The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 901 [900] Superstar 74 (2 more)

Chapter 901 [900] Superstar 74 (2 more)
"That's good. When I selected these people, I also specially investigated their character. Although I don't have many dramas, I really don't want people like Xi Lan to appear. After all, in today's entertainment industry , There are too many people with backgrounds."

Although none of the actors recruited were popular actors, the facts have proved that as long as you shoot with your heart, the audience will buy it. Isn't "Youth Diary" a good example?
That night, Huayan had dinner with Zhou Yao, and when asked how she planned to resolve that matter, Zhou Yao shook her head with a peaceful attitude.

"Forget it, I don't want you to use your contacts because of me anymore, there's no need, I want to use my strength to slap those who framed me in the past and looked down on me, Yan Yan, don't worry, today you give my sister a chance, I will definitely repay you tomorrow."

"What about your family? There are eight people in your family, all relying on you to support them? Sister, I call you sister, but I don't want you to die. You have helped them for so many years, and now you are 24. , shouldn't you think about your own affairs? As for the boyfriend, let's break up, it's not worth it at first glance."

Zhou Yao smiled wryly, "How can this be a relationship that can be broken away with just a few words? But you are right, I am not young, so I really should think about it for myself."

Huayan shook her head, knowing that no matter how much she said, she couldn't figure it out by herself.

The next day, Huayan officially joined the group, and the filming of Princess Xiyao started.

And then the box office of "Youth Diary" is also skyrocketing in a stepwise manner. The single-day box office even broke through 1000 million. When it was released for half a month, the box office broke through [-] million. This made Liang An sigh more than once. Fortunately, it was not abandoned in the first week, because the theaters will withdraw at any time according to the attendance rate. Just imagine, if it is removed from the shelves in the first week, will there still be "Youth Diary" with over [-] million yuan?

One month later, at the end of July, "Youth Diary" had a cumulative box office of 7 million, and it won another breath for youth movies.

According to the sharing ratio, Liang An can at least get a profit of about [-] million. After the movie is withdrawn, it will be released on various video websites. As a VIP movie, there will still be profits in the future. The movie that An tried for the first time became popular. Not only was it popular, but the four leading actors also received a lot of scripts one after another. Huayan also entered the entertainment circle thoroughly with this movie.

Liang An was also generous, raising their original 1 yuan acting fee to 500 million at once. When the two refused, Liang An directly used their money as shares in the film and television company he founded. The investment has also increased to 3000 million.

The 3000 million yuan is not considered as an investment in a single drama, but as an investment in the company. Ling Yao plus the money he earned before, has a total investment of 1000 million yuan, so the three-legged film and television company was born.

In mid-August, the scenes between Princess Xiyao and Prince Nanyang were completely wrapped up, and it was worth the price of staying up late for more than 8 days.

Huayan's admission letter was already in place, and she was due to report on the 20th, so she returned to the capital without any delay.

Ling Yao also accepted an advertisement endorsement and went back to Beijing to negotiate. Liang An arranged a temporary agent for him to take him with him.

Hua Yan also got about three or four scripts, most of which were supporting roles. She directly rejected the leading role because she didn't have time to shoot, so she only chose supporting roles.

As a hot summer movie heroine, when Hua Yan was walking in the Central Conservatory of Music with her admission letter and her suitcase, she was enthusiastically sought after by the students, and various clubs also rushed to extend an olive branch to her. Therefore, Huayan took advantage of the opportunity and chose the drama club and the calligraphy club. Although these two clubs are deserted, they will save themselves a lot of time if they can't stand it.

I don't know that after she left, the two clubs filled up the seats for a semester in just half an hour.

The female dormitory of the Central Conservatory of Music is a four-person room. Considering her uniqueness, Zhen Hao applied for a single dormitory for her alone. Of course, the price is four times that of an ordinary dormitory. Knowing that she can live in a single room, Huayan was so happy that she could afford the accommodation fee of thousands of dollars a year.

In this way, Huayan was placed in a single dormitory only available to teachers, away from the dormitory for male and female students, which is equivalent to the dormitory for teaching staff.

Registration, payment, receiving dormitory keys, meal cards, various documents, new class reports, and after going through a series of necessary procedures, she finally arrived in the dormitory. Huayan spent an afternoon renewing her dormitory.

This is a small standard room of more than ten square meters, with a single bed of 1.5 meters, desk, wardrobe, bathroom with water heater, the overall feeling is good.

The windows and all the furniture in the room have been wiped, and then new curtains have been put on, clean bedding, hot water bottles, lunch boxes and other daily necessities have also been put in place.

When she went to the restaurant for dinner at night, she heard the girls pointing at her and discussing indignantly in the corner.

"Why can she live in a staff dormitory, or a single room? There are so many child stars in the film academy who are not as big as her. I really didn't expect her to be this kind of person. The school is too partial. This is corruption and class consciousness! "

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, is it? People do this to not disturb the lives of ordinary students. The school arranges this not only to protect her privacy, but also our privacy. In case someone sneaks into the dormitory to take pictures, discount Whose interests are being harmed? I think the school is right to think this way. What's more, this little girl is really outstanding. She is only 17 years old this year. She skipped a grade in junior high school and another grade in high school. Both parents died, and it was all on her own Today, we still don’t want to be too harsh on others.”

When Huayan heard this, she couldn't help but glance back at the girl who was speaking for her, as if feeling her gaze, the eyes of the two met in the air, the other was an ordinary-looking girl with a warm smile, Huayan thanked her with a polite smile, and the other party nodded slightly. Although there was no language in all the exchanges, they both felt each other's hearts.

"In our year, the two high scores came from the piano department. Huayan was No. 666 with a score of 2, and No. 1 was a boy named Jin Yuanqing who got a high score of 708. With the scores of the two of them, Tsinghua University You can get into Beijing University, why would you want to study art?"

"What's wrong with studying art? It seems that good students can't come to study art. People like it. Why do you control it so leniently?"


Unexpectedly, Jin Yuanqing actually scored 708 points in the test. This person really... likes to crush others with his strength as always.

The person who was recommended in the first year of high school scored 708 points in the second year of high school. If he is in the third year of high school, it is hard to say what miracles he can create.

Huayan was eating with her head down, when a familiar voice suddenly sounded above her head: "Classmate Huayan, can I sit here?"

When he looked up, he really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao was here. Jin Yuanqing was dressed in sports clothes, standing tall and straight in front of him.

As her high school classmate, does she have any reason to refuse?He could only force a smile: "Please sit down, classmate Jin."

"Congratulations to the box office. I went to see it and it was very good. I suddenly felt that you were at a loss for learning the piano."

"You mean that my major has been delayed?"

Jin Yuanqing smiled lightly, and Jun's face was full of teasing.

"It doesn't sound good to be honest, but I do think that your acting talent is obviously higher than your piano level!"

Huayan bared her teeth at him: "Then I thank you!"

In front of you, Jin Yuanqing, even the best talent will become ordinary.

"Molly has gone abroad?" Surprisingly, Jin Yuanqing even mentioned Molly, and Huayan glanced at him in surprise.

"I thought you hated her?"

"It used to be, but after she was with you, those bad habits changed, and she got more than 480 points in the test with her own ability. In my opinion, it's amazing, and she also found the direction of her life, no longer wasting money. Time is spent on majors that I don't like, stop losses in time, be wise, I have always admired smart people, such as you, and classmate Molly who was successfully transformed by you!"

Huayan glanced at him in surprise, but she didn't expect him to describe Molly's changes in such an objective way. Presumably, she once felt sorry for her disappointment, right?

"You don't have to look at me like that, I have a little friendship with her, and the makeup she learned is also her talent, and her mother is a leader in this field, so we are not surprised that she will choose this line of work, and I don't know Does she have a chance to meet her mother?"

Huayan knew that the parents of both parties were family friends, but she didn't expect that Jin Yuanqing even knew about Molly's biological mother. Can you not be shocked?

"My mother and Molly's mother are not only best friends, but they are also good friends. Her mother is an internationally renowned makeup designer. Have you heard of Dai Lisi Wu?"

Huayan pursed her lips, took out her mobile phone subconsciously, and searched for this person. When the picture came out, her eyes were straightened, because Molly and this Doris really looked alike, and once again Looking at her amazing resume, she couldn't help being speechless, and then looked at Jin Yuanqing hesitantly.

Jin Yuanqing shook his head lightly: "We don't know why she and Uncle Mo separated, but we only know that Uncle Mo loves her very much, because he doesn't know how to communicate with her, since she was young, she gave her what she wanted, and she has grown up. With her arrogant temperament, she thought she would be like this for the rest of her life, but she didn't expect you to teach the child well once you got out, Uncle Moke has praised you in front of me more than once, you are really amazing!"

Huayan sighed, it's no wonder that Molly was able to attend the top design school in country H. Among them, her biological mother was most likely to be credited.

If Molly goes international one day in the future, it's really hard to say that she will meet her biological mother.

Hehe, the irony is that the person involved is often the last to know about such a real life experience.

The reason why Jin Yuanqing told her was because he knew that she would not complain to Molly, right?

Poor Molly who has lost her mother's love since she was a child, I hope she can persevere as always!
(End of this chapter)

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