The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 879 [878] Superstar 52 (4000)

Chapter 879 [878] Superstar 52 (4000)

The beautiful and clean cat's face wrinkled, a white light flashed, and she jumped lightly to the ground, but because her body was still a little wet, she pawed the ground with her smooth and tender fleshy palms, flicked the white hair on her body vigorously, and turned her head After looking at it, she thought with disgust, the hair is so long, I don't know if she shaves it, will it shorten her hair too?

"DuangDuang," someone got a little impatient, Huayan jumped to the door, jumped up vigorously, grabbed the doorknob with both front paws, and pulled it down, the door clicked and opened, Ling Yao looked down, beautiful The Persian cat squatted on the ground, its hair was still a little wet, but its bright eyes, no matter how cute it looked, touched the softest string in his heart in an instant.

"Wow, Yanyan, you are so beautiful, come, let me hug you!"

Ling Yao put the takeaway in his hand on the coffee table by the window, and when he turned around to embrace the beauty, she lightly dodged it, "Close the door!"

Hearing the instructions, Ling Yao flinched, pouted, and obediently moved her long legs to close her door. Looking back, the cat had already jumped onto the coffee table with a comfortable face, staring straight at her. The takeaway box he brought back.

Ling Yao had a smile in his eyes, the corners of his lips twitched, and he was about to walk towards her when he suddenly thought of something and said to her, "Wait for me, I'll go take a shower!"

Huayan tilted her head to look, and then remembered that the thing was still wearing wet clothes, so she waved at him.

Ling Yao opened the door and took out his room card to open the opposite room. He was very fast, and within 10 minutes he had his hair blown done, and changed into a comfortable home sportswear. During this period, Huayan's door was closed It wasn't locked, so he pushed it right in and saw her sitting on a stool and licking.

"How long do you have to toss about, come on, brother, let me show you."

Huayan didn't refuse this time, because the hair on her body dries too slowly. For cats, wet hair is a disaster.

Anyone who owns a cat knows that if you want to calm down your cat instantly, you just need to wet its fur with a wet towel. After it gets wet, it won’t stick to you anymore. Within an hour or two , I will sit down and lick my hair quietly, oh, that harmonious picture!
Ling Yao held her in his arms with one hand, and her palms also tugged at his sportswear in coordination.

When he arrived at the bathroom, he held the hair dryer in one hand and dragged it like this with the other, then adjusted the gear to breeze, blowing gently on her back.

This feeling made her squint her eyes and make a rumbling sound from her abdominal cavity. After blowing it over and over again several times, she put her on the table again, and gently rubbed her hair with her left hand, bit by bit. The knot was pushed aside, let the hair dryer blow through, and repeated for about ten minutes. After the hair was almost dried, I took the comb to smooth her hair.

During this period, it was like a massage. She lay there obediently, grunting non-stop, and didn't even see how gentle his eyes were.

It wasn't until the hair was combed smoothly that he carried her out of the bathroom again, stroking her hair and laughing happily.

"In the past, you were the one who blew my hair. This time, I'll blow it for you. Is it comfortable? Why don't you sleep with me tonight, I think you have no resistance!"

The cat's eyes that were originally closed opened instantly, and struggling to jump out of his embrace, Ling Yao was so frightened that he hugged him tightly.

"Okay, okay, can't you just make a joke? You sit down and I still have to peel the shrimp for you. By the way, I also bought you milk tea. Why don't you drink some while it's hot?"

As she spoke, she inserted the straw into the cup, and handed it to her face. The service attitude and the cautious look in her eyes made Huayan snort, and leaned her mouth obediently, but a cat's mouth is no better than a human mouth. It sounds a bit difficult, but in fact she hardly drinks beverages and milk tea except for tea, purified water, and mineral water, but men don’t pay attention to these, and they buy drinks that most girls like, so they don’t refuse, take a sip, It's sweet and greasy, I can't tell what it feels like, anyway, I think the taste is a bit exaggerated.

After taking a few sips, he pushed it away, and it happened that Ling Yao peeled off one of the prawns in his hand. Wearing disposable gloves, he directly handed the peeled crayfish to her mouth.

"It's very spicy and sour. I bought five catties. We can eat enough at one time. There are also broccoli and dried tofu cold dishes. I'll pick them up for you later!"

Take a bite, the peeled lobster meat is in your mouth, not to mention the chewiness of the Q bomb, spicy and delicious, it is really delicious.

With a 'click', Ling Yao opened a bottle of beer, raised her hand, and chewed on the lobster meat.

"I see that they are all drinking this, and I also took two cans, do you want to drink?"

Huayan shook her head instinctively: "Drinking beer will make your belly full, so drink less."

"Okay." Ling Yao was very cooperative, took a sip, and continued to lower her head to peel the meat for her to eat. Huayan sat on his thigh with her face up, er, this position, it's a bit awkward, thought about it, and looked up. At the beginning, she pulled the edge of the table, and Ling Yao moved her arms away. She immediately jumped onto the table, sat on the edge of the table, put her hands on the ground, and her buttocks on the ground. Sitting and sitting, she noticed that something was wrong with someone's eyes. Looking down, he let out a scream, and quickly lay on all fours, blocking all sensitive parts.

Her bluffing caused Ling Yao to laugh loudly with a blushing face, choking and coughing: "As a cat, it's better not to be so sensitive, hahaha, if that's the case, didn't I put your whole body all over your body just now?" Touched all over? I even dragged your PP to give you a hair dryer!"

Grass holding~ It's really a pot that doesn't mention which pot to open. She hasn't even thought about it yet. This guy already has the urge to make her dig three feet into the ground to bury herself.

She's shameless, if it wasn't for the cat's body, I really want to slap it.

Ling Yao is also cowardly. Seeing her cat's face change, she quickly feeds her in place: "Okay, okay, can't you just make a joke? Eat, eat, we poured so much water today, we have to eat some warm food." Stomach, drink milk tea while it’s hot.”

Under Ling Yao's urging, Huayan was forced to burp. She ate about one or two catties by herself, and he killed the remaining three catties by himself.

He didn't forget to feed her the two cold dishes with chopsticks, but she later realized that the two of them used them like a pair of chopsticks.

Ling Yao is worthy of being a monster. Animals have a strong sense of food protection, and they will never waste it. Therefore, the two of them not only finished eating the food bought for hundreds of dollars, but even drank the drinks. It's really... Rice bucket!

This calorie is due to the fact that the body is still growing, and I am not afraid of getting fat. If I put it in my 40s or [-]s, I am afraid that I will have to do one or two hours of exercise to consume it.

"By the way, is there a camera or something in this house? Did you check before you moved in? You're always changing. If you were secretly photographed, it would be scary!"

Huayan nodded, "Don't worry, I also know the seriousness of the matter, so I have checked inside and out several times, but when you came, were you found?"

Ling Yao curled her lips, "I just remembered now, isn't it a little late? Don't worry, even if I get the photo, it's nothing. My brother is 20 years old this year, so I can't fall in love anymore? Besides, I'm not in the entertainment circle anymore, they What's the point of shooting me?"

Huayan was speechless, "You don't care, my sister does. Also, you are an adult, and I am not yet an adult. Today's reporters are too limitless. I don't want to be the headline."

Ling Yao was stunned: "Return to the headlines? Are you thinking too much about me? Just my [-]-line popularity, don't worry, no one will shoot us."

Ling Yao snorted disapprovingly, Huayan looked at him like that, but she also hoped that she was thinking too much, but her days of doing whatever she wanted would not last long, if this "Youth Diary" was her favorite If it is a circle, it shouldn't be too far away from her becoming famous.

Although she has never studied acting, she has so many lifetimes of time travel experience here. Anyone who sets it up with her just needs to think about it carefully. Even if she is good at it, she thinks her body is OK, so naturally she needs to learn these things, not to say that she takes it for granted that she can do it, then she can do it, the more scenes she shoots, the wider the scope of her learning will be.

In fact, the profession of an actor seems to be glamorous and beautiful, but there are countless tempering waiting behind it. If you don’t study, you won’t get more deeply involved in the film. Learning a skill in filming a film is actually all normal phenomenon.

There is also fitness. In order to maintain the best photogenic state, yoga, dieting, aerobics, and swimming may all be part of your life in the future.

After eating, Ling Yao took out a wet towel, hugged her in his arms, and wiped her mouth, mouth and paws. After wiping her, he didn't even feel disgusted, and directly wiped his handsome face. While Huayan was dumbfounded, she didn't forget to cover her face to embarrass herself.

Around 11:30, she urged him: "Didn't it mean that we have to assemble for makeup at six o'clock tomorrow? Go back to sleep."

Ling Yao touched her hair, and looked up and down with regret: "You really don't want to sleep with me?"

"Meow~~~," screamed, and the irritated Ling Yao surrendered his hands: "Okay, okay, I won't talk, okay? I'm making you anxious, let's go!"

After finally getting rid of the annoying words, Hua Yan was about to turn off the light, but found that the light in her room had been turned off at some point. She blinked her eyes and tickled her cat's mouth. This person is quite careful.

However, she didn't plan to sleep outside, the time was too short for her to rest, so she just dodged into the space to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

After Huayan slept for more than ten hours, she walked out of the space and found that it was just past the early morning. She had no choice but to enter the space again, turn on the computer, and start typing.

If you want to ask her how to use cat's claws to code, in fact, it's enough to get used to it naturally. At worst, using the claws to type out keys one by one, the speed is definitely not as good as the palm of a person, because it is small, and it can't be opened, but the speed slows down. At the same time, thinking about the plot will be more delicate.

Her third novel "White Moonlight" is coming to an end, and the serialization and publication are going on simultaneously, but the publishing fee has not been paid yet, and it may add up to 10 yuan. It will be over, and after the end, the publications will be in place one after another. At that time, there will be another published version of the episode, and it will basically be over.

It is now March 2016, and the outline of her fourth novel has already been written earlier, and it has been confirmed that "Hua Yan" is based on herself.

The time-traveling and love between she-beasts added in it is also a fantasy version of her and Ling Yao, treating her as a human being, leaving aside the fact that she is also a demon, and adapting it into a sweet and light-hearted struggle drama.

In view of the possibility of participating in the piano competition during the summer vacation, she plans to start the serialization of the fourth novel after school starts in September.

During this period, the publication manuscript of "White Moonlight" will be sorted out first, and then it will be published on the sidelines.

Now the total subscriptions of these three novels have made her stable in the income ranks of [-] to [-]. Compared with the big gods in the circle, her subscriptions may not be high, but they are relatively stable, that is to say, Her fans are relatively loyal, and they won't be like some big gods who will explode at every turn. The income of several million, tens of millions, and a monthly income of [-] to [-] have already made her very satisfied.

In fact, it is like some popular novels. If she follows the trend, or writes more exaggerated, white, and cool, she may earn more than that, but she likes to write as she likes. Originally, she wrote because she likes it. , If you lose your own characteristics in order to follow the trend, it will be meaningless.

What she expects is that when her readers mention her in the future, they will all mention her style.

After all, classic essays are the type that you won’t get tired of reading over and over again. It’s not that one essay will cost you tens of millions. No matter how good the plot is, it’s inevitable that there will be crashes. She won’t do that. If it is 200 million, if it is as short as 80 million, it is already the best state.

She also likes the short and refined type of a certain website, and if she gets busy in the future, she also plans to take this route.

She sat there for two or three hours, until the laptop ran out of battery, and then quickly took it outside to charge it.

Look at the time, it's still early, and I want to practice the piano, but in this state, my legs are too short.

He just nestled on the bed outside and closed his eyes to rest, and gradually fell asleep.

Woke up again, was woken up by the harsh sound of the phone, opened his eyes and took out the phone to see, it was 05:30, and the call was from Ling Yao.

Huayan picked it up with her paws, and the official complained to him: "Are you insomnia?"

"Don't you have diarrhea? I have diarrhea in the middle of the night, not because I can't sleep, but because my stomach is uncomfortable, it's torture!"

The corner of Huayan's mouth twitched, why is she okay?
"Your stomach is not as good as mine. I grew up in the environment of waste oil, food additives, and genetically modified, and I have long been used to it!"

"K, do you have to be so angry with me? All right, get up quickly, and I'll take you to breakfast later!"

After putting down the phone, Hua Yanlai was unable to move on the bed, why?

Because there are still one, two and ten minutes before six o'clock, she has to wait until six o'clock to transform before she can wash up and go out.

(End of this chapter)

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