Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 314 Accidental Car Accident

Chapter 314 Accidental Car Accident
a week.

very long.

Also very short.

During this period of time, Du Wenze's daily life was still as moist as usual.

Commuting to and from get off work on a regular basis every day.

After hours.

Du Wenze would habitually go in and out of the entertainment venues he frequented, and the female friends around him also changed like changing clothes.

Last time at the gate of Asia TV, Du Wenze was beaten to death by Zhong Wenze, except for transferring his anger to Song Zijie.

The cannon stand beside him was not spared either. After playing with it, he threw it away and replaced it with a new woman.

Du Wenze walks around with new playthings every day, enjoying the envious eyes from around him, as if he is a master.

He didn't realize that his whereabouts in the past few days have been followed by someone, no matter how big or small.

This morning.

Du Wenze woke up from the two-meter-two big bed, and pushed away the young woman who was sleeping with his arms pressed down: "Get out."

Three women slept on the big bed, and there were small plastic bags with powder left in the trash can next to the bed.

Tired of playing with sex, he not only called three people to wait on him last night, but also played with powder, as if a whole new world was beckoning to him.

"do not do it."

The woman murmured, raised her body and pressed him directly under her without any explanation, and greeted him directly with facial cleanser.

Not to be outdone, the other two women rushed forward immediately.


Du Wenze cursed with a smile, and got on his horse.

10 minute later.

He came down in a dispirited manner, got off the bed with unsteady steps, didn't even take a shower, put on his clothes, took the car keys and went out.

Du Wenze was particularly lustful. He was addicted to drinking and sex every day. After four or five fierce battles last night, his steps were already trembling.

He opened the door and went up, kicking the accelerator and the car went straight out.

He lives in a group of coastal villas, and the sea view rooms of the villas in this area must have one of the best views.

The only bad thing is that it is a bit far away from the urban area, and the distance to the ICAC building is a bit far.

But if you have a car, it's not a big problem.

"Damn it."

Du Wenze controlled the steering wheel and drove the car from the road inside the villa area, still reminiscing about the refreshing feeling brought by the new prey last night in his mind:

"These dead three-eights play a set of tricks, and they can always come up with some new tricks, which is fun."

The car crossed the internal road and turned to the coastal road along the coast.

this point.

Although it is the morning rush hour, there are no cars here, so his speed is also very fast.

On the only way Du Wenze merges into the urban road, there is a section of potholes.

Because there happened to be a sea-view house under construction on the mountain next to it, and various construction vehicles were stationed, there were a few potholes on the main road, and they were quite deep, filled with muddy water and dirt.

Immediately behind this section of potholes is a curve that climbs around the mountain.

next to the road.

In the rest pavilion on the road along the coastal scenery belt.

Several old men were reading newspapers and eating tea.

Among these old men.

A lean, middle-aged man was among them, reading the newspaper with his hands up, but intentionally or unintentionally looking at the potholed road directly opposite.

From time to time, he raised his hand to look at the watch on his wrist, silently counting the time in his heart.


far away.

The car driven by Du Wenze quickly appeared in sight.

The speed of the car was not slow, and it was coming towards this section of the road.

According to reason.

There are potholes and curves ahead, and drivers generally choose to slow down on this road section.


Du Wenze had a lot of fun last night, even playing with powder, so the excitement has not passed, and he has no intention of slowing down when he is approaching here.


Just then.

The heavy roar of the engine sounded.

Du Wenze subconsciously glanced at the exterior rearview mirror, looking at the black Santana chasing up from behind.

This black Santana seems to have been following me since I first came out. The car film is so deep that I can't see who is inside.

Du Wenze didn't think too much, and turned the steering wheel to the side.

After Santana caught up, the speed actually slowed down, and he kept driving half a parking space ahead of Du Wenze.


That's the pothole.

Du Wenze deliberately avoided the big hole, accelerated the accelerator pedal with the sole of his foot, and wanted to rush directly to the curve.

next to.

The black Santana seemed to have the same idea, and the speed of the car also increased a bit. The two cars went forward, one behind, one left and one right, avoiding the potholes.


Turning the black Santana steering wheel to the left, the wheels were directly pressed into the pothole. At high speed, the wheels instantly splashed the sewage in the pothole.

Santana, who was one parking space ahead, ran over, kicked the accelerator and went straight to the curve and disappeared.

The splashed sewage was lifted up accurately and covered the entire front windshield of Du Wenze's car.

"Hem home shovel!"

Du Wenze opened his mouth to curse, and when his vision was blocked, he subconsciously turned on the wiper.


The wipers didn't do much at this point.

The old dirt water was black and yellowish, and there were sand and stones in the muddy water. The wiper was hung up a few times, but instead of scraping it off, the vision became even more blurred.

For a few seconds.

The entire car rushed through the potholes and entered the curve, and the entire car body deviated from the lane and drove to the opposite lane.

"Fall on the street!"

Du Wenze felt something was wrong at this time, subconsciously tapped the brakes, and at the same time reached out to roll the window, wanting to turn his head to look at the road.


The window wouldn't budge and wouldn't come down.


The speed has dropped.

It is also this time.

at the bend.

A sand truck full of gravel passed through the curve and was driving down quickly. Seeing a car suddenly appearing in the downlink lane, the driver honked his horn frantically and tapped the brakes quickly.


It's too late now.

The sand truck crashed straight into Du Wenze's car.

The sharp horn and brake sound resounded on the curve.

in the gazebo.

The old men who were reading the newspaper turned their heads when they heard the voice, and there was a forest in front of them that blocked their sight, so they couldn't see anything.


A harsh crash was heard.


The sand truck slammed into the side of Du Wenze's car from the side, and the huge body continued to ram forward against the car under the huge inertia.


The whole car was sunken by the front of the sand truck and hit the railing of the curve.

Squeezed from left to right, the body of the car shrank by half a circle.

The sand truck barely stopped, and the driver opened the door and came down to check the situation.

The deformed car has lost its original shape, and Du Wenze has been crushed to the point where he has no human appearance.

Scarlet blood flowed down the car and under the driver's feet.

"I you."

Du Wenze, who hadn't passed out yet, vomited blood from his mouth and nose, and pointed at the driver of the sand truck with a trembling hand: "I'm IC, you're dead."

The driver was taken aback when he heard this.

He first looked at Du Wenze whose chest was completely sunken, and then stood motionless on the spot, as if he had been frightened.

that's it.

The two looked at each other.

Silent for a long time.

While looking at each other, Du Wenze's breath became weaker and weaker, and then he tilted his head and fell directly on the steering wheel without making a sound.

"Fuck you, old wood!"

The driver cursed and spat on the ground, then opened the door and returned to the car, and used the walkie-talkie to call the main station to describe the situation.

It is no surprise that sand trucks like them are overloaded and speeding in order to meet the construction schedule.

Didn't he just hit and killed a reckless driver on the street? The problem is not very big.

"I'm holding it!"

"This is already the second incident this month."

"Hey, I don't know which bad guy is unlucky again. I don't know if he survived that life."

After a lot of discussion among the old men, they stopped talking and continued to read the newspaper.


The thin man who was in the old man's house put down the newspaper, glanced at the scene of the car accident over there, grinned and said, "Aren't you going to help check the situation?"

"You guys are desperate to save yourself!"

"Look? See what's going on?"

The old man glanced sideways at the thin man, and intentionally or unintentionally revealed the full tattoo on his arm: "You have to help me."

"Ha ha."

The thin man laughed, threw the newspaper in his hand into the trash can, and swaggered out of the gazebo.


The ambulance rushed to the scene.

The doctor and the nurse got out of the car, looked at Du Wenze, who was crushed and invisible in the car, and shook their heads directly:
"What a fart ambulance in this situation, call the funeral home's car!"

Du Wenze, who died in an accidental car accident on the way to work, attracted internal attention within a short period of time.

Du Wenze's ghost godfather even asked people to set up a special investigation team to investigate this matter as quickly as possible.


The results of the investigation and the autopsy came out.

Du Wenze took drug D last night and drove on the road with drugs. When the front windshield was blocked by splashing sewage, he accidentally rushed into the opposite lane and collided with an oncoming construction vehicle, resulting in a car accident.

I don't know where the gossip came from, but it was published on the map of the public opinion newspaper.

As a public official, he still smoked drugs. This is a scandal. In addition, it was an accidental car accident. In order to eliminate the impact, the case was quickly closed.

Du Wenze died.

Facing the pressure from Superintendent Zhang, the Chinese superintendent, Superintendent Guilao had to make a step back and completely let go of the case of the international counterfeit banknote group.

This is the end.

The case of the international counterfeit banknote group was completely handed over to Mo Sir, who was in charge of directing it.

If the case is handed over to Mo Sir, it will be much easier to operate in the future, and the matter of assigning Song Zijie to be an undercover agent will naturally disappear.

"this speed"

After Mo Sir got the overall command of the case, he couldn't help sighing a little bit: "A Ze, this kid really handles things. It's neat and neat, and it's perfect!"

He first read all the files of the case, and after making a preliminary analysis, he submitted his opinion to his superiors:

Song Zijie himself is an old man in the police station, and there is a risk of exposure if he is sent out as an undercover agent, so he is not the best person.

in contrast.

He felt that Song Zihao, who was serving a prison sentence, was the best candidate. Not only was he the former leader of the counterfeit banknote group, but he also had some relationship with Long Si, the subject of investigation.

This opinion was recognized by the superior and agreed.


Mo Sir went to the prison to meet Song Zihao himself.

After a lot of hard work, Song Zihao was finally persuaded to cooperate, and he lurked into Long Si's side to provide him with clues.

Song Zihao's sentence was commuted due to his great achievements while serving his sentence, and he was successfully released from prison. After completing the relevant procedures, he re-entered the ground of Hong Kong Island with a change of face.


Zhong Wenze hosted a banquet at the villa in Nanshanli to welcome Song Zihao. Due to his special status, Mo Sir could not attend such an occasion.

As for Song Zijie, Mo Sir did not allow him to participate, but if Song Zijie secretly participated or not, it was not Mo Sir's business.


Zhong Wenze raised his wine glass and looked at Ma Keli, Song Zihao, and Song Zijie who were sitting together: "Everyone cheers, let Brother Hao clean up the dust."

Everyone followed suit.

"Thank you, thank you everyone."

Song Zihao let out a sigh of embarrassment, his gaze swept across the three of them slowly, and the wine glass in his hand collided heavily with them.


Song Zihao raised his glass alone, and looked at Zhong Wenze solemnly: "Brother Hao will toast you alone, thank you for your dedication to Ajiezai."


Song Zijie toasted after Song Zihao: "Thank you, Ze."

"Heavy words."

Zhong Wenze directly blocked it with his hand, grinning and said: "In the words of Brother Ma, don't talk about the past."

"It's over, let's not talk about it."


He pretended to look at Song Zijie, and said with a smile: "But I still have to talk about you, Ajie. If you have anything to do in the future, come to me directly. Don't hold it in your heart."

"I'm not afraid to find trouble for you."

Song Zijie stroked his hair in embarrassment: "You are coming back soon, and if I find you trouble, that's not what a friend should do."

"Okay, you, you, I really can't refute it."

Zhong Wenze shook his head dumbfounded, "Besides, I actually didn't do anything."

"It's just that Du Wenze happened to have an accident when he jumped on the street. Isn't God helping us?"


Several people looked at Zhong Wenze, smiled tacitly, and didn't continue to bring up this issue, and the conversation started one after another while pushing the cup and changing the cup.


Zhong Wenze put down his wine glass, took out cigarettes and handed them out to everyone, and looked at Song Zihao: "Brother Hao, lurk beside Long Si, what are you going to do?"

"It's a little dangerous for you to go alone."

With the arrival of Zhong Wenze, many things have already had a butterfly effect, and he is not sure whether the next plot will really develop like that in "The True Colors of Heroes 2".

"I believe fourth uncle is not that kind of person."

Song Zihao said very firmly: "I lurk beside him just to prove his innocence."

Zhong Wenze stared at him, and asked: "Then what if Long Si is really involved in the counterfeit banknote group?"

PS: Ask for a monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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