The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 878 [877] Superstar 51 (4000)

Chapter 878 [877] Superstar 51 (4000)

"You must thank them for me. In order to prepare food for the two of us, I even bought a separate freezer. This is full of love!"

Every time I come back from my hometown, whether it is the grandparents in the Northeast or the grandparents in the North, they give Ning Hao the greatest love. If they are not old and not used to living in the city, I am afraid that they could not bear Come to live with grandson and take care of grandson.

Therefore, every time I eat the game prepared by my family, I feel the deep love of my family bit by bit.

Everyone is deeply in love with each other, but they also give each other the greatest space for development. She doesn't let this family relationship become a burden, and each is well. She thinks it's really good!

Huayan's words made Ning Hao's eyes turn red, "Sister, you don't have to be so polite. In their hearts, you are their granddaughter, granddaughter, just like me."

Hua Yan pinched Ning Hao's ears: "Yes, I was moved because of the same thing, silly boy, my sister is not being polite, but I just feel ashamed of receiving it, you see, I haven't even visited them, I,"

"Sister, although you didn't go to see them, but you buy gifts for your family every year and festival, and they miss you, so we are not polite."

Huayan smiled and said, "You're right. We don't need to be polite. Whether it's the granddaughter to the old man or the old man to his granddaughter, it's actually a way of expressing love, right? Then you can tell me how the homework is done, right? "

"It must have been completed long ago. I wrote it almost as soon as I went back. I have been tossing a lot in the past month or so, either cooking, going up the mountain, and digging a lot of wild vegetables. I put them in sealed bags to keep them fresh. , we can steam some and try it later, we have chosen it in our hometown."

When Huayan saw the bag, she was attracted by the green Artemisia annua, shepherd's purse, and even fresh Zheergen, spring bamboo shoots, really painstaking.

Immediately, I washed some white wormwood, added some flour, steamed it in a pan, and then spread it out to cool.

After that, heat the oil in a pan, add garlic cloves and chili peppers, and add more oil to stir-fry the Artemisia, so that the Artemisia fried will be fragrant.

"Sister, your method is different from grandma's. She eats it directly by steaming it, and at most takes up some garlic juice. I didn't expect the taste of the fried food to be delicious. Now I'm lucky, ah, yes, F I gave birth to a litter of puppies with M, two males and two females, both are healthy, but unfortunately I was too far away to go back to see them."

Huayan looked at Ning Hao in surprise: "Really? Is there a video, show me quickly."

Although they were cast as dogs, they have to pass on to the next generation, so Huayan can understand, and also thinks it will happen sooner or later, but I didn't expect that M is quite productive.

The video was sent to Ning Hao by his cousins ​​at home. The FM couple was lying under the eaves with the old couple, basking in the warm sun. Their brows and eyes were full of enjoyment of life, and they looked softly at the dog not far away. nest.

They are very clean, which shows that the old man takes good care of them. Even if he is not around them, he is at least enjoying life, which is very good.

"No accident, they can only retire in the Northeast. The two of us have finished junior high school and high school. After high school, we still have to go to university. Ten years, they,"

Having said that, Huayan sighed, even though they were resurrected, the pain of not being able to stay by her son's side, just thinking about it makes her feel uncomfortable.

Ning Hao was also uncomfortable, "So I can only send them videos, and they can only meet me in this way, sister, do you know? They seem to be able to understand my eyes and understand my words." Yes, every time I have a video call with my grandparents, they will look at me with that kind of soft eyes. Sometimes I look at them, just like seeing my own parents. Really, that feeling is amazing gone."

Silly child, that is your parents!But they can't talk about this, because if some things are spoken out, it will only intensify the attachment between the two parties, so.

"Then you usually keep in touch with them, maybe it's also a kind of sustenance for each other."

After lunch, Huayan went back to her home, cleared the contents of the refrigerator into the space, and then turned off the water, electricity, and air. This year she did not turn on the heating, but turned on the air conditioner when she was at home, and turned on nothing when she was not at home. No waste.

My mother’s parking space can be rented for about 1000 yuan a month. Because she spends most of her time at school, the family’s expenses are relatively small. The property fee is charged by the square meter. If it costs 1000 yuan, it will be more than 200 yuan a year.

Her family's money and Ning Hao's money will be put together in the end, and a big red envelope will be given to her or Ning Hao at the end of the year.

Last year, the two of them refunded about 1 yuan. Because Ning Hao’s home has two parking spaces, after paying the rent and deducting the property fee, the water and electricity bills are really not much, and they usually pay by themselves. Trouble to the property side, the money is often not even asked for by flamboyance, and it has become Ning Hao's living expenses.

For Huayan, she doesn’t eat at school, and needs about 2000 yuan a month for living expenses. She cooks it all by herself, and with 2000 yuan, she can eat well.

In comparison, Ning Hao, who has to eat at school, may have more living expenses than her, but this child is also economical. Apart from studying and living, he will never spend money that he can not spend.

Huayan sees that he is economical. Every time the season changes, she will take her younger brother to buy clothes, or buy them directly for her younger brother to take home. One purchase costs tens of thousands of yuan, because they are all sports brand clothing. Boys, they never I wear tight jeans for him, and they are all sportswear. Sportswear and sneakers are expensive, so I buy two outfits every time, and occasionally add one or two of hers. The 1 yuan is just out.

If she can earn this money, she will naturally dare to spend it. If she can't earn this money, she may go to a certain treasure to buy some cheap clothes. This is her consumption concept, and consumption fluctuates with ability.

She will never do things beyond her ability. She has also taught Ning Hao that a person must be capable and eat as much food as possible. Don't sell your kidneys or borrow campus loans just to buy an Apple phone. That's all stupid the behavior of.

Ning Hao immediately said that he would spend every penny in a planned way.

In fact, Huayan also knows that this is unnecessary, because Ning Hao is really not that kind of person, a child who spends as much as he wants on a plan, and keeps an account book, how could he do such ambitious things, but she still endured it. Can't stop reminding.

For example, in a place like Beijing, where rich people are everywhere, the more prestigious the children are, the richer the family conditions are. Not to mention how rich they are, at least they are well-off families, and their parents are civil servants. All are fully developed.

As the second generation of drifters, Ning Hao's parents have paid a lot in order to stay in Beijing and get a household registration. He finally obtained a Beijing household registration from birth, and he will definitely cherish the future.

As for her, she is also the second generation of drifters, and her parents are from the capital, but Hua Guoqiang happened to make a fortune, and having money means having power, so when she was born, she was also a glorious household registration in the capital. Hukou, I don't know how many years of struggle than others, so she also hopes that she can have a better future.

After Huayan arrived at the school, she made a report in the advanced class, and then began the school-wide cleaning work.

In the evening, you can go to the piano room to practice, you can also go to the library, or you can go back to the dormitory. Huayan went to the library to read a book for a while, and then went directly to the space to practice the piano. Compared with the school piano, the one my mother bought for herself The piano is better. These years, she has to find a place every two years to have the two pianos maintained and adjusted.

Speaking of which, the two pianos my mother bought were not a loss at all. She has made great contributions to practicing for so many years.

At the beginning of the new semester, the professional teacher told her that she could try to participate in the Xinghai Cup Piano Competition this summer. It is a national competition. If she can make a breakthrough in this competition, she can even participate in the international piano competition next year. It's her who can get the award, if she can't get it, it doesn't matter, she can participate again next time. In short, the piano is like this, breaking through its own limit time and time again.

The Xinghai Cup can also be regarded as a relatively professional piano competition in China. I hope she can pay attention to it and let her practice more frequently during the summer competition.

For Huayan who has not yet participated in a piano competition, this is indeed a big challenge. Therefore, she is more diligent in her usual practice.

On Friday night, as soon as she and Ling Yao got out of school, they set off from their own schools to the shooting location of the business outer ring. This was arranged in advance. The two-day cycle should not be wasted at all. It will end on Sunday night and tonight Shoot the night scene and get her back to the hotel before ten o'clock.

Liang An happened to be here today, unlike the previous campus dramas in the ambiguous period, this time it was filmed during the senior year internship, where she was made things difficult by old fried dough sticks in the internship unit, and worked overtime until late at night.

While waiting for the car, it rained suddenly and managed to grab the car, but was pushed down by a couple. As a result, the male second drove by. Because he saw the dispute in the car ahead, he felt like the female second, only looking at people , Accidentally rear-ended, and then the campus couple who had been separated for many years, met in this way.

Like all school dramas, accidents happened before or after the college entrance examination. This drama is not out of the ordinary, but it is not placed on a male and a female, but on a male and a female. Yan's plasticity is strong, and it's not against harmony at the age of 16 to play a female college student in her early twenties.

The two people who took off their school uniforms, put on suits and professional attire, met in the rain, looked at Wannian, and shut out all the quarrels from outsiders. Apart from breathing, there was only the person who suddenly appeared in the eyes, The atmosphere of the scene is romantic yet realistic.

Especially when the surrounding cars were speeding past, the two people were splashed with water, and this reunion scene was performed to the extreme.

From the grievance and bewilderment when you came out of the office building, to the anger and unwillingness when you snatched a taxi with your lover, and finally to the panic when you saw your former lover and ran away in a panic, every frame of image can be seen from Huayan's talking eyes. See something in it.

Ling Yao also changed his previous image, acting in this kind of role not only has no pressure, but also has a feeling of empathy.

The relationship between the eyebrows of the two people is full of emotional scenes, and there is no need for the director to come out to talk about the scene, and the original owner's mood can be well grasped and just right.

Therefore, when the 'click' sounded, the two people looked at Liang An dripping wet.

Liang An gave the two of them a thumbs up: "Very good, I went through it once, I thought this one would waste a lot of time, but I didn't expect to pass one, and it saved me costs. You two, you really deserve to be invited by me Yes, the performance was very good. In this way, the time is still early, and we will shoot another one, which is also a rainy scene. Since we called the sprinkler today, we can’t waste it.”

Because it was going to the next scene, so they just went to change the wet clothes, get a new look, and start shooting again...

Until after nine o'clock in the evening, Liang An checked the time. Although he was still a little unsatisfied, considering Huayan's situation, he called this group to stop work and asked them to go back to the hotel to rest immediately. At six o'clock tomorrow morning, the next Collection of shooting locations.

After Ling Yao finished work, he asked her directly: "Do you want to eat crayfish?"

Huayan looked down at the time, "No, time is not enough, you can go if you want to eat, I have to go back quickly."

Ling Yao thought for a while, "Then you go back and wait, I'll take it back and peel it for you to eat."

Huayan raised her eyes in amazement: "Brother, you are so kind to me, but, aren't you afraid of being photographed and writing nonsense?"

"I'm not afraid of you. What are you afraid of? They write and let them write. Anyway, I don't mix in this circle, so I have the right to add traffic to this drama."

Huayan swallowed her saliva, "You are not afraid, I am afraid!"

"Even if it's a ghost, can one person and one fox still fall in love? Chih, nonsense."

Huayan couldn't help reminding him: "Brother, I'm a cat."

She slapped her shoulder with a "slap": "That's right, you are a cat and I am a fox, so that is even more impossible. If we combine, will the child born be a cat or a fox?"

The corner of Huayan's mouth twitched vigorously, but Ling Yao waved at her, and left without waiting for her to refuse.

Huayan thought to herself, even if I temporarily act as a cat demon, I can't give birth to animals, right?If this is the case, then this life will still be lonely forever!

Thinking of this, she shrank her shoulders, and quickly tightened the long down jacket on her body. It was raining just now, and the wet clothes on her body were still there, and she froze to death. Ling Yao, that guy, was actually wearing wet clothes to buy food , is really a foodie.

Little do they know that people have an automatic drying function, which may not be visible from the outside, but in fact, underwear and close-fitting clothes are almost dry.

Back at the hotel, she soaked in the bathtub and took a hot shower. It was already ten o'clock, and the transformation came immediately. She didn't even have time to dry her hair, so she appeared in the towel directly as a cat.

About half an hour later, the door rang, Huayan thought it might be Ling Yao, turned on the phone and saw that the guy sent a WeChat message: "Open the door!"

(End of this chapter)

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