The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 902 [901] Superstar 75 (1 more)

Chapter 902 [901] Superstar 75 (1 more)
It is rare that this year's freshmen No.1 and No.2 sat together, and the students who recognized them secretly took photos.

Some people are born with good gossip abilities. When they are admitted to this school, there are many people who come from the middle school attached to the central music department. Jin Yuanqing and Huayan have long been famous figures in the middle school. Said that she had just released a movie, which made her famous, and more students were interested in her.

After the conversation between the two of them ended here with Molly, Huayan had finished her meal, and when she stood up to say goodbye to Jin Yuanqing, he suddenly said something.

"Do you have a boyfriend? Can I be your boyfriend?"

Huayan looked at him in surprise, his straightforwardness surprised her, but when she thought about it carefully, a boy like him who wanted good looks and family background had no shortage of girlfriends around him, so be patient with girls Often not so much, he had this idea in high school before, but because of his busy study, he had no time and no chance to express his meaning.

It's different now, they are college students and they can fall in love. Although she is not yet an adult, this does not affect his interest in her.

Huayan opened her mouth and was about to answer him, but Jin Yuanqing also stood up and picked up her own plate.

"You don't need to tell me in a hurry, you can think about it carefully, after all, we are both classmates and alumni, so we should be closer than others."

Huayan frowned, "That's right, I'm a classmate. Let's just forget about it. I'm an orphan, and my father is still like that. I have self-knowledge. I'm afraid I'm not good enough for you. Thank you for your appreciation. We will still be classmates in the future." Well, the relationship between men and women, I will not consider it for the time being, thank you!"

After saying this sentence, it is reasonable to say that he has expressed his meaning very clearly, but unexpectedly, Jin Yuanqing actually asked a question.

"Is it because of your friend from Qing University?"

Huayan knew that this was a test, but she nodded in order to keep a certain distance from this second-generation official in the future.

"It's okay? But we haven't broken the relationship yet,"

Huayan's honest answer made Jin Yuanqing laugh out loud.

"Are you using him as an excuse? Why can't I see the so-called ambiguity between the two of you? I also read the reports on the Internet. It can be seen that he has a good impression of you. It's just you. It’s hard to say, sometimes I’m curious, do you have a heart, can you feel other people’s affection for you, little girl, and why you can face it so calmly when facing such emotional matters? Right?"

Huayan turned her head and smiled meaningfully at him.

"Maybe, the person I was destined for has not yet appeared? I'm sorry, that person may not be you."

This time, Jin Yuanqing didn't mention a word when he left. He is a proud person, and he can feel that she has no intentions towards him. That's all.

Fortunately, it wasn't because of her appearance and ability. If not, she would not have treated him and that kid like this based on their appearance and education.

Maybe it's true as she said, she hasn't met the person who can make her heart beat.

What she didn't know was that this was just a mission for a person who traveled through a mission without a love line. From the very beginning, she had to force herself to cut off love.

Only by practicing one's own calm and calm state can the so-called heartbeat be restrained.

After dinner, the counselor called the students from the piano department together for a meeting, informing them of the specific time for tomorrow's military training.

Universities have military training, but different universities have different degrees of military training. The military training of Tsingtao University has always been the strongest. On the contrary, the conservatory of music is not so exaggerated. It lasts for half a month. The military training in the school has professional soldiers. Leading the team, two sets of camouflage uniforms have been distributed to one person. In the afternoon, she also washed them all at once and hung them outside to dry.

For Huayan, military training is nothing at all, and there is no pressure, so after returning to the dormitory, she entered the space to write a copy.

After "Flower Beauty" is finished, she is preparing for her next novel, but a lot of preparatory work is required, so it doesn't mean that it can be done just by opening a hole.

Although there is no need to study for the half month before the start of school, Huayan does not want to miss the good study time. The school has re-issued her library card and access card, and the previous ones can be invalidated. Before that, she relied on Zhen Hao's If it's a matter of going to class, she can suspend classes openly from now on. As long as she is interested in it, as long as she has time, she is willing to learn, especially in composing. She thinks she can study hard and be like herself. Like professional courses, learn systematically.

Yangyin is the only art-related 211 key construction university in the country. The piano department and the composition department are two different departments. It is relatively difficult to study for a bachelor's degree at the same time, but Huayan does not want to waste these four years. So she plans to fight hard, what if it succeeds?
Learning to compose is not only dependent on the piano, but also a variety of other instruments, which is also a rare opportunity for me in the future.

In addition, she still has four scripts in her hand, three commercial endorsements. She read the scripts, two ancient costumes, and two campuses. Campus, because the filming of these two dramas has not yet started, and neither of them has important roles, which can meet her needs for completion during the winter vacation.

Now she doesn't choose a position, only chooses a role, and she doesn't always go for the protagonist, because she is a student, so she will have to sacrifice a lot.

She doesn't care about the celebrity status, ah, you are an actress with a box office of [-] million now, how can you play a supporting role for others, this will affect your development and personality.

Huayan doesn't think so, she thinks now is a good time to accumulate experience, the smaller the role, the more different from her previous characters, the more interested she is, because this is a process of continuous accumulation and improvement, The so-called coffee position is only for outsiders to see, and acting well is the real accumulation of experience.

She is not afraid of not being able to make a film now, she can shoot short videos if she has no film, become an Internet celebrity, learn her major well, and lay a solid foundation for her acting career, which is what she really wants to do now.

As for advertising endorsements, as long as the price is right and the product quality is OK, there is nothing wrong with participating.

For these two dramas and two commercial endorsements, she has been paid as much as 50 yuan.

Compared with the petty Liang An, she is considered a high-income actress, haha~~~
(End of this chapter)

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