The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 841 [840] Superstar 14 (6000)

Chapter 841 [840] Superstar 14 (6000)

Huayan's dressing style has always been based on comfort. Except for the more expensive shoes, the other clothes are suitable for her from a certain treasure, and the price is not expensive. So when she compared with her classmates, she realized that she seemed a bit rusty.

After all, she is not a real middle school student, but an elderly person with a conservative style. She thinks that children don't need to dress so well, but now it seems that she is a bit out of date.

In the autumn of 2012, when she was 12 years old, she actually learned a lot on the first day of school.

There are 12 girls and 18 boys in their class, and 80.00% of them are boys and girls playing musical instruments. What is this concept?
Of course, girls mostly play the piano, zither, and violin, while boys don’t learn it. They only learn guitar, drums, and violin.

As we all know, the piano and violin are the most difficult in music, especially the violin, which is even more difficult, but there are so many people who want to learn it.

She was very fortunate that there were no students from her previous school in her class, of course, there were in other classes, and there was a [-]% possibility that her life experience would be revealed.

Rather than being discussed in private in the future, it would be better——

"Hi everyone, my name is Huayan, I am 12 years old, graduated from the primary school affiliated to Xicheng Normal University, divorced from my father after my mother passed away, and I am currently living with my mother's friends, and I have also separated from my father's relatives, so in the future if you hear What kind of gossip, don't discuss it in private, you can come to me directly and ask."

"I have learned calligraphy, painting, piano, and dancing. I like reading. I have won prizes in the city for composition and English recitation. Chinese painting works are published in elementary school art textbooks. Compared with everyone else, I am not very good, but I can cook. , since my mother passed away, I have been cooking by myself, if I have the opportunity in the future, I will let my classmates taste my cooking, and welcome everyone to visit my house."

Although Hua Yan said it with a smile, the other students felt very uncomfortable when they heard it, and they thought over and over what she said, what do you mean by 'divorce your father after your mother dies' and 'sever ties with your father' and 'follow Mother's best friend life '' Cooking after mother's death'?
People are gone, why are you still divorced?Is that still necessary?

Of course it is necessary, people are killed by him, will they still stay in the same household registration book with him?
Huayan's few words, although she didn't explain the situation clearly, are almost the same. She has been vaccinated, and if someone with a heart goesssips about it in the future, everyone will understand what she means by saying that.

The homeroom teacher only relied on the divorce of her parents and the death of her mother, so she couldn't guess the hidden story behind it, so she didn't expect Huayan to introduce her life experience like this. After the meeting, she was called to the office by the teacher , out of emotional concern, not to dig her deep.

Hua Yan also understood that she didn't blame the teacher for being troublesome, but told her own life experience.

"I'm sorry, teacher. I was afraid that there would be various versions of my family in the future, so I pre-emptively gave a general idea. The reason why I am a day student is because I am not used to it, and I can do everything. My aunt and I live in the same building. The whole family treats me very well, but I am used to living by myself, so I have lived separately these years. Facts have proved that I am very independent. Don't worry, I will study hard in the future. After all, this is my mother's expectation , I will not let her down."

The teacher's tears were too low, and the tears infected by her story fell down, holding her hand, her voice choked.

"If you need the teacher's help in the future, just say it."

"Okay, teacher, don't worry, my child support is supervised by the court, I don't need anything, and I'm doing well..."

After coming out of the teacher's office, Huayan breathed a sigh of relief. This is good. Although the self-explosion of the scandal is a bit silly, she feels that speaking it out can avoid the possibility of being calculated in the future. She can be regarded as a rainy day.

She hates being judged and judged by others. Although these bad things at home will prevent her from being a civil servant or soldier in the future, she will not go in that direction in this life.

So the scumbag father can't affect her anything, she just needs to be herself with a clear conscience.

Huayan rode back home with her schoolbag on her car, packed her schoolbag, washed all the clothes issued by the school, hung them on the balcony, and then bowed her head and walked around.

"From tomorrow onwards, I won't come back for lunch at noon. It will take an hour to go to and from school at the fastest. After the school officially starts, there will be morning self-study in the morning and evening self-study in the evening, so I can eat at school. What about you, or go to At Uncle Ning’s house, you’ll have to eat dog food, I’m afraid I don’t have time to take care of you, but I’ll give you a pot of meat when I’m free, and put it here for you when I leave in the morning, do you think it’s okay?”

Doudou thought for a while, and really nodded at Huayan. Huayan saw his little expression, and knew that he refused to eat dog food, and refused to go to other people's houses for dinner, what else could he do?I can only work hard to buy food for it and bring it back, because school is over at 9 o'clock, and it is almost ten o'clock when I get home. How can I have time to cook?

The school starts running exercises at 6:7, morning reading from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], and half an hour after the meal time, the formal class begins.

She took a two-hour break at noon. Although she had applied for a meal card, she didn't know how the school meal was. If it didn't taste good, she might have to eat it at school, or cook it in the space.

Taking advantage of her free time, she put the big pot at home on the shelf, marinated the pork stored in the refrigerator together with tofu skin, tofu, and hard-boiled eggs in a big pot, and bought a lot of sesame seed cakes to freeze in the refrigerator Here, take it out and heat it up when you eat it. I also stock up some quick-frozen food that I didn't bother to eat before.

Probably to let them get used to running exercises in advance, so the military training time is also arranged to arrive at [-]:[-], because day students and boarding students are almost [-]-[-].

There are lockers in the school, and Huayan has prepared sanitary products. She is here this summer. Aunt Zhao Yun has asked her this question a long time ago, and even specially taught her.

Although she knew everything, she had to match her age, so she was not in a hurry when she came, so she called Zhao Yun first.

Zhao Yun taught her again gently and meticulously. When he came back at night, he bought her a large bag of hygiene products, and thoughtfully bought her a change of menstrual pants. He taught her not to wash the blood stains with hot water, but to wash them with cold water. Hygiene, etc., everything is in detail, and the explanation is very clear.

He not only cared for her a lot, but also mentioned junior high school, as long as time allowed, she and Uncle Ning would pick her up from school at night.

Huayan stewed a pot of meat, eggs, tofu, and kelp for three hours, and the smell permeated the whole room, lingering for a long time.

That night, what she and Doudou ate were sesame seed cakes with sliced ​​meat. The sesame seed cakes were coated with sweet bean sauce, sprinkled with cumin and chili peppers.

And Doudou seems to like this way of eating. I buy a lot of sesame seed cakes. There are dozens of them in a big bag. I waited in line for half a day to buy them. It costs one yuan each. Those who have money want to buy it, but they don't have it, so they can only ask for a phone call and make an appointment in advance.

When eating, put it in a pan and fry it with oil until it is browned on both sides. Cut the middle with a knife, apply the sauce, and put the meat slices on it.

In mid-to-late August, it was still a bit hot at night, but the windows of both bedrooms were open, and the wind was convected, so it was not so stuffy.

Sleeping with the air conditioner on is very uncomfortable, so Huayan didn't turn on the air conditioner again, and chose the balcony instead. This location is also very comfortable, especially after taking a shower.

I don't know if it's because of the heat, but now he doesn't dislike Huayan bathing him. Every night, whenever Huayan takes a bath, she rubs against it, but Huayan takes the shower head and gives it a shower first. , because it has long hair and is always tossed around, so I can only wash it first, wrap it in its own bath towel after washing, let it lie on the door of the bathroom and wait, wait for her to finish washing, and then let him dry hair.

This is how I spend the whole summer, only on weekends, I will take it to trim hair, do grooming, cut nails and so on.

Because of the time problem, she can't do tasks during the study time, so she can't do anything after entering the space after transforming, so she simply washes her hands and goes back to sleep.

Get up at 8:21 am on August [-]st, wash your face and brush your teeth, eat pancakes with hot meat and meat sandwiches, eat one for yourself, save three for DouDou, put them on its plate, and then ride to school. I put my things in my locker, so I don't need to bring anything today.

Although it was only a little past five o'clock, the sky was already bright, the hardworking people were already active, and the whole capital was bustling with activity. After another hour, traffic jams would begin. Huayan rode her bike very fast, and took out a water bottle from the locker at school. , Pick up the water and carry it to the playground.

The week-long military training will officially start at 6 o'clock.

Little did they know that after she left school, after eating and drinking enough, she ran away from home again.

When Huayan came back in the evening, she found that the dog was missing. At first she was at a loss, and then she was confused, because she felt more and more that she had picked up an extraordinary dog. If he hadn't changed in front of her, she would They all wondered if they belonged to the same family as the demons. Who can find a lost dog?
Her family has run away from home three or four times, but they can find it by themselves every time. Based on this alone, she has reason to doubt him.

After going around and leaving, Huayan was relieved, it's good to leave, it will save her from worrying about it, although it will make her lonely, but once she gets busy, she won't have time to think about it.

During the military training period, I can get home at six o'clock, and there is no evening self-study, but Huayan has already started to take out the book to preview. After eating and taking a bath, she went into the space with the book.

Read through the knowledge points of each subject, and then start to practice the piano and read extracurricular books after you know it well. When the time is up, go to rest.

Time passed by in such a hurry, and in a flash, the military training was over. With her good physical fitness, Huayan also won the certificate of outstanding military trainee.

After the official start of school, she wears school uniforms to school every day. No matter which season she changes twice, she usually cooks and eats at home in the morning. A bowl of soy milk, and eat in the cafeteria at noon. After the meal, she finds a place to take a nap by herself. Sometimes she wakes up after three or four hours of sleep, and the time outside has just passed. At this time, she will practice the piano, lie on the bed and watch Reading a book, turning on the computer to code and code words, etc. Anyway, the fragmentary time is used intensively at noon. After all, after returning home and washing at night, it will be 10 o'clock.

If you leave homework in the morning, you will finish it at noon. Self-study in the evening is basically homework time for each subject. Sometimes the teacher will add another class to explain some knowledge points, or dictate and write. Self-study class every night , most of them are occupied by the three subjects of Chinese, mathematics and English. Instead, physical chemistry can only be mastered during the daytime class time, and at most I will give you some homework.

From elementary school to junior high school, the biggest change is that there is not enough time, the beauty is good, there is room for cheating, at least the rest time can be guaranteed, but other students are not as lucky as him.

One week after the start of school is Teacher's Day. She didn't give the teacher any gifts in elementary school, and naturally she didn't give any gifts to the teacher in junior high school. Everything else is imaginary, and it's not something that a child like her can figure out.

When the Mid-Autumn Festival came, Doudou still didn't come back, so she took advantage of these three days to complete the ninth-level task.

During the eleven or seven-day long vacation, she still didn't go anywhere, and was promoted to the tenth and eleventh level tasks at home.

But on the last day of the eleventh holiday, she went to the bank.

Withdraw the previously deposited 120 million and get 5 in interest, which is 120 million.

Then there is a fixed term of 55, with an annual interest of 3 points. She has saved it for a year and a half, and now it is due, earning about 25000 in interest.


As for her usual living expenses, the bank interest paid on the money alone is almost enough. The only big thing is probably the tuition fee. After deducting 4.5, she currently has 360 million in hand.

In October 12, the housing price in Xicheng District had risen to over 10 yuan. It sounds like she has a lot of money, but in fact, she can only buy a hundred and ten square meters.

But she couldn't buy a house on her own, but she didn't want the Ning family to know, because it was too unbelievable.

In the end, she found an intermediary to take her to buy a house, so that she not only earned the intermediary fee, but also saved her from messy troubles.

The reason given was simple: "This is a child of my relative's family. The parents are out of town. Write the child's name. Let the child decide everything."

So she asked for leave for two days, followed the agent to look around, and finally bought a 31000-square-meter house at a price of 110 yuan. After paying in full, she read the contract several times and signed it after confirming that it was correct.

After the National Day, she got an extra house, but she only has a deposit of about [-] yuan. The new house will be handed over at the end of the year. If it is renovated, it will not be realized until her living expenses and channel expenses arrive after the year.

In fact, she still wants to see the facade houses on the commercial side, but unfortunately the asking price starts at 4. With the money in her hand, she can buy a small one.

The neighborhood she bought this time is called Zidong Garden, which is still in the school district. She only invested in the school district. This time she bought a high-rise building, because there are more and more high-rise buildings. .

Her second novel is finished at the end of the year. This one has more words than the previous one and has better grades, but she can't write it as a foot wrap, so she still has to finish it when it's time. No matter how good the grades are, it's just right at the end of the year. When it's over, you can relax in a serious way.

However, in mid-October, the editorial department sent the good news that her second novel was about to be published. In fact, this was within her expectations. Minor modifications are required before it can enter the approval stage.

So when she took a break at noon every day, she had one more job, which was to revise the manuscript.

Busy dates always pass quickly. By January 13, with the distribution of channel fees, living expenses, and the sum of the manuscript fees for these months, her savings reached 1 million, which is only a few months away. The balance was over one million, Huayan suddenly regretted that she should wait a few more months.

However, in the past few months, the 31000 yuan house has also risen to 33000 yuan per square meter. Now she is speechless. Isn't the gain and loss in this moment?It seems that there is nothing to regret.

After the three houses came down, with the help of the Ning family, they found a decoration company for the house. Because the house is small, the estimated decoration cost for each house is 10 yuan, and the three houses will not exceed 30 yuan. For mid-range decoration, all the furniture and home appliances will be installed in place, which is equivalent to spending 30 yuan on her, and she doesn’t need to worry about anything, and the quality of the decoration is also guaranteed, because she is an acquaintance, and the furniture and home appliances are all famous brands. From this point of view, it’s very Wan is really not expensive.

The three houses are rented out after decoration, and each house can be rented at about 2000 yuan. Because it is a school district house, 2000 yuan is absolutely no problem.

It takes about four years to pay back the cost. After four years, the house will be broken, and there will be more maintenance.

But she rents a house by the way, and the most important thing is to hoard a house.

I paid 30.00% of the decoration fee, 30.00. This is the initial decoration cost. When the decoration is in the middle, I will pay another 40.00%. All paid off.

In the final exam in January 13, Huayan's grades were ranked No.1 in her grade, not the best, but not bad, she was quite satisfied.

After the final exam, Liang An called, but Hua Yan directly refused. She always felt that this director was a bit strange, especially after meeting last time, she felt even more uneasy, so she dared not accept his overtures. I plan to focus on practicing and advancing this year.

The Ning family invites her to the Northeast every year to celebrate the New Year, but Huayan's refusal has become a habit, and Zhao Yun is reluctant to come because of her independent and withdrawn character, so this is the third year that she celebrates the New Year by herself.

With Doudou not around, Ning Hao also returned to her hometown, and no one disturbed her, so she was promoted in stages of three days, and of course, she had to find time to take piano lessons.

Now her piano level has also improved by leaps and bounds. In view of the poor mastery of some basics in the past, in addition to instructing her to play, she also deepened her understanding of music history, music analysis, harmony, musical form, polyphony, Continue to learn and accumulate in many aspects such as orchestration, and even the teacher asked her to go to a concert every month, and listen to more piano music when she is free, instead of just practicing stupidly.

"Your time with me is too short, limited to one year, if you meet my requirements, I will take you on stage to perform."

"If you want to take a professional test, you have to be identified by the graduation certificate of a bachelor's degree or above in the piano industry from major music colleges or universities in the country, and then through higher music colleges and musicians associations with qualifications for grade examinations. There is a "performance level" grading test. With your current level, you are still far behind, but if you can persist until high school, then when you get to university, you will have a unique advantage over your peers."

In short, those who can get such an expensive piano lesson are rare, and if coupled with Huayan's hard work and talent, they will be even better.

Therefore, the teacher's meaning is still based on practice, edification, and precipitation. First master the skills, then study hard and practice hard, plus domesticate the atmosphere and other aspects.

However, what the teacher doesn't know is that Huayan hasn't decided which college to apply for in this life. She doesn't necessarily want to major in piano, but just to allow herself to have multiple paths.


"Rejected?" When Liang An complained to Yao Ling angrily, the other party asked back first, followed by a clear and Yue laugh of "hehehe".

"It's very defensive. It's okay. If you refuse, you can refuse. After she entered junior high school, she was indeed busier. In this way, since she likes this industry, I want to see how interesting this circle is and can attract her. In the past, when I was young, I didn’t spend my holidays, so I had to do some group performances? Didn’t you set up some kind of brokerage company? Then look at me, am I suitable for debut?”

Liang An stared straight, suspecting something wrong with his ears: "Are you sure you're not joking with me?"

Yao Ling reclined on the sofa, her beautiful eyes turned towards Liang An.

"Why, what do you think of me as a joke? Isn't it just acting and fighting? Even if I stand there without moving, I can kill a lot of them in seconds!"

Although this is true, after all, if you rely on your face to get involved in the entertainment industry, there will be many shortcuts you can take, both men and women are the same.

Yao Ling's face, that is the arrival of a real evildoer!

But with his unconvinced personality, Liang An felt that he was a ticking time bomb, and he was a little worried.

So he hesitated for a while, under Yao Ling's impatient eyes, he painstakingly told him some rules of the mixed entertainment industry.

"I'm not the only one who owns this agency. Although signing you has a bright future, you also need to know that there are quite a few people like us who have been in the entertainment industry. If you say that if they find out, they won't kill us. Just you If you get into a bad temper, you will pat PG and leave. What should I do when the time comes? So, I advise you, don’t mess with this business. I don’t know if I can make a name for myself. Anyway, the risk is too high. With my current strength, I can't afford it!"

Yao Ling squinted his eyes and stared at it, why?Do you still despise the young master?
(End of this chapter)

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