The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 844 [843] Superstar 17 (4000)

Chapter 844 [843] Superstar 17 (4000)

"Oh, return your granddaughter, you can pull it down quickly, this little girl started to take care of herself when she was ten years old, I haven't seen any relatives in her family these years, if you are her real grandma, you will let your granddaughter go Don't worry about it, let her live here alone? The neighbors are all watching, even the property is warmer than your family, and they give the little girl some gifts during the holidays. Come and see her, what do you think of her? Relatives? I think enemies are more or less the same!"

The neighbors yelled at the Hua family, and then pulled the police aside.

"Comrade, that child's life is very miserable. Her father killed her mother. Now that her father is in prison, the family doesn't care about her. If it wasn't for her mother's friends who came to see her every now and then, she wouldn't know how miserable it was." Well, such a small child buys vegetables and cooks by himself every day. Really, I have never seen such an independent child when I grow up. It is said that children from poor families are already in charge of the family. Look at the young and old in this family, which one? Are you poor? Still visiting? Don’t be afraid to laugh your ass off, they’re clearly here to find fault, you have to teach them a lesson so that the little girl won’t be frightened!”

When the police heard the cause and effect, their hearts softened instinctively. People have their own ideas of right and wrong. The neighbor’s words are well-founded, but this family’s appearance does not look like a kind person at first glance. They couldn’t help asking : "Is the little girl at home?"

The neighbor shook his head, "I've been knocking for so long, probably she's gone out. This little girl is very good at studying. She passed the Beijing No. [-] Middle School. Every winter and summer vacation, she will enroll herself in some classes. She works extremely hard, and often goes to live with her guardian. I don't look like I'm at home."

The neighbor dared to say this, but it was actually an illusion deliberately created by Huayan. She also mentioned her winter and summer vacation arrangements to her neighbor. The cat's eyes can see clearly the movement and movement, so it may not be clear in the future, so Huayan pays attention to it and made friends with the neighbors in advance. Occasionally, the children in the neighbor's house have some problems, but she will help solve them!

So it is said that 'a distant relative is not as good as a close neighbor', look, it is still useful in critical moments, right?
As a result, needless to say, these people were directly taken away by the police. As for the follow-up, the neighbors don't bother to care about it. As long as the door of the house is clean and quiet, that is more important than anything else.

Not to mention Huayan, when she found out about this, it took her nine days to pass three levels in a row and reach level 19, and she just passed the first day of the new year. No, the fifth day of the first month , When she cleaned and went downstairs to throw out the trash, the neighbor told her about it.

After hearing this, Hua Yan was speechless, but gratefully expressed her gratitude to her neighbors. She turned on her mobile phone, and a lot of text messages came, most of which were from Zhao Yun. Then she realized that she forgot to tell Zhao Yun, so she quickly called.

"Auntie, I'm sorry. I went out of town for a few days. I ran into my grandma's family that day. I was so harassed that I couldn't help it. I turned off my phone, and then I forgot about it when I was busy. I'm really sorry to make you worry about it for so long."

After the child grew up, there was a lot of homework during the holidays. Zhao Yun and his wife only stayed at home for the [-]th day of the new year. They returned to Hebei on the first and second day of junior high school.

So when Zhao Yun answered the phone, he was cleaning up at home.

"It's good that you are fine, thanks to your cleverness, and the police did come to ask about your situation a few years ago. I guessed that you turned off your phone because of this, so I can only wait for you to contact us. .Since you’re back, hurry up and come over for dinner. It’s a big Chinese New Year, so you can’t live by yourself anymore.”

After hearing this, Huayan felt warm in her heart, thinking that after all these years of loneliness, it was time for her to enjoy the warmth of her family.

So she didn't reject Zhao Yun's kindness. She couldn't go empty-handed for the New Year's Eve. She rode to the supermarket to buy fruit and milk, as well as Ning Hao's favorite food, the stewed beef she made. , it will come in handy now, so I just carried it with me.

Hua Yan lives in Building 8, and Zhao Yun lives in Building 6, not far from each other. It takes about ten minutes to reach the downstairs of Building 8.

She has the key to Zhao Yun's house, but she has never used it. Instead, she has become a backup place for Ning Hao to forget to bring the key.

Ning Hao worships Huayan now, no, he went downstairs to pick up her, and when he came up, he helped her carry a bag of things very discerningly.

"Sister, come when you say you come, why are you still taking things?"

Huayan couldn't help being happy, "You bastard, where did you learn it during the Chinese New Year? Come on, this is the red envelope my sister gave you."

Ning Hao looked at her in surprise, "Sister, what are you doing to give me a red envelope? Aren't we the same generation?"

"Take it as my mother gave it to you. Auntie doesn't charge my guardianship fee now. How can I be embarrassed? You keep it secretly. I promise not to tell Auntie."

Ning Hao is 11 years old this year and will graduate from primary school next year. He can understand what his sister says. Not only can he understand, but he often hears Aunt Yan Yue mentioned by his parents. Gone, but will always live in our hearts.

He looked at the red envelope carefully prepared by his sister, hesitated for a moment, and reached out to take it: "Sister, then you have to keep it a secret, this is my brother's private money."

"No spending, no junk food, game currency, no,"

"Oh, my dear sister, why are you like my mother? Even the tone of your speech is exactly the same. I promise you, I will save up the money, okay?"

"I don't know much about the things you boys like, but I know that you have to start saving money from the baby. Only in this way, you will have a plan for spending in the future. Although you can't make money now, at least you have to make money." Every penny of yours is spent on the real thing, clearly."

Ning Hao held the thick red envelope and counted it openly, and it turned out to be 1000 yuan: "So much?"

Huayan patted him on the head: "Don't spend money indiscriminately!"

I suddenly felt that my sister was not like their peers at all, she spoke like a teacher, more like a parent, and she could manage money independently, awesome.

It's not like him. Her mother cheated him of his pocket money. He really needs to find a place to hide the 1000 yuan.

The two arrived home while talking, and Aunt Zhao's voice came over.

"Oh, you guys are back. I asked you to pick up someone. Why did the ink take so long?"

When she poked her head out of the kitchen and saw what Huayan was carrying in her hand, she couldn't help but stare at her.

"You girl, why are you spending money so recklessly? When you come to Auntie's place, it's like going back to your own home. Why do you need to take things?"

Huayan just looked at her and smiled, without refuting, she took out her stewed beef, which weighed about three to four catties, a total of two or three yuan, and the color was excellent.

"Uncle Ning, this is the stewed beef you tasted last time. I made it. Try it."

"Oh, last time I thought it was delicious. Your girl's craftsmanship is really amazing. I don't know how your mother taught you,"

"Ahem, huh?" Zhao Yun couldn't help kicking Ning Zhiyuan when he heard this, he realized that he had said something wrong, and immediately looked at Huayan in embarrassment.

Huayan didn't care about it: "Don't be nervous, uncles and aunts. If my mother is mentioned every day by you, it proves that you have a good relationship, so don't worry about my psychological problems. I am proud of her, really."

Ning Zhiyuan sighed, "It's Yan Yue's greatest pride to have a daughter like you, that's enough, you two go to the living room to watch TV and talk, lunch will be ready soon, Yan Yan didn't eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year, right? , try our pickled cabbage dumplings in the Northeast, and wait for uncle to show you a hand."

The atmosphere in Ning's house was very good. The couple were busy in the kitchen, and Ning Hao was not idle. He poured her a cup of hot water: "Sister, drink some water."

Huayan asked him about his studies, and then the two began to comment on the stars on TV.

At around twelve o'clock, six dishes, one soup and one dumpling were put on the table, and she glanced wide-eyed, "Hey, it's so real!"

Chicken stewed with mushrooms, blood sausage, pork vermicelli stew, pork trotters and knuckles, sliced ​​beef she brought over, and a plate of jelly.

Four hot dishes, two cold dishes, no vegetarian dishes, and wakame tofu soup instead.

"It's rare for you to come here. Your uncle insists on ordering these hard dishes, and he doesn't even have a vegetarian one,"

"You still said, I want to make two more vegetarian dishes, you have to say too much, I'm afraid you won't be able to finish it,"

"Then what I said is right. If I hadn't been staring at you, you would definitely have to follow your Northeast's standards. That old guy, with so many, how many meals would he have to eat?"

Ning Hao rolled his eyes and curled his mouth to look at Hua Yan: "Look, here it is again, they both have to fight if they have nothing to do, sister, sometimes I envy you, no one cares, think It feels good to think about it,"

As a result, as soon as he finished his sentence, Zhao Yun gave him a slap in the face: "You son of a bitch, talking nonsense again? You have the face to say it? Your sister is self-conscious and self-disciplined, as long as you can do it ten times One, I don't want to worry so much."

Ning Hao was hurt by the beating, with tears in his eyes, Hua Yan hurriedly smoothed things over, and had a harmonious lunch, so he blended in logically.

Although everyone is a barrister, the Northeast cuisine is very authentic. Aunt Zhao Yun is from Hebei, and she said that she would try Hebei cuisine later. Huayan said that she was so happy.

"We go to work on the seventh day of the lunar new year, shall we take you to the playground tomorrow?"

Uncle Ning's proposal was interrupted immediately by Aunt Zhao Yun: "You are really free. Didn't you see people crowded outside and traffic jams? Where are you going to do it? Not to mention spending a lot of money, you can't eat well, and you can't play well. , instead of this, why not take the children out to play on weekends!"

Huayan also felt that what Aunt Zhao said was right, so her plan to travel was put on hold for a while, and she was naturally relieved, but since the couple went to work on the seventh day of the junior year, they couldn't be promoted in the rest of the time, and she had to help with the baby ( Ning hao).

Ever since Huayan's independence and self-improvement made the Ning family admire her, the Ning couple started to adapt to Ning Hao.

By the way, it also gave a big vacation to the old couple who wanted to go back to their hometown.

I used to rent the house for the old couple, and I came here intermittently for 12 years, so I didn't check out.

Seeing that he has adapted well this year, he completely quit the house and returned to his hometown before the Spring Festival, and never came back after the year.

Ning Hao also gave him a certain amount of pocket money. After school, he bought food by himself, and went home to do homework alone until the couple returned home.

Huayan declined the couple's pick-up. After all, she was already very tired after working overtime until [-] or [-] o'clock, and she was embarrassed to pick her up again.

Being a lawyer sometimes has to go on business trips, and when the couple gets busy, at least one of them will stay at home.

But if the two of them are busy working overtime on a big case, Huayan will go to see Ning Hao.

No matter how you say it, Ning Hao is also a young man, needless to say about his adaptability.

In fact, sometimes children have independent talents. The key is that you protect him too well, and there is nothing wrong with appropriate pressure.

Huayan can teach again, telling him what he can and cannot touch when he is at home, he must finish his homework before watching TV, and all activities must be planned, Ning Hao also followed Huayan for a long time, So it's not a problem at all to stay at home by myself now.

I took the bus to the remedial class and practiced it. At first, I was worried and followed secretly. Later, I followed him a few times and found that he was doing well, so they were relieved.

After school starts, Huayan doesn't go home at noon, Ning Hao goes to daycare at noon, eats and rests, returns home from school at night, Huayan has to study by herself in the evening, basically when she comes back, Ning and his wife also come back, as long as their car If the car is not there, she will go over to express condolences.

After one semester, Ning Hao's progress made even Hua Yan amazed.

No, after the Ning couple went to work, Ning Hao also came to Huayan with his homework.

She had finished her homework before the holiday, and Ning Hao had written two-thirds of it, and there was still a little tail left. Huayan hugged the computer while typing, and accompanied her.

Except for breakfast, Ning Hao's lunch and dinner are all settled at Huayan's place. If his parents don't come back after working overtime, he doesn't bother to go home and just sleeps on the sofa.

She wanted to buy a small bed for Ning Hao, but he refused, saying that she would just sleep on the sofa.

Uncles and aunts also disagreed, saying that men and women are different, as long as it is not too late, they will take him home.

The child complained a lot, and it made Huayan feel that this is probably the only benefit of being alone, freedom!

The winter vacation is so fleeting, after the sixteenth, the school will start, and the spring of 2013 will start like this.

With the semester experience of last semester, this semester is easier to deal with.

The decoration work is also proceeding in an orderly manner, and if it is fast, it will be completed before Qingming.

She went there twice a year and a year later, both with Ning and his wife. In terms of quality alone, she was recommended by acquaintances.

The idea of ​​her new article here was sorted out before school started, and it was the first time to try a modern sweet. pet. article. It was a story about childhood sweethearts from crotch pants to wedding dresses.

Of course, the process is also a bit cruel, adding multiple complex characters from recognition to separation, from old friends to enemies. Although it is a happy ending in the end, she wants to create a more regrettable male second image. In other words, let readers feel deeply. First, the male lead belongs to the female lead, and the second male lead is the audience's intuitive impression.

 On the first day of school, my daughter entered the kindergarten for the first time. I was frightened all day long. I didn’t have any code words.My mother-in-law has returned to my hometown. Now I am alone with the two and have to pick them up. I am too busy.

(End of this chapter)

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