The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 813 [812] Famine Age 53 (1 more)

Chapter 813 [812] Famine Age 53 (1 more)
The road to Xinjiang is long and far away, and the further west you go, the colder it gets. Even though the trains have to stop at each place to load supplies, it is still difficult to withstand the severe winter cold. The child’s patience is limited. I can control it, but gradually irritable and crying behaviors appear. Fortunately, there are children on the berth next to me, and the noisy parents are used to such scenes, so don't dislike anyone.

The twin brothers and sisters can't walk, they can only crawl. She put them into special crawling clothes, and they can crawl underground as they like, as long as they don't make noise and are happy.

Children like to play with older children, and this pair of twins is no exception. Zhuang Zhuang is the older one. He knows that they are his younger siblings, so he loves them very much. Bullying the two of them was praised by other military wives.

The group of them who went to the Xinjiang Corps included not only military wives, but also outstanding young adults, demobilized soldiers, intellectuals, and scientific and technical personnel who joined the Corps and devoted themselves to the construction of Xinjiang. This is the dedication of the older generation.

However, their carriage is full of military families, and most of them come in with their families, taking their wives and children to Xinjiang.

Of course, the level of these military wives can also be seen through their clothes. Some are simple rural people, some are intellectuals, and some are not people who can endure hardship. No matter how long they can last in Xinjiang, at least this trip is here. This alone is better than many people.

This time they went to Beitun City, mainly distributed in Beitun City, Altay, and Tacheng. The division headquarters of the Tenth Agricultural Division officially moved to this city in November 1959. This time, they went directly to I found the report from the division here.

However, just on the train tracks, they stopped and went, and they tossed for almost a month. After arriving in Xinjiang, they were transported by large trucks for more than ten days, and waited for the big troops to officially arrive at the area where they would fight in the future. At that time, it was already in the middle and late March. I set off in early February and walked for a month and a half.

Even Ye Huan himself felt that he had lost a few pounds. Whenever this happened, Tong Zhan would come over and tease her: "Do you regret it?"

"Regret is not enough, tired is really tired!" The future is not yet known, how can you say regret casually?
"You are really stubborn, okay, then you may have to take the children to live on this farm for a while, we are going to build the place where we will live in the future, and we can move there to start after the place to live is built first. new life."

Xinjiang is really too big. Even this farm is three to five days away from their [-] regiments in the future. This time they have [-] people, and only [-] of them have families. One, in the future, if she meets her younger sister, it will take ten days and half a month's journey, which is impossible.

According to the local people on the farm, the climate of Beitun is characterized by severe cold in winter, dry and windy spring, long winter and short summer. The average frost-free period is about 120 days, and the shortest is only 74 days.

Do you feel scary just hearing this?

Therefore, in Xinjiang, apart from the tents of nomads, the most distinctive living environment is the diwozi. The so-called diwozi is a hole dug in the ground, with one or two meters exposed above for the roof. Because the house is low, it can resist wind and sand, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer. There is an earth kang inside, which can be burned in winter, which is very practical.

It borders Kazakhstan to the west, Russia to the north, and Mongolia to the east. It is also an important border line, and it is still a barren place before the Tenth Division moves in.

Beitun is rich in resources and has great potential for development.

First, it has sufficient water, soil and light resources, and has good conditions for the comprehensive development of ecological agriculture.

There are two major water systems, the Irtysh River and the Ulungu River, and 58 large and small rivers in the territory. Although the distribution is uneven, it shows that there is no shortage of water. How to use this water to develop aquaculture is relatively difficult.

There are more than [-] species of fish here, including rare Chinese fish species such as northern pike, perch, burbot, oriental bream, and the conditions for the development of aquaculture are excellent.

In addition, the reclamation area is also rich in land resources and has great potential for development. Although the area is located in a short frost-free period and low effective accumulated temperature, the sunshine time is long and the light resources are sufficient. The conditions for agricultural and animal husbandry production are unique. The planting area of ​​high-efficiency economic crops such as cantaloupe and tomato is expanding year by year.

Danfeng Chaoyang doesn’t drink much milk powder anymore. When no one is around, she sneaks into the space to make them some millet pumpkin porridge, rice and red date porridge to supplement nutrition for the children. The three children eat at least one egg every day.

After knowing that Tongzhan was going to build a house, she would ask how the house was built every day when she came back.

The facts are exactly as she said. A large square pit was dug down on the ground, and the three-cornered pit roof was erected with poplar wood to expose the ground. There was a skylight on the sunny side, and a layer of straw was spread on the wood. Covered with a thick layer of grass mud.

In the cold winter, a half-person-high hollow fire wall is built with adobe, on which meals can be heated and clothes can be dried. The firewood in the stove is burning red, and the house is warm. It doesn't smell that good, but at least it won't let you freeze to death in temperatures tens of degrees below zero.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, air leakage. It is said that in the season when the vegetation sprouts, sometimes a few reeds will grow on the ground beside the bed!
The advantage is that it can resist the wind and sand common in desertified areas, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer, but the ventilation is poor.

Every spring and autumn, the strong and frequent gusts from Siberia last for a day or two.

Seeing the good weather, the clear sky suddenly changed color, and the sky was darkened by flying sand and rocks in an instant, making it difficult for people to stand and walk, and they couldn't go to the construction site, so they had to go to the ground to collectively "wind rest".

The yellow dust from the sky is pouring into the nest, and the quilt and clothes are used to plug the leaks, but it is still ineffective. All the exposed organs such as nostrils and ears are filled with dust. Everyone is like a monkey, but they are used to it. never mind.

Diwozi is not only a "dormitory" for these soldiers, but also a canteen and meeting room.

There are more than a dozen people living in a diwozi of more than 10 square meters, and many members of the Corps get married and have children in the diwozi.

In summer, the temperature on the Gobi Desert is as high as 40 degrees Celsius.

[-]. After the strong wind at night, the bed was covered with sand.

In winter, the temperature is more than minus 20 degrees Celsius, and the Gobi Desert is full of thick ice and snow.

When going to bed at night, wear a fur hat and a fur coat.

Even so, it was still cold, and when I woke up in the morning, there was still ice on my head.

This is the living environment of the soldiers of the Construction Corps when they first came to Xinjiang.

After hearing what Tong Zhan learned from the outside, Ye Huan was stunned, because she realized that she had taken it for granted, that she would suffer hardships, but she never expected that the hardships she would endure would not be any better than the so-called cowshed in the future.

Although it is impossible for them to live in such a place all the time, when conditions permit in the future, why don't they get seven 80s?It must have been in the 70s at the earliest, right?

However—"In fact, the living environment is tolerable, and the most unbearable thing is the problem of taking a bath."

At this point, Tong Zhan glanced at Ye Huan secretly: "Do you know how far the nearest river is from our place?"

Ye Huan suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart: "It will take about a day to walk. Of course, it will be faster if you drive, but our Corps has just been established and we don't have such hardware facilities at all. If we need it, we have to apply to the division. So my daughter-in-law In the future, you may have to make sure you don’t take a bath all winter, and take a bath in the ditch in summer, and the mud you rub will attract fish to fight.”

"It is said that when the Corps was first established, the troops lived in a harsh environment and their living conditions were very poor. They ate water from the dam and slept in burrows. Every time there was a sandstorm, the quilts were full of sand. There was no coal for heating in winter. , The officers and soldiers huddled together on the big bunks to keep each other out of the cold, and even slept with their clothes on. They couldn’t take a bath once in winter, and they were covered with black scabs. They bathed in the ditch in summer, and the dirt they rubbed off could attract many fish..."

"For example, in winter, a mouse broke into the nest in the middle of the night, got into the bed of the veteran, and bit the toes of the veteran; in summer, a snake sneaked into the nest and hid in the quilt folded into squares. At night, the veteran opened the quilt to sleep, and when he touched the cold snake, he screamed in fright. Rats and snakes are animals that live underground. "

"I have observed carefully that the wooden doors of this kind of barracks are not closed tightly enough. An old mattress is nailed to the door in winter, and an old sheet is hung on the door in summer, which can only serve as a protection from the cold and wind. The gaps between the door frames on both sides are enough for small animals to get into the nest. Especially in the hot summer, as long as a mosquito flies into the nest, it will toss the whole squad of soldiers so that they cannot sleep. They can only sleep if they kill the mosquitoes. Be safe."

Ye Huan: "..." Regret it now, is it too late?What should I do if I feel cheated?
As for who was cheated, probably only Ye Huan, who was out of his mind, knew it in his heart.

Her eyes were a little red, and she looked at Tong Zhan with a choked voice: "I'm sorry, I'm still too reckless, right? I should ask you clearly before letting you make this decision. It's all right now, I'll put our family on fire It's baked."

When Tong Zhan saw her like this, he thought it was funny, "Silly girl, do you think you can influence my plan to come to Xinjiang with a word of yours? Since I agreed to come and wrote an application report, of course I did For ideological struggle and in-depth investigation, I agree with you that we have endured hardships here, and in the future we will indeed be able to add a strong stroke to our resume. For us, there are only advantages and no disadvantages."

"Besides, if we stay in the capital, we will naturally face a lot of rumors, especially the three children. If you want them to grow up in an environment where no one knows, it is the best choice to come out, so you don't want to It’s self-deprecating. Whether the future is good or bad, time will tell. For their generation, there is nothing wrong with suffering a little more, and only when they endure hardships can they become masters in the future.”

 The description of the characteristics of Beitun and Diwozi is indispensable. In order to avoid people saying that I make up the number of words, I will add more than 100 words in each chapter in the future (in fact, many of the previous chapters have more than 100 words) to make up for it. Almost there.

  There will be no charge if it does not exceed [-], I hope to know, thank you~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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