Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 385 Are You Here To Shit?

Chapter 385 Are You Here To Shit?
Chapter 19 Are You Here To Shit?


Mo Sir looked at Zhong Wenze, who was wearing a golden armor, and subconsciously turned his head to look out the window.

The sun gradually sinks.

But the glaring remains.

This inexplicable artistic conception seemed to make Zhong Wenze a bit bigger.

Mo Sir looked at Zhong Wenze who spoke confidently.


He seemed to have a premonition: Zhong Wenze was right, and Liang Feifei really couldn't do it.


Song Zijie, An Jie, and Qiu Xiong walked in quickly.

"Brother Ze, what?"

When the words came to their lips, they looked at Zhong Wenze, who was immersed in the golden light and stood with his hands behind his back, and they were in a daze for a while.

"The case has indeed been transferred to Liang Feifan."

Zhong Wenze turned around and looked at everyone: "It's not a big problem, just give him the case, let's wait for the good news."

"it is good."

Surprisingly, everyone didn't say anything more, and disbanded on the spot without interest.

Saigon Highway.

After Liang Feifan and his party turned onto the Saigon Highway in a car, they stepped on the accelerator all the way and accelerated to the Marina Cove Shopping Plaza:

"Everyone drive me forward quickly!"

There are still three and ten minutes before six o'clock in the evening.

Liang Feifan refrained from complacency, took out the map he was carrying, spread it out on his knees, and quickly looked at it.

Integrating the information provided by Zhong Wenze, he made his own prediction.

His premonition was the same as that of Zhong Wenze.

Since the robbers will let people enter the fork of Marina Lake Shopping Center on the left side of Saigon Highway, let people create a scratch accident to block this road.


Their escape route must have been on the right.

The only two targets worth grabbing in Marina Lake Shopping Center are the gold store and the bank's deposit car.

at this point.

His judgment is the same as Zhong Wenze's.

"Gold shop."

"Deposit car."

Liang Feifan's gaze stayed on the two targets of Marina Cove Plaza, and his brows frowned.

He prefers that the robber's target will be the gold store.

"Liu Sir, what do you think?"

Liang Feifei tilted his head and looked at Liu Xing: "Which position do you think we should focus on?"

The location of the gold store is about a hundred meters away from the bank.

and so.

Their early deployment position is very important.

"I think, the bank."

The trainee inspector Gui Lao who was sitting next to him interjected, "The deposit car comes out of the bank and brings money back. Robbing the deposit car is the most straightforward way, and you can run away with the money."

"Also, the bank is near the exit road on the right, making escape easier."


Liang Feifan responded immediately.


Although he responded with his mouth, he sneered in his heart.

The hell is robbing the deposit car at the gate of the bank.

Not to mention that the deposit car has security guards with guns.

The robbers robbed the money-carrying car, and the banknotes were large and heavy, making it inconvenient to carry and escape later.

It is clear.

Robbing gold stores is the best option.

Jewelry and gold are so precious, and they are so small that they can be easily carried away in a canvas bag, which is convenient to carry.

Moreover, the security guards in the gold store only have a shotgun for each person, and they are the kind of Ah San with low combat effectiveness.

If it was him, he would definitely rob the gold shop.

Liang Feifan had his own judgment in his heart, and he was very sure of his judgment.

In technical terms.

This is called empathy and role substitution.

Imagine yourself as a robber so as to simulate the psychological activities of the other party to achieve countermeasures.


This ghost is an idler in the administrative team, and his promotion depends on his connections. He has never been involved in a case, so he has half of his experience.

So Liang Feifan denied Guilao's judgment from the bottom of his heart.

"What about you?"

Liang Feifan didn't come to a conclusion immediately, and continued to look at Liu Xing with squinted eyes: "Liu Sir, what do you think?"


Liu Xing looked at Liang Feifan, then at Guilao, and said cautiously, "I have a different opinion from Sir."

"I think the robbers should rob the gold store."

He quickly expressed his opinion: "Gold and jewelry are small and easy to carry."

Liu Xing's opinion was completely consistent with Liang Feifan's.

After he finished speaking in a decent manner, he immediately made the ghost feel unconfident.


Gui Lao spread his hands and agreed with his opinion: "According to your analysis, I am not as professional as you."

"Do not."

However, Liang Feifan shook his head meaningfully, directly negating Liu Xing's analysis, and expressing his own opinion: "I also think that the robbers are likely to rob the escort car."


Liu Xing frowned, and looked at Liang Feifan with some puzzlement: "Brother Feifan, just grab the mortgage car, forget about the big bills and strong security."

"Think about it again, after the robbers robbed the banknotes, they had to find a way to clean them."

He made his own analysis with reason and evidence: "I don't want to talk about the trouble of finding Laojia to rationalize the banknotes, but I understand that the handling fee is generally [-]%."

"If it's even more powerful, for one-off partners like them, [-]% or even [-]% will be taken. After excluding this handling fee, they won't get much."

Liu Xing glanced out the window, and the signboard of Marina Lake Shopping Center was already in sight, and he spoke a little faster:
"On the other hand, gold stores are small and easy to carry, not to mention, gold can be melted, and it is easy to resell, and there are a lot of people who buy jewelry, and the loss fee is very low."

"There's no reason for them to choose to grab the mortgaged car."

Regarding the possible target of the robbers, Liu Xing still insisted on his own opinion.

"Although your analysis makes sense."

Liang Feifei first affirmed it, and then denied Liu Xing's judgment again: "But the bank is closer to the intersection, which makes it easier to escape."

He pointed to the location of the bank on the map: "Look, the location of the bank is very close to the road, and they can run away with the money."

and then.

He pointed to another gold store: "Although the gold store has advantages, it is far away from the road, and there is an empty square in the middle, so cars cannot enter."

Liang Feifei raised his head and looked at Liu Xing: "Think about it, in such an emergency, it took them time to rob the gold store, what if the police arrive?"

"There are few bunkers in the empty square in the middle, and you have to walk on foot. It is very easy to be hit by the police, which is very dangerous for robbers."

Speaking of it.

He insisted on his opinion again: "I agree with the inspector, the first target of robbers should be the bank."


Liu Xing opened his mouth when he heard this, but didn't say anything else.

Because Liang Feifan's analysis is indeed reasonable.

The empty square from the entrance of the gold store to the road is very unfavorable to the robbers in case the police arrive.

Robbing a bank is also possible.

"Deploy it."

Liang Feifan cleared his throat, picked up the car intercom and began to count the troops: "In a moment, I will follow the trainee inspector, and the two of us will lead people to guard the door of the bank."

"Liu Sir, you just lead someone to stand guard at the door of the gold store, and be on standby at any time."

"The Flying Tigers are hidden in the middle of the bank and the gold store. Once the situation happens, no matter which side has the accident, the Flying Tigers can provide immediate support."

on staffing.

Because the bank will be the first target of the robbery, there are a few fewer people in the gold shop than the one led by Liu Xing.

Liang Feifei quickly finished the deployment, and repeated again: "Everyone knows where you are?"

"Received on the 1th!"

"Received on the 2th!"

Replies sounded one after another.


Liu Xing was embarrassed by Liang Feifan, so he naturally understood the deep meaning of Liang Feifan's arrangement. It was intentional to take care of himself:

"Brother Fanfan, why don't I lead the team to squat at the bank, and you and the trainee inspector will guard the gold shop."

Banks are more likely to be robbed.

However, Liang Feifan personally led people to guard him, undoubtedly giving himself the more dangerous side, which really moved Liu Xing.

"It's ok."

Liang Feifan waved his hands indifferently, and made a righteous gesture: "If you are willing to follow my brother Feifan, that is your trust and support for me."

"How could I let you guard the most dangerous place?!"

"Brother Extraordinary!"

Liu Xing was moved, and grabbed Liang Feifan's arm vigorously: "Brother Xie Feifan, I will only recognize you from now on."

"It's all my own."

Liang Feifan nodded, indicating that you are welcome.


Liang Feifei was quite proud in his heart.

He also thinks that the gold store is more likely to be robbed, but why pretend to agree that the bank deposit car is more likely to be robbed?
Because it involves the next deployment issue.

own this action.

The first purpose is credit.

Hold down the robber and get the credit.


The possibility of the gold store being robbed is so high, so I went to guard it myself, bullets don't have eyes.

He was still fresh in his memory of the last time he was shot in the thigh.

Pretend to agree with Ghost.

On the surface, he was guarding the "most dangerous" bank, but secretly let Liu Xing guard the gold store that was more likely to be robbed, and let him get in touch with the first scene.

Once the robbers started to rob the gold store, Liu Xing exchanged fire with them, and he arrived with the Flying Tigers and shot them to death.

Credit goes to hand.

As for Liu Xing.

If he can survive the firefight, he will be considered a big credit. If he is killed unfortunately, then apply for a little more pension for him.


It is impossible for Liang Feifei to take such a risk by himself.

He wants credit and safety.

Poor Liu Xing, who is still immersed in emotion, has no idea that Liang Feifan has plotted against him long ago.

As for before leaving.

Zhong Wenze specifically asked Liang Feifei not to forget the safety of A Li and Xiaofen.

The police ambushed in advance, once the robbers started to act, they must know that Xiaofen and Ali had a problem, and they might kill them.

So he asked Liang Feifan to pay attention to these two people, but Liang Feifan had long forgotten about them.

Think about your next move.

Liang Feifan became more and more eager to try.


At this moment, Liang Feifan's stomach groaned, followed by an unpleasant stench in the car.

He bent down and touched his stomach: "I'm sorry, I missed something at noon, and I have a little stomachache." Then he ordered the driver to drive quickly.

3 minute later.

The car turned off the Saigon Highway, turned to the Kaixin Fork Road and then drove to the road of Marina Cove Shopping Center.

According to Liang Feifan's arrangement, everyone dispersed the car quickly, and got out of the car after parking.

Everyone was dressed in plain clothes, with three or two people as a unit, and one person wore a headset to connect and give orders.

They also made arrangements in advance for Marina Lake Shopping Center.

After the group members dispersed, some of them turned into young lovers strolling, some into cleaners in the square, and some into hawkers.

near the bank.

Liang Feifan got out of the car, clutched his stomach and went straight to the toilet.

Seeing that he was free at noon, his subordinates invited him to eat at a Japanese grocery store, where they mixed raw and cooked food such as sashimi and rice balls.

He's eating it for the first time again, so now he's feeling a bit sick to his stomach.

5 minute later.

Liang Feifan got out of the toilet, investigated the situation outside the square, and gave instructions to the people on his side in the headset from time to time:

"No. [-] and No. [-], you young couples are not acting realistic enough. What are you doing with such a long distance? Are you in a long-distance relationship?"

"Number two, what are you doing? Can the cleaner sweep the floor? You are not sweeping the floor, you are clearly plowing the field!"

"No. [-], No. [-], you are a homeless man now. Have you ever seen such a clean homeless man? Can you roll around on the ground twice and get some dust?!"

"Oh my god!"

Liang Feifan looked at his subordinates, he was dissatisfied with his style.

5 minute later.

His stomach growled again.

"Excuse me, toilet."

Liang Feifan pointed to the location of the toilet, and looked at Gui Lao: "Diarrhea, diarrhea, you first stare, stare."

so back and forth.

From 05:30 to Marina Lake Shopping Center until [-] o'clock, in half an hour, he ran a full six or seven toilets.

The time finally came to six o'clock.

Everyone entered a state of alert, quickly scanning the surrounding pedestrians, paying attention to any disturbance.

Five thirty-five.

Saigon Highway.

It is two kilometers away from the Marina Cove Shopping Plaza.

Ali and Xiaofen drove Mercedes-Benz and Santana respectively, and they were going to rush to the target location to cause an accident.

Mercedes-Benz ahead.

Santana is behind.


The jeep, which was driving flat in the next lane, suddenly turned the steering wheel and directly hit the Mercedes in front.

Xiaofen was so frightened that she immediately stepped on the brakes and came to a stop: "Fuck you, old man, how do you drive without eyes?!"

Ali in Santanari saw that the Mercedes-Benz was hit, so he had to stop and got out of the car to check the situation.

After the black jeep stopped.

A middle-aged man got down from the driver's cab, came to the side of the Mercedes-Benz, looked at Xiaofen who was yelling at her, then looked at A Li, but said nothing.

After Ali comes over.

"Don't call!"

The middle-aged man suddenly made a sound, staring at A Li and Xiao Fen: "Call me to kill you!"

He folded his hands in front of him, and a May [-]th pistol appeared. The black muzzle of the gun was crooked and motioned for the two of them.


As soon as the expressions of the two changed, they immediately became silent.

Xiaofen faltered and said: "What do you want to do? I still have things to do."

"This is your business."

The middle-aged man looked at the two of them calmly, and then at the Marina Cove Shopping Plaza: "Don't make a sound, you have nothing to do."

"Move the car to the side of the road, out of the way!"

Xiaofen and Ali exchanged glances before getting into the car and moving the car, and they both saw fear in each other's eyes.

If you are not wrong.

This person is the robber who has been doing business with them!
Why did they, who never showed their faces, show their faces in front of me this time?
what does this mean?
It's self-evident.


six o'clock.

Marina Lake Shopping Center.

Nothing unusual around.

Six ten.

Nothing unusual.

Even the information that the robbers planned to cause a vehicle scratching accident on the road at the left entrance of the square did not come as expected.

The traffic flow on the road was as usual, and there was no congestion.

"Depend on!"

Liang Feifan clamped his buttocks, feeling the burning pain of a certain movie, and complained: "Is Zhong Wenze's information on the street accurate?"

An exception occurred on the scene.

The robbers did nothing.

To say that the person who suffered the most and did not want to see this situation was Liang Feifan.

It's okay to have a stomachache.

I ate too much mustard during the day or something, my stomach and butt hurt a few times, and I really wanted to squat.

"Fall on the street!"

He squatted on the ground with his hips crossed, took out a cigarette and lit it, trying to divert his attention.

A hundred meters away.

Gold shop.

on the walkway outside.

Liu Xing and his assistants disguised themselves as roadside hawkers, pushed a fish ball cart to occupy the position, and glanced around from time to time.

The female guy stood in front and pretended to sell fish balls.

Liu Xing squatted on the edge of the flower bed behind, pretending to unpack the fish balls in the packaging bag, and waited quietly.

"Boss, how do you sell fish balls?"

A young woman walked up to the cart, looked at the fish balls inside, and said, "Give me one."

Just now.

The female assistant suddenly saw four middle-aged men walking towards the gold store at the entrance of the square.

These people wore black tights, walked quickly, their backs were straight, and their faces were expressionless.

"Let's go, let's not sell fish balls!"

The female buddy noticed these people, and notified into the headset: "Attention, attention, the suspected target appears, at the intersection, four people!"

As soon as she spoke, the others immediately became alert.

"Hey, what are you doing, deaf?!"

The young woman who was about to buy fish balls immediately felt humiliated when she saw that the female waiter ignored her and was still talking in a low voice:

"I want to buy fish balls, how much is a piece!"

"Let's go! Don't sell it!"

"Are you sick? Are you kidding me when you push the fishball cart and don't sell fishballs?"

"Five hundred copies!"

Liu Xing looked at this young woman, wishing he could go up and give her two big mouths. He quickly walked up from behind and growled in a low voice:

"Five hundred, do you want it, let me give it to you!"

"There's something wrong!"

The young woman cursed, turned and left.


The four middle-aged people heard the movement, and after looking this way, they continued walking this way without stopping.

walked for a while.

Then the other three stayed in the middle of the square, and only one came over here.

"Do not impulse."

Liu Xing took a deep breath, looked at the middle-aged man approaching, and signaled the female clerk not to get excited.

He stood forward with his own body, intentionally or unintentionally moved his arms towards his waist, to ensure that he could draw his gun immediately.

"Pretty boy."

The middle-aged man walked up to him and asked in a fluent Hong Kong accent, "Are there any cigarettes for sale?"


Liu Xing shook his head and denied it.

"Thank you."

The middle-aged man nodded, turned around and walked to the three people behind him and said, "Hey, there are no cigarette shops in the mall."

"Hey, hit the street, let's go, let's go to the front and ask."

A group of four chattered and walked forward.

"never mind."

Liu Xing looked at the backs of the four people leaving, and said into the headset: "This is just for buying cigarettes, the target hasn't appeared yet, wait a little longer."


Everyone returned in response.

A hundred meters away.

Liang Feifan squatted on the ground, extinguished the half-smoked cigarette in his hand, covered his stomach, pointed to the toilet inside, and said to Guilao:

"I'll squat on the toilet first."

The distraction of smoking has not been successful.

Liang Feifan's stomach is still rumbling now, and a feeling of venting is approaching a certain department.

"go Go."

The ghost curled his lips and nodded in response.

Bank gate.

The back door of the escort vehicle was opened, and two security guards with shotguns were standing at the rear of the vehicle, while the other two were carrying cash boxes onto the vehicle.

Liang Feifei glanced at them and hurried towards the toilet inside.

It's almost [-]:[-] now, and the robbers haven't shown up yet, probably because the information is wrong.

1 minute later.

The four middle-aged people who were going to buy cigarettes at the gold store came to the bank, walked past the front without rush, talking and laughing.

After the plainclothes guy lurking in the dark glanced at the four of them, he didn't pay much attention, because Liu Xing had already confirmed his identity.

The four are looking for a place to buy cigarettes.

Bank gate.

There are two security guards, one is carrying the cash box outside, and the other is in charge of guarding.


The two middle-aged men who had been in the bank for a long time got up suddenly and followed them outside.

As they walked, they lowered their heads and rummaged through their bags.

next second.

The two took out a dark May Fourth pistol from their bags, raised the muzzle, and directly fired at the two security guards in front of them.


Sudden gunshots sounded at the bank gate.

The two security guards who went in to withdraw the money had blood holes in their shoulders and fell to the ground one after another in pain.

The rear of the escort vehicle.

The two security guards who were in charge of guarding immediately picked up the shotguns in their hands. As soon as the muzzle was raised, blood mist burst from their arms, and they lost their combat power instantly.


Originally, they were just four middle-aged people passing by, armed with both May Fourth pistols.

They were the ones who knocked down the two security guards who were about to shoot.

After the four of them put down the security guards, they turned their guns on several plainclothes people who were hiding their make-up, and fired quickly.

The robbers who had followed out from the bank rushed directly into the escort vehicle, and quickly began to collect banknotes and cash boxes.

The sudden gunshots shook the bodies of several plainclothes people who were originally hidden in the crowd, and they touched the .[-] on their waists one by one.

They just pulled out .[-].

"Bang bang bang!"

The four middle-aged guns turned, and they had already aimed at several people, and they frantically pulled the trigger.


The plainclothes cursed secretly, and immediately jumped to the side to avoid it.

"has leaked!"

"It's leaked, it's leaked!"

Everyone's roars sounded in the headsets one after another.

With gunshots.

The passers-by who had passed by screamed loudly, and ran around screaming one by one, and the scene was in chaos.

in the shade.

After the sudden gunshot, the trainee inspector Gui Lao's first reaction was to be taken aback.

He was a part-timer in the administrative team, and had never participated in such a real scene with real swords and guns. After being dazed for two seconds, he finally reacted, and subconsciously touched point [-].


The sharp pain came from the leg.

On Gui Lao's thigh, a ball of blood mist exploded.

Three meters away.

A middle-aged man held a gun with both hands facing him, and the bullets were fired from his pistol.

"Your Majesty!"

The middle-aged man pulled the trigger again, stepped in front of the ghost, and looked down at the kneeling ghost with a leg injury, with a disdainful expression:
"Go back to the sun never sets, this is not the place for you!"

He put the May [-]th pistol in his hand on Gui Lao's forehead, and raised his eyelids contemptuously: "Remember, my name is Chen Xianghu."

"Remember, when you arrive at Lord Yan, report my name!"

The voice fell.

Chen Xianghu pulled the trigger neatly.

Gui Lao shook his body, didn't even let out a scream, red and white scattered all over the ground, and fell to the ground straight.

Poor ghost, he was killed without firing a single shot.


Liang Feifan was sitting on the toilet to vent his pressure.


There was a lot of gunfire outside.

Followed by.

The noisy and panicked shouts of many guys sounded in the headset.

"I rely on!"

Liang Feifan was about to wipe his butt, when he heard this voice, his body trembled, and he felt a "thump" in his heart: "That's bad!"

He wiped his butt twice indiscriminately, regardless of whether it was cleaned or not, he pulled up his pants, sandwiched his hot buttocks, and ran out quickly with sweat on his forehead.

Run a few steps.

He suddenly remembered that he hadn't picked up his .[-] yet, so he turned back to get the gun, and then ran outside.

"Da da da"

Hasty footsteps sounded in the passage.

Liang Feifan ran out of the toilet, hid in the aisle and peeped out wretchedly, looking outside, pointing to the point [-] to look for the target.


Before Liang Feifan could find his target, he felt the cold metal touch on his forehead.

The black muzzle of the gun was directly on his forehead.

Chen Xianghu stood against the wall, pointed the May [-]th pistol at Liang Feifan's temple, and said in a cold and disdainful voice:
"Are you fucking here to take a shit?"

"How many fucking times have you been in and out of the bathroom?"

PS: [-] updates are here, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, subscriptions, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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