The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 842 [841] Superstar 15 (3000)

Chapter 842 [841] Superstar 15 (3000)

"No, my young master, how dare I despise you? Is it because I haven't gained a firm foothold yet? If I were a capital, I would definitely not frown, but now I just got mixed up with a third-rate Just the director at the end? Look at the 360 ​​Five Elements, we can choose any one, why do you have to be an actor?"

Yaoling's flirtatious fox eyes lost all patience: "If you don't allow me to be an actor, then what do you think I should do? A model? Well, yes, what do you think of a male model?"

Liang An felt like he was shooting himself in the foot with a rock. If it wasn't for his bloodline not being orthodox, he wouldn't want to be a grandson here. With this master's temperament, he can pierce the sky wherever he goes, but he doesn't care. But the key point is that he has a family behind him, and his family supports this master. If his elder brother finds out, wouldn't it be...

Liang An didn't even dare to think about it, his hesitation made Yao Ling look ironic.

"How about weighing the pros and cons? Dare you praise me? I want you to say something!"

"Also, don't you be so useless? Anyway, Master is the orthodox second young master of the fox clan, not a sneaky illegitimate child. Don't underestimate Yaoqing, he doesn't bother to play tricks behind his back. He is better than me, and now I am sent here because of causing trouble, and my ability is limited. In such a situation, do you think he will do something? At most, he will add some difficulties to me at the right time, so that I can't go back for a while He is even more disdainful about intercepting and killing me. If you want to kill me, you can completely inherit the above-board killing in the hall, why do you need to do these small tricks behind your back?"

However, Liang An was not as optimistic as Yao Ling, the master. In his opinion, the competition for the master position had been paved with blood since ancient times, and he didn't know where the self-confidence came from!

One thing is true, Yaoqing is stronger than him, if he wants to kill him, he can be done in minutes.

If that's the case, it's fine, I'm afraid that if he doesn't do this, he will hang you and torture you all the time, first mentally, then physically, finally...

Thinking of the smiling fox, Liang An shuddered and shook his head to wake up, but when he looked up, he caught a glimpse of Yao Ling staring at him with displeasure: "Don't want to? Hehe, I I will let you beg to sign me, don't regret it!"

With a stride of her proud long legs, Yao Ling left, leaving Liang An in a daze, not knowing what to do.


Huayan practiced piano during the winter vacation, was promoted, took piano lessons, bought vegetables and meat to prepare delicious food, made pictures and posted them on Weibo, and even replied to fans' messages from time to time.

A few days ago, her Weibo fans had exceeded [-]. This speed is not too slow. The main reason is that she is not only a food blogger, a travel blogger, but also a novel creator. With two published works, she is unstoppable At that time, value Weibo was popular again, so it made sense for the fast increase in followers.

Her [-] fans are all living fans, but she didn't buy any dead fans.

The second novel was finished, and she was not in a hurry to start a new pit, but spent her spare time filtering the manuscripts for publication.

Publishing has publishing requirements and word limit, so it needs to be re-edited and archived.

Whether it's novels, blogs, or Weibo, her appearance, identity, and age have always been an unsolved mystery.

But fans can also feel her character and style from her gentle and soothing writing. Of course, there are also some cheerful and cheerful stalkers. For such people, she will blacklist and delete them. Out of mind, out of mind, just like novel message boards, it's the same.

After a semester of understanding, she found that children in good schools are different, especially in the capital city. They are sunny and confident, not to mention all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor, and they are blooming everywhere. There are many children from wealthy families. These external conditions made the school's New Year's Eve party a place for these children to showcase their talents.

Really, if you don't have any skills, you are embarrassed to be on stage.

Because she is not the only one who can play the piano in the class, in the end the teacher chose the person with the highest number of votes by playing on stage to accompany their class chorus, and then, she accidentally won.

The most exaggerated thing is that their classmates never use the original soundtrack to sing, but their classmates use various instruments to play it. For this reason, their class's literary and art committee even invited their own private teachers to the school to connect them. The cost can be as high as She is tall, but she is not short of money, and she is beautiful and enthusiastic. In comparison, Huayan is much more low-key.

She is now very grateful that she has learned the skills, otherwise she will really lose her adulthood, and she may not be able to see it now. When students from various places come to university, those first-tier cities, second- and third-tier, and even eighteenth-tier cities will go to the countryside. Comparing with my classmates, this vision and the advantages and disadvantages of various aspects are revealed.

Therefore, as long as the children of the rich are carefully cultivated, they are still excellent.

Children from poor families are rare enough to be admitted to college, and most of them drop out of school early to work.

this is the truth.

More realistically, what the rich think about every day is how to improve themselves and how to take care of themselves, while the poor will never daydream and hate the rich in all kinds of ways. , One night with a group of people to drink to shit, complaining about oneself every day, overeating, regardless of image, without any self-discipline.

Maybe what she said was one-sided, but it is undeniable that such a fact really happened.

Tangyuan remembers that her mother told her that a relative in the capital took her child back to her hometown. Not to mention her own bedding, she also brought a lot of daily necessities that can cope with life in her hometown. , If you eat enough, go for a walk and burn calories, so that your body will not lose shape, you will not gain weight, you will not be able to overeat without self-control, and you must maintain self-discipline at all times.

People in my hometown still think that it is better to eat fatter, because eating fat is nutritious, and the body can absorb it, and it looks like a blessing.After the family left, the brand new quilts and daily necessities were handed over to the people in their hometown. They were very happy, complaining that they were blind and clean, while stroking their comfortable quilts and lamenting how nice it is to be rich.

The gap between the rich and the poor is not limited to these, the more people you contact, the more you can feel them.

When I was in elementary school, I ate at home, and I didn't have much contact with them, but when I was in junior high school, I ate at school at noon, and some people's problems were undoubtedly obvious.

Some people deliberately forgot to bring their meal card and asked their classmates to pay for it, and then pretended not to know, making it difficult for the classmates to ask for the few dollars.

Once or twice is okay, when she has taken advantage of all the advantages around her, she will find that she has no one to talk to and is isolated.

This is family influence. This person can be stingy to himself or to others, but your stinginess must at least be within the limits that everyone can accept. If you touch the bottom line of other people's three perceptions, then I'm sorry , you deserve to be isolated, right?

Huayan has learned now that if she can eat at school, she will not eat at school, because girls at this age will be good with this one today, and that one tomorrow, and they will be together again the day after tomorrow, and they still don't have the ability to judge people , Simple is easy to be fooled by clever muddleheaded.

She felt that she didn't have time to play with them, so she would either go out to eat or eat in the space when eating, because she had an exit permit, and the boarding students did not, so relatively speaking, she had too much freedom.

In junior high school, there is a lot of homework during the winter vacation, but Huayan is a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder. She likes to finish her homework early and then do whatever she wants.

She doesn't like to procrastinate to the end, and fortunately she is not a real junior high school student, otherwise her self-control might not be as strong as she is now.

The big forest of the demon world simulated by the system is more realistic than the special effects played by later generations. When she walked in, she was in the body of a cat, and she lived in her original body. This caused her to instinctively react like a human in many things. A lot of inconvenience for her promotion.

It would be fine if she just reduced to a cat body, but after every stage of promotion, she would return to the human world. After repeated times, she felt in a trance, and sometimes wondered where she was. which world.

There are many kinds of animals in the secret realm of the cat world, not only the normal human world, but also the mutant species that were put in immediately. They are very lethal. Almost every time, they have to experience a narrow escape before they can come out safe and sound.

But the price of a narrow escape is also huge. If it weren't for the life-saving ice and fire double-layer sky springs at the exit of the secret promotion to help her recover her body functions, she might not be able to get out of the secret realm.

Of course, under this kind of training, she also obviously found that her five senses such as hearing, speed, and smell have become more sensitive.

The most intuitive feeling is that when the little classmates are discussing behind her back, she can catch it clearly. I thought I was low-key enough, but I didn’t expect the girls to discuss her appearance, clothing, and family background. Can't live without gossip.

He also said how the head teacher was partial to her, how much the boy cared for her, how he deliberately sold her miserably because of his good looks, what the hell.

I have to sigh with emotion, the gossip ability of girls is really innate, look, children who are only twelve or thirteen years old have already begun to pay attention to the opposite sex.

She didn't pay attention to how much boys take care of her before. After they talked about it, she found that these so-called good things mean that any girl would be helped by a boy. However, when she met a fat girl in the next class When she struggled to move the table upstairs, she found that she had been slapped in the face.

At least eight boys passed by, but none of them offered to help carry it. As a result, as soon as she helped, a boy came up to help.

Really, she definitely didn't mean to humiliate that girl, but that fat girl felt that she was insulted all because of her. Since then, she has been pointed at by all kinds of people. Faced with such an attack, Huayan also Feel speechless.

Co-authoring to be a good person has also become a 'show'?
If she had known this earlier, she should have watched her panting step by step into her class.

Sure enough, poor people have something to hate!
(End of this chapter)

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