Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 313 I, Zhong Wenze, Like Helping Others Most

Chapter 313 I, Zhong Wenze, Like Helping Others Most

"Invite the Tathagata Buddha?"

Song Zijie was taken aback for a moment, and stared at Mo Sir in a daze. It took him a while to react, as if he had figured it out.

He suddenly nodded, lowered his head, and gritted his teeth: "Mo Sir, it's okay, I don't blame you for this matter."

"The next time he comes, just inform me directly, and I will go with them."

"I admit it."

Even so.

But it is still difficult to hide the deep disappointment and unwillingness.

From the heart.

Song Zijie didn't want to be an undercover agent because he knew exactly what it meant to be an undercover agent.

My current development is very good and my future is bright, but if I am labeled as an undercover agent, then my future development will become unknown.

But Song Zijie had no choice.

He couldn't resist either.

Can only be appointed.


Mo Sir looked at Song Zijie in astonishment, and looked at him suspiciously: "Ajie, what are you talking about?"

"When did I say I was going to push you out?"


He was puzzled.

I never said I would leave him alone, why did Song Zijie look like he was appointed.

"Didn't you say that you went to the west to find the Tathagata Buddha?!"

There seemed to be a gleam of light in Song Zijie's eyes, and he said quickly: "There are no Tathagata Buddhas in this world."

"If you say that, you are indirectly telling me that you can't help me with this matter."

"Push the street!"

After hearing what he said, Mo Sir couldn't help but shook his head and laughed: "Ajie, Ajie, I didn't say I wouldn't help you."

"There is indeed no Tathagata Buddha in this world, but Zhong Wenze is your Tathagata Buddha, he can save you."

talking room.

He tossed a cigarette to Song Zijie: "Ah Ze, this kid will definitely be able to control Du Wenze's punk."

"Isn't Du Wenze playing tricks on the undercover matter? Just let Aze deal with him?"

"He has a lot of tricks."

Mo Sir is not worried at all.

this matter.

It must be right to ask Zhong Wenze for help.

"Looking for Aze?"

Hopeful eyes flashed across Song Zijie's eyes, and he clapped his hands excitedly: "That's right, why didn't I think of this one."

He had personally witnessed how Zhong Wenze dealt with Du Wenze's offender, so it was most appropriate for him to come forward in this matter.

What Sir Mo said is good.

Zhong Wenze is his Tathagata Buddha, he can save himself.


Things are not as simple as imagined.

The undercover matter has been reported to the higher authorities, and Mo Sir's immediate boss, a Chinese senior superintendent, called.

After a brief communication between the two parties, they hung up the phone.

"It's not that simple anymore."

With a serious expression on Mo Sir's face, he pinched off the burnt cigarette in his hand, and then refilled another one:
"Senior Superintendent Ghost has made a call for you to be an undercover agent, and you have been reported to the Chief Superintendent."

"The chief superintendent also agreed."


a time.

There was silence in the office.

Song Zijie leaned against the window, smoking a cigarette sullenly.

a while.

He stamped out the cigarette butt, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, that's it."

Mo Sir looked at the unwilling Song Zijie, and wanted to open his mouth to speak several times, but he couldn't.

this matter.

He, Mo Changkong, had no way to help Song Zijie get it done.

The procedure has gone to the chief superintendent, he is a small inspector, there is nothing he can do.

"Ha ha."

Song Zijie caught Mo Sir's embarrassed expression, and said a word of relief: "It's okay, Mo Sir, this matter is not your fault."

"Besides, being an undercover agent is an undercover agent. Whoever said that after being an undercover agent, there will be no achievements, the key still depends on the individual."

"As long as your ability is strong enough and your way is wild enough, you can be an undercover agent!"

Song Zijie took a deep breath, forced a smile and said, "It's like Ze, he will definitely not let an undercover identity sit dead."

"Big deal, I'll hang out with him in the future."

After going through a series of things, Song Zijie saw in Zhong Wenze that he was much better than himself.

and so.

Now he subconsciously uses Zhong Wenze as his example.

"You can not."

Mo Sir shook his head when he heard the words, and commented bluntly: "Your temper is not half that of Aze, you are too straightforward, and you are still impatient."

"In terms of Xinjichengfu, you can't compare with Aze's. He can not be affected by his undercover status, but I don't think you can get out of this shadow."


Song Zijie fell silent.

Although what Mo Sir said was ugly, it was very reasonable.


He is inferior to Zhong Wenze in all aspects.

"How about this."

Mo Sir took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "The only way right now is to go to Aze."

"Superintendent Ghost and the others have been watching the case of international counterfeit banknotes for a long time, but there has been no substantial progress."

"I asked Superintendent Zhang to take over the case and assign it to me, and then ask Aze for help, let him finish this matter."

This is Mo Sir's own initial plan.

It was really a waste for Song Zijie to be an undercover agent. It is very likely that this person will be dismissed in the future. After comparing the two sides, he thought of this bad idea.

Mo Sir pointed out the window: "Go and ask Aze to see if he is willing to help you as an undercover agent."

"It would be much easier if he was willing to help you."

"it's not good?"

Song Zijie hesitated when he heard the words, and waved his hand directly after gritting his teeth: "It's very dangerous to be an undercover agent. A Ze is about to return to the team. It's not appropriate to go to him at this time."

"Everyone is a brother, that's not what brothers do."

For a moment.

Song Zijie actually listened to Sir Mo's suggestion.


His own relationship with Zhong Wenze is very good.

Zhong Wenze is about to return to the team now, and if he is asked to replace him as an undercover agent at this time, he will not be able to say this by himself.


Mo Sir was speechless for a moment, he could only nod his head and didn't try to persuade him any more.

He is not very good at talking about this matter.

Both Zhong Wenze and Song Zijie are his confidantes, if he intervened in this matter and asked Zhong Wenze to replace Song Zijie as an undercover agent, it would inevitably make people feel dissatisfied.


Being the boss is not the way to do it.

So he could only follow Song Zijie's wishes and didn't mention this again: "Even if you go to be an undercover agent, I will let Superintendent Zhang win this case."

"It doesn't make sense for you to be an undercover agent for Hu Hai and the others to complete their mission, and I don't trust them if I hand you over to their command."

"Thank you."

Song Zijie nodded, finished smoking the cigarette in his hand and went out.

Westside Jail.

Visiting room.

Xiaoqin's eyes were swollen from crying, she looked at Song Zihao inside, and said into the microphone: "Brother Hao, Ajie's condition has been very bad recently."

"I asked him what he wouldn't tell me."

"After I got drunk once, I overheard him saying that he was going to investigate the case of Long Si and be an undercover agent."

"He seems to be a different person now. He drinks alcohol every day and is extremely irritable and irritable. I'm so afraid of him like this."

"I really didn't know what to do, so I came to you."

"Help me persuade Ajie to stop him from acting like this."

Xiaoqin talked a lot in a row, crying while talking, looking very aggrieved and scared.

"Ajiezi is going to be an undercover agent?! Investigate Fourth Uncle?"

Song Zihao was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at her in disbelief: "When did this happen, why don't I know?!"

Xiaoqin shook her head: "I don't know the details, I just heard that he mentioned it when he was drunk."

Song Zihao's face turned livid, and he remembered Hu Hai who had come to look for him some time ago. At that time, he had said that he would go undercover for this case by himself.

did not expect.

This Pujie went so far as to fuck his younger brother.

Leaving aside the nature of the undercover agent, if the undercover agent went in and found out the problem, the consequences would be beyond what he could have expected.

If it doesn't work out, Ajiezi's life will have to be involved.

"Fall on the street!"

Song Zihao slapped the iron railing, and he didn't speak for a long time. After a while, he looked at Xiaoqin: "Help me find Ajiezai's supervisor, Inspector Mo, and I'll ask him."

Xiaoqin immediately went to find Mo Sir and invited him here.

"Brother Hao, Inspector Mo is here to find you."

The prison guard opened the prison and brought Song Zihao out, and joked with a smile: "Brother Hao, this is the rhythm of getting his sentence commuted and released from prison."

"Ha ha."

Song Zihao was not in the mood to chat with the prison guards, he smiled and didn't speak, and followed him to the visiting room outside.

After seeing Mo Sir, Song Zihao got straight to the point and talked about it directly.


Mo Sir nodded with a serious face, took out the cigarette case and shook out a cigarette to give to Song Zihao: "Someone is messing with Ajie, I can't do anything about it."

"The only thing I can do is to assign this case to me and let me be responsible to Ajie."

"That's right!"

Song Zihao took a puff of his cigarette and patted his chest: "Let me go. I know Long Si very well. He is my teacher. He will believe me if I go undercover."

"In this way, Ajiezi won't have to go."

"It's too easy for you to think."

Mo Sir shook his head, and shook his head again: "Even if you are willing to go, Ajie still has to go."

"Ajie has been handpicked. Someone is messing with him. I can't control it. If you want to go there, you can add a double insurance."

"You are familiar with Long Si, and you understand Ajie's temperament. Maybe you can keep him safe, but I don't recommend you to do this."

Mo Sir changed the subject and analyzed the case: "Ajie is not a stranger, so there is inevitably the danger of his identity being exposed."

"And you follow, if Ajie is exposed, then you"

"I must go."

Song Zihao stretched out his hand to grab Mo Sir's arm: "I have no choice but to go, Ajie is my younger brother, I can't watch him go alone."

Mo Sir sighed: "If you make up your mind, then I can help you go through the procedure."

The two were silent.

For a while.

It seems that some are not reconciled.

Song Zihao looked at Mo Sir again: "Is there no other way? Must let Ajie go? Can't we send another fresh face?"

"Let me tell you so."

Mo Sir shook his head, and patted Song Zihao's palm: "The case is under my control now, and it is absolutely possible to replace people, even if they don't send people from within the police force."

"If you are willing to replace him, you can go undercover, but..."

Mo Sir changed the subject and sighed: "The problem is that someone is messing with Ajie, so Ajie has to go."

"Ajie doesn't want to go, as long as he solves the root cause of this person who is staring at Ajie."

"Our internal connections are too deep, and I can't help with some things, so I can only stare blankly."

"Who? Who the hell dares to fuck my brother?!"

Song Zihao's eyes widened, and the aura of a big boss came out naturally: "Let me go out, I'll talk to him."

"I let you out, I have to take responsibility for his problems."

Mo Sir sighed, and said bluntly: "The only person who can solve this situation right now is Aze."

"But with Ajie's temperament, he felt that Aze was involved in this matter, and he couldn't get over that hurdle in his heart."

"Although I am Aze's boss, I have already promised to let Aze come back, so I can't bring this matter up with Aze."

Mo Sir patted Song Zihao's shoulder again: "You understand what I mean, it's not that I don't help you two brothers."


Song Zihao muttered to himself, and thought for a while: "I'll talk to Aze and let him help Ajie solve this matter."

"I'll be the top of the undercover business."

Mo Sir nodded: "If Brother Hao is willing to step in, things will be much easier to handle."

If Song Zihao is willing to be this undercover agent, then he only needs to solve Du Wenze's matter.

Zhong Wenze had plenty of means to deal with Du Wenze, so the problem was easily solved, and Song Zijie was naturally separated.

Under Song Zihao's strong request, Mo Sir directly hung up the phone and called Zhong Wenze, asking him to come to the prison to see Song Zihao.

Zhong Wenze rushed over without saying a word.

In the visiting room.

The prison guards made room for them, and they were the only ones in the room.

"Brother Hao."

Zhong Wenze walked up with a smile, reached out to shake Song Zihao's hand, and patted the back of Song Zihao's hand with his left hand:
"Brother Xiao Ma asked me to send you a message to say hello to you, and wait for you to go out for a drink."

Although Mo Sir had manipulated Mark Lee's identity, the contribution was not worth it, and he still cannot appear in front of the police in an open and aboveboard manner.

"it is good."

Song Zihao grabbed Zhong Wenze's palm vigorously, and after a few simple greetings, he went straight to the topic: "I need your help with something."

So he briefly talked about Song Zijie's affairs.

"Fuck, is there such a thing?"

After hearing Song Zihao's description, Zhong Wenze turned his head to look at Mo Sir.

The latter nodded to indicate that it was true.

"Okay, I know about this matter, it must be done beautifully."

A trace of coldness flashed in Zhong Wenze's eyes, and he curled his lips in disdain: "Du Wenze is really a difficult dog's leg when he hits the street."

"Since he is still here and doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, we can only talk to him again."

What Du Wenze did made Zhong Wenze very unhappy.

The purpose of cleaning up Du Wenze that day was to give Li Yunxin a sigh of relief.

Who knew that Du Wenze was rushing to the street, seeing that he couldn't control himself, he actually transferred his anger to the bystander Song Zijie.

This is what Zhong Wenze dislikes the most.

He didn't want anything to implicate the people around him because of his own reasons.

"I didn't embarrass you, did I?"

Song Zihao noticed the coldness in Zhong Wenze's eyes, and looked at him worriedly: "I don't want to cause you any trouble because of this matter."

"Don't worry, Brother Hao don't have to worry about my work, it must be perfect."

Zhong Wenze grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth: "Besides, it's because of me that Ajie can be fucked like this."

"How can I let my friends be implicated because of me?"


He tilted his head to look at Mo Sir, and complained: "Boss, why didn't you come to me for this kind of thing earlier, I just came forward to solve it, there is nothing I can't say, and I almost got Ajie into it. "

"You know Ajie's character, why would he bother you about this matter?"

Mo Sir spread his hands innocently: "He said, brother didn't do this, and you can't be implicated in your own affairs."

"Ha ha."

Zhong Wenze shook his head dumbfoundingly: "Ajie, Ajie, you are really silly and cute, but I appreciate this kind of heart. He is indeed Brother Hao's younger brother."

"It's all right now, since you are willing to help him, that's the best."

Mo Sir nodded, and asked again: "This Du Wenze's identity is a bit special, you just need to make him change his mind and stop messing with Ajie, and you don't need to make things too big."

"it is good."

Zhong Wenze nodded with his expression unchanged: "Don't worry, I have a measure."

Several people continued to exchange a few words, and then left from the prison.

outside the prison.

Zhong Wenze opened the car door and got in, frowned and said, "This Du Wenze is a bit annoying."

"Brother Ze!"

Zhou Kehua got into the driver's seat, and he, who accompanied him, listened to the whole process and understood the ins and outs of the matter:
"How about I take Xiao Liu and the others to block Du Wenze at night?"

"no need."

Zhong Wenze waved his hand and directly stopped Zhou Kehua.


Zhou Kehua looked at Zhong Wenze who was sitting in the co-pilot with his eyes closed and meditating. He didn't understand what he meant, but he didn't dare to ask why.

Zhong Wenze just sat on the seat like this, his whole body seemed to be in a state of concentration, his fingers tapped rhythmically on his knees.

It will take a while.

Zhong Wenze opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and opened the clasp, took out the cigarette inside, lit one for himself, and took a deep puff:
"How about this, you send Xiao Liu and the others out."

"During this period, you are responsible for collecting all the information related to Du Wenze, his residence/personal hobbies/where he goes every day, and record all the specific itinerary for me."

"Remember, everything about Du Wenze is recorded in every detail."

Zhong Wenze talked eloquently, and quickly gave instructions: "You all work in shifts and keep an eye on him 24 hours a day."

the end.

He added: "Start watching him for a week before we talk about it."

"What are you collecting this information for?"

Zhou Kehua was a little curious, and got angry: "Just find an opportunity, drag him to a corner and beat him up."

"Just use your fists to communicate with him. You don't need to be so troublesome. You leave this matter to me, and I will solve it quickly."


Zhong Wenze glanced at him angrily, and taught him, "Don't just think about solving problems with your fists all day long, okay?"

"You have to know, you are the big boss of Shengshi Group now, how many people do you have under your command?"

He clapped his palms and Chunchun taught: "It's illegal to hit someone with your fist every now and then. How many times have I told you, don't fight, don't fight."

"If you lose, you will go to the hospital. If you win, you will go to prison. You can't solve the problem with your fists."


Zhou Kehua was speechless for a moment, dejectedly: "Then you want us to do this, will it solve the problem? Why collect his information?"

"People are mortal, and some people need a little help."

Zhong Wenze exhaled smoke, looked out the window and said casually: "Obviously, Du Wenze needs a little help."

"I, Zhong Wenze, what I like most is helping others."


Hearing this, Zhou Kehua froze in place, staring at Zhong Wenze with wide-eyed eyes.

Capturing his understated gesture.

Zhou Kehua couldn't help shivering.

I just want to teach him a lesson, Brother Ze, you fucking want to help him directly.
It's really fucking good: it's really helpful.

Zhou Kehua shook his head rather sighingly, looked away from Zhong Wenze, put into gear and started, and the car drove out slowly.

The car slowly drove out for about ten meters.



The car screeches to a halt.

Zhong Wenze and Zhou Kehua in the car were pushed forward by the huge inertia.

"What are you doing kid?"

Zhong Wenze looked at him suspiciously, and said dissatisfied: "did you drink before driving? If I hadn't worn my seat belt, people would have made you fly out."


Zhou Kehua faltered and looked at Zhong Wenze in horror, his eyes filled with fear and astonishment:

"Brother Ze...you...you."

Zhong Wenze raised his eyebrows: "What am I?"

"You are too scary!"

Zhou Kehua dropped these words and started again.


While driving, Zhou Kehua was thinking about the meaning of Zhong Wenze's order to do so, and couldn't figure it out.

Under deep contemplation.

He found a more terrifying problem:

It only took Zhong Wenze less than half a minute to figure out how to help Du Wenze?

Come up with a perfect plan in half a minute?
What is on his mind? !

Criminal tricks?

(End of this chapter)

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