The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 845 [844] Superstar 18 (4000)

Chapter 845 [844] Superstar 18 (4000)

After the end, her recommendations have always been there, so the number of subscriptions has not decreased but increased. In this era, most people like online reading. Mobile reading has not yet become popular, and there is no impact from short videos, audio and other apps. The development of online literature can be called In her heyday, it was also a rare opportunity for her to take advantage of this period to write multi-code words.

She remembers a buzzword on the Internet, saying that the 2G era is text, the 3G era is text and pictures, and the 4G era is short videos.

If the Big Brother period is called 1G, then it was closed in 1999.

The 2G era began in 1995. Although 2020G has not been closed in 2, it will be closed sooner or later. After all, some remote mountainous areas cannot cover higher-level networks. Using 2G to make calls, no internet, and no change to the plan, they have no way to completely shut down this set of operations.

The 3G era began to be popularized in 2008, and 4G was first created in 2012. The times are developing, and society is also constantly improving. The mobile phones in people's hands are an important product of the development of the times.

Although the Hua family's matter was disgusting, but it happened a year ago, and these people would stop harassing her in the future.

After the seventh day of the seventh day, she has no private time. Apart from code words, she just posts Weibo to record the details of her life, but so far, she has not let go of her private pictures.

She used to bask in the sun, but since it left last time, she hasn't seen it again. This heartless person, nothing really happened, right?
Huayan seldom checks Weibo. She usually reads bloggers related to food, travel, beauty, etc. after typing. She rarely pays attention to the entertainment industry. Knowing that she will definitely enter the entertainment industry in the future, but she still focuses on her studies at present, and she will think about these things after the college entrance examination. Even if she wants to be a star, she must be the leader among the stars.

So, of course, she didn't know that a costume TV series was released in the first year of 2013. Because the male n number in it was so handsome, it attracted countless women to go crazy as soon as he appeared on the stage. The popularity of this matter continued until the beginning of school. When she entered the classroom, the schoolmaster girls were still talking with regret.

"Why don't you start school later, my lord, it's all over now, when we go home on the weekend, the TV series will be over,"

Huayan asked them directly: "Can't I watch it online?"

Li Ya at the same table glared at her, "What do you know, you can only feel it if you watch it in front of the TV. What's the point of watching the replay online? But now I can't watch the live broadcast, so I can only watch the replay. No, in the future I will Maybe N brush, ah, why do you think this King Ruyang is so handsome? The actor named Ling Yao is really good at playing a man so seductively, even though he looks like A rookie, but I think he is a potential stock with a promising future!"

Hua Yan naturally didn't know who Ling Yao was, and she was not interested, so she pouted at Li Ya.

"You, I've been watching for a winter vacation, and it's almost done. What's the use of being handsome, can it be eaten?"

Li Ya put her arms around her neck, winked and said: "Although you can't eat it, you can eat it with him. Alas, a person with asceticism like you doesn't understand, and I can't figure you out either. You said you know how to read all day long, why didn't you make yourself stupid?"

Hua Yan was like this at school, other women would secretly read romance novels, or even buy some magazines, unlike her, she was not interested in anything other than studies, and she didn't even eat snacks.

"What kind of species are you talking about? Latiao is so delicious, why don't you like it?"

Li Ya thinks that fried chicken tendon sandwiched in sesame seed cakes is simply a delicacy in the world, but Huayan always says something disappointing.

"That's junk food, take it easy!"

Li Ya sometimes felt that she was young and mature, like her own mother.

Suddenly, she didn't know that the person in front of her was not her mother, but a great fairy at the level of her grandparents. After living so many lives, she didn't know how pure-hearted and ascetic she was.

Don't words and deeds appear pedantic?

Huayan doesn't have many classmates she can chat with at school. Among the girls, Li Ya is definitely one of them. There is no way, her personality is too strict and enthusiastic. She can't stand getting along with her like this, so I fell in love with her. , After getting to know her better, I also welcome her more and more. No, after a weekend, I still didn’t forget to stuff the beef jerky I made for her: “Didn’t you say that spicy ones are better than spiced ones last time? Here, I It's done for you!"

In order to do this, she also bought a sealed bag, which shows that she has worked hard.

After the beef was stuffed, she thought of sesame seed cakes again, and took them out of her schoolbag.

"Using this beef sandwich is more delicious than spicy strips. If you want to eat spicy strips, I will make them for you later!"

Li Ya's family conditions can only be considered average, so she must have never thought that she was just talking casually, and her deskmate really did it.

At that time, it was just because Huayan let her taste it, she politely pinched one and sighed, how could she have thought that someone would bring her such a big bag directly?
Although she doesn't do much at home, she is an only child after all, but she still can't make what she wants to eat by herself, and eat beef when she wants to eat beef.

Beef is so expensive, and the cost of making beef jerky is even higher. This bag costs 80 yuan at least, right?
What's even more exaggerated is that this girl even prepared biscuits for her. Li Ya looked at Huayan in embarrassment, and hesitated to speak.

"You, do you usually make friends like this?"

Huayan is not stupid, why can't she understand what this means?
She shook her head gently: "You are the first classmate who eats what I made, isn't it an honor?"

Li Ya looked at the beef jerky and biscuits in her hand, as well as the spicy strips she promised, and suddenly felt that her tablemate seemed a little mysterious.

"This... Did you really do it? Didn't you lie to me? Why do I look similar to the one I bought?"

"I started to cook and live by myself when I was ten years old. Do you think I made this? Try it? In fact, spicy strips are not difficult. I will make you a bag next week, and forget it this week. I am afraid you will eat it." Too much spicy, can’t pull it out, PG hurts!”

Li Ya blushed, and went up with a small fist: "Ah, why are you so annoying, dare to say anything?"

Fortunately, the two of them were whispering head to head. If the boy heard it, she would really die of shame and anger.

Because the appearance of the beef jerky is so tempting, so Li Ya pinched one while she was not in class, and when she tasted it, her pupils dilated instantly!

"Oh my god, this is exactly the same as the one I bought, but yours tastes better, Yanyan, you, you are amazing, really!"

"It's delicious, but you can't eat too much, it's spicy,"

"Come to my house this weekend? I'll ask my mother to make braised pork for you. The braised pork made by my mother is the best. Although I really want to make it for you, I'm not going to touch the sun with my ten fingers. I don’t know the difference between oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, but you stimulated me, and I will let my mother teach me how to cook in the future, so please tell me, how is this beef jerky made?”

In fact, it’s not that there are so many Huayans, but that Tangyuan has traveled through so many lives, and the more I see it, the accumulated experience will be more. Although some memories don’t exist, when I see things, various delicacies will emerge in my mind. How to do it, on the short video platforms of later generations, there are more videos that teach you how to cook. As long as you want to learn, there is nothing you can't learn.

"I told you and you can't remember it, I'll write a prescription for you later!"

Because it is a report for the beginning of the school year, after arriving at school in the afternoon, I mainly clean up, distribute books, and collect winter vacation homework.

In No. [-] Middle School, there is no homework that cannot be completed during the winter vacation. The top students may feel that the schoolwork is not enough, and the parents will add a lot of extra exercises!
So after arriving at school, no one was in a hurry to copy homework. As for whether the teacher would read these homework, that was the teacher's business.

Resident students do not leave at night, day students still have to leave, there is no need for evening self-study.

Junior high school students don’t need to carry schoolbags, they can put books on the desk, and there are lockers in the corridors and behind the classrooms, so Huayan doesn’t need to bring anything to and from school.

When she was riding home as usual, a car suddenly rushed out and blocked in front of her. Huayan was startled, and she squeezed the brake just in time.

Then she frowned and stared at the luxury car. When the window rolled down and she saw the second-rate cousin of the uncle's family, her anger suddenly rose to the extreme: "Hua Shuo, you are worthy of the Hua family. What? Want to be like your own uncle, run over someone to death, and then go to jail by yourself?"

Hua Shuo is the first-married son of the eldest uncle. The Huayue Huarong I met earlier was born in the second marriage. The uncle in front of me is very nice, but unfortunately, she married someone who is not good. , the aunt hated that iron could not be made into steel, and she resolutely divorced him. She wanted to take the child away, but the Hua family refused to let him, and the aunt didn't have any good jobs. In the end, ASUS was awarded to Hua Guowei. In the end, he was raised and disabled. Looking at his current appearance, he is simply a second-generation ancestor, a pseudo-rich second generation. If he wants to be capable, he still drives a sports car.
Huayan looked down on ASUS from the bottom of her heart, and what made her speechless was that when ASUS got off, she actually saw the two young girls in the back seat. Oh my god, if I remember correctly, this guy is not yet 20 years old, right?Is the taste so heavy?

"Don't worry, my good cousin, I cherish myself so much, how could I bump into you? On the contrary, you are really mysterious. Our whole family of the Hua family did not find you. I met you on the street, walk around, get in the car, I will take you home, grandma is looking for you!"

"What do your grandparents see me for? Do I know them?"

Hua Yan sneered, and was about to ride away, Hua Shuo grabbed her handlebars and stared at her in disbelief.

"My God, they say you have changed, but I still don't believe it. It seems that this is true. You were so cowardly before, when did you become so strong? Isn't my grandma your grandma? No matter how much you hate Your father, no matter how much you hate the Hua family, you can't change your blood, just like me, no matter how much you hate my mother, you can't change the fact that I have her blood on my body!"

Asus was indoctrinated since he was a child that it was his mother who abandoned him, so he hated his mother very much. Huayan knew it was wrong, but she was just an outsider, and she never thought of teaching him how to judge, so she was cold She glanced at him coldly: "It's fine if I don't recognize it, just like you!"

Hua Shuo squinted his eyes and sneered, his rather handsome face was full of sarcasm.

"I'm afraid you don't know it yet. You have a younger brother. He is two or three years old this year. He was born in September of the year your mother passed away. Your father is so happy!"

"Oh, as long as he is happy, it has nothing to do with me, right? Just like you, is it dispensable to have the feeling of younger siblings?"

Hua Shuo felt that the conversation couldn't continue today. He said something, and she quickly responded, and the knife pierced her heart, which was so f*cking exciting.

"Your stepmother,"

"Stop, ASUS, if you're here to tell me these things, then there's no need, I'm not interested, that woman was the murderer of my mother, if she wasn't pregnant at the time, do you think I would let her go? Now she is safe and sound, because the time has not yet come, and they will be punished without me doing it myself. You go back and tell them that I have no relationship with them, and I have severed the relationship long ago. In the future, we should each be well !"

As soon as the words fell, Hua Shuo was forcibly thrown away without using the power of the cat demon's primordial spirit, and he got on the bicycle and left.

In other words, he looked at her back, rubbed his chin, thoughtfully, and didn't come back to his senses until Taimei called him from behind.

Of course, Huayan didn't take this episode seriously, but it also reminded her that sooner or later that woman would be killed by herself, she didn't care, but what about her family?

Could she allow them to take her mother's place and spend her family's money as they should?

At that time, the media did not expose the real identity of this mistress, so they had scruples and were afraid of taking legal responsibility, but she was not afraid.

However, the prerequisite is to investigate this woman's family background. Thinking of this, she found the contact information of a private detective on the Internet.

I went out the next day, bought a phone card, and bought a mobile phone, then contacted the other party, reported the information, let them check, and happily paid a deposit of 5000 yuan, and will pay another [-] yuan after the matter is completed.

It was the first time for a private investigator to come across such a cheerful employer, and the voice seemed to be young, but since the business came, there was no reason to push it out, so they happily took it, what they are best at is these jobs, this connection alone The methods are not something ordinary people can find.

The reason why Huayan was able to find it was also because he was a computer expert, and he could find quite reliable industry elites through big data analysis.

Otherwise, she wouldn't dare to give the money so easily. She could even check the other party's transaction records, and she wouldn't be afraid of his repudiation.

Huayan is not short of money now, and she also knows that woman is not short of money, but it would be too cheap for her to go to S after she has enjoyed enough, she has to do something secretly before she gets her retribution, just treat it as boring for her Middle school life, do some embellishments?
(End of this chapter)

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