Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 296 You?Can't stop it!

Chapter 296 You?Can't stop it!
In Nuo Da's theater.

pitch black.

Li Zeen sat alone in the most central position, completely blending into the darkness.

After the screening in the theater is over.

According to Zhong Wenze's suggestion, he decided to come to the theater to watch this movie, which Zhong Wenze said would make Shengshi Cinema open successfully.


The huge screen was lit up.

Li Zeen looked at the four big characters "The True Colors of a Hero" at the title, shook his head and took a deep breath, getting rid of all the distracting thoughts in his head, calming himself down, and started watching the movie with the attitude of giving it a try.

on the screen.

Fa Ge wearing sunglasses is holding a dollar bill and lighting a cigarette, the picture is full of sense.

At the beginning.

Li Zeen kept admonishing himself in his heart, if it is good-looking, this movie will definitely be good-looking, forcing himself to immerse himself in it.

As the plot progressed, Li Zeen no longer had distracting thoughts in his mind, and stared at the screen intently, not letting go of any picture or plot.Very fascinated.

"I don't want to be trampled on for the rest of my life!"

"You think I'm a beggar!"

on the screen.

The entire scene is occupied by Fa Ge who is wrapped in gauze on the right side of his eye. When the camera zooms in, you can clearly see his lips trembling, and the sense of drama is overwhelming.

"I've been waiting for three years, just waiting for an opportunity!"

Brother Fa raised his right hand, his index finger trembled following his tone, and his voice was passionate: "I want to fight, not to prove that I am great, but to tell people that what I lost, I must get back!"

"Have you ever taken a chance?"

"You don't!"

Fa Ge's voice penetrated the entire theater through the theater's four-way stereo Yamaha speakers, and resounded in Li Zeen's ears, like thunder that lasted for a long time.

"I've been waiting for three years, just waiting for an opportunity!"

"I must take back what I lost!"

"Have you ever fought for a chance?!"

Li Zeen muttered to himself, his whole body was sitting stiffly in the seat like a sculpture, looking lost.

Screen switching.

The bright screen illuminated Li Zeen's face.

The eyes are already hazy.

If so.

Li Zeen seems to have seen his own shadow in the film, so why isn't he the same as Fa Ge's personality?Isn't the situation he is facing the same as he is facing now?

Either perish or rise.

The essential.

in itself.

As the video continued to play, Li Zeen became more and more engrossed in watching it.

With the end of the film.

Li Zeen didn't get up and leave, but turned to look at the projection room behind him:
"Play it again!"

A crisp voice sounded.

Eleven at night.

Li Zeen left from Shengshi Cinema.

Different from the slumped state before, he is full of energy and confidence at this time, and there is a wave of optimism for the theater in every gesture.

Head back to the top floor of Crowne Plaza.

Li Zeen just walked out of the elevator.

In the middle hall.

Li Zezhong was flipping through the magazine with his hands, and there was a cup of coffee on the coffee table in front of him. When he saw Li Zeen appearing, he waved his hand and pouted his mouth to signal his younger brother to sit down.

Li Ze'en thought for a while, then sat down with a golden knife, crossed Erlang's legs and looked sideways at Li Zezhong: "Brother is staying up so late, why are you waiting here for me?"

"Ha ha."

Li Zezhong sneered, put down the magazine, leaned forward, and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose: "It's not so much waiting for you, it's better to say, brother, I'm giving you a chance."

"a chance?"

Li Zeen raised his eyebrows, loosened the neckline of his loose white shirt with his fingers, and said with a smile, "Oh? What chance are you going to give me?"

"My time is precious and not worth wasting on you."

Li Zezhong seemed to be impatient, and raised his hand to look at the Omega watch on his wrist: "Just tell me, I've heard about the prosperity."

Two Glory Cinemas, together with four Glory Bars, have recently made various marketing campaigns.

Originally, such a small company was out of his sight, and Li Zezhong didn't have time to pay attention.


A while ago, news came from the people below: Li Zeen is now cooperating with someone to make a theater.

Not only that, but they also bought the facade of the Hoyong Commercial Center that they were eyeing, and renovated it into a prosperous theater, which made Li Zezhong very unhappy.

First: No one dares to snatch what Li Zezhong likes from him.

The facade of Ho Chung Commercial Center, according to the plan, he wanted to build a cinema there, but it was robbed by someone, and the other party also used it to open a cinema, which made him very upset.

Second: Li Zeen even got involved.

The current rivalry between the two brothers has reached a fever pitch, Li Zezhong has the chance to win, Li Zeen has no chance, it's just a movie theater, and it can't afford much trouble.

But even so, the things in the theater have the shadow of Li Zeen, which Li Zezhong cannot bear.

If he wants to defeat his younger brother, he can't give him any chance, not at all.

He wanted Li Zeen to lose nothing left.

"Its full name is Hong Kong Island Shengshi Group Co., Ltd."

With a smile on his face, Li Zeen said unhurriedly: "Shengshi Group currently has two businesses in total, two theaters and four bars, which will open in a week's time."

"It's a good name."

Li Zezhong sneered and added, "But it's useless."


The smile on Li Ze'en's face remained unchanged, and his eyes met Li Zezhong's: "What are you looking for now?"

"The name of a person named Zhou Kehua was listed by Shengshi Group. I have investigated his behind-the-scenes boss. In fact, it is a person named Zhong Wenze. Although he is a little famous in the world, he is a bad guy and can't get on the stage."

Li Zezhong has always been used to leading when he speaks, so he speaks strictly according to his own ideas, and continues to speak on his own: "Have you thought about the consequences of cooperating with them?"

"Why did they cooperate with you? It is undoubtedly because they have taken a fancy to the huge energy body of the Li Group. That Zhong Wenze is a bad guy on the road. If you cooperate with him, it will affect the reputation of the Li Group."

Speaking of it.

His tone was a bit heavier, and he looked at Li Ze'en covetously: "I advise you, it's best not to use the banner of the Li Group, or when you fall down, you will have something to do with us."

"In the recent marketing campaign, is there any word Li's Group?"

Li Ze'en raised his brows, and said without any timidity in his tone, "Our Li Group is indeed very powerful, but they never thought of cooperating with you at all, did they?"

"Ha ha."

Li Zeen crossed his fingers, and moved his body easily: "I, Li Zeen, are just planning and preparing for the theater. If anything happens, it has nothing to do with you."

"Besides, bars, theaters, aren't those the right ones? Something happened? Why did something happen? Hmm?!"

He asked word for word.


Li Zeen patted his trousers and got up, ready to leave: "That's it."


Li Zezhong let out a heavy breath, with a strong nasal voice, and said coldly, "Stop!"

Li Zeen stood where he was, without turning around: "President Li, is there anything else?"

"Give me a word for that Zhong Wenze."

Li Zezhong said confidently: "His theater and bar will open in four days. I will give him one day to come to me and sell the theater and bar to me."

"As early as possible, you can still sell it at a high price."

The corner of his mouth was raised slightly, showing a sneer (Dragon King crooked his mouth): "It's late, but it's not worth the price."

Because of his younger brother Li Zeen.

Li Zezhong asked his subordinates to collect the information of Shengshi Group, and the bars and theaters have collected detailed information.

They even arranged for someone to break into the interior, followed the decoration team into the interior, took photos with a camera, and created a special folder.

Li Zezhong originally just looked around casually, but after seeing the photos, he found that the bars and theaters of Shengshi Group were far ahead of the times in terms of hardware decoration and style.


It is ahead of its time.

It has a unique style that does not belong to this era.

It is also very in line with the unique style of bars and theaters.

Li Zezhong has the unique sense of smell of a businessman, and he even has a premonition that bars and cinemas will develop in this direction in the future.

Especially Shengshi Cinema.

This novel ticket sales model easily solves the crowded dilemma of queuing up to buy tickets currently faced by theaters, and is a very mature operating model.

In all fairness.

He admired the people who put forward this theory very much.

Even he has a feeling that this will be a major trend in theaters in the future, which is why he spent time here tonight waiting for Li Zeen to come back.

He wants to buy Shengshi Group and take him as his own.

Acquiring Shengshi Group's model before its official launch and merging it under its umbrella can bring a new look to their theaters under the Li Group.

Of course.

The most important thing is the person who came up with the theory.

"Glory Cinema will be a success!"

Li Zeen said categorically: "So, Mr. Li should not think about the acquisition."

"Great Age Cinemas may be successful."

The sneer on Li Zezhong's face became more intense, with a hint of complacency: "It's a pity, it's still one step away from success."

"Because, I will stand in the last hurdle of his success."

"Can you stop it?"

Li Zeen turned around and looked down at Li Zezhong who was sitting on the sofa. His eyes were full of confidence and contempt: "Shengshi Cinema will be successful, and Shengshi Group will be even more successful."

"You can not!"

"You, can't stop!"


Li Zezhong frowned, and looked up at Li Zeen.

Looking at it from this angle, the bright chandelier above Li Zeen's head was just blocked by him, and his figure was shrouded in white light, making it impossible to look directly at the strong light.

He keenly captured Li Zeen's state changes.

At this time, Li Zeen was in a particularly good state of mind, and his previous decadence was swept away in his words.

If it is said that Li Zeen talked back to Li Zezhong in the past, it was purely for a moment of quick talk, but now Li Zeen talks back to himself, a little more calm and indifferent.

Li Zeen has changed.

A little less impetuous, a little more calm.

His mind has matured.

What made him grow in such a short period of time.

Is it related to the circle he is in contact with now?
"Yes, you are very brave!"

Li Zezhong was stunned for a few seconds before reacting, and said in a blunt tone: "Do you really regard Shengshi Theater as your own achievement?"

"You have to be clear about the fact that the boss behind the scenes is Zhong Wenze!"

"And you are just a pawn he uses."


Li Zeen smiled slightly, and asked, "What about the chess pieces?"

"At least, I have demonstrated my value, I know what I want, and what Zhong Wenze can give me."

Speaking of it.

A confident smile appeared on Li Ze'en's face: "Just wait, it's not that easy to defeat me so easily, Shengshi Cinema will be the pedal for me to take off."

"Zhong Wenze, will be the starting point for me to take off!"

"Clap clap clap!"

Hearing this, Li Zezhong smiled instead of anger, and clapped his hands vigorously: "Yes, my good brother, you have a lot of fighting spirit now, but have you forgotten a fact?"

"Splendid Cinema can't get film resources at all. If it wants to succeed, where is the road?"

"The price of Shengshi Cinema is so high, if you can't get good film sources, even if its environment is good, what's the use? As long as I'm here, you don't even want to talk about film sources."

As if showing off, he picked up a movie brochure in front of him and flipped through it: "If you don't have a good film source, no matter how much you promote it? The more you invest now, the faster it will fall!"

"If you don't have a film source, you just wait and stare every day, watching the funds on the books go away!"

"Within three months, the prosperous world will fall!"

"Use Shengshi Group as a springboard for you to take off?"

"You're not good enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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