifan's knee: "From 05:30 to here, you have been fucking shitting."

"I've been in and out seven or eight times, and I'm still beeping into the headset, I'm afraid I won't notice you, are you?"


The veins on Liang Feifei's forehead twitched, he looked up at Chen Xianghu tremblingly, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva:
"Are you here at 05:30?"

This was the first time he saw Chen Xianghu's face.

Chen Xianghu is a lean person with a face that grows fleshy, which is not easy to mess with. The most obvious feature is that he is missing a mutilated left ear.

Most of his left ear was missing. Judging from the scar on the ear, it should have been knocked off by a bullet.

"Fall on the street!"

Chen Xianghu curled his lips in disdain: "We'll be there at five o'clock. We'll be sitting in the bank."


He tilted his head to look at the many policemen who were quickly gathering here, and licked his dry lips excitedly:
"With so many people prepared, it's a bit fun."


Liang Feifan rolled his eyes and said quickly, "Go, we have ambushed many people here, and the Flying Tigers, it's too late if we don't leave."

"You think I don't know that you have ambushed many people?"

"I know you still."

Liang Feifan's eyes widened a little.


Chen Xianghu had already realized that something was wrong with him, why did he still do it?

Is it so rampant? !
He turned his head to look at the chaotic surroundings.


Although many plainclothes and members of the Flying Tigers are quickly approaching this side, this group of robbers is not in a hurry.

on the escort car.

The two robbers were still loading banknotes quickly, and most of them would not leave after loading the money.

As for the other four middle-aged robbers, each of them with excellent cooperation stayed stuck in their spots to help them buy time.

on the ground.

Four plainclothes guys have fallen.

On the other side of the robbers, no one was injured.

Only then did Liang Feifei have a clear judgment: a well-trained and experienced team of professional robbers.

How naive I thought that with so many policemen, one shot at a time could kill the robbers.


"You are so close to the ghost, you must not be a good person."

Chen Xianghu turned his head, put his finger on the trigger, and slowly exerted force: "Then, you should also go on the road to find him."

"Your Majesty!"

Followed by Chen Xianghu roaring: "Let's go!"

He was condescending, and made a gesture of shooting.

Liang Feifei's body jerked up, his legs and knees softened, and he fell to his knees on the ground reflexively.

at this time.

Only then did he notice that on the floor not far away, the trainee inspector ghost who came with him had already rushed to the street.

The head and skull were torn apart by bullets, red and white fell to the ground, and the body was completely cold.


Soon it will become like him.


Liang Feifei's heart beat faster. Under the shadow of death, he was about to cry, and he roared loudly:
"Don't kill me, please don't kill me, I'm paid to do things."

When it comes to begging for mercy, Liang Feifei already has experience, and he speaks quickly: "I only earn a few wages a month, so I don't have the courage to work hard!"

"I came here today purely because of pressure from my superiors. I definitely don't really want to be your enemy."

"If you let me go, just let me go like a fart."

While begging bitterly, he raised his head to observe his words, and noticed the changes in Chen Xianghu's expression:

"I'm here to shit today, didn't you notice? I'm here to shit, not to catch you."

"Ha ha."

Chen Xianghu sneered, curled his lips in disdain: "Weak bones!"

The voice fell.

Fingers pulled the trigger decisively.


Liang Feifei jerked his body, and his heart seemed to stop beating. At this moment, he thought he was dead.


The gun did not go off.

It's a stink bomb.


Chen Xianghu cursed, quickly retracted the bullet, and fired again, only to find that the magazine was empty and the bullets had run out.

"Fall on the street!"

Chen Xianghu grabbed the May [-]th pistol, and smashed the butt of the gun on Liang Feifan's forehead, blood flowed immediately:

"You're fucking lucky."

He kicked Liang Feifan away, turned around and looked at the two accomplices in the escort vehicle: "Are you ready?"

The accomplice jumped out of the car, patted the two large canvas bags straddling his waist: "Call work!"


Chen Xianghu waved his hand, beckoning his accomplices to retreat.

Seeing that Chen Xianghu didn't grab himself any more, Liang Feifan rolled over on the spot after being kicked away, grabbed the .[-] on the ground and quickly got into the passage leading to the toilet.

"Puff puff puff."

Liang Feifei dodged and hid in the toilet, panting heavily, and wiped the blood on his forehead indiscriminately, his heart beating like a drum and a hammer.

Having walked on the death line once, his mentality has already exploded.

His entire back was soaked in sweat and cold, his fingers tremblingly clutched .[-], and he was guarding the passageway.

His mind went blank.

"How to do how to do?"

"Ghost was beaten to death, this is the blame"

"I fucking."

Liang Feifan trembled and quickly summed up.


He remembered something, and shouted loudly into the headset: "Liu Xing, Liu Xing, you fucking trash, is your man here yet?"

"on the way!"

Liu Xing only felt his scalp go numb, so he replied bravely, "I'll be there soon!"

"Fuck you faster!"

Liang Feifei hurriedly urged: "You sent four robbers over there, you wait for me about this matter, and you will have good fruit to eat."

"It's okay if the robber holds it down this time, but if you can't hold it down, you'll die!"


Liu Xing was speechless for a moment, cursed in a low voice, and could only speed up his pace.

outside the bank.

Chen Xianghu and his group of seven began to retreat in an orderly manner. The three of them were in front and the four gunmen were behind. They quickly ran towards the van that had been parked by the side of the road.

"Group A stop them!"

"Group B, hurry up!"

"Is Group C in place? They're about to escape!"

In the intercom.

The voice of the commander of the Flying Tigers sounded quickly.

1 minutes.

The Flying Tigers who had been ambushing around finally surrounded from all directions, and quickly surrounded the center.

With the advantage of equipment, they quickly achieved the effect of suppressing firepower, blocking Chen Xianghu and his party of seven in the aisle.

"The firepower is too strong!"

Chen Xianghu lowered his head and squatted beside the green belt of the flower bed, quickly changing the bullets for the May Fourth pistol.

His eyes fell on the plainclothes policeman who was not far away from him and fell to the ground moaning in pain: "You cover me!"

talking room.

He took out a grenade from his inner pocket, snipped off the fuse and threw it out.

The grenade crossed a parabola in the air and landed on the team of the Flying Tigers who had just driven to form a position.


"Grass! Spread out!"

a time.

The souls of all the dead were frightened, and they immediately jumped away.


The grenade exploded in response, and ignited the car. Amidst the huge explosion, heat waves spread around.

The Flying Tigers camp was instantly dispersed by the grenade.


"Bang bang bang!"

Seizing this opportunity, the six people poked out their guns from behind the cover almost at the same time, and fired at the surrounding Flying Tigers to suppress them.


For this opportunity.

Chen Xianghu bent down and charged, and quickly jumped to the side of the downed plainclothes policeman, grabbed his collar and dragged him up from the ground to block him.

"They have hostages!"

"be careful!"

When the Flying Tigers saw that their colleagues were being held hostage, they shot and were restrained for a few minutes, and the firepower came down in an instant.

"It's now!"

Chen Xianghu roared.

A group of people quickly crossed the sidewalk and rushed towards the van parked on the side of the road.

in the channel.

Liang Feifan hid inside and stopped the voice of the Flying Tigers before he dared to run out. When he saw some people who were about to run away, he raised his .[-] and fired indiscriminately:
"Hit me! Hit!"

He directed loudly while firing.

The members of the Flying Tigers reminded in a low voice: "They have hostages in their hands!"

"Then shoot carefully!"

Liang Feifan squinted his eyes and let out a growl, then grabbed the Micro Charger from the Flying Tigers and shot at Chen Xianghu and the others.

"Da da.. da da"

Flames were blazing from the muzzle of the micro-punch gun, and it fired four intermittent bursts.

Three shots missed.

One of the shots hit the plainclothes policeman squarely in the shoulder.

The body of the plainclothes policeman trembled, and blood spattered.


The members of the Flying Tigers looked at the plainclothes policeman who was bleeding from his shoulder, and looked at Liang Feifan speechlessly: "Sir Liang"


Liang Feifei roared expressionlessly: "Call me, don't let them run away!"

on the van.

All six of the robbers got into the car and started the ignition.

Chen Xianghu, who was in charge of taking the hostages behind the palace, saw Liang Feifan, who was holding a micro-chong and shooting, regardless of the safety of the hostages, and unconsciously lowered his body.

The hostage idea fell through.

Liang Feifan didn't care about the safety of his colleagues at all.

"Street poor guy, you have no morals at all!"

Chen Xianghu cursed in a low voice, and didn't bother to point a gun at the hostage, and directly used the hostage as a shield, and got into the van.


Taking advantage of the situation, the hostages were also dragged into the car.


The van will flee to the right.

But it is not.

I saw the van let out a roar, the car reversed first, then turned around on the spot, and jumped out to the left in the reverse direction on the road.

"Call me!"

Liang Feifei was like a madman, the micro-pulse trigger in his hand was directly crushed to death, and he raged wildly: "Whoever let the robber escape, I will investigate who!"

He has no way out now.

He was the one who snatched this case, but now, the robbers didn't catch him, and he injured several people on his side.

Most importantly.

The trainee inspector ghost who came with me is dead.

If you can't catch this group of robbers today, you can wait until get out of class.

Listening to Liang Feifan's order, the Flying Tigers raised their guns and started shooting unscrupulously.

He is the commander-in-chief, he has the final say.

"Da da da"

"Da da da"

The micro-punch sprayed out flames and swept across directly.

Bullets swept across the road.

Bullet holes were left on the body of the van, sparks flew, and the glass windows were also cracked in response to the strafing.

The front wheel of the car was also hit by a bullet, and it collapsed immediately.


Several Flying Tigers around rushed up quickly, sweeping Wei Chong recklessly.

The robber in charge of driving was under pressure and bent over to avoid it. The car suddenly slowed down and drove crookedly on the road.

in the carriage.

Chen Xianghu and others lay on their backs in the carriage to avoid the powerful micro-shooting firepower. Seeing that the firepower was getting stronger and stronger, the car was about to stop.


must die.

"Call me!"

Chen Xianghu let out a loud roar, sticking out the muzzle of his gun from the window and shooting outside.

Several other robbers also fired back.

With the counterattack of several people.

The firepower pressure suddenly eased a bit.

The robber who was driving took control of the steering wheel again, and the car jumped out again.


The robber stepped on the accelerator without stopping, and the wheels and hubs scraped against the concrete floor, braving sparks and continuing to move forward.


The Flying Tigers followed by car.

Liang Feifan poked his head out from the co-pilot, held the micro-punch in his hand and unscrupulously pulled the trigger, hitting the rear of the van.

But after all, it was a little bit of a miss, and the van could not be forced to stop smoothly.

On the contrary, stray bullets flying randomly hit the car driving on the road. The driver panicked, and the vehicle lost control instantly and collided again and again.

"Brother Tiger!"

The robber at the rear of the car roared in a low voice, "Old Xi was shot."

Chen Xianghu followed the trend and looked.

During the counterattack just now, Lao Xi was accidentally hit by a bullet, and the bullet went into his cheek, which was probably difficult.

"damn it!"

Chen Xianghu frowned, and cursed in a low voice: "This is a fucking mad dog! You should have shot him just now!"

Liang Feifan didn't care about the safety of the hostages, which was beyond his expectation.

by his side.

The plainclothes police officer who was held hostage was lying on the floor of the carriage with a painful expression, his body twitching from time to time.

Under the body.

Blood stained his clothes red.

"Did him?"

The robber raised the May [-]th pistol and aimed it at the plainclothes policeman's head: "This guy is useless at all."


Chen Xianghu waved his hand: "Throw it away."

The robbers immediately opened the car door and kicked the plainclothes policeman out of the car. The plainclothes policeman fell from the car, rolled a few times on the concrete floor, and slammed into the street light pole, blood spattering.

"How far is it?"

talking room.

Chen Xianghu took out the last grenade on his body, weighed it in his hand: "Hurry up.

"almost there!"

The robber who was driving drove the car in the opposite direction quickly on the road.

in his field of vision.

In front of.

A red Mercedes and a black Santana were pulled over.

"Drip drip!"

The robber pushed the light button to turn on the headlights and flashed to the front, and clapped his palm on the horn.

Mercedes here.

A Li and Xiaofen seemed to have thought of something when they saw the retrograde van and listened to the chasing car behind.

The middle-aged man saw the van coming, turned to the driveway, raised his gun and shot directly at the car coming from a distance.

His goal is not to beat people, but to deter.

As soon as the oncoming car heard the gunshot, the brakes sounded in unison.

a time.

Don't dare to drive this way without a car.

"Driving the car in the middle of the road and blocking it, leaving a lane!"

The middle-aged man turned around, pointed his gun at Xiao Fen Ali, and motioned for the two of them to get in the car: "Speed ​​up, block the road now, you can still survive!"


Xiaofen and Ali both looked terrified.


The middle-aged man pressed his gun, and the bullet hit the concrete floor in front of the two of them.

Xiaofen and Ali got into the car in a hurry, drove the car from the side of the road onto the road, and the car turned sideways when the steering wheel was turned.

The original three lanes were instantly separated into one lane.

Just stopped.


The van came roaring, and jumped over from the only remaining lane on the side.

Inside Mercedes-Benz and Santana cars.

Xiaofen and Ali haven't reacted yet.

"Da da da"

In the rear car, Liang Feifan pulled the trigger, the bullet tore through the car window, and A Li's shoulder exploded with blood.


Ali cursed, bent over and opened the door, got out of the car, and rolled towards the isolated green belt in the middle.


The screeching brake sounded.

The wheels of the van's punctured tires rubbed against the ground and made a screeching sound. The car didn't continue to drive, but came to a stop.

Chen Xianghu and his party quickly got out of the car.

They separated two people to lift the injured robber down, and got into the black jeep that was already parked beside him.

A group of people squeezed in like an arhat.

Chen Xianghu was already at the end.

The moment you get in the car.

He turned around abruptly, and he threw out the last grenade in his hand. The grenade rolled twice in the air and fell into the Mercedes-Benz with precision.


The grenade exploded and detonated the car with it.

The shocking heat wave hit.

The Flying Tigers' car, which was about to make a forcible charge, didn't have time to brake, it was overturned by the explosion, and the car rolled several times and flew out of the driveway.



There was the sound of brakes on the road one after another.

The cars chasing after him stopped before the explosion.

After the explosion, the car completely blocked the road. When the explosion was over and they wanted to rush up to catch up again, the jeep turned on the highway and disappeared.

"Hem home shovel!"

Liang Feifei got out of the car in disgrace, looked at the burning car in front of him, and slapped the hood of the car angrily.

It's over.

With so many people, the advance deployment did not stop the robbers.

The other party not only ran away, but also escaped after the robbery, causing countless deaths and injuries.

"Bai Che, call it Bai Che!"

The commander of the Flying Tigers looked at his blood-stained subordinates in the rolled out car, and his eyes fell on Liang Feifan.

He came over angrily, reaching out to grab Liang Feifan's collar: "This is your deployment?!"

"What the fuck are these people!"

He grabbed Liang Feifan's collar tightly, and shouted loudly: "The four robbers came from Jinhang, and your people actually said that there is no problem with their identity!"

"damn it!"


Liang Feifei was also furious, he pushed away the commander of the Flying Tigers, and shouted: "You are so excited, what the hell do I want to do?"

"Your people don't have to blame me?! So many people didn't stop this group of robbers, you still have the face to blame me?"

"You are the commander-in-chief! I will follow your orders!"

The commander of the Flying Tigers stared at Liang Feifan, and pointed his finger at his nose: "You are a fucking shit!"

"Shit, Liang Feifan!"


Liang Feifan was confused by anger, but he had nothing to say.

Marina Lake Shopping Center.

The roof of the building diagonally opposite.

Li Yunxin and Zhou Kehua stood on the side, looking at the chaotic scene outside the square, with strange expressions.

by their side.

Several cameras were pointed down.

Several Asian TV reporters were stunned.

All the scenes that happened in the square just now were recorded by them, and they even witnessed the whole process.

"It ran away!"

"so horrible!"

"This group of robbers is really too arrogant!"

"My God, is this the power of our police?"

"When the robbery started, the robbers seemed to follow from the bank. They had already arrived at the bank, but the police didn't find out?"

"Did that Sir Liang just kneel on the ground begging for mercy from the robbers?"

"As the commander-in-chief of this operation, he has been running to the toilet before the operation?"

"Is he here to take a shit today?"

a time.

These few reporters began to discuss a lot, and each one was filled with righteous indignation.

Just now.

Suddenly someone found the leftmost position in the shopping mall, and he pointed out: "Look there!"

Everyone followed the direction of his fingers.

Go straight to Gold Bank on the far left of Marina Cove Shopping Plaza.

A middle-aged man ran out quickly, holding a shining May Fourth pistol in his hand.

At his waist, there is a canvas bag hanging across.

After the middle-aged man came out, he quickly jumped onto the motorcycle parked by the side of the road and disappeared in a flash.


A staff member quickly ran out from the Gold Bank and yelled at the location where the motorcycle disappeared, but there were no police around, let alone chased him.

"That one just now...was also a robber?"

Several reporters on the rooftop witnessed the whole process again, with their mouths wide open in horror:
"Banks, gold companies, they robbed them all?"


(End of this chapter)

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